Yanshan Jilian Petro Prefers Borstar® FB2230 For Heavy Duty Shipping Sacks (HDSS) - Original
Yanshan Jilian Petro Prefers Borstar® FB2230 For Heavy Duty Shipping Sacks (HDSS) - Original
Yanshan Jilian Petro Prefers Borstar® FB2230 For Heavy Duty Shipping Sacks (HDSS) - Original
The background
Yanshan’s integrated approach
A large petrochemical complex in the Southwest of Yanshan Jilian Petro operates three 3-layer co-extrusion
Beijing, with more than 120 production units transforming film lines and two new extrusion lines. The total annual
over 10 million tonnes of crude oil into hundreds of petro film production capacity is 6,000 tonnes.
chemical products, is one of China’s largest production
bases of synthetic rubber, synthetic resin, phenol acetone
and high-quality refined oil products.
The challenge
Stronger, better, cheaper
Like many HDSS producers, Yanshan Jilian Petro was Petrochemical. The mechanical properties of the shipping
faced with many challenges: the growing need for more sacks, especially tear resistance and toughness, were
cost effective packaging, the increasingly global trade insufficient. In addition, the high m-LLDPE content added
with goods being handled multiple times and via multiple significantly to the production cost.
modes of transport, the rough treatment and the need for
better protection. The company was therefore looking to re-formulate
its HDSS film, so that it could meet and exceed the
These increasingly stringent demands put more strain required specifications: optimal film thickness and rigidity/
on the quality of the HDSS film formulation. Despite stiffness during packaging, storage and transport to avoid
having added more than 50% of m-LLDPE to its existing tearing, rupture or other damage; low inside friction and a
formulation, Yanshan Jilian Petro could not meet the sufficient heat sealing range for trouble-free sealing and a
specification requirements of their customer Yanshan high packaging speed.
The solution
Bimodal benefits: strength and cost efficiency
Yanshan Jilan turned to Borouge to improve the Yanshan Jilian was able to convert to the new formulation,
quality of their HDSS film and to make it more cost based on Borstar Enhanced Polyethylene FB2230 in a very
effective. After a joint in-depth assessment of the exact short time.
customer requirements, Borouge presented its bi-modal
polyethylene structures and suggested an optimised The General Manager of Yanshan Jilian confirmed, “By
160 micron HDSS film, formulated with more than working with Borouge, we have successfully improved
50% Borstar Enhanced Polyethylene FB2230. This offers our film properties and the new formulation help us to
an excellent combination of high impact and seal reduce cost. We see Borouge as a global company with
strength, reducing the risk of shipping sacks bursting highly advanced products and we are very happy to work
during the various stages of their lifetime, from filling with a company like this.”
over transportation and handling, to end use. Not
unimportantly, this film grade meets another important
requirement: material savings and better cost efficiency.
Yanshan Jilian recognised the excellent properties of When Borstar based PE is used in the sealant layers, this
Borstar Enhanced Polyethylene FB2230 and the many effect is countered.
benefits of Borstar PE technology used on multilayer
extrusion lines. In addition to the beneficial film properties In general, compared to conventional alternatives, HDSS
listed below, it solves other issues, for instance, during PE films based on Borstar technology offer:
the filling: typically, each HDSS roll weighs about 800 kg, • Improved bubble stability with potential increase in
resulting in extreme pressures on the innermost film output due to its bimodal molecular weight distribution.
layers. The film wound near the core of the roll is difficult • Superior toughness, puncture resistance and environ
to open, which can result in more than 35% film wastage. mental stress crack resistance (ESCR) minimising bag
failures during filling, transport and storage.
• Balanced tensile, modulus properties and creep for
enhanced pallet stability.
• Stiffness even at thinner films for good machinability
and easy handling.
• Increased cost effectiveness and minimal wastage.
• Structure formulation simplification yet with similar or
improved film performance and quality consistency,
increasing convenience for converters.
Summary table
Customer name Beijing Yanshan Jilian Petro
Application Heavy duty shipping sacks
Film structure Multi-layer
Products Borstar FB2230 linear low density polyethylene
Benefits • DDI
• Excellent tearing resistance
• Good stiffness
• Improved bubble stability
• Superior heat sealing strength
• Cost effective
Borouge is a leading provider of innovative, value creating plastics solutions. A joint venture between the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), one of the world’s major oil and gas
companies, and Austria based Borealis, a leading provider of chemical and innovative plastics solutions, Borouge is a groundbreaking international partnership at the forefront of the next
generation of plastics innovation. Borouge has its headquarters in the United Arab Emirates and Singapore, employs approximately 1,600 people representing more than 40 nationalities
and serves customers in more than 50 countries across the Middle East, Asia-Pacific, Indian sub-continent and Africa. Building on Borealis’ unique Borstar® technology and experience in
polyolefins for more than 50 years, Borouge provides innovative, value creating plastics solutions for the infrastructure (pipe systems, and power and communication cables), automotive
and advanced packaging markets. In 2010 Borouge tripled its annual production capacity in Abu Dhabi to 2 million tonnes and an additional 2.5 million tonnes per year will be introduced
by mid-2014 to create the world’s largest integrated polyolefins plant. Borouge is also investing in plants and logistics hubs in Asia and an Innovation Centre in Abu Dhabi. Today Borouge
and Borealis have a manufacturing capacity of over 5.4 million tonnes of polyethylene and polypropylene annually. Focused on Value Creation through Innovation they ensure that their
customers throughout the value chain, around the world, can always rely on superior products and security of supply. Borouge is committed to the principles of Responsible Care® and
together with Borealis proactively contributes towards addressing the world’s water and sanitation challenges through their Water for the World™ initiative.
Disclaimer The information contained herein is to our knowledge accurate and reliable as of the date of publication. Borealis and Borouge extend no warranties and make no representations
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appropriate, safe and legal use, processing and handling of our products. Nothing herein shall constitute any warranty (express or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,
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Borealis and Borouge are used in conjunction with third-party materials, it is the responsibility of the customer to obtain all necessary information relating to the third-party materials and ensure
that Borealis and Borouge products, when used together with these materials, are suitable for the customer’s particular purpose. No liability can be accepted in respect of the use of Borealis
and Borouge products in conjunction with other materials. The information contained herein relates exclusively to our products when not used in conjunction with any third-party materials.
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