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(+633.82 ; 1.17%) VOL. 19 | ISSUE NO: 08 | Tuesday, 30 July 2024 | DAILY MORNING | Page 4 | Price Rs 1.00

Editorial: Back the anarchy ‘Nothing can bring back... took out loan for coaching centre fee’: Father BJP is suffering from anti-OBC & SC mentality

Owner among 2 held; probe

Bhaker’s historic bronze: 1 Indian st
finds no drainage system
woman shooter on Olympic podium in basement led to deaths of 3

OUR CORRESPONDENT the Bhagavad Gita. Paris. NEW DELHI: The absence
So, I know what it is to Back to the air pistol of a proper drainage sys-
PARIS: Manu Bhaker stood do your duty and not think match, there were differ- tem, inadequate safety
in the shooting lane, squeez- of the results,” said Manu ent nations represented by measures, and the unautho-
ing the trigger as if her life Bhaker later. Such maturity fierce competitors in the rised use of a basement for
depended on it. The air pis- from a young shooter was fray. Manu did not care who commercial activities led to
tol final on Sunday at the honest and genuine. she was up against. One the tragic deaths of three
Paris 2024 Olympics was Manu had no time to cel- point more, and she could civil services aspirants at a
high-stress, high-pressure. ebrate; she had to go for a have even won silver. But coaching centre in Old Ra-
Over a billion people were dope test and then get back then, she will get her chanc- jinder Nagar, central Delhi,
praying for her. And she de- to training. She has two es soon. officials and students re-
livered — a historic bronze more matches to go, two A bit about Manu and Jas- ported on Sunday. idential and commercial es- formed multiple teams to
medal for India. No Indian more chances for a medal pal: They had split and then The Delhi Police have ar- tablishments, was only per- investigate the cause of the
markswoman had ever won in the same Olympics. reunited in 2023. Rebuild- rested the owner and the mitted to use the basement incident.
an Olympic medal in the “On Saturday, I was both ing was brick by brick, layer coordinator of Rau’s IAS as a storeroom. However, it A police officer report-
Summer Games before, nervous and upset, not to- by layer, and reaching this Study Circle and charged was being used as a library, ed that over 35 people, in-
and history will always sa- South Korean shooters image on Saturday when day,” said Manu. She had far has been methodical. them with culpable homi- violating regulations. cluding students and staff,
lute her for it. dominating the top posi- she was a bit shaky in the prepared well, trained like “This medal is for India, we cide, among other offences. An FIR was registered at were trapped on Saturday
Rifle shooters Ramita tions, with Kim Yeji clinch- qualifying phase. The young a young girl on a mission. worked for it, and I thank all, Later in the evening, a court Rajinder Nagar police sta- evening when water be-
Jindal and Arjun Babuta ing the silver medal, scoring girl from Jhajjar, Haryana, Her routine was gruelling, including IOA President PT sent them to 14-day judicial tion under sections 105 gan flooding the basement
boosted the team’s morale 241.3 points. has grown into an Olympic indeed. Usha Madam and everyone custody. (culpable homicide) and during heavy rains.
by qualifying for the finals Jin Ye Oh, another Kore- medallist through an in- The way Jaspal had else who helped me in this Political accusations en- 290 (negligent conduct with Led to incident Police
in their respective 10m air an competitor, set a new tense and passionate jour- planned her journey was fan- journey,” said Jaspal Rana. sued as the BJP and Con- respect to pulling down, sources indicated that the
rifle events. Jindal secured Games record with an im- ney. tastic. He worked on mak- He wept tears of joy. gress criticised the AAP repairing, or constructing basement’s gate was closed
a spot in the women’s final, pressive 243.2 points, earn- When she failed at the To- ing her perfect in “slow fire,” Having trained her before, government, labelling the buildings) of the Bharatiya but was damaged by the
while Babuta made it to the ing her the gold medal. kyo Olympics in 2021, she which is air pistol. When she Jaspal knew what needed incident as “murder.” The Nyaya Sanhita (BNS). pressure of the incoming
men’s final, keeping India’s By the time the final was had a weapon malfunction. shoots in the team event, it to be done in the last 13 victims—Shreya Yadav from So far, two individuals— rainwater. Hundreds of civil
hopes alive for additional sealed with a kiss, congrat- Plus, she criticised Jaspal will be different. months. The way he under- Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar coaching centre owner services aspirants protest-
medals in the competition. ulatory messages started Rana, even though he was Then again, she will have stands Manu is brilliant, and Pradesh; Tanya Soni from Abhishek Gupta and coordi- ed in the area, blocking the
Bhaker secured a bronze pouring in, from Prime Min- not her coach. On Sunday, a break and compete in the the form she has shown Telangana; and Navin Dal- nator Deshpal Singh—have road near Karol Bagh Metro
medal with a commendable ister Narendra Modi to the she hugged the same Jas- 25m sports pistol event on deserves praise. For India win from Ernakulam, Kera- been arrested. According Station, causing traffic jams
score of 221.7 in a closely common man. pal, her God, her Guru, for August 1 and 2 at the same to win an Olympic medal in la—died after the basement to the FIR, Gupta admitted and necessitating police in-
contested match. Manu was brave, fierce, guiding her to this medal. “I ranges in Chateauroux, shooting after 12 years is of the coaching institute was there was no drainage sys- tervention. A scuffle broke
The competition saw and very different from her believe in Karma and I read which is 275 km away from big, historic indeed. flooded during heavy rain on tem in the basement, lead- out between students and

PM calls for Centre-state coordination

Saturday evening. ing to the deaths. police, resulting in several
IGIA: AGENT NABBED While official statements A senior official involved in detentions before dem-
FOR GUATEMALA VISA are pending, some stu- the investigation cited two onstrators dispersed and

to achieve the goal of developed India

SCAM dents claim that the trage- main reasons for the inci- traffic resumed. Municipal
NEW DELHI: The IGI Airport dy occurred because many dent: civic authorities failed Corporation of Delhi (MCD)
Police team has arrested people were trapped in the to clear roadside drains be- officials stated that the
a Punjab-based agent for basement due to a malfunc- fore the monsoon, and there coaching centre’s building
arranging a counterfeit OUR CORRESPONDENT implementation. During the tioning biometric entry-exit was no provision for draining plan, approved in 2021, only
Guatemala Visa for a pas- conference, various states system. water from the basement, permitted the basement’s
senger. An anonymous NEW DELHI: Prime Minister presented their flagship Officials revealed that which was being illegally use for parking and storage,
source tipped the IGI Police Narendra Modi highlighted schemes, showcasing suc- the three-story coaching used as a library. making the library’s opera-
Team about the agent. The the importance of coordi- cessful governance mod- institute, surrounded by res- The Delhi Police have tion illegal.

Prez appoints 9 new Governors

accused was identified as nated efforts between cen- els.
Dharampreet Singh (24), tral and state governments Modi has consistently
son of Gurnam Singh. a to achieve the goal of ‘Viksit urged BJP-led states to set
resident of Dharamgarh, Bharat’ (Developed India) examples of good gover- OUR CORRESPONDENT
Distt. Patiala, Punjab. Ac- during the second day of nance and ensure compre-
cording to the police, the the ‘mukhyamantri parish- hensive coverage of wel- NEW DELHI: In a significant
incident unfolded on July ad’ in New Delhi. fare programs. The Prime reorganisation of guberna-
23, when Gurjas Singh The two-day meeting Minister took to social me- torial positions, the Rashtra-
(27), was deported from brought together 13 chief economy and underscored demographics. dia platform X (formerly pati Bhavan has announced
the Netherlands after be- ministers and 15 deputy the significance of public The meeting, which fo- Twitter) on Saturday, stat- several new appointments
ing denied entry due to a chief ministers from BJP- participation in welfare ini- cuses primarily on gover- ing, “Our Party is working and transfers across nine
fake Guatemala visa on his ruled states. tiatives. nance issues, saw partici- tirelessly to further good states. Lakshman Prasad
passport. Upon his arrival Addressing the gathering, Senior BJP leader Vinay pation from key BJP figures governance and fulfil the Acharya, formerly the Gover-
at IGI Airport, scrutiny of Modi highlighted that the Sahasrabuddhe, who over- including Union ministers aspirations of the people.” nor of Sikkim, has been ap-
his documents led to the concept of ‘Viksit Bharat’ sees the party’s ‘good gov- Rajnath Singh and Amit This ‘mukhyamantri par- pointed as the new Governor
discovery of the counterfeit encompasses both preserv- ernance’ efforts, revealed Shah, as well as party pres- ishad’ follows a similar of Assam. kim. K Kailashnathan, a former
visa, prompting immediate ing heritage and fostering that the Prime Minister ident J P Nadda. Education meeting held in February, Additionally, he will as- Meanwhile, C P Rad- IAS officer and close aide
action by the authorities. development. He elaborat- advocated for leveraging Minister Dharmendra Prad- reinforcing the BJP’s com- sume the additional charge hakrishnan, who was serving to Prime Minister Narendra
SC TO HEAR MANISH ed on his government’s am- social media to maximise han discussed the New mitment to effective gov- of Manipur, a state previous- as the Governor of Jharkhand Modi, will assume the role of
SISODIA’S BAIL PLEA bitious target of transform- the reach of government Education Policy and the ernance and development ly under the governorship of with an additional charge of Lt Governor of Puducherry.
NEW DELHI: The Supreme ing India into a $5 trillion schemes targeting various crucial role states play in its across its ruled states. Anusuiya Uikye since Febru- Telangana, has been moved Haribhau Kisanrao Bag-

After outrage, Govt clarifies: ‘Tax clearance

Court is set to hear AAP ary 2023. to Maharashtra, succeeding de, a senior BJP leader from
leader Manish Sisodia’s In Punjab, a change of Ramesh Bais. Maharashtra, will take over
bail pleas on Monday. Si- guard sees Gulab Chand Former Union minister as Governor of Rajasthan,

not mandatory for all foreign travellers’

sodia, the former Deputy Kataria replacing Banwari- Santosh Kumar Gangwar will replacing Kalraj Mishra. The
Chief Minister of Delhi, is lal Purohit as Governor. Ka- fill the vacancy in Jharkhand northeastern state of Megha-
seeking bail in corruption taria will also serve as the left by Radhakrishnan’s laya will see C H Vijayashan-
and money laundering OUR CORRESPONDENT only necessary for specific administrator of the Union transfer. Jishnu Dev Varma, kar, a former Lok Sabha
cases tied to the alleged individuals under certain cir- Territory of Chandigarh, previously the Deputy Chief member from Karnataka,
Delhi excise policy scam. NEW DELHI: The Central cumstances. a role previously held by Minister of Tripura, has been as its new Governor, while
He has been in custody for government has issued a A 2004 notification by the Purohit. Veteran BJP lead- appointed as the new Gov- Ramen Deka, also a former
16 months, with no signif- clarification regarding the Income Tax department out- er Om Prakash Mathur will ernor of Telangana. In other Lok Sabha member, will gov-
icant trial progress since recent Budget proposal lines these situations, which be the new governor of Sik- significant appointments, ern Chhattisgarh.
October last year. The Su- that sparked social media include: Persons involved in
preme Court’s cause list outrage over a perceived serious financial irregulari- AVENGE INSULT BY VOTING FOR AAP: KEJRIWAL’S WIFE IN HARYANA
for July 29 indicates that mandatory tax clearance ties whose presence. ROHTAK: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s wife Sunita Kejriwal on Sunday urged the
Justices B R Gavai and K certificate requirement for is crucial for investiga- people of Haryana to avenge the “insult” of jailing her husband in a “false” case by ensur-
V Viswanathan will hear all international travellers. tions under the Incometax ing the party’s win in the upcoming Assembly election. She claimed that Prime Minister
Sisodia’s pleas. The Court The Finance Ministry clar- tial tax arrears. stressed that this does not Act or Wealth-tax Act, and Narendra Modi is “jealous” of Arvind Kejriwal for the work he has done for AAP-ruled Delhi
had previously agreed on ified on Sunday that the The proposal aims to in- impose a blanket require- where a tax demand is and Punjab. Arvind Kejriwal, who is also the AAP national convener, was arrested by ED
July 16 to hear the pleas proposed amendment to clude the Black Money Act, ment on all residents to se- likely to be raised against on March 21 in a money laundering case linked to the alleged excise policy scam. The
and sought responses the Finance Bill, 2024, is not 2015, in the list of Acts un- cure such certificates before them; and Individuals with Supreme Court has granted him interim bail but he is still in jail as the CBI had arrested him
from the Central Bureau applicable to all citizens but der which individuals must travelling abroad. According outstanding direct tax ar- in a related matter. His wife Sunita Kejriwal, who is on a two-day Haryana tour, addressed
of Investigation (CBI) and only targets individuals ac- clear their liabilities to ob- to Section 230 of the In- rears exceeding Rs 10 a gathering in Sampla here and said that her husband “transformed” government schools
the Enforcement Director- cused of financial irregular- tain a tax clearance certifi- come-tax Act, 1961, tax lakh, which have not been and hospitals, and also set up mohalla clinics in Delhi and Punjab. “He achieved such
ate (ED). ities or those with substan- cate. However, the ministry clearance certificates are stayed by any authority. things which the old parties and big leaders could never do,” she said.
2 Lucknow, Tuesday, 30 July 2024 Lucknow News (English Daily)

Things going..
Back the anarchy
The whole of last week, Bangladesh saw a series of bloody
pitched battles between the Police, Rapid Action Battalion
(RAB), and other security forces taking on the protesting
students mainly in the capital city of Dhaka and other parts
of the country. Police shot dead many agitators, and there
were armed skirmishes between the Chhatra League, the IT IS DISTRESSING THAT 7.3 PER CENT OF INDIANS IN THE 13-17 YEARS AGE BRACKET HAVE
students’ wing of the ruling Awami League (AL), and the ele-
ments opposed to the imposition of a quota in government MENTAL DISORDERS. IT’S EVEN MORE STARTLING THAT THIS MALAISE IS WORSENING IN INDIA
jobs. If we read between the
This was the primary cause of the violence, leading to lines in Hopf’s quote, we are
more than a hundred deaths and wanton destruction of witnessing some really good
public property. To recapitulate, the government under times, at least insofar as the
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had reserved quotas for the crux of this column goes.
descendants of the freedom fighters, which incurred the This opening line makes
wrath of the huge number of unemployed youth who re- me recall the weekend just
main vehemently opposed to the reservations, leading to gone by, when I found my-
such a violent standoff. self sitting in the lawns of
Bangladesh has a recorded history of political agitations an august club aka watering
spearheaded by students, whether it was the language hole after a long time, with-
movement of 1952 against West Pakistan or the liberation out getting ‘watered’.
struggle of 1971. In the recent case of quota agitation too, I was shaken out of my so-
students took the lead, but unfortunately, the movement briety when the discussion
was surreptitiously hijacked swung the way of Gen Zs.
by anti-liberation and reli- The reactions of Pakistan In the heated debate that
gious fundamentalists, draw- and China merit close ensued, of particular pique
ing a clear divide and demon- watch as the former, and concern was an insouci-
strating a kind of schism. taking advantage of the ant exchange on the mental
So many deaths, unending fluid situation, may fish in health of today’s youngsters.
violence, and incidents like troubled waters; Urgent No one side was speak-
the storming of the Narsing- reforms are needed to ing ‘for’, while another
di prison and the freeing of restore the credibility was ‘against’. Both sides
a large number of captives of the government in ambivalently agreed that
show that the law and order the aftermath of deadly a rot had taken hold. The
machinery had completely clashes between security disagreement was on how
collapsed, and the anti-gov- forces and protesting far this malaise has spread
ernment and antiquota pro- students over job quotas in amongst today’s children
testers had a field day. Bangladesh and youth, and why they are
On their part, Police and exhibiting such a runaway
RAB also exercised little or no discretion or even application propensity for mental fragili-
of mind, resulting in ruthless killings and perhaps dispropor- ty, even instability.
tionate use of force. At one point, it looked as if complete That got me thinking, re-
anarchy was prevailing, and in the wake of the Internet and flecting hard. Why is it that
other means of communication being suspended, more today’s ‘haves’ battle such
chaos seemed on the anvil. ominous cerebral imbal-
After Hasina’s fourth consecutive win in the elections in ance, when many previous
January this year, the opposition parties and their cohorts ‘have-nots’, without access
were visibly frustrated, and they were waiting in the wings to today’s bells and whistles,
for an opportune moment to strike and corner Hasina. Oc- have turned out just fine?
casionally, they were critical of her, accusing her of a com- I thought of my own child-
plete ‘sell out’ to India. hood in the late 1970s and Half of mental illnesses begin by 14 years of age, and three-quarters in the mid-20s
Coincidentally, after her return from a recent visit to Chi- early 1980s, alongside What are the common This answer is a scurrilous is only happening in the only muscle atrophy, it is
na, particularly curtailing her visit, the quota protests sprang lakhs of other budding Indi- distresses? Anxiety; depres- one, one that would make West better think again. If also debilitating emotional A debilitating cerebral
up, and the same anti-Hasina and antiIndia elements took ans. We had no laptops or sion; Oppositional Defiant many dismiss the new gen- cardiac issues seem intense capacities and flexibility. imbalance has taken a
over the agitation, and the violence saw a complete con- Internet, no mobile phones Disorder (ODD); Conduct Dis- eration as being weaker. and ultimate, look at studies Mentally frail, yet bellig- pincer hold on India’s
frontation with no signs of abatement. The students’ deaths or tablets, no landline tele- order (CD); Attention-Defi- Let’s not. We should rec- that reveal that such occur- erent Last week, we hired youngsters; this is
caused by police firing evoked sympathy from the general phones or even televisions, cit/Hyperactivity Disorder ognize that each generation rences are growing fast. a trainee and asked him something most agree on.
public, who openly supported the students, criticising the no fibre optics and certainly (ADHD); Tourette Syndrome; has its strengths and weak- ‘Normal’ children who to pen a story to gauge his The discord is on how far
government and the police. no Artificial Intelligence (AI). ObsessiveCompulsive Dis- nesses, and that we need to look excessively at colour- writing skills. The result was this has spread and why
That was perhaps the turning point. Significantly, social Those were times when order (OCD); Post-traumatic adapt our expectations and ful screens can barely read out soon, leading us to con- our youth are prone to
media was full of antiIndia rhetoric, with India now becom- things were down-to-Earth, Stress Disorder (PTSD)… support systems. even simple texts, often vey to the boy some of his such mental flimsiness,
ing the target. With public perceptions going against Hasina uncomplicated and simple, There is a war of illness ac- That begs another ques- finding it taxing to solve ba- shortcomings and a path even instability
and lakhs of overseas Bangladeshis staging protests, espe- archaic yet genuine, old- ronyms raging. tion, though – if things are sic math problems. forward. nessed on our own home
cially in western countries, things added more fuel to the school and very analog. It may not involve guns, so bad, what are we doing Many ‘normal’ children fall All hell broke loose in the turf.
fire. Hasina did try to pacify by making a televised appeal The only digital thing we bullets and on-field billets, to make it better? short of even those affected digital world soon after, If we fail to do this and
to the people expressing sympathies to those who lost their had even heard of were but a war it is. Look at the Literally, nothing at all by Dyslexia, Attention Defi- when this fresh out-of-teens put our Gen Z right, we will
lives, but that did not seem to help. Casio watches, which were ailments above, typically Strange as it may sound, we cit/Hyperactivity Disorder turned whippersnapper. In a not have the right to call
Meanwhile, on July 21, the Supreme Court ruled that the an anathema, perhaps be- what we see on TV when are doing previous little to and neurodevelopmental terse message, we were told ourselves better or more
veterans’ quota be cut to 5 per cent, with 93 per cent of cause we couldn’t afford we watch soaps and thrill- turn the tide. disabilities. we were not good enough evolved.
jobs allocated on merit. The remaining 2 per cent will be set them. ers – gunfights and military In fact, some parents are Infant girls are worse off, for him, that he had many We would also run the risk
aside for members of ethnic minorities, transgenders, and Today’s generation has standoffs, espionage and even making things worse. given the rising instances of other ways to make mon- of having more people make
disabled people. it all, and yet most man- reconnaissance, double We have to remember that gender dysphoria, anxiety, ey, that he had joined only statements like this boy, or
This verdict, however, is unlikely to heal the wounds of the age to do very little in the and triple agents, hospitals youngsters are unorthodox, depression and self-harm to prove a point, and that the one made by Charlie
youth who are still recovering from the excesses commit- real world. Why have things and shrinks, war veteran innovative, quite avant-gar- being seen. Physically, most we should not expect to be Lee when he said: “Truly the
ted by the law enforcement agencies. As an uneasy calm turned out this way? Statis- haplessness and homeless de; enfant terribles if you children today are seden- blessed with his presence worst generation… Stupid
prevails in Dhaka and other parts of Bangladesh, Prime tically, how bad are things? shelters. will. tary, facing the risk of phys- anymore. children nowadays are noth-
Minister Hasina and her advisors need to reach out to the ‘Things’ are quite bad Ac- None of that is happening They are great at aping ical and mental ailments Some old hands copied ing like my time. We were
aggrieved and sort things out by sitting across the table and cording to the Indian Journal at home to our youngsters, adults, and the Internet is early in life. on the message wanted more independent.
engaging them in negotiations. It must also be said that a of Medical Research, 7.3 so what gives? Ask that awash with videos posted Screen-use has been to react, but sleeping dogs We weren’t weak that we
huge amount of the government’s credibility is lost in han- per cent of the youth in the question and even experts by doting parents. In the par- harmful to neurological de- were eventually left to lie. needed to lean on others
dling this movement. 13-17 years’ age group have fidget, widget and reply ents’ eyes, these are mas- velopment and socialisa- But it was a vivid experi- to make it in this world.”
A lot more needs to be done to restore confidence and mental disorders, even with that it all boils down to toxic terpieces of their little ones tion, especially as the aver- ence for many, an eye-open- We need to give everyone
instill a sense of trust. Hasina also has to rein in her party substance use disorders ex- school environments, finan- cooing and cawing while age urban child spends 5-8 er on how emotional insta- a chance. We created this
and the youth wing, the Chhatra League, which is under the cluded. cial pressures and physical watching their Smartphone hours online each day. bility and belligerence can new world. It is up to us to
lens of society for being glaringly high-handed on their ad- Young Indians have a high health concerns that primar- and tablet screens. Before Smartphones and be detrimentally hand-in- prepare our youngsters to
versaries. rate of causing self-harm, ily stem from non-utilization But the statistics are screen-heavy devices came, glove. To an extent, this col- face this world appropriate-
This also led to several of them being violently targeted. with suicide being a lead- of muscles, “especially of numbing – increasingly, chil- kids spent that same time umn is dedicated to this boy ly.
The Prime Minister may consider revamping her set of advi- ing cause of sudden death. the grey kind”. dren under 10 years of age playing cricket, football, fly- and others like him, with If we do that, today’s Gen
sors and ministerial colleagues. Her team requires a fresh Half of mental illnesses be- The concerns listed above are dying of heart attacks ing kites and whatnot. a prayer on the lips that a Z will one day create their
look—partners with new, positive, and progressive ideas. gin by 14 years of age, and are “playing havoc with our if their ‘screens’ are taken Not engaging in physical future is created where full own Gen Z, and so on. If we
Such a move might help her and the government to come three-quarters in the mid- children in their formative away. activity, just being glued to movies are better than this don’t, or fail, we would have
out of a battered image, reducing the trust deficit not only 20s. years” is the stolid answer. Those who think that this the screen, is causing not sad short trailer we wit- only ourselves to blame.

Strike in Israeli-controlled Golan Heights kills at least 12

within the country but even outside.
The list of opposition’s accusations against the govern-
ment is huge: rampant corruption, nepotism, wrong prior-
ities in governance, appeasement, partiality, and several
others. A rocket strike on Saturday Hezbollah “will pay a heavy 12. “We are nearing the mo- convene the security Cabi- tured from Syria in the 1967 seconds before the rocket
It’s an uphill task for Hasina to repair the damage caused at a football field killed at price for this attack, one ment in which we face an net after arriving. Mideast war and annexed in hit, but there was no time to
by the quota stir. But for political survival and in the larger least 12 children and teens, that it has not paid so far”. all-out war.” Far-right members of Net- 1981. Some Druze have Is- take shelter.
interest of Bangladesh, that seems a task on priority. Israeli authorities said, in The Israeli military’s chief Hezbollah chief spokes- anyahu’s government called raeli citizenship. Jihan Sfadi, the principal
A confrontational approach now is the last option, and the deadliest strike on an spokesman, Rear Adm. man Mohammed Afif told for a harsh response against Many still have sympa- of an elementary school,
time is running out. Prime Minister Hasina has cancelled Israeli target along the coun- Daniel Hagari, called it the The Associated Press that Hezbollah. thies for Syria and rejected told Channel 12 that five
her upcoming foreign tours, but she needs to convince the try’s northern border since deadliest attack on Israeli the group “categorically But an all-out war with a Israeli annexation, but their students were among the
Western countries, including the US, UK, and the EU, who the fighting between Israel civilians since the Hamas denies carrying out an at- militant group with far su- ties with Israeli society have dead: “The situation here
have been sceptical about the neutrality of the January ’24 and the Lebanese militant attack on October 7 that tack” on the town of Majdal perior firepower to Hamas grown over the years. is very difficult. Parents are
elections. They are also keenly watching the ongoing devel- group Hezbollah began. sparked the war in Gaza. He Shams. would be trying for Israel’s Video showed paramed- crying, people are scream-
opments. It raised fears of a broader said 20 others were wound- It is unusual for Hezbollah military after nearly 10 ics rushing stretchers off the ing outside.
Apart from this, the reactions of Pakistan and China regional war. Israel blamed ed. to deny an attack. The office months of fighting in Gaza. soccer field toward waiting No one can digest what
merit close watch as the former, taking advantage of the Hezbollah for the strike in “There is no doubt that of Netanyahu, who was on Footage aired on Israeli ambulances. has happened.” Israel’s
fluid situation, may fish in troubled waters, further vitiat- the Israeli-controlled Go- Hezbollah has crossed all a visit to the United States, Channel 12 showed a large Ha’il Mahmoud, a resi- military said its analysis
ing the scene. On the whole, the Bangladesh government lan Heights, but Hezbollah the red lines here, and the said he would cut short his blast in one of the valleys dent, told Channel 12 that showed that the rocket
will be under close scrutiny of global players, calling for a rushed to deny any role. Is- response will reflect that,” trip by several hours, with- in the Druze town of Ma- children were playing soccer was launched from an area
cautious approach in handling the aftermath of the quo- raeli Prime Minister Benja- Israeli Foreign Minister Isra- out specifying when he jdal Shams, in the Golan when the rocket hit the field. north of the village of Che-
ta-linked scenario. min Netanyahu warned that el Katz told Israeli Channel would return. It said he will Heights, which Israel cap- He said a siren was heard baa in southern Lebanon.
Lucknow News (English Daily) Lucknow, Tuesday, 30 July 2024 3

Fire on ship: Coast Guard continues op to prevent pollution

OUR CORRESPONDENT at sea and air were tasked to fire,” he said. also equipped with a Dy- LUCKNOW: Godrej Consumer Products Ltd (GCPL),
undertake firefighting efforts The spokesman said namic Positioning System a manufacturer of well-known brand Goodknight and
PANAJI: The Indian Coast and aid the distressed ves- Operation Sahayata was that enables it to engage in market leader in the household insecticide category
Guard said its efforts to pre- sel. Of the 21 foreign crew, launched to save lives on- firefighting at a very close has recently acted against an illegal unit in Agra, Uttar
vent pollution and safeguard one Filipino national is miss- board the vessel, ensure distance from the cargo Pradesh for printing and storing counterfeit packaging
the marine environment af- ing. Others remain safe and safety of property, and safe- carrier, he said. materials of Goodknight Agarbatti. During routine qual-
ter a fire hit a merchant navy are in good health. guard the marine environ- “ICG has also undertaken ity checks mechanism, GCPL received several com-
ship off the Karwar coast en- The vessel is structurally ment from any aftereffects two coordination meetings plaints about counterfeit Goodknight products being
tered its 10th day on Sunday. stable and remains oper- of the fire onboard the cargo with DG Shipping, state ad- sold in the Uttar Pradesh. Following these reports, the
A spokesperson of the ational,” the spokesman carrier. ministration, stakeholders, investigation team, alongside local authorities, con-
maritime security agency said. Five Coast Guard ships, The Coast Guard has repo- ports, salvage agency, ship ducted raids on the printing press. The raid resulted in
said ICG ships are undertak- two ALHs (Advanced Light sitioned ICG Ship ‘Samudra owners and management confiscation of 10,160 packaging boxes of counterfeit
ing boundary cooling and Helicopters) and a Dornier Prahari’, a specialised pol- to review the progress and Goodknight Agarbatti, one printing machine and four
extinguishing sporadic mi- aircraft have undertaken lution control vessel, since find an early end to the cri- printing plates. An FIR (First Information Report) has
nor flames that erupt from reported a major fire around zene and sodium cyanate, multiple sorties as part of the commencement of Op- sis,” the spokesman said. been lodged against the accused under sections 103
time to time due to the initial 80 nautical miles west of and was on its way from ‘Operation Sahayata’, the eration Sahayata to New The situation is under con- and 104 of Trade Marks Act, 1999 and section 63 and
incineration of sealed con- Goa on July 19. Mundra in Gujarat to Colom- spokesperson said. “More Mangalore to take corrective trol and “risk to the marine 65 of the Copyright Act, 1957. These sections address
tainers on the vessel. The It was carrying 1,154 con- bo in Sri Lanka. The fire was than 1,200 kg of Dry Chem- measures in an unlikely case environment and coastal counterfeiting, and copyright infringement.
MV Maersk Frankfurt, a Pan- tainers, including some with doused, the Coast Guard had ical powder has been air- of pollution. areas does not exist”, he DEENDAYAL PORT AUTHORITY LAUNCHES
ama-flagged cargo carrier, dangerous goods like ben- said earlier. “ICG assets both dropped at the seat of the The specialised vessel is said. SAAGAR INCENTIVE SCHEME

PW Academy expands reach: Aims Hindalco Primary School Renukoot

KANDLA: Deendayal Port Authority (DPA) proud-
ly announces the introduction of its new incentive
scheme, Strategic Actions to Aid Growth and Rewards

to empower 2000+ schools in 2024 Unit-2 hosts vibrant Investiture ceremony

(SAAGAR), designed to boost growth through volume
commitments. The PFP Group from New Zealand and
OUR CORRESPONDENT Australia, represented by Director Mr. Eddie Shin, has
OUR CORRESPONDENT become the first trade partner to engage with this
RENUKOOT: Hindalco Prima- scheme. PFP Group has committed to a guaranteed
LUCKNOW: Physics Wal- ry School, Renukoot Unit-2, minimum volume of 0.5 million metric tonnes (MMT)
lah’s (PW) dedicated school recently held a colorful in- of timber imports to DPA over the next 11 months. This
partnership arm, PW Acad- vestiture ceremony for its commitment marks a significant step in meeting In-
emy; in collaboration with student council, showcasing dia's increasing round wood requirements and improv-
Conscious Education; or- vibrant cultural programs. ing the efficiency of timber imports. PFP Group has ex-
ganized an event themed During the event, Uday pressed their gratitude to DPA and their clients in India,
"PW as an Agent of Change Singh and Shristi Kumari along with Handling Agents Rishi Shipping and Ship
in Education", on July 28, were appointed as Head Boy Agents M/s DBC Sons (Guj) Pvt. Ltd., for their support
2024, which gathered over and Head Girl, respectively. in facilitating this partnership. Mr. Eddie Shin extended
50 School Heads, including Ajay Singh took on the role Shukla, principal of Adi- ful dances and cultural per- his thanks to Shri Sushil Kumar Singh, IRSME, Chairper-
Principals and Directors, of Sports Secretary, while tya Birla Inter College, and formances by the younger son of DPA, Shri Nandeesh Shukla, IRTS, and his team
from Lucknow and nearby (PW), is revolutionizing ed- Bharat. Raunak Kushwaha, Nirbhay special guest Mr. Ashwani students, delighting the au- for prioritizing and streamlining the SAAGAR scheme.
regions of Uttar Pradesh. ucation by providing end- Conscious Education was Singh, Kirti Yadav, and Shru- Pandey, principal of Mahila dience. Parents and guests SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BY HYUNDAI
The discussion aims to high- to-end learning and tech- founded by Mrs. ShaliniS- ti Arora were named House Mandal Higher Secondary were honored with potted AIMS TO EMPOWER INDIAN YOUTH
light the crucial challenges nology solutions to schools. inha and it is dedicated to Captains. School, Renukoot, encour- plants to promote environ- GURUGRAM: Hyundai Motor India Limited (HMIL) an-
persisting in the education It is focused on curriculum addressing real issues in ed- The school principal, Mrs. aged the council to fulfill mental conservation. The nounced employment opportunities for 403 students
landscape and strategies to development, teacher train- ucation. Ritu Bharadwaj, adminis- their responsibilities with ceremony concluded with from ITIs and polytechnic institutes across nine Indi-
surpass the barriers. The in- ing programs, web and The organization focuses tered the oath to the newly dedication, emphasizing the the national anthem, mark- an states, at its dealer network. HMIL offers a special
sights and strategies shared app-based content, smart on training all stakehold- elected council members. ceremony's importance. ing a memorable day for the skill development program at ITIs and polytechnic in-
during this event will be col- classroom setups, and com- ers in the field and raising Chief guest Mr. Dayanand The event featured color- school community. stitutes and further helps students get meaningful em-

Brahmins in focus in UP politics

lated and shared with all petitive exam preparation. awareness about areas ployment opportunities in its wide network of dealers.
participants, fostering a col- In 2023, PW Academy’s needing immediate atten- The recent recruitment drive was conducted across
lective effort to revolutionize curriculum reached 600 tion. By providing compre- Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra,
education through continu- schools, and its teachers' hensive training, Conscious OUR CORRESPONDENT Telangana, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand
ous leadership training and training programs impacted Education aims to equip ed- and Gujarat. Committed to Hyundai’s global vision of
innovative practices. 100 schools. This year, PW ucators and administrators LUCKNOW: Brahmins have ‘Progress for Humanity’, HMIL aims to enrich lives and
PW Academy, the B2B Academy aims to empow- with the skills to implement come into sharp focus in Ut- empower dreams of India’s youth and build a better
vertical of Physics Wallah er 2000+ schools across effective solutions. tar Pradesh politics follow- Bharat. Through this initiative, HMIL helps create an
ing the Samajwadi Party’s ecosystem for students ensuring industry-ready skill
Hooda: BJP is suffering from (SP) appointment of Mata
Prasad Pandey as the Lead-
development, exposure to latest technologies, on-the-
job training, and employment opportunity at the com-
anti-OBC & SC mentality er of Opposition in the Uttar
Pradesh Vidhan Sabha.
pletion of the course. Commenting on the graduation
day celebration, Mr. Tarun Garg, Whole-time Director
AREAS OUR CORRESPONDENT This decision has gener- and COO - HMIL, said, “HMIL is committed to India and
KAPURTHALA: Kapurtha- ated significant discussion, we take pride in supporting Government of India’s ‘Skill
la MLA Rana Gurjit Singh CHANDIGARH: Former Chief especially in light of the India’ initiative. The recent program ensures that stu-
on Sunday visited the city Minister and Leader of Oppo- Bharatiya Janata Party’s His removal has left a per- es in maintaining its support dents are trained in the latest technologies and they
areas infected due to di- sition Bhupinder Singh Hooda (BJP) recent removal of one ceived void in the party’s base among Brahmins, es- are ready to contribute from day one of their job. HMIL
arrhoea outbreak in Ka- has said BJP has been contin- of its prominent Brahmin leadership, particularly pecially when compared to plans to train more youth across the country,so as to
purthala city. He also met uously curbing the reservation leaders, Kalraj Mishra, from among Brahmin voters. the SP’s calculated move help them earn a respectable livelihood.”
the families affected due and rights of Dalits and back- his gubernatorial position. While Deputy Chief Minis- of appointing Pandey as the SBI MUTUAL FUND LAUNCHES SBI INNOVATIVE
to the outbreak, also visit- ward classes ever since it has The SP’s appointment of ter Brijesh Pathak has been Leader of Opposition. OPPORTUNITIES FUND
ed and condoled the fam- come to power in the state, Chaudhary Udaibhan, MP Pandey is being seen as a promoted as a Brahmin Before Mata Prasad Pan- LUCKNOW: SBI Mutual Fund announces the launch of the
ily who lost a four years because this party is com- Jaiprakash JP, Guru Daksha strategic move to court the leader within the BJP, his dey’s appointment, there SBI Innovative Opportunities Fund, an open-ended equity
old child to diarrhoea. pletely suffering from anti-SC Prajapati Jayanti programme Brahmin community, which roots in the Bahujan Samaj were speculations that In- scheme following the innovation theme. The investment
In conversation with and OBC mentality. convener, Shravan Kumar accounts for around 10 per Party (BSP) and switch to drajeet Saroj, a Dalit leader, objective of the scheme is to provide investors with op-
the press and media he “This is the reason why BJP Verma, former IAS Chandra cent of the vote share in Ut- the BJP have led to some might be made the Leader portunities for long term capital appreciation by investing
asked all the concerned is eliminating permanent gov- Prakash Jangra, former Chair- tar Pradesh. skepticism about his ability of Opposition to align with in equity and equity related instruments of companies
officers. ernment jobs through priva- man of Mati Kala Board Karan The timing of this deci- to fully represent Brahmin the PDA (Pichchra, Dalit, that seeks to benefit from the adoption of innovative
tisation and skill corporation. Singh Ranolia, former MLA sion is particularly notewor- interests. and Apsankhaya) strategy strategies & theme. However, there can be no assurance
Along with this, the education Ramniwas Ghodela, former thy, coming shortly after Similarly, Manoj Pandey, of SP. However, the removal that the investment objective of the Scheme will be real-
system is being handed over minister Sampat Singh, for- the BJP’s central leadership another former SP leader of Mishra from the governor- ized. The fund’s benchmark would be the Nifty 500 TRI.
to private hands by closing mer MLA Rambhagat Shar- decided to relieve Mish- who defected to the BJP, ship and the subsequent ap- Mr. Shamsher Singh, Managing Director & Chief Execu-
government schools. ma, Anil Maan, Vishal Verma, ra of his role as Governor. is also being seen as a po- pointment of Pandey as the tive Officer, SBI Funds Management Limited, said, “Today
Reservation of SC-OBC will Loki Ram Prajapati, Subhash This has sparked criticism tential Brahmin face for Leader of Opposition seem our country is amongst the fastest growing economies
automatically end, if govern- Verma, Sonu Prajapati and within BJP ranks, with par- the party. However, some to be part of a strategic shift in the world and innovation remains a central piece for
ment jobs and government Omprakash Verma along with ty leaders questioning the within the BJP believe that by the SP. a Viksit Bharat. The Government through initiatives like
educational institutions are many leaders and dignitaries wisdom of sidelining Mish- neither Pathak nor Pandey This move is interpreted Start up India, the Atal Innovation Mission and India stack
abolished,” he said. Hooda of the society were also pres- ra at a time when the oppo- can match the stature and as SP leader Akhilesh Ya- is aiming to create a culture of innovation from school
was speaking at a function ent. All the leaders paid trib- sition is actively targeting influence of Mishra. A senior dav’s effort to consolidate to industry. A thriving startup and funding ecosystem,
organised on the birth anni- utes to Guru Daksha Prajapati Brahmin voters. BJP leader expressed this Brahmin support, particu- strong digital infrastructure along with a large consumer
versary of Guru Daksha Pra- Maharaj, and prayed for the Kalraj Mishra, a respect- sentiment, saying, “All these larly in the wake of his own market provide favourable tailwinds for our country to be-
japati Maharaj Ji in Hisar to- progress of the country and ed and influential Brahmin leaders are no match to election, which left the posi- come the next big leader on the innovation horizon. The
day. He was accompanied by state, and wished everyone on leader, had been a signifi- Mishra.” This view highlights tion of Leader of Opposition SBI Innovative Opportunities Fund is a good opportunity
Haryana Congress President the birth anniversary. On this cant figure within the BJP. the challenges the BJP fac- vacant. for investors who would like to invest in companies which

Body of SECL official found in

occasion, Hooda said Con- are innovating to gain a competitive edge and changing
gress and backward society the way we do things to enhance value in their offerings.”
“Congress is out of power
only when backward classes
waterfilled mine sump after 16 hour search RATIONAL THOUGHT, CRITICAL THINKING
NEW DELHI: A private member’s Bill, seeking to promote
move away from Congress. OUR CORRESPONDENT rational thought, critical thinking and evidence-based de-
And when Congress is out of cision-making in society, has been introduced in the Lok
power, the backward society KORBA: The body of a South Sabha by a Congress MP . Benny Behanan, the MP from
has to bear the biggest loss, Eastern Coalfields Limited Kerala’s Chalakudy, on Friday introduced The Promotion
because all other parties at- (SECL) official who was swept of Rational Thought Bill,
tack the rights of the back- away after rain water flooded 2024 which envisages the
ward class,” he said. a portion of a mine in Chhat- constitution of a Board --
“BJP has also targeted this tisgarh’s Korba district was to be known as the Board
segment when it came to pow- found on Sunday post a 16- for the Promotion of Ra-
er as the creamy layer was re- hour search, police said. tional Thought and Critical
duced from 8 lakh to 6 lakh, SECL assistant manager got stuck in the route of water five managed to do so while Thinking -- for the imple-
to end the reservation of back- (mining) Jitendra Nagarkar flow into the sump, a huge ex- Nagarkar got swept away. menting the provisions of
ward class. Along with this, (41) had gone missing at cavated portion of the mine “His body was recovered at the proposed act. Behanan said there is an urgent need
agricultural and salary income around 4:30 pm on Saturday to collect water that is then around 9 am on Sunday from for promoting rational thought in the wake of rising su-
was also added to it. Whereas at the Kusmunda coal mine, pumped onto the surface, the mine sump by a joint res- perstitions in the society. “At a time when the prime min-
the Congress government had an official said. Nagarkar and the official said. They tried cue team of NDRF and State ister is talking about being non-biological and rational
separated agricultural and sal- five others, who were present to come to the mine’s upper Disaster Response Force af- thinking not being promoted since 2014, this Bill is of
ary income from creamy layer. at the mine’s Godawari face, side, he said, adding that ter a 16-hour effort. critical importance,” he told news agency.
4 Lucknow, Tuesday, 30 July 2024 Lucknow News (English Daily)

Daughter killed, mother critical in Najafgarh Delhi govt launches real-time

following father’s attack over financial issue ICU bed availability dashboard OUR CORRESPONDENT These hospitals collectively
OUR CORRESPONDENT Tragically, Rashmina Kha- concern over the incident, manage a total of 1,058
toon was declared dead emphasising the need for NEW DELHI: The Delhi gov- ICU beds. The department
NEW DELHI: A family alter- upon arrival, while Sufia greater awareness and in- ernment’s Health Depart- has assured that data for
cation over money between was admitted with critical tervention in domestic vio- ment has introduced a new the remaining hospitals will
a husband and wife tragi- injuries and is currently re- lence cases. online dashboard designed be integrated into the plat-
cally escalated into a vio- ceiving medical treatment. The investigation is ongo- to provide real-time infor- form gradually.
lent confrontation, resulting The Najafgarh police have ing, with police officials ap- mation on the availability of The introduction of this
in the death of their daugh- registered a case under pealing to the public for any ICU beds across the city’s comprehensive online tool
ter and severe injury to the citing sections 103(1) and information that could lead hospitals. is expected to significant-
wife. 109(1) of the BNS. An in- to the suspect’s capture. Accessible through the ly improve accessibility to
The police were alerted tensive manhunt has been Authorities have urged department’s official web- medical resources by pro-
about the incident through launched to apprehend the anyone with knowledge of site at ‘www.health. delhi. viding patients and their
a PCR call at the Najaf- suspect, Abas Ali, who fled Abas Ali’s whereabouts to gov.in,’ the dashboard aims This initiative follows a caregivers with up-to-date
garh Police Station. The the scene following the at- come forward and assist in to empower patients and recommendation from a information on available
deceased was identified the deceased. protect their mother, she tack. bringing justice to the griev- their families with critical committee established ICU beds.
as Rashmina Khatoon (22) According to Anju Ara, too was brutally attacked, Multiple police teams are ing family. data, enabling them to by the Delhi High Court, This move is seen as a
daughter of Abas Ali resi- the harrowing incident be- suffering a stab wound to coordinating efforts across As Sufia battles for her make informed decisions which had advocated for crucial step in addressing
dent of Khaira Mor, Gopal gan around midnight on the head. various states, including Ut- life in the hospital, the com- during medical emergen- the development of an the challenges of resource
Nagar, Najafgarh. Accord- July 27-28 when an argu- The violent assault ren- tar Pradesh, Haryana, and munity rallies around the cies. online dashboard and a allocation and patient
ing to police reports, in ment erupted between her dered Rashmina uncon- Rajasthan, to locate and ar- surviving members of the The newly launched plat- centralised command and management, particularly
the early hours of Sunday, parents, Sufia and Abas Ali, scious. In a state of shock rest the accused. family, offering support and form offers users the ability control room to mitigate during emergencies when
Najafgarh police received over financial issues. and desperation, young The incident has sent solidarity in their time of to view the current occu- the shortages of medical timely access to healthcare
an emergency PCR call re- The dispute quickly Anju ran to their neighbor, shockwaves through the need. pancy status of ICU beds resources observed during facilities is vital.
porting a murder. Respond- turned violent when Abas Rahul, who immediately Najafgarh community, The Najafgarh police re- in 17 government-run hos- the COVID-19 pandemic. The dashboard rep-
ing swiftly to the scene at Ali, in a fit of rage, grabbed contacted the police. highlighting the devastat- main vigilant in their pursuit pitals throughout Delhi. As The dashboard is a part resents a significant ad-
Khaira Mor, Gopal Nagar, a knife and stabbed Sufia Upon arrival, law enforce- ing consequences of do- of the suspect, committed of late Saturday evening, of the Health Department’s vancement in the use of
officers discovered Rohit, in the head. As Anju’s sis- ment officials rushed both mestic disputes. Neighbors to ensuring justice is served the dashboard reported broader effort to enhance digital technology to sup-
the caller, alongside Anju ter, Rashmina Khatoon, at- injured women to RTRM and local residents have for the victims of this tragic that out of a total of 389 transparency and efficien- port healthcare services in
Ara, the distressed sister of tempted to intervene and Hospital in Jaffarpur. expressed their grief and domestic violence incident. ICU beds across 34 units in cy in the management of Delhi. By offering a central-

‘Take action against woman for false rape complaint’

these hospitals, 42.41 per- healthcare resources. Cur- ized platform for real-time
cent were available. rently, the dashboard cov- data, it aims to reduce the
This real-time update is ers data from 17 hospitals, stress and confusion asso-
OUR CORRESPONDENT cused. Noting the facts of 25 while granting bail to the day in and day out. punish the accused. intended to address the but the Health Department ciated with finding available
the case, the court said an man. This is one such case in It emphasized gender challenges faced by pa- has announced plans to ICU beds, ultimately im-
NEW DELHI: A court here FIR was registered against “The men of our country hand. False rape allegations equality and directed the tients and caregivers in expand this to include infor- proving patient outcomes
has directed the Delhi Police the man on July 14, but have equal rights and pro- not only destroy life of the city police to take legal ac- locating available ICU facil- mation from all 25 govern- and streamlining hospital
to take legal action against the next day the prosecu- tection under the law as en- man named but also repu- tion against a complainant ities during critical times. ment-run hospitals in Delhi. operations.

‘Incident could have been avoided..’

a woman for registering a trix gave a statement to the shrined in the Constitution, tation and social standing who falsely accused a man
false rape case, saying the magistrate stating she vol- however, special privilege is of his family members at out of anger and intoxica-
special privileges given to untarily went to a hotel with given to the women. large,” it added. tion, leading to his 10-day
women should not be used the accused, where they had But this special privilege The court said rape is the incarceration. OUR CORRESPONDENT
as “sword” to settle person- consensual sexual relations. and woman protecting laws most heinous and painful The court advised the po-
al scores. After a fight with the ac- should not be made a sword offence because it destroys lice to avoid hasty arrests NEW DELHI: Students pro-
Additional Sessions Judge cused, however, she be- to settle scores or to satisfy the very soul of the victim as and ensure proper investi- testing against Rau’s IAS
Shefali Barnala Tandon also came irritated, called the ulterior motives, which is go- well as her body but the law gation before detaining ac- Study Circle in Rajinder
said that such false allega- police, and made allega- ing rampant in the society,” against rape is being mis- cused individuals. Nagar regarding the unfor-
tions destroy the life, repu- tions of rape in a fit of rage, the court said. used in some cases. A compliance report is to tunate event on Saturday
tation and social standing of the court noted. “Allegations of rape are The court stated that lodg- be filed within 10 days, and declared that they would
the accused. The prosecutrix stated the made on drop of a hat nowa- ing a criminal complaint the man was granted bail henceforth not be entering
The court was hearing a same facts before the court, days for many other reasons should not be used to pur- with a Rs 20,000 bail and the building and demanded
bail application of the ac- it said in an order dated July as observed by the Courts, sue personal motives or to surety bond. a return on their tuition fees.

‘Nothing can bring her back... took out

Divyanshu Singh Yadav,
KANWARIYA KILLED a student representative
AFTER TRUCK COMES of the protest and one of

loan to pay coaching centre fee’: Father

IN CONTACT WITH WIRE the first to be on the scene, al classmates and students such as libraries are not safe
IN HARYANA said, “Each student pays from DU. areas to conduct such activ-
FARIDABAD: A kanwariya Rs 1,75,500 to study here, His friend who was still in ities. We appeal to the au-
was killed and 13 more suf- with these exorbitant prices the library at the time of the thorities to shut down these
fered burn injuries after their OUR CORRESPONDENT the tragic turn of events, Kumar revealed that they are found lacking in private there’s an expectation of ap- incident, was still trapped in illegal libraries. We deserve
canter-truck came in con- mentioning that they initially were on their way to Luc- institutions. The government propriate infrastructure. the building when Divyans- safe areas to study.” He
tact with a overhead elec- NEW DELHI: Three civil ser- weren’t alarmed when she know when they received has made no attempts to There is always waterlog- hu arrived. While his friend claimed that the exorbitant
tricity wire here in Haryana vice aspirants, Shreya Ya- did not call on July 27, a rou- the tragic news, prompting bring this open loot under ging outside the basement was fortunate to make it fees paid by the students
on Sunday, police said. The dav, Tanya Soni, and Nevin tine she maintained every a quick flight to Delhi to re- control despite repeated and where the cars are parked, out physically unharmed, are allegedly being ushered
victims — all kanwariyas Dalwin, lost their lives when evening. It was only later, trieve her body. regular instances of loss of this was an incident waiting 3 other students were not. into corruptive routes. He
(Shiva devotees) — were the basement of the Rau’s through her uncle, that the Tanya’s final rites were lives,” he stated. to happen and could have The incident resulted in the stated that the students
going to Haridwar in Uttara- IAS Study Circle in Delhi’s Old family learned of her death. conducted in Aurangabad The flood, which occurred been avoided had the insti- deaths of 3 students, who who lost their lives in the in-
khand as part of the kawar Rajinder Nagar flooded fol- The tragedy also claimed after her body was taken in the basement used as a tution appropriately allocat- were identified as Tanya cident deserved better. He
yatra to collect water from lowing a heavy downpour on the lives of 21-year-old Tan- there post-mortem. Nevin library, was so severe that it ed its funds.” Soni, Shreya Yadav and Nev- said, “The mental toll of the
the Ganga river, they said. Saturday evening. ya Soni from Telangana and Dalwin, a PhD student from knocked down the building’s Divyanshu was at the in Dalwin. incident cannot be undone,
AVENGE INSULT BY The incident has sparked 29-yearold Nevin Dalwin Jawaharlal Nehru University, gate, allowing water to inun- library at noon with his Divyanshu said, “These the trauma we all suffered
VOTING FOR AAP: outrage among students and from Kerala. had been residing in Delhi for date the area. A friend of one classmates, after which he coaching institutes have the will be present with us. We
KEJRIWAL’S WIFE IN prompted protests against Tanya, originally from about eight months. of the victims described the returned home. Upon re- funds to provide safe infra- demand our money back
HARYANA the authorities. Shreya Ya- Bihar’s Aurangabad, was His family, originally from harrowing experience, say- ceiving information of the structure for their students. and will not be entering that
ROHTAK: Delhi Chief Min- dav, a 25-year-old from Uttar studying at Delhi University Thiruvananthapuram but ing, “It was the most horrify- flooding he returned to the Since waterlogging is an is- building or studying with this
ister Arvind Kejriwal’s wife Pradesh’s Ambedkar Nagar, and had joined the coaching currently based in Ernaku- ing experience of my life. scene with a team of sever- sue in Delhi, low-lying areas institution any longer.”

MCD cracks down on

Sunita Kejriwal on Sunday was among the victims. institute a month and a half lam, is now preparing to After about ten minutes,
urged the people of Hary- Her father, Rajender Ya- ago. bring his body back home people threw a rope to help, GM ECR CONDUCTS

illegal coaching centres

ana to avenge the “insult” dav, a dairy farmer, shared Her father, Vijay Kumar, after the autopsy. but by then, I was fortunate WINDOW TRAILING
of jailing her husband in a the family’s heartbreak, stat- who works as a Deputy Gen- JNUSU president Dhanan- to have escaped. Sadly, two INSPECTION OF
“false” case by ensuring the ing, “We took out a loan to eral Manager at the Singare- jay condemned the Rau’s IAS girls drowned, one of whom PATNAGAYA
party’s win in the upcom- pay the coaching centre fee. ni Collieries Company Ltd, owner’s absence, criticised I knew well. We had dis- OUR CORRESPONDENT ments in violation of rules HAJIPUR:Window trailing
ing Assembly election. She Nothing those responsible expressed his profound loss, safety failures in private cussed our studies and study and they were sealed on the inspection of Patna-Gaya
claimed that Prime Minister for her death say or do can recounting how his daughter coaching, “Despite charging materials together. She had NEW DELHI: The Municipal spot and notices were past- and Gaya-DDU railway sec-
Narendra Modi is “jealous” bring my daughter back.” had dreamt of becoming a lakhs from students on a promised to help me with a Corporation of Delhi has ed,” the statement said. The tion was conducted on Sun-
of Arvind Kejriwal for the Shreya’s father described civil servant since childhood. yearly basis, basic facilities topic I was struggling with.” started action against illegal Rau’s IAS Study Circle, where day by Chhatrasal Singh,

Basement meant for storage used as library

work he has done for AAP- coaching centres and will set the incident took place on General Manager of East
ruled Delhi and Punjab. up a high-level committee Saturday, has been sealed Central Railway. During this,
Arvind Kejriwal, who is also to probe the flooding of the by the police. the General Manager in-
the AAP national conve- OUR CORRESPONDENT be used strictly for park- which stipulate that a base- were complicit in the neg- basement of a coaching in- The MCD had last year spected the railway tracks,
ner, was arrested by ED on ing and storage according ment used for commercial ligence. She has also an- stitute which led to three civil conducted a survey of such railway bridges etc. of the
March 21 in a money laun- NEW DELHI: The city was to the No-Objection Cer- purposes must have multi- nounced that all coaching services aspirants’ deaths, coaching centres after a railway section. The Gen-
dering case linked to the struck by tragedy as three tificate (NOC) issued by ple exit routes and proper centres found violating reg- an official said on Sunday. massive fire broke out at eral Manager expressed
alleged excise policy scam. civil service aspirants died the Municipal Corporation drainage to prevent flood- ulations will face stringent A team of the civic body an institute in Mukharjee satisfaction over the better
U’KHAND RAINS: following a basement flood- of Delhi (MCD) in August ing. action. reached the Old Rajinder Nagar, another coaching maintenance of the railway.
IDENTIFY SENSITIVE ing incident at the Rau’s IAS 2021, was in direct viola- In the case of the Rau’s The incident has sparked Nagar area to seal several hub in north Delhi. “To be-
VILLAGES, CM DIRECTS Study Circle coaching cen- tion of the stipulated us- IAS Study Circle, only a sin- widespread outrage among illegally-run basements of gin with, the survey will be Owner, Publisher,
OFFICIALS tre in Rajinder Nagar, Delhi. age. gle exit was available, ex- students and the public, coaching centres, a state- used to identify those flout- Printer Jamil Ahmad, 5,
DEHRADUN: Uttarakhand The deaths have ignited The NOC states, “The acerbating the risk during who have blamed civic neg- ment by the Delhi govern- ing norms,” the official said. Shahanajaf Road (Bheri
Chief Minister Pushkar a storm of controversy, ex- basement was designated the emergency. ligence for the incident. ment said. Around 13 such Three civil services aspirants wali Kothi) Lucknow.
Singh Dhami on Sunday posing significant breach- for parking and household The tragic incident has Protests erupted, with coaching centres were — two females and a male Printed at National
directed the officials to im- es of building regulations storage, not as a library or led to the arrest of the students accusing local sealed during the action till —died after a library housed Art Press 207, New
mediately identify “sensi- and civic oversight. The any other commercial pur- coaching centre’s own- authorities of failing to ad- late Sunday night. in the basement of Rau’s Hyderabad, Lucknow.
tive” villages and relocate deceased have been iden- pose.” er and coordinator, with dress longstanding drain- These included IAS Gu- IAS centre got inundated in Published from 5,
the affected people to safer tified as Tania Soni, Shreya The fire department’s re- police registering a case age issues that could have rukul, Chahal Academy, Plu- a heavy rain Saturday night Shahnajaf Road (Bheri wali
places in view of heavy rains Yadav, both 25, and Navin cent NOC, which was grant- under charges including prevented the tragedy. tus Academy, Sai Trading, and reportedly led to the fail- Kothi) Lucknow.
and landslides in parts of the Delvin, 28. ed earlier this month, con- culpable homicide not A political clash has en- IAS Setu, Topper’s Acade- ure of the single biometric Editor
state. Cloudbursts in Pauri They perished when tor- firms that the building had amounting to murder and sued, with the BJP accusing my, Dainik Samvad, Civils entry and exit point. “A gross Shabana
Garhwal’s Toli, Bodh Kedar, rential rains inundated the met fire safety regulations. death due to negligence. the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Daily IAS, Career Power, 99 criminal negligence is found
and Tehri Garhwa’s Jakha- basement, where they had However, it underscores The Delhi Mayor, Shelly which controls the Delhi Notes, Vidya Guru, Guidance on part of the owner of the Mobile: 9450364562
na and Tingarh on Saturday sought refuge in the cen- that the basement’s usage Oberoi, has ordered a com- government and MCD, of IAS, and Easy for IAS. “These institute in ensuring safety [email protected]
evening caused massive de- tre’s library. The basement, was to be in strict adher- prehensive probe to deter- failing to act on complaints coaching centres were found measures as the library in [email protected]
struction, officials said. which was supposed to ence to building bye-laws, mine if any MCD officials about inadequate drainage. to be operating in base- the basement.

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