ARTICULOCBMRGeomechanical Classificationof Conglomeratesforthe Trraba
ARTICULOCBMRGeomechanical Classificationof Conglomeratesforthe Trraba
ARTICULOCBMRGeomechanical Classificationof Conglomeratesforthe Trraba
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3 authors:
Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad
Jorge A Salazar
Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad
All content following this page was uploaded by Alexis Cerdas on 03 September 2015.
SUMMARY: During the Plio-Pleistocene period, the Térraba and Limón Sur basins in Costa Rica
became filled with alluvial and volcanic materials, forming a series of coarse deposits with similar
properties corresponding to the Valle del General and Paso Real formations in the south area and to
the Suretka formation in the Caribbean region. This geological process gave rise to what is
currently described as conglomerates with a clayey silt to gravel matrix, being mainly characterized
by a low uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) that is generally inferior to 20 MPa. These
conglomerates have been researched at different stages of power generation and transport
infrastructure projects, which have been related to the construction of some of the most significant
engineering works of the country. Based on the research for design purposes, the follow-up during
the excavation, and the monitoring during the operation of the works excavated in these materials,
this type of rock mass was geomechanically classified by using the RMR system.
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(Denyer and Arias, 1991). 2.1 Conglomerate of the Suretka Formation
In the current geographic configuration and
position of Costa Rica, the sedimentary basins This conglomerate is constituted by sub-
and the remaining structural elements maintain rounded to rounded andesitic-basaltic lava
the distribution shown in Figure 1, based on blocks of 20 cm to 40 cm, originated by alluvial
which it is possible to infer that coarse granular fans. The grading of the matrix surrounding the
materials of volcaniclastic origin are mainly blocks varies from fine sand to coarse sand. In
located in the Térraba and Limón Sur basins general, the conglomerate matrix is
and in parts of the Central Valley. consolidated. The average ratio between the
blocks and the matrix is 60/40. The
conglomerate shows stratification that is clearly
evidenced by the existence of very consolidated
coarse-sandstone lenses, dipping NW with
inclination angles up to 16º. In addition, the
conglomerate is poorly to moderately fractured
in different zones of the rock mass. The
fracturing is better defined in the stratigraphic
contacts with sandstone lenses.
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slightly fractured to moderately fractured. In The main argument deals with the complexity
addition, it has normal and reverse grading with of identifying discontinuities and, consequently,
intercalated paleosoils that are not very measuring the RQD. For this reason, some
developed (Mora, 1979). authors state that such systems are not
The following pictures provide a clear idea applicable (Laporte, 2012).
of the similar lithological characteristics Nevertheless, the experience of the authors
analyzed at the different sites, Figure 3. of this article has proved that, at the practical
level, the use of classic geomechanical
classifications provides a good approximation
in estimating the temporary support for
underground excavations made in
conglomerates. The present research shows that
the RMR geomechanical classification system
by Bieniawski (1989) can be applied to the
conglomerates under study; therefore, the use of
this system is proposed, and recommendations
related to the identification, description and
classification of discontinuities are provided as
an attempt to solve the limitations identified for
its application.
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constituted by both the matrix and the blocks as Table 1. Example for classifying the condition of
the continuum. discontinuities in the conglomerates under study.
As detailed below, three general types of Condition of the
Example Value
discontinuities were identified in the discontinuity
conglomerates under study:
Stratigraphic discontinuity: It corresponds to
-Massive appearance
-No discontinuities
the pseudo-stratification of the conglomerates.
It is possible to identify how the size of the 30
blocks changes drastically in the sedimentation
strata (coarse conglomerate – fine conglomerate
contact, conglomerate – sandstone contact).
This type of discontinuities is closed, without a
-Persistence 3 m – 10 m
filling or occasionally with a sandy filling,
-Example: Stratigraphic
-Little alteration on the
sound, flat to wavy, and rough to very rough.
discontinuity wall
Fracture: It corresponds to fractures
-Rough surface
generated by tectonic stresses. This type of
discontinuity is closed (compression structure)
or open (extension structure), with or without a
filling, sound to altered, flat to wavy, and flat to
-Separation less than 1 mm
very rough.
-Little alteration on the
shear the conglomerates. This type of -Example: Extension fracture -Example: Joints
-Rough surface
general, by different researchers related to the
description process of drill cores and to rock
the spacing of fractures (Choi & Park, 2004).
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In this research, due to the geomechanical
characteristics of the conglomerates, it was
possible to identify a new limitation in the
measurement of the RQD on drill cores.
In conglomerates with a low lithification
degree, which is reflected in a low UCS value
(<5 MPa), the recovery of the matrix during the Figure 6. Correlation between Jv and RQD. (Modified
drilling process is usually very low and, as a from Plamstrom, 2005).
result, the estimated RQD value in the rock
mass is not representative.
Because of this, a guide is proposed for
measuring the RQD in outcrops and drill holes,
depending on the UCS value of the rock matrix
estimated from laboratory tests (Figure 5). Figure 7. Example of drill core box.
If the UCS is below to 5 MPa, it is
recommended to use the description of outcrops
in the estimation of the number of joints per m3 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA BASE
(Jv), a parameter that can be correlated to RDQ USED FOR THE GEOMECHANICAL
ranges based on the diagram in Figure 6 CLASSIFICATION OF THE
Figure 7 provides examples of drill cores in
conglomerates whose matrix has a UCS higher The behavior of the temporary support placed
than 5 MPa. By following the suggested along a tunnel length of 6552 m was studied.
criterion, the RQD can be measured in a The tunnels have excavation diameters varying
conventional manner in drill cores similar to from 3,5 m to 14,0 m. The distribution of
those shown. diameters in the excavations considered for the
study is shown in Figure 8.
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excavation diameter and the rock mass The observations of the temporary support in
classification using the RMR system for 36 the tunnels were represented in the support
selected observation sites. chart proposed by Grimstad and Barton (1993).
For this purpose, an ESR = 1,6 and the ratio
proposed by Barton (1995): were
used. Figure 14 shows a good correlation
between the support defined by Grimstad and
Barton (1993) and the collected data, mainly in
those excavations that did not require any
temporary support.
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5 FINAL CONSIDERATIONS based on retrospective analyses and shear
strength tests (in the laboratory and in situ), and
Based on the study performed in the Térraba by using the Hoek and Brown failure criterion
and Limón Sur basins and by taking into (Hoek et al, 2002). The GSI was obtained by
account the recommendations given by means of the ratio GSI = RMR´89-5 (Hoek et al,
Romana (2001), it is proposed that the graph 1998).
shown in Figure 15 be used to select the type of
temporary support for underground excavations Table 2. Proposal of cohesion and internal friction angle
made in conglomerates with similar for the conglomerates under study according to the RMR.
characteristics. RMR range 75 to 60 60 to 40 40 to 30
Cohesion of the rock
200-300 100 - 200 75-100
mass (kPa)
Internal friction angle of
35-45 25-35 20-25
the rock mass (deg)
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Deere D.U. (1963). Technical description of rock cores
for engineering purposes. Felsmechanik und
Ingenieurgeologie, Vol. 1, No 1, p. 16-22.
This article has been written by the authors as Denyer, P. and Arias, O. (1991). Estratigrafía de la región
part of outreach activities conducted by the central de Costa Rica. – Rev. Geól. América Central,
Technical Committee for Rock Mechanics 12: p. 1-59.
(CTMR) of the Costa Rican Association of Edelbro C. (2003). Rock mass strength – a review.
Geotechnical (ACG). The CTMR agglomerates Technical Report, Luleå University of Technology,
132 p.
professional members of the Costa Rica Grimstad, E. and Barton, N.R. (1993). Updating of the Q-
National Group of the ISRM. System for NMT. Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Sprayed Concrete – Modern Use of
Wet Mix Sprayed Concrete for Underground Support,
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