Busqueda de Fallas en Bombas Centrifugas 6

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Developing a system curve

The system resistance or system head curve is the change in flow with respect to
head of the system. It must be developed by the user based upon the conditions of
service. These include physical layout, process conditions, and fluid characteristics. It
represents the relationship between flow and hydraulic losses in a system in a graphic
form and, since friction losses vary as a square of the flow rate, the system curve is
parabolic in shape. Hydraulic losses in piping systems are composed of pipe friction
losses, valves, elbows and other fittings, entrance and exit losses, and losses from
changes in pipe size by enlargement or reduction in diameter.

Developing a Pump performance Curve

A pump's performance is shown in its characteristics performance curve where its
capacity i.e. flow rate is plotted against its developed head. The pump performance curve
also shows its efficiency (BEP), required input power (in BHP), NPSHr, speed (in RPM),
and other information such as pump size and type, impeller size, etc. This curve is
plotted for a constant speed (rpm) and a given impeller diameter (or series of diameters).
It is generated by tests performed by the pump manufacturer. Pump curves are
based on a specific gravity of 1.0. Other specific gravities must be considered by the

Normal Operating Range

A typical performance curve (Figure D.01) is a plot of Total Head vs. Flow rate for a
specific impeller diameter. The plot starts at zero flow. The head at this point
corresponds to the shut-off head point of the pump. The curve then decreases to a point
where the flow is maximum and the head minimum. This point is sometimes called the
run-out point. The pump curve is relatively flat and the head decreases gradually as the
flow increases. This pattern is common for radial flow pumps. Beyond the run-out point,
the pump cannot operate. The pump's range of operation is from the shut-off head point
to the run-out point. Trying to run a pump off the right end of the curve will result in
pump cavitation and eventually destroy the pump.

In a nutshell, by plotting the system head curve and pump curve together, you can

1. Where the pump will operate on its curve?

2. What changes will occur if the system head curve or the pump performance curve

Centrifugal Pumps: Basics Concepts of Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting, Part I

By: Mukesh Sahdev, Associate Content Writer
Presented at The Chemical Engineers’ Resource Page, www.cheresources.com
Two Basic Requirements for Trouble-Free Operation of Centrifugal
Centrifugal pumps are the ultimate in simplicity. In general there are two basic
requirements that have to be met at all the tim es for a trouble free operation and longer
service life of centrifugal pumps.
The first requirement is that no cavitation of the pump occurs throughout the
broad operating range and the second requirement is that a certain minimum continuous
flow is always maintained during operation.

A clear understanding of the concept of cavitation, its symptoms, its causes, and
its consequences is very much essential in effective analyses and troubleshooting of the
cavitation problem.

Just like there are many forms of cavitation, each demanding a unique solution,
there are a number of unfavorable conditions which may occur separately or
simultaneously when the pump is operated at reduced flows. Some include:
o Cases of heavy leakages from the casing, seal, and stuffing box
o Deflection and shearing of shafts
o Seizure of pump internals
o Close tolerances erosion
o Separation cavitation
o Product quality degradation
o Excessive hydraulic thrust
o Premature bearing failures
Each condition may dictate a different minimum flow low requirement. The final
decision on recommended minimum flow is taken after careful “techno-economical”
analysis by both the pump user and the manufacturer.

The consequences of prolonged conditions of cavitation and low flow operation

can be disastrous for both the pump and the process. Such failures in hydrocarbon
services have often caused damaging fires resulting in loss of machine, production, and
worst of all, human life.

Thus, such situations must be avoided at all cost whether involving modifications
in the pump and its piping or altering the operating conditions. Proper selection and
sizing of pump and its associated piping can not only eliminate the chances of cavitation
and low flow operation but also significantly decrease their harmful effects.

Centrifugal Pumps: Basics Concepts of Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting, Part I

By: Mukesh Sahdev, Associate Content Writer
Presented at The Chemical Engineers’ Resource Page, www.cheresources.com

1. “ Trouble shooting Process Operations”, 3rd Edition 1991, Norman P.Lieberman,

PennWell Books

2. “Centrifugal pumps operation at off-design conditions”, Chemical Processing April,

May, June 1987, Igor J. Karassik

3. “Understanding NPSH for Pumps”, Technical Publishing Co. 1975, Travis F. Glover

4. “Centrifugal Pumps for General Refinery Services”, Refining Department, API

Standard 610, 6th Edition, January 1981

5. “Controlling Centrifugal Pumps”, Hydrocarbon Processing, July 1995, Walter


6. “Don’t Run Centrifugal Pumps Off The Right Side of the Curve”, Mike Sondalini
7. “Pump Handbook” , Third Edition , Igor j. Karassik , Joseph P.Messina , Paul cooper
Charles C.Heald

Centrifugal Pumps: Basics Concepts of Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting, Part I

By: Mukesh Sahdev, Associate Content Writer
Presented at The Chemical Engineers’ Resource Page, www.cheresources.com

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