Vasavaleha Bams 2nd Tear Pra Tical Book Note Detailed

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Rasa Shastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana

Government Ayurved College Junagadh

Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar

Practical No: 34 Serial No:

Practical Name: Vasa Avaleha Date of completion:
Reference: A.F.I.1, 3:26 Avaleha, (Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Rajyakshma 82)

वासकस्वरसप्रस्थे ससतामष्टपलोसममताम् ।
सर्पिषो सिपलं दत्वा सपप्पलीसिपलं तथा ॥
पच्चेत् लेहवत् आयाते शीते मधु पलाष्टकम् । भैषज्यरत्नावली, राज्यक्ष्मा असधकार ८२

Principle: Avaleha preparataion

Equipment’s: Electric Balance, Steel vessel, Measure glass, Udukhala Yantra, Mixer,ladle,
Gas stove and Cloth
Sr. Name of Latin name/English Part used Classical Mana Quantity
No ingredients name
1 Vasa Swarasa Adhatoda vasica Leaves juice 1 Prastha = 16 Pala 160 ml
2 Sita – Sharkara Sugar -- 8 Pala 80 gm.
3 Sarpi – Goghrita Cow’s Ghee Animal product 2 Pala 20 gm.
4 Pipali Piper longum Fruit 2 Pala 20 gm.
5 Madhu Honey Animal Product 8 Pala 80 gm.

Method of Preparation:
- Fresh Vasa leaves were taken, washed and prepared Swarasa by Udukhala yantra
& mixer.
- Swarasa was taken in to steel vessel and Sharkara powder was added.
- Then it was subjected to mild heat and stirred by ladle continuously.
- When mixture achieved two thread consistency (Tantumatva), Goghrita was
added and mixed well.
- When Apsu majjatvam test was found positive (drop of mixture was sunk into
water without spreading), heat was stopped.
- At around 60OC, Pippali churna was added.
- After self-cooling, Madhu was added properly.
- Vasa Avaleha was obtained.
- Vasa Swarasa was green in color with typical bitter smell.
- When Sharkara was added, mixture became a yellowish green colored.
- After added Ghee and Pipali churna, it became brownish yellow in colored.
- After some heated, felt two Tara Chasani and sticked on the ladle.
- Taste of Avaleha was bitter sweet.

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Confirmative Test (CDC):
सुपक्वे तमतुमत्वं स्यात् अवलेहो-अप्सु मज्जसत I
खरत्वं पीसिते मुद्रा गमध वर्ि रसोद्भवं II शा.म. ८/३
- Tantumatvam: Thread consistency when it pressed between two fingers.
- Apsu manjjatva: On putting in water, sink without spread
- Kharatvam: solid in touch
- Pidite mudra: On pressing between finger, gives a print
- Gandha, Varna, Rasodbhava: attains color, odor and taste of the ingredients.
- Fresh Vasa leaves should be used to prepare swarasa.
- Mild heat should be given, continuously steering is needed.
- Prakshepa (Pippali churna) should be added at around 60OC.
- Honey should be added after self - cooling.
- Avaleha should be kept in air tight glass jar.

Organoleptic test : Total duration required : One day
Shabda : -- Initial weight: 360 gm.
Sparsha : Snigdha Final weight: gm.
Rupa : Blackish Loss/Gain in weight: gm.
Rasa : Tikta, Mahura Reason for loss/gain in weight: Due to
Gandha : Tikta water contain and sticking into vessel.
Rasa : Madhura, Tikta Therapeutic dose: 6 to 12 gm.
Guna : Ushna Anupana / Sahapana : Kshira, Jala
Veerya : Shita
Vipaka : --
Karma :Kasahara, swasahara
Therapeutic used: Kasa, Swasa, Jwara, Raktapita, Rajyakshma
स्वरसनाम् अलाभे त्वयं स्वरससवसध : चूर्ािनाम् आढकम् आढकस्य उदकस्य अहोरात्रसस्थतं मृददतपूतं स्वरसवत्
प्रयोज्य । च.सच.१/१२ रसायन बलाददरसायन (बला,असतबला,चंदन,अगरु,सतसनश,खददर,शशंशपा,असन

Base Rasa Kriya Sharkara Avaleha Ghana

Kwatha/ Again heating Addition of Sugar Addition of Sugar Again heating
Swarasa, till semi solid and heating till and heating till till solid
etc consistency one thread two thread consistency
consistency consistency

Synonym: Leha
Dose: 1 pala (48 g) (Sha.Ma.) 6 to 12 gm.(AFI)
Adjuvant: (Common/ Anukta)
Sugar - 4 times of Churna
Jeggary- 2 times
Liquid- 4 times

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