1112 - IntroductiontoWorldReligionsandBeliefSystems - Sem12 - CLAS6 - Islam - FOR QA - CHARLES ANDREW MELAD
1112 - IntroductiontoWorldReligionsandBeliefSystems - Sem12 - CLAS6 - Islam - FOR QA - CHARLES ANDREW MELAD
1112 - IntroductiontoWorldReligionsandBeliefSystems - Sem12 - CLAS6 - Islam - FOR QA - CHARLES ANDREW MELAD
Semester I/II - Week 6
The Elements of Islam
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1. Define the meaning of Islam
2. Identify the different elements of Islam
3. Examine the brief history, core teachings, fundamental beliefs, practices,
and related issues of Islam
Let’s Try
Directions: These questions will help you think about the lesson you are
about to learn. Read the questions carefully, and then circle the letter of
the correct answer.
1. For all Muslims there is only one compassionate, everlasting, and omnipotent God
. being the lord of everything. What is the name of God?
A. Allah C. Muhammad
B. Ismael D. Pharaoh
3. What sacred text is considered as the collection of the deeds and sayings of
Muhammad and his followers?
A. Hadith C. Sahih al – Bukhari
B. Koran D. Sahih Muslim
4. Which of the following Pillars of Islam is observe strictly when a member pays tax
as an aid to the underprivileged Muslims?
A. Salat C. Sawm
B. Shahada D. Zakat
5. What Islamic doctrines require each member to pray as part of their spiritual
development so that they remain sound and healthy?
A. Salat C. Sawm
B. Shahada D. Zakat
6. The following are the major denominations of Islam EXCEPT__________.
A. Shari’a C. Sufi
B. Shi’a D. Sunni
8. What is the most important festival in the Muslim Calendar marking the end of
the pilgrimage season?
A. Id al-Adha C. Muharram (The Sacred Month)
B. Id al-Fitr D. Rabi al-Awai (The Spring)
9. One of the major issues in Islam is the role of women in Muslim societies. The
following are the different issues EXCEPT__________.
A. Women are prohibited to lead prayer.
B. Women must be obedient to their fathers and husbands.
C. Women are not allowed to enter the mosque during the menstrual period.
D. Women are not required to cover their face and bodies when in company with
10. Islam is a religion of mercy that prohibits terrorism. Why some Muslims still
engaged in this kind of activity?
A. It is because of poverty.
B. It is because of abuse in power by the authorities.
C. It is because of failure to embody the Islamic ideals.
D. It is because of the failure to serve justice and equality.
Let’s Explore and Discover
Religion is one of the most important aspects of society which has taken
institutionalized as time passes by. It has served as an essential element in building and
shaping cultures and societies that ultimately transformed human lives.
Today, we will examine the different elements of Islam and how this religion affects
cultures and societies
Unlocking of Difficulties
The term Islam is originated from an Arabic word meaning “submit”. In other words,
Islam means to “surrender or submit oneself for obedience to God” or to “enter into a
condition of peace and security with God through allegiance and surrender to him”. On the
other hand, the word Muslim is the Arabic word for a person who submits. A Muslim
therefore, is a “person who surrenders or submits himself to obey God”. In Arabic, the
word Allah is a compound of al (the definite article, the) and ilah (god or deity) joined
together, the words signify god Henceforth, he is called Allah or “the one who is God.”
1. The Q’uran (Koran in English) sacred writing of the Muslims that literally means
“recitation” or “reading”. It is the revelation from God of his speech
(kalam) and is the foundation of the Islam religion. It is also the
supreme authority in all matters of faith, theology, and law.
2. The Hadith Is the collection of the deeds and sayings of Muhammad and his
followers (“traditional reports or sayings”) and is the second source of
shari’a law. These books are recognized today as second in authority
after the Koran
For all Muslims, there is only one (Allah) compassionate, everlasting, and
omnipotent God, being the lord of everything in existence, including humans .
1. The Creed The basic creed that “there is no God but Allah; Muhammad is the
(Shahada) messenger of Allah.” The shahada asserts that Allah is the only divinity.
2. Obligatory Prayers are done for spiritual development so that a Muslim’s character
Prayer (Salat) and conduct remain sound and healthy.
3. Poor Tax Muslims who live above the subsistence level must pay zakat or the
(Zakat) poor tax to aid the underprivileged Muslims.
4. Fasting Muslims do this during the entire 30 days of Ramadan, the ninth
(Sawm) month of the Islamic calendar must be performed by all Muslims every
(Source: Jerome
year.A. Ong and Mary Dorothy dL.Jose,Introduction to World Religion and Belief
Systems .Quezon City:Vibal Group,Inc.,2016,68-81)
5. Pilgrimage All Muslims must attempt to undertake a pilgrimage to the holy city of
to Mecca Mecca or hajj (“visitation
WORSHIP ANDof Holy Places”) at least once in their lifetime
(Hajj) during the twelfth Islamic month.
Month 1: Muharram The Islamic year starts in the day of the hijra, Muhammad’s
(The Sacred Month) journey from Mecca to Medina in 622 C.E.
Month 3: Rabi al-Awai Birth of Prophet Muhammad and celebrated every 12th of the
(The Spring) month.
Month 9: Ramadan (The Muslim do not eat or drink during daylight hours
Month of Great Heat) throughout the month.
Month 10: Shawwal (The ‘Id al-Fitr: The Festival of Breaking the Fast at the beginning
month of Hunting) of Shawwal concludes the fasting season.
Pilgrimage to Mecca After their arduous journey in Mecca, pilgrims may now visit
other holy cities, such as Medina. Returning home, the title hajj
can now be affixed to their names to indicate completion of his
religious responsibility.
‘id al-Adha The most important festival in the Muslim calendar marking the
(The Feast of end of the pilgrimage season. On the tenth day of the hajj,
Sacrifice) Muslims are required to slaughter a live animal to
commemorate Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son
Ishmael and his obedience to God.
Followers of the Smooth Path Are the largest faction Muslim whose concern
are traditionalists and are within the Islam religion mainly dwell for a
considered the orthodox of that separated from the mystical union with God
Islam as they endeavor to rest of the community are collectively called
follow the original religion “Sufis”.
established by Muhammad. Known as rashiduns, the
Sunnis accepted the Their name originate
These Muslims follow the legitimacy of the first four from the word suf that
sunnah of Muhammad from successors of Muhammad: means “woolen” since
which their name originated. 1. Abu Bakr, 2. Umar ibn, they wore coarse wool
3. Uthman ibn, 4. Ali ibn garments to symbolize
Sunnah pertains to the orally Abi Talib. poverty.
transmitted record of wisdom,
conduct, and sayings A Sufi can be a Sunni
attributed to Muhammad. or Shi’ite Muslim.
Islam and Women –Womens in Islam must accept that their roles vary greatly when
compared to men.
-Foremost, they must remain obedient to their fathers and husband.
-It is prohibited for any woman to lead prayers.
-When a woman is having her usual menstrual period, she must not enter any mosque.
Militancy and Terrorism –Islam is a religion of mercy that prohibits terrorism. Since
Islam is a religion of peace and mercy, terrorism in all forms are abhorred by Muslims.
Muslims who promote terrorism and mass slaughter of innocent and helpless civilians
do not embody Islamic ideals.
Migration – The late nineteenth century saw a significant migration of Muslims from
Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan to the US. After the Second World War, European countries
encouraged emigration from former colonies to augment manpower shortages. United
Kingdom today is home to more than two million Muslims
The Holy War (Jihad) – One controversial requirement placed upon Muslims by their
faith concerns holy war or jihad. A frequently mistranslated term, jihad means “effort”
or “struggle”, to convince unbelievers to pursue the Muslim way of life. Strictly speaking,
it could mean a Muslim going to war to wipe out the infidels in the name of Allah. However,
the method of a jihadist can be a peaceful one, such as living a pious life or observing the
required obligations to his faith.
(Source: Jerome A. Ong and Mary Dorothy dL.Jose, Introduction to World Religions and
Belief Systems. Quezon City: Vibal Group,Inc.,2016,84-95)
Let’s Practice
How are you now after knowing the elements of Islam? Here is another activity
for you to help you learn more about our lesson
Directions: Based from the text you have read, fill the Venn
diagram below about the similarities and differences of Quran
and Hadith. Select your answers from the box
_____1. The term “Islam” is originated from an English word meaning “submit”.
_____4. Majority of Muslims the followers of Islam are located in Europe and Asia.
_____5. In Arabic, the word “Allah” is a compound of al (the definite article, the) and ilah
(god or deity) joined together, the words signify “god”.
Let’s Do More
Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Write the
letter of the correct answer on the blanks provided.
(5-Pillars of Islam)
Column A Column B
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Let’s Sum It Up
Directions: onsidering the knowledge you gained from this lesson. Answer the
given questions accordingly.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
Directions: Carefully read the questions and circle the letter of the best answer
in each number.
1.. For all Muslims there is only one compassionate, everlasting, and omnipotent God
being the lord of everything. What is the name of God?
A. Allah C. Muhammad
B. Ismael D. Pharaoh
3. What sacred text is considered as the collection of the deeds and sayings of
Muhammad and his followers?
A. Hadith C. Sahih al – Bukhari
B. Koran D. Sahih Muslim
4. Which of the following Pillars of Islam is observe strictly when a member pays tax as
an aid to the underprivileged Muslims?
A. Salat C. Sawm
B. Shahada D. Zakat
5. What Islamic doctrines require each member to pray as part of their spiritual
development so that they remain sound and healthy?
A. Salat C. Sawm
B. Shahada D. Zakat
7.What denominations of Islam are considered as the Orthodox of Islam as they follow
the original religion?
A. The Arabs C. Sufi Muslims
B. The Shi’ites D. Sunni Muslims
8.What is the most important festival in the Muslim Calendar marking the end of the
pilgrimage season?
A. Id al-Adha C. Muharram (The Sacred Month)
B. Id al-Fitr D. Rabi al-Awai (The Spring)
9. One of the major issues in Islam is the role of women in Muslim societies. The
following are the different issues EXCEPT__________.
A.Women are prohibited to lead prayer.
B.Women must be obedient to their fathers and husbands.
C.Women are not allowed to enter the mosque during the menstrual period.
D.Women are not required to cover their face and bodies when in company with men.
10. Islam is a religion of mercy that prohibits terrorism. Why some Muslims still
engaged in this kind of activity?
A.It is because of poverty.
B.It is because of abuse in power by the authorities.
C.It is because of failure to embody the Islamic ideals.
D.It is because of the failure to serve justice and equality
Answer Key
4. Was there any part of this CLAS that you found difficult? If
yes, please specify what it was and why.
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