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Prime Review Center (Review Course) UST Correlation PIPE 03

5. Find the refrigeration capacity required to A. 0.50 m C. 0.45 m A. 1 C. 2

PIPE 03 cool 29 cubic meter per minute from 29C to B. 0.40 m D. 0.55 m B. 0.50 D. 0.80
18C if air from the outside has an RH of 90%.
A. 2.9 TOR C. 4.9 TOR 9. Compute the pressure drop of 30°C air Airconditioning – Selection & Specification of
Sample Problems:
B. 3.9 TOR D. 5.9 TOR flowing with a mean velocity of 8 m/s in a Airconditioning Plants & Compressors
Airconditioning – Psychrometric Properties of circular sheet-metal duct 300 mm in
Factors Affecting Human Comfort diameter and 15 m long. Use a friction factor, 14. Three thousand cubic feet of air per min are
f = 0.02, and ρair = 1.1644 kg/m3. circulated over an air-cooled condenser. If
1. Calculate the specific volume of an air-vapor 6. What should be the cooling requirement due A. 37.26 C. 2.17 the load on the condenser is 64,800 Btu/hr,
mixture in cubic meters per kilogram of dry to emission of human body to maintain a B. 7.01 D. 3.06 calculate the temperature rise of the air
air when the following conditions prevail t = comfortable temperature in a dance hall passing over the condenser. Specific volume
30°C, ω = 0.015 kg/kg, and Pt = 90 kPa. with an attendance of 1500 people of which Drying Heating and Ventilation of standard air is 13.34 ft3/lb.
A. 0.69 m3/kg C. 0.79 m3/kg 75% of the people will be dancing and others A. 12°F C. 20°F
B. 0.89 m /kg3
D. 0.99 m3/kg will be seated? Take note that an adult will 10. A coil has an inlet temperature of 60°F and B. 15°F D. 27°F
give off 71.8 W of sensible heat while outlet of 90°F. If the mean temp. of the coil
2. A certain sample of air has a temperature of engaging in moderate dancing, and 57.1 W is 110°F, find the bypass factor of the coil. 15. A batch of green lumber is dried by passing
70°F and a dew point temperature of 50°F. of sensible seat while sitting. The latent heat A. 0.60 C. 0.20 air at 50°C dry-bulb and 20°C wet-bulb (ω =
The partial pressure of the water is vapor emissions for similar situations are 177.3 W B. 0.80 D. 0.40 0.0024 kg/kgda and v = 0.918 m3/kg) over it
corresponding to a 50°F dew point for dancers and 45.5 W for sitters. in an unheated evaporation booth. The
temperature is 0.178 psia. Determine the A. 743 kW C. 375 kW 11. Calculate the air flow in ft3/min of lumber decreases in mass at the rate of 2.6
relative humidity RH. B. 424 kW D. 319 kW mechanical ventilation required to exhaust kg/hr. The air leaving the dryer is at 80%
A. 44.44% C. 55.75% an accumulation of refrigerant due to leaks relative humidity (ω = 0.0135 kg/kgda). What
B. 49.44% D. 48.87% 7. A classroom that normally contains 40 of the system capable of revolving air from is the incoming air volume?
people is to be air-conditioned with window the machinery room for a mass of 4 lb A. 150 m3/hr C. 240 m3/hr
3. A sample of air has dry-bulb temperature of air-conditioning units of 5 kW cooling refrigerant. B. 220 m /hr D. 320 m3/hr
30°C and a wet-bulb temperature of 25°C. capacity. A person at rest may be assumed to A. 200 C. 240
The barometric pressure is 101.325 kPa. dissipate heat at a rate of about 360 kJ/hr. B. 210 D. 230 Airconditioning – Instrumentation and Control
Calculate the enthalpy of the air if it is There are 10 light bulbs in the room, each
with a rating of 100 watts. The rate of heat Airconditioning – Cooling Load Calculations 16. Determine the coil face area required to
adiabatically saturated. At 25°C Pv = 3.17 kPa,
transfer to the classroom through the walls maintain a face velocity of 400 ft/min if the
hg = 2547.2 kJ/kg.
and the windows is estimated to be 15,000 12. In an auditorium maintained at a air flow rate over the coil is 2100 ft3/min.
A. 80.47 kJ/kg C. 76.32 kJ/kg
kJ/hr. If the room is to be maintained at a temperature not to exceed 24°C and relative A. 3.25 ft2 C. 5.25 ft2
B. 97.48 kJ/kg D. 60.47 kJ/kg 2
constant temperature of 21C, calculate the humidity not to exceed 60%, a sensible heat B. 4.25 ft D. 6.25 ft2
number of window air-conditioning units are load of 132 kW and 78 kg of moisture per
Airconditioning – Various Airconditioning
needed. hour to be removed. Air is supplied to the 17. Determine the equipment standard air
A. 1 unit C. 3 units auditorium at 18°C. How many kilograms of volume for 150 m3/s of air having a dry bulb
4. The mass of outside air at 50°C in an air B. 2 units D. 4 units air must be supplied per hour? temperature of 15°C.
conditioning unit is 60 kg. Find the temp A. 79200 kg/hr C. 72800 kg/hr A. 153 m3/s C. 170 m3/s
after mixing if the outside air mixed with 40 Air Distribution and Simple Duct Design B. 87700 kg/hr D. 78700 kg/hr B. 160 m /s D. 180 m3/s
kg with recirculated air at 35°C.
A. 55°C C. 44°C 8. A rectangular duct has a dimension of 0.25 13. If the latent and sensible heat loads are 20 …End…
B. 65°C D. 35°C m by 1 m. Determine the equivalent kW and 80 kW respectively, what is the
diameter of the duct. sensible heat ratio? Practice Problems:

Prime Review Center (Review Course) UST Correlation PIPE 03
1. A 4 m by 4 m by 4 m room has a relative A. 0.50 C. 0.70 than 15C dry bulb. The sensible heat gain is
humidity ratio of 80%. The pressure in the 7. If the sensible heat ratio is 0.80 and the B. 0.60 D. 0.40 110 kW and the latent gain is 37.5 kW. Take
room is 120 kPa and temperature is 35°C (Psat cooling load is 100 kW, what is the amount ventilating air as 25% by weight of the air
= 5.628 kPa). What is the mass of vapor in the of sensible heating? 13. A stream of outdoor air is mixed with a from the room, and is at 35C dry bulb and
room. Use Rvapor = 0.4615 kN-m/kg-K. A. 80 kW C. 125 kW stream of return air in an air conditioning 60% RH. Determine refrigerating capacity in
A. 2.03 kgv C. 3.03 kgv B. 60 kW D. 100 kW system that operates at 101 kPa pressure. tons.
B. 5.03 kgv D. 1.03 kgv 8. A pressure difference of 350 Pa is available to The flow rate of outdoor system air is 2 kg/s A. 43.45 C. 63.28
force 20°C air through a circular sheet-metal and its condition is 35C dry-bulb B. 54.23 D. 76.34
2. What is the specific volume of an air-vapor duct 450 mm in diameter and 25 m long. At temperature and 25C wet-bulb temperature
mixture at 30C and a relative humidity of 20°C, ρ = 1.204 kg/m3 and take friction factor, .The flow rate of return air is 3 kg/s and its 18. Determine the quantity of heat required to
45% at 101.325 kPa. f = 0.016. Determine the velocity. conditions is 24C and 50% relative humidity. raise 20 m3/min of air at 20C and 80 percent
A. 0.587 m3/kg C. 0.875 m3/kg A. 25.57 m/s C. 28.54 m/s Determine the enthalpy of the mixture. relative humidity to 35C.
B. 0.785 m /kg D. 0.758 m3/kg B. 27.55 m/s D. 24.85 m/s A. 91.56 kJ/kg C. 69.15 kJ/kg A. 5 kW C. 7 kW
B. 51.69 kJ/kg D. 59.16 kJ/kg B. 6 kW D. 8 kW
3. Compute the humidity ratio of air at 62 9. Determine the quantity of heat required to
percent relative humidity and 34°C when the raise 20 m3/min of air at 20°C and 80 percent 14. A mixture of dry air and water vapor is at 19. Determine the sensible heat of 5 lb of air
barometric pressure is 101.325 kPa. relative humidity to 35°C. temperature of 21C under a pressure of 101 having a dry bulb temperature of 70F and a
A. 0.021 C. 0.041 A. 5 kW C. 7 kW kPa. The dew point temperature is 15C. humidity ratio of 0.0092 lb/lb, the latter
B. 0.031 D. 0.051 B. 6 kW D. 8 kW Calculate the relative humidity? corresponding to a dew point temperature
A. 1.60 kg C. 2.60 kg of approximately 55F.
4. Determine the partial pressure of water 10. In an air conditioning system, if the re- B. 1.80 kg D. 2.80 kg A. 94 Btu C. 84 Btu
vapor if the barometric pressure is 101.325 circulated air is three times the outside air B. 48 Btu D. 49 Btu
kPa and the humidity ratio is 0.05. and the mass of supply air is 20 kg/s, what is 15. In an air conditioning unit, 3.5 m3/s of air at
A. 7.54 kPa C. 5.74 kPa the mass of the outside air. 27C dry-bulb temperature 50 percent 18. A 10 kg/s of air enters the theater at 16C. The
B. 4.75 kPa D. 5.47 kPa A. 5 kg/s C. 10 kg/s relative humidity and standard atmospheric theater is to be maintained at 27C dry-bulb
B. 7 kg/s D. 12 kg/s pressure enters the unit. The leaving temperature and 20C wet-bulb temperature.
5. An air-vapor mixture has a dry bulb condition of the air is 13C dry-bulb If the sensible heat ratio is 0.71, calculate the
temperature of 30°C and a humidity ratio of 11. A duct 0.40 m high and 0.80 wide suspended temperature and 90% relative humidity. latent heat load of the theater?
0.015. Calculate the enthalpy at 85 kPa from the ceiling in a corridor, makes a right Calculate the refrigerating capacity in kW. A. 45.21 kW C. 74.24 kW
barometric pressure. angle turn in the horizontal plane. The inner A. 87.57 kW C. 57.87 kW B. 110.682 kW D. 78.58 kW
A. 68.34 kJ/kg C. 72.45 kJ/kg radius is 0.2 m and the outer radius is 1.0 B. 77.57 kW D. 58.77 kW
B. 54.35 kJ/kg D. 67.45 kJ/kg measured from the same center. The velocity 20. Calculate the air flow in ft3/min of
of air in the duct is 10 m/s. Compute the 16. One hundred fifty cubic meters of air per mechanical ventilation required to exhaust
6. A room being air conditioned is being held at pressure drop in this elbow. Assuming, f = minute at 35C dry bulb and 25C wet bulb an accumulation of refrigerant due to leaks
25°C dry bulb and 50% relative humidity. A 0.3, ρ = 1.204 kg/m3 and L = 10 m. temperature are to be cooled to 21C. of the system capable of revolving air from
flow rate of 5 m3/s of supply air at 15°C dry A. 341 Pa C. 143 Pa Determine the refrigeration capacity. the machinery room for a mass of 4 kg
bulb and 80% RH is being delivered to the B. 441 Pa D. 144 Pa A. 10 TOR C. 12 TOR refrigerant.
room to maintain that steady condition at B. 11 TOR D. 13 TOR A. 200 C. 300
100 kPa. What is the sensible heat absorbed 12. If the total heat removed per pound of dry B. 350 D. 400
from the room air in kW air is 0.10 Btu and the sensible heat removed 17. An auditorium is to be maintained at a
A. 60.5 kW C. 60.5 hp per pound of dry air is 6 Btu. Compute the temperature of 26C dry bulb and 50% RH. Air …End…
B. 88 kW D. 214.2 kW sensible heat factor (SHR). is to be supplied at a temperature not lower

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