Chapter 08
Chapter 08
Chapter 08
Design Manual
Chapter 8 - Parking Lots
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 8 - Parking Lots
8A General Information
8A-1---------------------------------General Information
A. General…………………………………………………………………………… 1
B. References………………………………………………………………………... 1
8C Site Provisions
8C-1---------------------------------Site Provisions
A. General…………………………………………………………………………… 1
B. Number of Parking Spaces Required…………………………………………….. 1
C. Parking Lot Setback Requirements……………………………………………… 4
D. Landscaping and Screening……………………………………………………… 4
E. Lighting………………………………………………………………………….. 6
F. Pavement Markings……………………………………………………………… 6
General Information
A. General
This chapter provides design criteria for off-street parking lots. These criteria include
recommendations for the design of entrances and exits, vehicle circulation path, parking space
dimensions, pavement thickness, etc. This chapter also includes site requirements for items such as
number of parking spaces, landscaping, parking setback, etc.
While most jurisdictions have their own parking ordinance covering these items, they are included
here as guidance for those communities that do not have a parking ordinance. This information may
also be used as a supplement to existing parking ordinances.
B. References
The design for parking lot facilities should comply with the current edition of the following:
Urban Land Institute (ULI) & National Parking Association (NPA), The Dimensions of Parking
The most efficient approach to designing parking lot access places a priority on moving inbound
traffic from the public roadway into the facility. Entrances should be located on major streets, align
with interior traffic lanes/aisles, and direct inbound traffic toward the destination. Traffic control
within the lot should provide inbound traffic the right-of-way. Favoring inbound traffic expedites the
rapid movement of vehicles from the street into the facility and prevents vehicles from lining up on
public roadways. Where a high volume parking lot is adjacent to a high volume or high speed
roadway, a dedicated deceleration/turning lane at the entrance helps eliminate rear-end accidents.
Exits should be located away from the destination point and discharge vehicles onto lower volume
adjacent side streets if possible. Since exiting traffic tends to move more slowly, drivers can more
comfortably navigate the turns required to reach the exit. Vehicles queued to exit the parking lot will
stack up inside the lot and will not affect traffic on the public street.
Where separate entrances and exits cannot be provided, the driveway to the parking lot should be at
least 24 feet wide to provide two 12 foot lanes.
Traffic studies may be required for entrances to large retail centers, event facilities, or businesses with
large numbers of employees entering or exiting the lot at the beginning or end of a work day or shift.
Parking spaces at entrance and exit points should be terminated (except at one and two family
dwelling units) to prevent conflict between vehicles attempting to enter or exit the parking space, and
vehicles attempting to enter or exit the parking lot.
Access between adjacent commercial parking lots should be considered. This allows patrons to travel
from one business to the adjacent business without entering the public street and then turning
immediately into the next parking area. These types of movements can cause operational problems
on the public street.
In addition to vehicle size, the designer must consider the intended function of the parking
facility. For example, facilities with high turnover rates, such as convenience stores, should have
greater clearances than those with low turnover rates. In addition, where a significant portion of
users may be elderly, such as at hospitals, larger dimensions may be appropriate.
Parking spaces that provide sufficient clearance for doors to be opened and occupants to enter and
exit will also provide adequate width for maneuvering if the adjacent aisle is wide enough. Door
opening clearances should range from 23 inches in low turnover facilities to 27 inches in high
turnover facilities. Table 8B-1.01 lists recommended parking stall widths on the basis of
For stalls that are adjacent to walls, curbs, islands, or other obstructions, increase the stall width
by at least 12 inches to allow for door opening and to reduce the risk of tripping.
Unlike width, the length of a parking space is not affected by turnover rate or user type. The
recommended length of a parking space is 18 feet. The length of the parking space may be
modified up to 2 feet, if vehicle overhang is allowed. However, the designer should be aware that
the aerodynamic design of many current vehicles often does not provide sufficient vertical
clearance for vehicles to pull forward over the curb.
2. Parking Module Design: The drive aisle is the space between two parking stalls directly across
from one another. The term “module” refers to the width of the drive aisle combined with the
length of the parking stalls on one or both sides of the drive aisle. Table 8B-1.02 lists
recommended minimum dimensions for parking facilities. Figure 8B-1.01 provides further
definition of the terms used in Table 8B-1.02.
The only dimension that varies by stall width is the interlock dimension. An interlock occurs
with angled parking when two stalls in adjacent modules align. The overlap at the front of the
stalls is the interlock dimension. When a parking facility is designed to take advantage of
interlock, the effective width of the module may be reduced by the interlock dimension. For
aisles with interlocking spaces on both sides, the effective width of the module may be reduced
by two times the interlock distance. This approach can provide a more efficient parking lot
facility and reduce the overall surface area required for the parking lot.
Because snow can obscure pavement markings, vehicles will often pull too far into a parking
space, which reduces the width of the aisle in the adjacent module. This has been taken into
consideration in Table 8B-1.02. Therefore, when a curb, wall, or other physical restraint is
provided for on at least 30% of the stalls, the aisle width (and therefore the overall module width)
may be reduced by 1 foot.
1. Aisle width may be increased up to 3 feet to provide a higher level of comfort.
2. In lots where at least 30% of stalls have curbs, aisle width may be reduced by 1’-0”.
3. Light poles and columns may protrude a maximum of 2 feet into a parking module as long as they do not
encroach on more than 30% of the stalls. When more than 30% of the stalls are encroached, interlock
reductions cannot be taken.
4. For additional parking angles, refer to The Dimensions of Parking, ULI, NPA
Perpendicular parking provides the greatest number of parking spaces for a given a length of
aisle. One-way angled parking provides fewer spaces than perpendicular for the same length of
aisle, but has the advantage of a narrower drive aisle. Because of this, the surface area per
parking space for perpendicular and angled one-way parking is approximately equal.
Two-way angled parking is also allowable and can be useful in certain situations; however, it is a
less efficient design than two-way perpendicular or one-way angled parking. Two-way angled
parking cannot take full advantage of the narrower drive aisle, requiring approximately 10% to
15% more area per parking space than perpendicular or one-way angled parking.
3. Compact Parking: It is no longer recommended that compact car only spaces be provided. At
the time when compact car parking spaces were introduced, the mix of automobiles consisted of
clearly defined very large and very small vehicles. As a result, the use of compact parking only
was largely self enforcing; however, the current mix of automobile sizes is much more diverse.
There is no longer a clear definition among the public of what constitutes a compact vehicle. In
addition, if a compact car space is available in a convenient location, many drivers of
intermediate and large vehicles will attempt to utilize the space, encroaching into the adjacent
space. This creates a domino effect down the row and eventually renders a parking space
unusable. For these reasons, compact car only spaces are not recommended.
D. Accessibility Requirements
Accessible parking spaces must be provided according to the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible
Design (2010 Standards). In addition, certain facilities are required to provide accessible passenger
loading zones. The 2010 Standards identify both the minimum dimensions and the minimum number
of accessible parking spaces and loading zones required. Refer to Parts 502 and 503 of the 2010
ADA Standards for additional information.
1. Accessible Parking Spaces: The 2010 Standards identify two types of accessible parking spaces
for vehicles - car and van-accessible parking spaces. The minimum dimensions and common
requirements for each are provided below and in Figure 8B-1.02.
c. Access Aisle: An adjacent access aisle is required for both car and van-accessible spaces.
Two parking spaces may share an individual access aisle.
1) Width: The minimum width of the access aisle is 60 inches (5 feet 0 inches). If the
width of the access aisle is increased to 96 inches, the width of an adjacent van-accessible
parking space may be reduced from 132 inches to 96 inches. With proper layout, this
allows for a reduction in the total width consumed by two adjacent van-accessible spaces.
2) Length: The access aisle must extend the full length of the parking spaces they serve.
3) Marking: The access aisle must be marked; however, the 2010 Standards do not
indicate the type of pavement marking required. Typically, the aisle is striped at an
angle. While not required, the adjacent stalls may be painted with the international
symbol of accessibility (wheelchair symbol) to aid motorist in identifying the space as
being reserved.
d. Signing: Accessible parking spaces must be designated with signs showing the international
symbol of accessibility. Signs for van accessible spaces should also contain the designation
“van accessible.” Signs must be installed a minimum of 60 inches from the bottom of the
sign to the ground surface. Additional signage related to enforcement or parking fines is not
required by ADA.
2. Passenger Loading Zone: The 2010 ADA Standards require passenger loading zones only at
licensed medical care and long-term care facilities (where the period of stay exceeds 24 hours).
At other locations, the provision of passenger loading zones is optional; however, when they are
provided, a portion of the loading zone must be accessible. At least one accessible passenger
loading zone must be provided for every 100 continuous linear feet of loading zone space.
Passenger loading zones must have a minimum pull-up length of 20 feet and a width of 96 inches.
An access aisle adjacent to the loading zone must extend the full width of the vehicle pull up
space they serve and have a minimum width of 60 inches. The access aisle must be at the same
elevation as the vehicle pull-up spaces that serve them. The loading zone cannot discharge to a
sidewalk on top of a curb. In addition, the access aisle must be marked to discourage parking.
This is typically accomplished by striping at an angle.
3. Access Routes: At least one accessible route must connect the building or destination with each
accessible parking space or loading zone. To the maximum extent possible, the accessible route
should coincide with the route for the general public. Like accessible off-street parking spaces
and loading zones, accessible routes are covered by the 2010 ADA Standards. The basic
requirements that apply to new construction for accessibility from a parking lot to a building or
other destination are summarized in Chapter 4 of the 2010 Standards.
4. On-Street Parking: For requirements on accessibility for on-street marked or metered parking
spaces, see Section 12A-2.
E. Drainage
Internal parking lot drainage should be designed according to Chapter 2 - Stormwater.
Stormwater runoff from parking lots serving other than single and two family dwellings should not be
discharged directly into the street; such runoff should be collected internally or discharged to an
adjacent drainage way. After providing detention, when required, the collected stormwater may be
discharged to the public storm sewer, ditch, or other conveyance. Stormwater runoff discharged to
the street over the back of the curb or through a parking lot entrance, should be minimized. Check
with the local jurisdiction for their stormwater requirements.
Where narrow (less than 10 feet wide) raised islands are provided, their presence should generally be
disregarded when determining the runoff coefficient or curve number for the parking lot as they
provide little benefit in reducing runoff. Wider islands, or islands that are depressed to collect
stormwater runoff, are encouraged and may be taken into consideration when determining the runoff
Pavement slopes of 1.5% should be provided to ensure proper drainage and eliminate standing water
and icy conditions. Minimum pavement slopes of 0.6% may be used, however since the potential for
flat areas is greater, additional measures to address drainage, such as slotted drains or pervious
pavement, may be necessary. Slopes greater than 2% in areas between the parking lot destination and
the accessible parking stalls should be avoided as they create a situation where constructing an
accessible route is difficult. Slopes greater than 5% are discouraged.
F. Pavement Design
Any off-street parking area should be surfaced with a flexible or rigid pavement. Check with the
local jurisdiction to determine the requirements for paving parking lots. If no local requirements are
stipulated, the pavement thickness for parking areas occupied by cars and small trucks for rigid and
flexible pavements (see Chapter 5 - Roadway Design for mix designs) should be designed according
to the following tables. It should be noted that the layer of aggregate used as the subbase needs to be
Parking lots should be designed for a minimum 20 year design life. If a design life of greater or less
than 20 years is desired, see Chapter 5 - Roadway Design for pavement thickness determination. In
addition, for pavements less than the recommended thickness, a pavement thickness determination
should be completed to match the pavement structure with the needs of the project.
The subgrade should be designed according to Section 6E-1. If soils tests are not available to
determine the CBR value and uniformity of the soil (before and after construction), a CBR value of 3
and a non-uniform subgrade should be assumed.
The portions of the parking facility serving truck traffic such as entrances, perimeter travel lanes,
trash dumpster sites, and delivery truck routes must be designed to accommodate heavier loads. The
number, type, and weight of delivery vehicles can usually be predicted with a fair level of accuracy.
With this information, ESAL values and pavement thicknesses can be determined using the
methodology described in Chapter 5 - Roadway Design.
If the parking lot is to service an industrial area, such as a truck stop or manufacturing facility, the
volume of truck traffic and the associated ESALs should be determined and an independent pavement
thickness determination completed to ensure meeting the 20 year design life needs of the project.
Site Provisions
A. General
This section provides design criteria for site requirements such as number of parking spaces,
landscaping, parking setback, etc. While most jurisdictions have their own parking and zoning
ordinances covering these items, they are included here as guidance for those communities that do not
have such ordinances. This information may also be used as a supplement to existing ordinances.
GFA: Gross Floor Area means the area in square feet within the exterior walls of a building,
exclusive of any area used for off-street parking, courtyards, or mechanical equipment.
Source: Adapted from ULI/NPA
2. Accessible Parking Ratios: When parking spaces are provided, a portion of the parking spaces
must be made accessible according to the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design (2010
Standards). These standards specify the number of parking spaces within a parking facility that
must be accessible. Table 8C-1.02 summarizes the minimum accessible parking ratios. For
additional information, refer to Part 208 of the 2010 Standards.
a. Residential Facilities: Accessible parking requirements for residential facilities differ from
the table above and are based, in part, on the number of accessible dwelling units provided.
Refer to Part 208.2.3 of the 2010 Standards for specific requirements.
b. Hospital Outpatient Facilities: Ten percent of the patient and visitor parking spaces
provided to serve hospital outpatient facilities shall be accessible (2010 Standards, 208.2.1).
d. Van-accessible Spaces: For every six accessible parking spaces, or fraction thereof, one van
accessible parking space must be provided. If only one accessible parking space is required,
it must be van-accessible. This requirement applies to all facility types.
All parking lots should provide a curb or wheel barrier around the entire perimeter, unless a walkway
or border is provided. When adjacent to required setback and adjoining property lines, wheel barriers
or curbs should be located 2 feet from the edge of property lines, public sidewalks, and adjacent
parking lots to prevent vehicle encroachment into the setback area.
a. Landscaping: The Designer should refer to the individual Jurisdiction zoning ordinance for
parking lot landscaping requirements. If no such ordinance exists then the requirements set
forth in this section should be used.
plant life, unless an alternate ground cover is specifically approved as part of the site plan
review by the Jurisdiction.
Landscape islands should not be less than a minimum of 8 feet in width from back of curb to
back of curb, landscape planters a minimum 6 feet in diameter, and no parking space should
be greater than 75 feet from a landscaped open space. Parking spaces should be separated
from any adjoining roadway, by a landscaped island or elevated separation (i.e. sidewalk) of a
minimum of 9 feet in width except along the roadway or parking bay aisle that provides the
direct access.
Earthen berms should be a minimum of 3 feet above the top of curb of the adjoining parking
lot, if applicable, or public thoroughfare; should be designed to not affect the drainage and
sight distance of the surrounding area; and should be aesthetically pleasing to the general
public. Berms may be required to be higher if the minimum height is identified during the
development review process as being inadequate to provide effective screening and buffering.
a. A 6 foot high opaque screen should be installed and maintained when a residential parking
area abuts another lower density residential district except in any required front yard setback
area. No screening is required when said residential parking area abuts another parking area
or a non-residential district.
b. A three foot high opaque screen may be installed and maintained along each alley and street
line when the premises is located across the street or alley from any lower density residential
district. No screening is required when said residential parking area is located across the
street or alley from another parking area or from a non-residential district.
a. A 6 foot high opaque screen should be installed and maintained when a commercial and
industrial parking lot abuts a residential district. No screening is required when said
commercial and industrial parking area abuts another parking area or a non-residential use.
b. A 3 foot high opaque screen should be installed and maintained along each alley and street
line when the premises is located across the street or alley from any residential district. No
screening is required when said commercial and industrial parking area is located across the
street or alley from another parking area or from a non-residential district.
c. A 3 foot high opaque screen should be installed and maintained along adjoining residential
district. No screening is required when adjoining use is non-residential or parking.
E. Lighting
When lighting is required, cutoff style luminaries should be utilized to minimize glare and prevent
light trespass onto adjacent properties. Design lighting according to Chapter 11 - Street Lighting.
Check with the local jurisdiction for lighting requirements. If none exist, refer to Table 8C-1.05 for
the recommended illuminance values and uniformity ratios for parking lots.
F. Pavement Markings
The location of each parking space and direction of traffic flow should be identified by surface
markings and should be maintained so as to be readily visible at all times. In general, yellow
markings tend to stand out better than white from the background parking surface. White paint on
concrete also tends to fade with time, making it difficult to distinguish the striping. All pavement
striping should be 4 inches in width. Markings may either be painted or cold applied marking tape.