Sacred Music, 119.3, Fall 1992 The Journal of The Church Music Association of America
Sacred Music, 119.3, Fall 1992 The Journal of The Church Music Association of America
Sacred Music, 119.3, Fall 1992 The Journal of The Church Music Association of America
Volume 119, Number 3, Fall 1992
The Holy Eucharist 3
Translations 4
New Music 5
Columbus and Mozart 6
Karoly K'dpe 15
SACRED MUSIC Continuation of Caecilia, published by the Society of St. Caecilia since 1874,
and The Catholic Choirmaster, published by the Society of St. Gregory of
America since 1915. Published quarterly by the Church Music Association of
America. Office of publications: 548 Lafond Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Music for Review: Paul Salamunovich, 10828 Valley Spring Lane, N. Hollywood, Calif. 91602
Membership, Circulation
and Advertising: 548 Lafond Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103
Officers and Board of Directors
President Monsignor Richard J. Schuler
Vice-President Gerhard Track
General Secretary Virginia A. Schubert
Treasurer Earl D. Hogan
Directors Rev. Ralph S. March, S.O. Cist.
Mrs. Donald G. Vellek
William P. Mahrt
Rev. Robert A. Skeris
SACRED MUSIC (ISSN 0036-2255) is published quarterly for $10 per year by the Church Music
Association of America, 548 Lafond Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103-1672. Second-class postage
paid at Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Postmaster: Send address changes to SACRED MUSIC, 548 Lafond Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota
The Holy Eucharist
At the very center of the priest's life is the Holy Eucharist. His greatest privilege is
to celebrate the Mass. His gravest obligation is to guard the Blessed Sacrament in his
parish church. His truest consolation is to bring the Viaticum to his dying parishio-
ners. His highest achievement is to instruct the children to believe that under the
appearance of bread and wine the very Body and Blood of Jesus Christ is present and
waiting for them to adore It and receive It. No one comes closer to the Eucharistic
presence of Jesus than the priest. It is the reason for his life.
If the priest is first in nearness to our Eucharistic Lord, the organist and choirmas-
ter must be second. Truly that role revolves about the Blessed Sacrament as does the
life of the priest. Through song and the organ, the musician comes, even daily, into
the house of God to adorn the Holy Sacrifice. His presence is necessary for the
solemn liturgy which requires music as an integral part of its being. He spends long
hours in the church, God's house, practicing and preparing for the liturgical actions.
It may be only putting music scores in order, or arranging the chairs for the singers,
or cleaning the choir loft and the music cabinets, or selecting and organizing the
music to be used in the next few weeks. But these things are done in God's house, in
His very presence. They bring one close to Him and His life which is lived on in the
Church and its members. What a prayer such activity can be in the silence and
beauty of God's temple.
Often musicians complain that in the press of performance, whether singing,
playing or directing, they have little time or thought for prayer. They must do their
work, keep the choir functioning, keep the organ performing. How can there be a
deep, contemplative prayer with such activity and such distractions? There probably
cannot be right then, although every action one does is indeed a prayer. Saint Paul
reminds us that all we do is prayer, because Christ lives in us. But in the quiet of the
church when the musician is practicing and preparing, then it is possible to have
those moments of contemplation. We can offer to God all that we are, all we have,
all that we will be doing when next we make our contribution to the Eucharistic
liturgy as organist, choirmaster or singer.
During Mass, at the moment of the consecration and elevation, one can offer
oneself and all that we are doing. We can offer our art, our performance, our
struggles and even our mistakes and seeming failures. It is a brief moment of silence,
but it can contain a lifetime of effort and an eternity of love that every Catholic
church musician should have for the Eucharist and the God that It is.
Sometimes non-musicians think that organists and choirmasters are concerned
only with the excellence of their performance. They are indeed concerned that it be
the best possible, for only the best can be offered to God. But it is the performance
that is offered along with the performer—all that I am, all that I have, all that I am
doing. One is reminded of the medieval tale of Our Lady's juggler, the little monk
who had nothing to give to the Blessed Virgin but his talent as a dancer. He danced
for her in the silence of the abbey church at midnight, and was rewarded by the
brilliant illumination of the abbey church, the sweet smile of Our Lady, and the
assurance that his prayer was most acceptable, even though he did not grasp the
height or depth of the contemplative action that he was so innocently doing.
If Jesus loves the priest and rewards him with the privileges of such close associa-
tion with Him in the Eucharist, how much does He also love the musician who comes
second, who adorns the Eucharistic actions with great beauty, who spends long
hours in His presence, who leads others, both in the choir and in the congregation, to FROM THE EDITORS
adoration, thanksgiving and deep prayer through music.
Music is a mystery, a sharing in the angelic activity of heaven, a foretaste of
eternity, the language of the angels, the saints and the elect. As church musicians we
use music here in this world, and have the hope and the assurance that we shall
continue that sharing in God's creation throughout our lives, when we come some
day into that kingdom where the hosts of heaven sing an everlasting Sanctus, Sanc-
tus, Sanctus.
Truly, the Holy Eucharist is the center of our lives, the joy of our music, the hope
of eternity, and the reason for all we do, think, speak and are. O Sacrament most
holy, O Sacrament divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine!
Since the Second Vatican Council granted the privilege of the vernacular languages
for use in worship, including the solemn sung Mass and office, musicians have been
struggling with the texts provided by those in charge of translations. The problems
have been enormous and often the musicians have questioned the degree of coopera-
tion given them by those preparing our English versions. The theological and biblical
accuracy of texts is not the primary concern of the musician; he is quite willing to
accept what proper authority gives him. He does have a concern, however, for the
beauty of the language, its mode of expression, the position of the vowels and
consonants, and the felicity of sound of the words themselves. The words of sacred
scripture have traditionally been hailed as the model of our English tongue, espe-
cially in such versions as the King James and the Rheims-Douay. Merely to have
those sacred words read aloud caused in the listener sentiments of worship, dignity
and beauty. Our English language comes close to Italian in the sheer grace of its
sounds and the elegance of its phrases. Music created to adorn beautiful English texts
ranks among the treasures of the musical art, inspired to a large degree by the textual
excellence. One need only mention the works of Handel, Mendelsohn, Purcell and
many others.
Recently announcement has been made that still another translation of the liturgi-
cal texts will be imposed on the English-speaking world. This is being organized
through ICEL (International Commission for English in the Liturgy). A new transla-
tion will, of course, sell more books and make money for publishers!
But it will also be a means for promoting the position of the feminists and their
"non-sexist" langauge. It will allow for incorporating more theological and biblical
variations, considerable confusion in what we believe and even errors in matters of
faith. It will cause wonderment, unhappiness and even harm among the lay people.
For the man in the pew, revision of the text of the "Our Father" will upset a prayer he
has known since his babyhood. He will struggle with changes in the Nicene Creed.
The role of the priest will be challenged and the concept of the Mass as the sacrifice
offered by the priest will be weakened. God as our heavenly Father, Jesus Christ as
true God and true Man, will be obscured by substitutions to eliminate "sexist"
words. Above all, the notion that our English liturgical books are accurate transla-
tions of the Latin originals falls when translations have become paraphrases, inter-
pretations and even newly composed texts and rituals. If we are to remain Roman
Catholics, then we must have Roman books, accurately translated, true in doctrine
and correctly stated.
But what about the singer and the composer? In addition to the difficulties en-
countered by all Catholics, he has his own problems caused by new translations.
Musical repertory is developed only over a long period. Constant changes, aside
FROM THE EDITORS from their theological and cultural impact, cause numerous problems musically.
The need in ritual actions for steady, repeated and well-known procedures is
accepted fact. Changes are difficult and not always easily accepted. This is true of
hymn texts and liturgical responses. It is true of the words of the Mass, now already
very familiar to the people. Think of resistance that changing the words of the "Our
Father" will bring on. The same dilemma confronts the choir when it has one
translation of a text in one setting and another in a second setting of the same text.
Composers who have worked to provide proper musical treatment for vowel sounds
or emphasis for important words find their efforts destroyed by a shift in texts,
resulting in vocal and expressional blunders that make performance difficult and
even unintelligent.
These continued text changes are an insult to the musician who is asked to set them
to music. It is tantamount to saying that his artistic, creative work is not considered
of any lasting importance since it is changed or set aside frequently; his efforts to
combine sacred words with sacred sound are lightly cast aside each time a new
translation is adopted. We have arrived at an age that considers the sacred texts, even
of the scriptures, and the melodies connected to them as mere "throw-away" items.
This is not a cause for surprise when the very notion of the "sacred" has been
abandoned by the liturgists and their co-operators, the translators. The liturgy be-
comes a field for propaganda for every new theological or cultural fad.
As composers we should object to what is being done to our musical art. As
performers, as congregational participants, as Catholics who have a right to our
heritage and traditions, we should vehemently oppose the tampering with our sacred
texts. We should demand true translations of the Roman liturgical books, beauty
and dignity of the English, sound theology, the clear expression of our faith in our
prayers (lex orandi est lex credendi), and absence of the latest political innovations,
particularly those promoted by the radical feminists and their non-sexist language
New Music
The amount of new sacred music for choral ensembles that is published each
month in this country is truly large, the product of many composers and many
publishing houses. Much of it is sent to Sacred Music for review.
The pieces range from a cappella arrangements of renaissance polyphony to con-
temporary settings, some serious and some belonging to the entertainment type.
They are, for the most part, what are called "general anthems." These are musical
settings of texts that can be sung with equal ease by Catholics, Protestants and Jews,
even perhaps by Hindus and Mohammedans. This, of course, is a great asset for the
publishers who are looking for the widest possible market.
But what has become of Catholic liturgical music? Who is writing for the official
texts of our liturgy? When have you last seen a setting of a text of the proper parts of
the Mass for Sundays and feast days? I am sure you have not seen a new setting of
the ordinary parts of the Mass. There are, indeed, Catholics today who do not even
know what the term, "ordinary of the Mass," signifies. It is useless to ask if you have
seen a new setting of the ordinary in Latin.
In adopting the "general anthem" we have abandoned the treasure of the liturgical
year. With such general texts, many not even from the scriptures, we have made
Pentecost and Christmas, Easter and Corpus Christi, all to be alike, since we have set
aside the particular and special texts of those days. The four hymns do the same
thing. In abandoning the liturgical year, so beautifully contained in the texts of the
proper of the Mass and the hours, we set aside the life of Christ which is found in
those texts. We cease to be Catholic. We have lost our heritage.
Columbus and Mozart
Is there any connection between Christopher and Wolfgang?
It may be a little hard to see at first, but Monsignor Rudolf Pohl, president of the
Consociatio Internationalis Musicae Sacrae, in his preface to the current issue of
Musicae Sacrae Ministerium (Anno XXVIII, No. 1 & 2, 1991, p. 8-10), says there is
indeed a connection.
The world is observing with spectacular festivities the fifth centenary of the dis-
covery of America and the evangelization of the new-found western hemisphere, the
phenomenal activity that Columbus set in motion in 1492. The carrying of European
civilization and Christianity to the new world and subsequent establishment of
ecclesiastical and civil structures across two continents remain events of history
equal to the spread of Christianity itself through Europe and the Mediterranean
world in the early centuries following Christ. Columbus brought the Americas into
the orbit of European and Catholic life and culture. He began an influence that
continues to this day. As Hilaire Belloc said, "Europe is the Faith, and the Faith is
As the centuries advanced, not just the music of renaissance Spain and Italy made
its way across the Atlantic. In due time, the sacred music of Mozart came too. And
not just Mozart, but all that the period surrounding his genius embraced. It was a
Catholic music, rooted in the baroque expression of the times, and European in its
origins, but truly capable of assimilation into the transplanted cultures developing in
the new world.
There are today, unfortunately, liturgists who do not know or understand the
church music of Mozart. They wrongly wish it to be used only in sacred concerts, in
spite of the clear directives of the Second Vatican Council: "the treasure of church
music is to be preserved and cultivated with the greatest of care" (Sacrosanctum
concilium, Art. 114). This is not meant to refer to concerts; the fathers of the council
were dealing with religion, not with cultural or strictly musical matters. They put
Gregorian chant in prime place in worship, but they say that polyphony should by
no means be excluded (Art. 116). Instruments are recognized as necessary prerequi-
sites for much sacred music and are allowed (Art. 120).
Mozart is indigenous music for those countries in which European culture has
been established. The Church is concerned (Art. 119) for the use of the music that is
a part of the culture of peoples. Monsignor Pohl says, "the liturgical church music of
Mozart can only be positively perceived in the light of the II Vatican Council." The
bishops of Austria in the synodal resolution of the Archdiocese of Vienna in 1970
stated this very clearly. Mozart's Masses are useable and appropriate for the liturgy
of this post-conciliar period. Pohl says further, "as long as music can be vividly
perceived, it remains contemporary music. It is precisely our own era that forces the
question, 'what is more contemporary than Mozart?'"
The close of the Mozart year, 1991, and the celebration of this Columbian year,
1992, have a connection. Columbus brought the Faith to these shores; that meant the
celebration of the Latin liturgy; and in time Mozart and the music of his period came
to adorn our worship. It is unfortunate that our liturgists today do not know this and
continue to try to relegate the treasury of sacred music to the concert halls when it
belongs in our liturgy as an expression of our indigenous culture brought to these
shores by Columbus.
Meet Henry Kleber, Pittsburgh's "musical establishment" for half a century... the peri-
patetic musician who...composed schottisches and polkas that were national best-
sellers; acted as a conductor, pianist, tenor soloist, and impresario; and made news
headlines by horsewhipping a music critic.
In September 1852, the Pittsburgh Gazette wrote that Kleber had "acquired an
enviable reputation as a composer." He published some 180 compositions. For many
years he was associated with Stephen Collins Foster as a close collaborator and
Foster's principal teacher. Indeed, Foster dedicated the piano work Village Bells Polka
to Kleber, and the latter in turn dedicated his Spirit Polka to Foster. When Foster died
in 1864, it was Kleber w h o played the organ, sang a solo (from Handel's oratorio
Joseph and His Brethren) and was in charge of the music at his funeral in Trinity
Episcopal Church.
At the dedication of the new cathedral in June 1855, still at the corner of Fifth and
Grant, Mozart's Twelfth Mass was sung for the first time in Pittsburgh. John T.
Wamelink, the new organist, was at the organ, and Henry Kleber led the choir.
Wamelink (b.1826) was a native of Holland and had come to Pittsburgh about 1852.
Like Kleber, he became a strong force in music almost at once, teaching piano and
voice. O n e of the most active members of the Pittsburgh Philharmonic Society,
whose aim was the cultivation and rendition of oratorio and operatic music, he was
one of its conductors and also accompanist for a time. In March 1854, Wamelink
conducted Handel's Messiah (Part I), the first performance in Pittsburgh. CATHEDRAL
In 1848, fire struck Trinity Episcopal Church in downtown Pittsburgh. However,
the organ (built by the firm Henry Erben of New York) was not greatly damaged. In
1852, it was sold to the Jardine O r g a n C o . ("traded in" for $500 payment on Trinity's
new Jardine organ). They in turn sold the organ to St. Paul's Cathedral, where it was
used first in the basement, and upon completion of the building (1855) was moved
upstairs (Mellor Scrapbook). When in 1866, the cathedral installed a large new
organ, the Erben organ was sold to St. Bridget's Church. Alas, after being taken to
St. Bridget's, and stored there before being set u p , the organ was totally destroyed in
that church's fire in 1871.
O n June 11, 1866, the new organ was inaugurated in the cathedral with a sacred
concert "under the supervision of Professor Wamelink with the justly celebrated
American organist, George W. Morgan of New York, being invited to preside at the
key desk" (Pittsburgh Catholic, June 9, 1866). The organ was built by the prominent
American firm of George Jardine & Son and comprised three manuals and 45 stops.
It had 3,000 pipes, was "pumped by hand," and cost $7,500. The Catholic reports
further that "the keys or manuals overhang. This is the latest clavial fashion. The
radiation of the pedal also a new feature...The organ will be, we under-
stand, the third in size in the United States, and decidedly the largest west of the
Allegheny Mountains."
In 1864, Wamelink established, with his brother-in-law, a thriving music and
piano store on St. Clair (Sixth) Street, under the name Wamelink and Barr. Wame-
link left the cathedral in 1868 when he moved his music firm to Cleveland, and
became organist and choirmaster at St. John's Cathedral there in 1870. He remained
in Cleveland until his death in 1900. A footnote: when the new St. John's Cathedral
in Cleveland was dedicated in 1948, the beautiful bronze and gold tabernacle was
presented by Theodore Lenihan as a memorial to his grandfather, "the prominent
Cleveland musician and organist at the cathedral, John T. Wamelink."
Two organists, John H. Schenuit and A . Frauenheim, respectively, held the post of
organist at the cathedral in the years between 1868-1871. In the spring of 1868, there
was a concert in the cathedral under Schenuit which included selections from orato-
rios with organ and orchestra. Schenuit's name is found later as a double bass player
in the Pittsburgh Symphony Society at the program of the May musical festival in
the old Exposition Building in 1879. Frauenheim was a member of the prominent
early-Pittsburgh family w h o were founders of the Iron City Brewing C o m p a n y and
great benefactors of St. Augustine Church in Lawrenceville. He left his post at the
cathedral because of ill health, and in 1872 took up the position of organist at St.
Augustine Church.
Horace Wadham Nicholl (b. near Birmingham, England, in 1848) came to Pitts-
burgh in 1871, at the urging of an American friend, from Stoke-on-Trent and became
organist at the cathedral. He remained in the post some four or five years until he
became organist at the Third Presbyterian Church. (Early records tell us that, in
1868, the Third Church "had the finest organ in the city.") He also taught organ at the
Pittsburgh Female College.
A descendant of the founder of Wadham College, Oxford, Nicholl lived and
studied in Germany a long time. He soon became very well k n o w n in America as
performer, composer and music authority. His name is to be found in m a n y of our
music encylopediae. Accounts tell us that on m a n y occasions, the cathedral was not
large enough to accommodate the crowds w h o came to hear him play. In 1878, after
seven years in Pittsburgh, Nicholl moved to New York where he maintained his
reputation as organist, composer, teacher and editor. He died there in 1922.
Nicholl, it seems, was much flattered that people referred to him as a "19th-
CATHEDRAL century Bach." He possessed a prodigious capacity for composition, and joined great
contrapuntal skill with modern taste in his works. His huge output included works
for piano and voice, large choral works, chamber music, a cycle of biblical oratorios,
orchestral suites, a Mass, two symphonies, symphonic poems, etc., and 12 Grand
Preludes and Fugues for Organ (including double, triple and quadruple fugues). To
play any of these last, the writer can attest, is a complete day's work.
Assisting at the cathedral as choirmaster at this time was a Professor Tom McCaf-
frey. There followed, also as choirmaster, about the years 1878-80, a singer w h o was
extremely active with many singing groups in the area, T h o m a s F. Kirk, Sr. He was a
dynamic leader of orchestras, bands, choruses, etc. for over half a century. A
drummer-boy in the Civil War, he had also been a friend of Foster and was the
conductor in 1875-76 of the Stephen C. Foster Serenaders. He was the director of The
Troubadours begun in 1875, a half-minstrel/half-vaudeville group which gained
enormous popularity. Indeed, it is reported that often people stood in line from
Saturday evening to M o n d a y morning to get tickets! He was the first to direct the
public-school orchestra in the district, and is reported to have given some 2,000
concerts in and around Pittsburgh. He directed a band later to be called President
McKinley's O w n Band. It made several trips to Washington to be with the president.
(His son, Tom Jr., traveled with famous bands and later became manager of the new
Alvin Theatre and later, also the Nixon Theatre.) Kirk was director of St. Paul's
Cathedral Choir of 50 voices for seven years.
Hermann T. Knake became organist at the cathedral about 1880, shortly after
Nicholl left for New York. It seems he remained as organist into the 1890's. He was
also pianist for the Pittsburgh Quintette Club, a well-known music group in the city.
The flourishing music store, Barr, Knake & Buettler, was the successor to Wamelink
& Barr when Wamelink left Pittsburgh.
In 1893, Miss Alice Carter came to the cathedral as organist, where she remained
until 1899. She had been organist at St. Bridget's Church and had a splendid reputa-
tion. During her tenure as organist, Joseph Carl Breil became choirmaster at the
cathedral in 1894, where he remained about four years. Here was a musician with a
most remarkable career.
Breil was born in Pittsburgh in 1870 (d. 1929 in Los Angeles), graduated from
Holy Ghost College (later Duquesne University) in 1888, and was the composer of
Duquesne's Alma Mater. He studied voice in Milan and Leipzig and for a time sang
in various opera companies. By 1891, he was already well-known as a choral direc-
tor, and by 1894 (when he came to the cathedral) had composed some 50 works. Breil
composed the first score ever written (1912) to accompany a motion picture, Queen
Elizabeth, in which the lead was played by the great Sarah Bernhardt. He became
associated with Hollywood in those early years of film, and wrote the music for the
D. W. Griffith productions (super-spectacles!) Birth of a Nation and Intolerance. He
wrote many instrumental and choral works including both grand and comic operas,
and in 1919 his opera, The Legend, was produced at the New York Metropolitan
Opera. A m o n g his many popular songs was The Perfect Song, used as the theme
song for the wonderfully-popular radio program "Amos 'n Andy."
With the turn of the century came an entirely new approach to music at the
cathedral, indeed to most of America. There had been in the diocese in the last
decade some strong forces that presaged the turn to music more liturgically fitting.
For example, Caspar Koch at Holy Trinity Church (now named St. Benedict the
Moor) had edited the first hymnal in the diocese in 1897 and, according to the
Pittsburgh Catholic, was the first to introduce to Pittsburgh the singing of the proper
parts of the Mass. Hans Glomb maintained a high level of liturgical music at St.
Mary's Church, Sharpsburg, as did also John Vogel at St. Philomena's Church, and
several others. Of direct interest in this regard is the following passage from an CATHEDRAL
address, "Ramblings of an Organist," given by Dr. Caspar Koch, municipal organist
at Carnegie Hall and professor of music at Carnegie-Mellon University. At Synod
Hall, Pittsburgh, May 8, 1950, at a convention of the Diocesan Guild of Catholic
Organists, he said:
In the 189O's...with the support of a few other organists we organized a Catholic guild
of organists, complete with a state charter. With a choir of some 120 singers we gave a
program of classics from Palestrina and Lasso to Ett, Witt, Haller and Singenberger at
St. Philomena's Church in April 1898. At a Catholic convention in Pittsburgh we were
invited to provide a strictly liturgical program for the pontifical Mass in St. Paul's
Cathedral. Since the organ loft in the transept of the old cathedral could not accommo-
date the choir of 100 men, we were given permission by Bishop Phelan and Father
Canevin, the pastor, to employ an orchestra along with the choir in the large rear loft.
The Mass, by Adler, was sent to us by Singenberger, and the proper of the Mass was
sung by Brothers of Mary from St. Mary's on the north side and St. Michael's on the
south side; Charles Guthoerl of St. Peter's on the south side played the organ accompa-
niment. ... A few years later Joseph Otten came here as organist of St. Paul's Cathedral.
His seriousness and integrity as a church musician became a welcome force in clearing
the choir loft of unecclesiastical music. (CK)
Consecration of Bishop Regis Canevin, February 1903: Ecce sacerdos and Veni Creator
by Witt; Missa Solemnis by Zeller; propers sung by a choir of Benedictine priests;
Gregorian Te Deum followed by Oremus pro Pontifice Nostro Leone by Singenberger.
Consecration of the new cathedral, October, 1906: processional Coelestis urbs Jerusa-
lem and recessional by the boys choir, Ecce sacerdos by Singenberger; Mass by Nekos;
propers sung by a choir of priests; Domine Deus by Stehle.
Consecration of Bishop Hugh Boyle, June 1921: Ecce sacerdos by Witt; Missa Aeterna
Christi munera by Palestrina; Gregorian propers and Te Deum. CATHEDRAL
Otten also inaugurated a custom of having hundreds of children from parochial
schools in the diocese join with his choirs to sing the Gregorian Missa de Angelis
annually on Thanksgiving morning. He compiled The Parish Hymnal, a splendid
hymnal declared official for the diocese and used throughout the United States for
many years. O n the instrumental side, he directed many concerts, also with the
cathedral choir and the Pittsburgh Orchestra in Carnegie Music Hall.
In 1922, there was a major renovation of the Kimball organ (which included the
electrification of such action as was water-powered until then). This w o r k entailed
considerable expense and was paid for by the Carnegie Corporation.
After some 27 years of distinguished service to church music at the cathedral,
Joseph Otten passed away on November 21,1926. At the solemn Mass of Requiem in
the cathedral, the school children alternated with the men's choir to sing his beloved
Gregorian chant on Thanksgiving Day.
The Reverend Carlo Rossini, w h o had come to Epiphany Church in Pittsburgh in
1923, succeeded Joseph Otten at the cathedral as organist and choirmaster. Father
Rossini is the subject of a separate article by Rev. T h o m a s Jackson.
Paul Koch, born in Pittsburgh in 1912 (All Souls Day), began his position at the
cathedral in October 1949. Koch had graduated from Carnegie Tech (Carnegie-
Mellon University) in music in 1935, earned a graduate degree (M.A. in literature) at
the University of Pittsburgh in 1936, while teaching music in the Pittsburgh public
schools and for a brief time at Carnegie Tech. In 1936, he left for further music study
at Leipzig, Germany (State Conservatory of Music) and in Paris with the renowned
organist, Marcel Dupre. He returned three years later and became head of the
department of music at the Asheville (NC) School for Boys. Following government
service in Miami and New York during the war, he returned to teaching in New
Jersey. Father Rossini had urged Koch for m a n y years to return to Pittsburgh and to
church music, in order to succeed him as soon as the war would end because of his
wish to retire and return to his native Italy. In 1944, entirely at the urging of b o t h
Father Rossini and the cathedral authorities, Koch did come to Pittsburgh and be-
came organist first at St. Stephen's Church (Hazelwood) and then St. Philomena's
Church (Squirrel Hill) until such time as Father Rossini would leave the cathedral,
which was in September 1949.
Koch assumed a music program which, under Otten and Rossini, had reached a
very high liturgical level. The choir of men and boys was vigorously maintained,
a n d the combined choirs of (eventually) 90 boys and some 50 men brought m a n y
people to participate enthusiastically in the liturgy. The men's choir sang every
Sunday and soon were singing the proper of the Mass each week from the Liber
Usualis. The boy choirs (one in the sanctuary and one in the gallery, but eventually
joined into one) joined the men at least one Sunday each m o n t h and usually at the
numerous pontifical functions. Indeed, it was not unusual for the combined choirs to
sing two pontifical functions in one day! The boys choir, in time, was in demand for
functions outside the church,,e.g., singing Bach's St. Matthew Passion with the
Pittsburgh Symphony under Dr. William Steinberg at the Syria Mosque in 1961;
singing the same at the Carnegie Music Hall with the Bach Choir in 1960; Benjamin
Britten's War Requiem with chorus and orchestra at Carnegie Music Hall in 1967
(Carnegie-Mellon University) with H a r t h conducting; Penderecki's St. Luke Passion
at Carnegie Music Hall (repeated at Calvary Episcopal Church) in 1969, with chorus
and orchestra (Harth conducting); singing in the Broadway show, The Happy Time
with Ray Bolger at the Civic Light Opera in July 1969, etc.
There were many memorable occasions in the early 1950's, viz., the annual con-
ventions of the diocesan Guild of Catholic Organists (DGCO) with over 600 choir-
CATHEDRAL boys (from 15-20 churches over the diocese) all immaculately vested, processing from
Synod Hall and occupying the entire middle aisle of the cathedral, singing the
solemn Mass and alternating with a large choir of men in the gallery; the annual
"homecoming" Masses which brought back so many men who had sung at the
cathedral over the years; concerts/shows by the men's choir to raise funds for the new
organ, etc.
In March 1961, a two-manual organ (Moller) was dedicated by Bishop Wright in
the chapel of Our Lady at the cathedral. On December 8, 1962, the large Beckerath
organ was dedicated in the cathedral, an event heralded throughout America and
Europe. It replaced the Kimball which had served since 1901. The Story of the
Beckerath Organ is a separate essay rather than a part of this history.
While at the cathedral, Koch was named City Organist at Carnegie Hall, playing a
recital every Sunday; he was also director of music at Mellon Institute of Industrial
Research, directing classical programs and Broadway shows; and he was also profes-
sor of organ and piano at Pittsburgh Musical Institute.
The men's choir traveled quite a bit during the 1960's. There were trips to outlying
parishes and neighboring dioceses to sing concerts, special celebrations and Masses;
there were trips to Cleveland and the choir was one of few invited to sing at the Fifth
International Church Music Congress held in Chicago-Milwaukee in 1966. The rep-
ertoire of Masses expanded to include many contemporary European masters plus
Masses composed especially for the choir. The large repertoire included Masses of
Gregorian chant, classic polyphony, 19th-century and contemporary masters, etc.
Seldom was any Mass repeated during a season! In 1966, the renowned French
composer, Maurice Durufle, came to the cathedral to conduct his famous Requiem in
a memorable performance. The men's choir was augmented by ladies from Carnegie-
Mellon University. In 1968, the men supplied the male voices for a performance of
Haydn's Nelson Mass at Seton Hill College (Greensburg). This performance was
repeated a month later (December 1968), with professional soloists, in the cathedral.
The reception of the large audience, which included Bishop Wright, was completely
enthusiastic, and the prevailing spirit led to immediate plans for similar perform-
ances of the world's great choral masterpieces.
The instructions of the Second Vatican Council encouraged not only greater music
participation of the congregation, etc., but also did not restrict mixed choirs of men
and women (as had the motu proprio of St. Pius X. which ruled the diocese since
1903). Koch consulted Bishop Wright more than once on the true intentions of the
council: "...The treasury of sacred music is to be preserved and fostered with great
care. Choirs must be diligently promoted, especially in cathedral churches..." At the
cathedral the congregation, already provided with hymnals (with words and music),
was encouraged and instructed regularly in the singing of hymns/responses, also
Gregorian Credo III for the sung Masses.
In September 1970, ladies were heartily invited to join the choir and there was a
most gratifying response. Soon there was a splendid mixed choir of 75 men and
women singing regularly on Sundays. The boy choir was now discontinued.
With the new choir came a complete change in the repertoire of Masses and
motets, including a change to larger and more involved compositions. A repertoire of
standard Masses for the Catholic liturgy was carefully developed for weekly use and
with the plan to present annually in concert one large Mass from the treasury of great
choral classics. In the next two months (December 6, 1970) the choir performed
Mozart's Coronation Mass with professional soloists at a program commemorating
the eighth anniversary of the dedication of the Beckerath organ. This pattern—to
sing a major work in conjunction with an organ recital by one of the world's
renowned organists and thus to commemorate the anniversary of the organ
dedication—was to be followed by the choir for sixteen years. It was an annual event CATHEDRAL
that brought enormous crowds of music lovers into the cathedral.
Henceforth, the choir was to present some of the most beautiful works in all
Catholic church music: the Mozart Requiem and Coronation Mass, Haydn's Nelson,
Pauken, and Theresien Masses; Schubert's Mass in G; Beethoven's Mass in C Major;
Vivaldi's Gloria; Kodaly's Missa Brevis; and others, including Brahms' Requiem and
selected Bach cantatas. Portions of all these classics were regularly used at the
Sunday Masses, judiciously selected to conform with liturgical norms, and always
received to the extreme delight and edification of both singers and listeners. A dozen
records of such performances, professionally prepared, are extant. Accompaniment
for these performances was usually on the great Beckerath organ, occasionally with
orchestra. Special mention must be made of two exceptional organists who served
for many years with Koch as assistants and who regularly accompanied so expertly
the Sunday choir Masses and the concerts. They are Matthew Cvetic, who served
some twelve years (from 1951) and Richard Nussbaumor who served some fifteen
years—from 1963 until his untimely death in 1978. Both were brilliant organists of
exceptionally good taste, musicians who contributed so mightily to the extraordinary
level and variety of the cathedral music over the years.
In November 1975, the choir of 51 singers traveled via chartered plane to Rome.
Many choirs from all over the country have since made similar trips to the Eternal
City. They sang a special Mass in St. Peter's Basilica on Thanksgiving Day, concele-
brated by Cardinal Wright and some 35 bishops and priests. The newspapers
claimed that St. Paul's Cathedral Choir was the first American choir ever to sing a
Mass in the basilica. They sang Mozart's Coronation Mass, adapted to include
Gregorian Credo HI with congregation and with several solos deleted. A charming
footnote: Cardinal Wright came out to greet the choir after the Mass, and coming up
to the director with outstretched arms, and under the great scripture motto inside the
dome high, high above, embraced him and exclaimed loudly Tu es Paulus, et super
hunc Paulum aedificabo chorum meuml
The entire choir, often functioning not so much as "just another choir" but rather
(as once noted in the newspaper) as "a way of life!" always plunged completely and
enthusiastically into various projects for raising money (flea markets, musical re-
vues, bake-sales, raffles, etc.) and always came away with goodly sums to assist in
their exciting plans...with the result that each choir member who was free could
travel to Europe at not-too-great personal expense. The choir was to make four more
trips to Europe. Each time they sang under special circumstances: in 1978 to Austria
and Germany, where in Vienna they sang in the Ursuline Church, formerly the
Chapel of the Ursuline Nuns for whom Mozart wrote his first Mass {Ursulinenmesse,
1768); then to Salzburg to sing a special pontifical Mass in the cathedral (where
Mozart played). This Mass was broadcast all over Austria, Hungary and Czechoslo-
vakia where it reached, we were told, thousands of people behind the Iron Curtain.
The Mass sung was by our own Pittsburgh composer, Antonio Corona, and dedi-
cated to the cathedral choir. In 1981, again to Rome to sing in the Basilica of St. Paul-
outside-the-Walls; 1985, to Spain and Portugal to sing Mass in the cathedral of
Barcelona; and in 1988, to Ireland, England and France to sing in the pro-cathedral in
Dublin. Accompanying the choir during Mass was Gerard Gillen, perhaps Ireland's
greatest organist.
After forty years of devoted and rewarding labor in the vineyard of the Lord, Paul
Koch retired on January 1, 1989. During those years he had the unfailing support of
his wife Kay who participated in every project, sang with and accompanied the choir
James Noakes of Detroit, Michigan, became organist and choirmaster at Saint
Paul's Cathedral in January 1989.
The Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua in Istanbul is where I really learned my
trade as church organist. As an adolescent I was allowed to practice on its pipe
organ, and at age nineteen I was appointed its organist, with a salary to boot. I was
so overwhelmed by this that I went to early Mass and to communion the day of my
first service, asking God that I may prove worthy of this privilege and fulfill my
duties well for His greater glory.
Though I was already an accomplished performer, I had much to learn, and I
learned on the job. The church belonged to Italian Franciscans, and the superior,
who led the choir, was a trained musician and composer. He patiently taught me
how to transpose Gregorian chant at sight, and how to accompany it modally.
Through him I learned much repertory, from renaissance polyphony to more recent
music (including works of Perosi and Refice), from simple recitation of chant on
psalm tones to elaborate faux bourdons and complex polyphonic settings. At vespers
I learned to distinguish between solemn tones for the Magnificat and simple ones,
and I learned to use the Liber Usualis with as much ease and familiarity as if it were
my own address book. "An organist without his Liber Usualis is like a soldier
without his gun," the Padre would say whenever I appeared without my own book.
He also helped discipline my impulsive improvisations, warning me: "Modulating
into distant keys is dangerous unless you know how to modulate back. It is like
wandering off into the woods and not finding the path home again. Suddenly the
choir must resume its singing in the old key, and you are far afield in a strange key." I
thus began to modulate with more understanding of what I was doing, and to
harness my wild harmonic impulses. I learned about rituals, about fine points that
distinguish high Mass from pontifical Mass, about the need to play more soberly
during lent and more festively after the resurrection. I understood why there was
pink joy on Gaudete Sunday and purple mourning starting on Passion Sunday, and
how the organ was used accordingly.
Learning these things made a true church organist of me long before I went to
Rome to finish my formal studies, becoming a maestro myself. Padre Giorgio had
passed on to me secrets of a long tradition of which he himself had been a part, and I
was like a young man entering the seminary after having been long nurtured in his
vocation by a humble parish priest in his native town. Now I was to study musical
theology, in a manner of speaking, but what had sparked my vocation had been
Padre Giorgio's initiating me into the rich beauty of our liturgy, from the simplest
low Mass to the solemn procession of pontifical Mass, when our then-bishop Ron-
calli (the future John XXIII) entered the basilica to my thundering playing while the
choir jubilantly intoned Ecce sacerdos magnus.
I wonder what Roncalli would think if he entered that same basilica today. I was
there recently and tried to play the organ again. I say "tried," for there was really no
opportunity to play. There was neither serious music to accompany nor any silence
during which to play. The church was nearly empty, and the Mass was in Italian (in
Turkey!). Some announcements were made in Turkish (the language of a Moslem
people); some responses were in French (many Catholics in Istanbul used to be
French-speaking). Conspicuously absent was the one language that used to unite the
many races that once filled the now-empty church: Latin. There is no choir left. At
Christmas or other festive occasions the choir of the Istanbul conservatory (all
Moslem Turks) performs some major work there, and the church is filled with music-
loving Turks who come to enjoy what to them is an exotic event and quasi-concert.
The present superior relates with pride what an "attraction" his church has become
for Turks. What he seems not to know is what I learned from some old friends. They ISTANBUL
stopped going to that church. They prefer some small chapel where they can at least
enjoy some privacy.
As one who deeply deplores the state of decadence into which our liturgy and our
music-making have fallen since Vatican II, I could not but be pained at the contrast
between what I saw and what I knew once. Granting that the number of Latin
Catholics in Istanbul has shrunk dramatically, what is happening now has nothing to
do with the size of a religious community. As a believer in the former unifying force
of Latin for Roman Catholics, I fail to see what sense it makes to use a given
vernacular when that vernacular is more foreign to those attending than was Latin. I
say more foreign, because Latin was universal, and all Catholics felt a kinship to it.
What kinship does Italian offer to French-speaking Catholics in Turkey, or to Greek-
speaking Austrians, Yugoslavs, or many other Levantines born and raised in Istan-
bul, for whom Latin was once the common liturgical tongue? Absurd, I thought,
After Mass I ventured into the large crypt below the basilica, where Chaldean
Catholic refugees from near the Iraqi border had their own Mass. What a contrast!
The place was packed. At the altar, the ancient Chaldean rites were performed with
solemn pomp, with several attendants to the priest, and with a sizable choir. The
chanted prayers in Chaldean went on and on. Most of those attending no longer
understand that archaic tongue, but they deeply felt what they were experiencing. It
was obvious from their devout postures. They did not need to understand all that the
priest was chanting. They knew and felt that it was sacred and that they were part of
something sacred. I myself felt elevated and was finally able to pray, too. I did not
need to understand Chaldean. I knew what the prayers meant, and I joined them in
my heart.
Lucky Chaldeans, I thought. Mother Church still speaks to you in sounds you
recognize! She makes you feel at home. You certainly have no identity crisis, nor do
you need drums and guitars that remind you more of the secular world than of the
mysterious world for which you long when you come before the Lord.
And I also thought this: Isn't it interesting—and telling—that those clamoring for
the greatest changes and the de-Latinization of the Church were not the non-
Europeans? Non-Europeans were quite content to accept Rome's form of worship. It
was rather those do-gooder Westerners who, bored with themselves, decided that it
would be good for others if they, Westerners, went "native" and turned their back on
their old heritage.
If what followed Vatican II proves anything at all, it proves the moral bankruptcy
of the Christian west. Like the Westerner who "rediscovers" himself and starts chant-
ing "Krishna-Krishna," our liturgical do-gooders tried to rediscover themselves by
turning away from the greatest beauty created by man, in order to "self-express" with
the primitive sounds of a jungle they never knew and would never like if they had to
live in it— not just visit it, as do the bored rich when they go slumming.
Church of Tiwanaku in Puerta del Sol, Bolivia
cated to the fallen soldiers of the Red Army.
O r let us travel to Israel, very recently, and very discreetly but quite firmly. The
same thing happens again. In the hotel restaurant, as American tourists at the next
table take out their after-dinner cigarettes, someone says: N o smoking, please! But
w h y not? Here and now, of course, not for the sake of the place but because of the
time. It is Friday evening and the Sabbath has begun.
In none of these cases does purposefulness or prevention play a part, as it would in
a college lecture room or a hospital operating theatre. The danger of fire is not a
factor in these examples, as it is during an airliner landing or take-off. These in-
stances, finally, do not contain a general rejection of smoking, as though it were
something to be forbidden in principle.
But in Rome, in Berlin and in Tel Aviv there was a common factor, namely the
circumstance that in each case a limit or frontier was to be made evident and recalled
to mind—a b o u n d a r y line which distinguishes and separates a special place and a
non-ordinary period of time from the arbitrary, run-of-the-mill "somewhere" or
From everyone w h o crosses the threshold into this "other" area there is expected a
type of behavior which differs from his otherwise normal conduct. Whoever enters a
mosque or the walled enclosure of an Indian temple, must remove his shoes. A n d in
the case of the Indian temple the limitations can be so strict that the non-Hindu will
be forbidden to enter the innermost sanctuary. In Christian churches, gentlemen
remove their hats, as they do before an open grave, or when the national anthem is
sung. By contrast, the believing Jew covers his head, not only in the synagogue but
wherever he prays. (If you go to visit the grave of Moses Maimonides at Tiberias and
do not wear a cap or a hat, the custodian will deny you entrance.)
In cultic areas, in spaces reserved for worship, it is above all silence which prevails;
loud calls and laughter at any rate are considered reprehensible. Tourists are denied
entrance to the great basilicas of Rome if they are clothed in an all-too-unconcerned
fashion. A n d at such temples one is accustomed to regard with mistrust the instru-
ments of public curiosity: photography is forbidden, at least during divine services
in many Christian churches. A n d the same is true in the temples of orthodox Hindu-
ism. The Pueblo Indians of New Mexico are offended when camera-carrying tourists
even approach the entrance to their underground cultic chambers.
Now, if a stranger, an outsider, a non-initiate were to ask what all these curious
and often difficult rules of conduct were supposed to mean, he would probably hear,
in spite of all the concrete differences in detail, the same basic answer in each case:
the meaning of all this is simply to attest and express reverence and respect. Rever-
ence for what? For something—in any event—which demands and deserves respect
and veneration. A n d when we try to specify more precisely the exact nature of that
which is worthy of veneration, then we encounter the difficulty of reducing the
various replies to a common denominator. But the answers would nonetheless con-
verge on a common indication of something which is (or should be) in some sense
"sacred" to men, whether that be the "grim majesty of death," or the dignity of the
fatherland, or the honor of fallen war heroes—or indeed the especially concentrated
presence of the Divine—in fact of G o d Himself.
The conviction common to all of these replies is the existence, within the world as
man experiences it, within the boundaries of time and space, certain pre-eminent
places and periods of time which plainly stand forth above and beyond the level of
everyday normality because they are of a special and exceptional dignity.
The selective de-limitation of something exceptionally w o r t h y of veneration is the
clear and original meaning of the apposite vocabulary still in use today. Hagios, for
RESTORATION instance, the Greek word for "sacred," implies opposition to koinos (the "average,"
common, usual). And the piece of ground belonging to the gods, upon which the
altar or the temple is built, is termed to temenos, that which has been cut off or
"carved out" of the total property which otherwise belongs to the community. In
Latin the verb sancire (the root of sanctus = sacred, holy) means to limit, circum-
scribe, draw a boundary around: for the ancient Romans, the term sanctio (sanction)
originally denoted the delimitation of sacred places and their protection against
transgression and profane contact.
Contemporary vernacular usage is of a piece with the classical roots. Sacre is that
which belongs to an ordre des choses separes; the OED says that one of the meanings
of "sacred" is "set apart." The term "sacred," then, refers to a special dignity or pre-
eminence which rises above the continuum of everyday normality, which is precisely
"abnormal" and clearly marked off as distinct from the usual, the customary, the
normal. A n d such dignity quite rightly demands from men special forms of respect,
simply because certain empirically ascertainable objects, spaces, times and actions
possess the special characteristic of being ordered to the divine level or sphere in a
manner which exceeds the normal and the average. A n d it is on the basis of this
exceptional ordination to the supra-human level, of this precisely uncommon and ex-
ceptional "fulness" or concentration of the divine Presence that we can comprehend
the b o u n d a r y or limit which divides and separates that which is "sacred" in this
sense, from the "profane." "Profane" simply means that which is precisely "unexcep-
tional," that which belongs to the realm of the normal, the average, the everyday;
"profane" does not necessarily mean "unholy" (even though the specifically "unholy"
does in fact exist, representing the acme of "profanity"). T h u s we can say with a
certain justification that all bread is "holy" (because created by God, nourishment of
h u m a n life) or that every piece of earth is "consecrated ground," and so forth.
Expressions such as these do not call into question the existence of a completely
unique kind of "holy bread" or of "consecrated ground" in a literally incomparable
sense of that word. And so we can agree with the sentence of Aquinas, confirmed by
ethnology and the philosophy of religion as well as the theological interpretation of
testaments both old and new. Something is sacred {sacrum) on the strength of its
ordination toward cultic worship, ad cultum divinum.
The available evidence, when analyzed, allows us to conclude that if a special
presence of the Divine is to be found anywhere in man's historical world, it is to be
found in its most concentrated form in a sacred ritual action, and because of their
relationship to this sacred action, persons, places, times and objects are also called
"sacred." 4
But what is an actio praecellenter sacral It is simply the accomplishment of an
action, a rite, performed by a community in a non-ordinary way. 5 Let us be very
precise: we are speaking here of the celebration of the Eucharistic mysteries during
which there occurs the Exceptional par excellence, the un-common and extra-
ordinary in the absolute sense of those words—God's physical presence among men
under the forms of bread and wine. The meaning of this divine Presence for man is
precisely rapi—to be enraptured, carried up and away beyond the "here and now."
A n d nothing could be more obvious to a man of faith than to act "differently" within
such a circumscribed context, "differently" than he acts otherwise, on the tennis
courts, for instance, or at the supermarket. O n e speaks a language which is obvi-
ously h u m a n but different; "special," somehow, in delivery, in style, in diction and
grammar, and in vocabulary.
W h a t then of the musica sacra which forms an integral part of this actio praecel-
lenter sacral What must its distinctive characteristics be? Will it sound, for example,
like ordinary, everyday p o p music to which more or less "pious" texts have been
joined? Will it sound like common, everyday entertainment music? like a more or RESTORATION
less inconspicuous background accompaniment for toothpaste commercials? Ro-
m a n o Guardini has reminded us that the foundation of any liturgical formation or
education is the ancient truth that the soul informs the b o d y : anima forma corporis.7
Comprehension of this truth is the key which unlocks the world of the Sacred, for it
enables us to grasp w h a t is meant by a symbol. It is not necessary to be a Christian in
order to understand what is meant by a "sign," but he w h o does not k n o w what a
"sign" is, cannot comprehend a sacrament.
Is it rash to ask whether one of the reasons for the decline of the Sacred is the fact
that the Christian "sacred myth" (i.e. the gospels) is being weakened, doubted and
attacked? For a long time, we have been told that the evidence of the new testament
must be reconsidered in light of the new "historical sense." Indeed, the evidential
value of the bible as a whole is to be examined anew, it is claimed, "in light of that
analytical criticism which has n o parallel for acuteness of investigation, carefulness
of method, a n d completeness of apparatus, since the days of our blessed Lord's life
on earth" (Ch. Gore). Now, if this fresh study results in disbelief in the "sacred tale,"
it follows that the Christian "sacred object" will n o longer seem so, and that the God-
M a n Jesus Christ is neither mediator nor object of the sacrum. A n d when the
believer is n o longer conscious of a connexion between the h u m a n world and a
higher realm, where everything refers to everything else a n d many levels are interre-
lated in a meaningful way which links man's microcosm to the macrocosm of the
Transcendent, then it should come as no surprise if in a desacralized world, the
abandoned altars eventually become the dwelling of demons (E. Junger).
The analysis can be taken a step further. W h e n the divinity of Jesus Christ was
denied by rationalist critics, it did not take long for the Eucharist to come under fire.
In 1891, Ad. Harnack announced that at the Last Supper the Savior was primarily
interested in the meal itself: it was the meal that Jesus blessed, and in so doing He
taught His followers to sanctify the most important act of physical life. He also
promised to be with them in the future, at every meal which they would henceforth
share in remembrance of Him. Thus Harnack, a century ago.
A n d so it seems like old wine in New Age wine skins when tired voices, re-echoing
the past, continue to entice the unsuspecting d o w n the same sorry path which leads
from the main line to the old line to the sideline. Thus the authors of a recent and
widely hailed catechism explicitly call upon the Church to a b a n d o n the term "sacri-
fice" as a specification of the content of the Eucharistic celebration. In its place, the
aspect of "meal" or "banquet" is to be emphasized. "The determining structure is that
of the meal." The Eucharistic Sacrifice is thus to be understood as a meal: "In the
Eucharist the m e m o r y of Christ's suffering is celebrated in the form of a meal It is
the basic form of the Eucharistic sacrifice" (Schmaus).
Divergence of views regarding the relation between the dogmatic and liturgical
levels of the question has quite rightly been called the "central problem" of the
accomodata renovatio in liturgicis (Joseph Ratzinger). W h y has Christian art always
pictured the Last Supper as a tragic event and not a joyous repast? Is it not true that
"sacrifice" and "meal" are two concepts which cannot be equated with each other?
Are they not in fact essentially (and not just externally) contrary h u m a n psychologi-
cal processes?
The essence of a sacrifice is the freedom of total giving made possible through self-
denial: oblatus est quia ipse voluit (Is. 53:7). Every sacrifice, including Holy Mass
insofar as it is identical with the sacrifice of Calvary, necessarily implies merit and
consequently moral freedom as necessary pre-condition of any merit, hence also
logically presupposing suffering or self-denial as the necessary condition of freedom.
In other words, meritoriousness is the necessary consequence, freedom an essential
RESTORATION element, and suffering or self-denial the necessary pre-supposition of sacrifice. N o
sacrifice is possible without suffering or self-denial, hence no Sacrifice of the Mass
without the sacramental re-presentation of suffering. And precisely here lies the
fundamental contradiction between sacrifice and meal: in the participants, they
imply—nay, require!—psychological states of mind which are mutually exclusive.
It would mean delivering dogs to Bautzen if one were to attempt to explain the role
of a meal as source of joy in holy writ. Suffice it to recall the fact that in the
preaching of Jesus, the banquet or meal is a preferred symbol for the joys and glories
of heaven. There is in fact an inseparable link between meal and joy, between eating
and enjoyment, between usus cibi et potus and delectatio. There is no meal or
banquet without enjoyment, without a delectatio of the senses.
Some, therefore, claim that since the Eucharist is a memorial not only of the
Savior's death but also of His resurrection, it makes us share in the triumphant life of
the risen Lord and hence implies an atmosphere of joy. But it is quite clear that the
"memorial" concentrates primarily and directly on the last supper and on the pas-
sion, of which the Eucharist is one moment.10
The sacrament of the Eucharist is received and eaten because food and drink better
symbolize the specific effects of the grace of this sacrament. The Eucharist is both
sacrifice (insofar as it is offered) and sacrament (insofar as it is received).11 The
Church offers up the Mass, for it is a sacrifice; but holy Communion is a food, a gift,
a privilege, something not offered but enjoyed. The real distinction between sacrifice
and sacrament is to be sought in the contrary aspects of suffering and joy, though in
a sacrifice, suffering plays a different role than does joy in the case of a meal.
Suffering is a necessary pre-condition of the sacrifice, whereas joy is a necessary
consequence of a meal. To summarize: a meal as meal cannot be a sacrifice, and a
sacrifice as sacrifice cannot be a meal. To represent one "in the form of" the other is
to present a tragedy "in the form of" a comedy, or to depict a circle "in the form of" a
square. In liturgico-musical terms: if holy Mass is indeed a sacrifice, an actio praecel-
lenter sacra, then one of its integral and necessary parts will be a music which is also
sacra. But if a fraternal meal is actually being celebrated, then very different music
will be appropriate. . . a "polka Mass," for instance.
During the ad limina visit of the Brazilian bishops of their pastoral region Sul-I, on
March 20, 1990, Pope John Paul II made these significant remarks:
Legitimate and necessary concern for current realities in the concrete lives of people
cannot make us forget the true nature of the liturgical actions. It is clear that the Mass is
not the time to "celebrate" human dignity or purely terrestrial claims or hopes. It is
rather the sacrifice which renders Christ really present in the sacrament.
This concise statement of Catholic belief really requires no further comment. The
competent choirmaster, who in recent decades has often enough felt the lashes of
Rehoboam, need only draw the logical conclusions in his daily liturgico-musical
But this, you say, is one step removed from reality. If that be so in truth, then it
may be that all of us must steel ourselves to persevere among the "sole retrievers of
an ancient prudence." Those whose names are writ large, in golden letters, in the
calendar of saints of the new age, in fact resemble nothing more closely than the
tired knight who sees a recognition of his steed and a guarantee of his own knightly
existence in the fact that modern technologies of energy are still often measured
in.. .horse-power.
It is understandable that today, both the competent choirmaster and the legitimate
liturgist often feel like Benito Cereno, like one who finds himself, according to
Herman Melville's late novella, in the situation of that unlucky captain whom the
guileless and the good-natured assume to be the master of a pirate vessel. In reality, RESTORATION
however, Benito Cereno was a hostage in danger of death; his veiled hints and
discreet indications were not understood by his well-meaning visitor, who was in-
stead strengthened in his mistrust. Has Benito Cereno perhaps become in fact a
symbol for the situation of many a man in the midst of an ecclesia in mundo hujus
temporis ruled by increasingly neoteric tendencies and antilatreutic orientations?
Nostra res agiturl It behooves us to work while the light lasts, so that the Ecclesia
orans will not have to cross the threshold of the third millenium with empty hands
and ears ringing to the faint echoes of the ancient laughter of Gelimer, King of the
Vandals. Let us therefore continue to do the best things in the worst times, and to
hope them in the most calamitous. In mundo pressuram habebitis, sed confidite, ego
vici mundum. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer: I have
overcome the world (John 16:33).
J. Feiner amd L. Vischer (edd.), Neues Glaubensbuch (Freiburg 1973) 579 f.
W. Hoeres, Gottesdienst als Gemeinschaftskult. Ideologie und Liturgie = Distinguo 1 (Bad
Honnef 1992).
E. Junger, Blatter und Steine (Hamburg 1934).
W. H. Mallock, Doctrine and Doctrinal Disruption (London 1908) 93/111, here 98.
J. Ratzinger (tr. G. Harrison), The Feast of Faith (San Francisco 1986) 33/60, here 36.
M. Schmaus (tr. M. Lederer), The Church as Sacrament - Dogma 5 (Kansas City 1975) 122.
H. Schrade, Bemerkungen zum Problem von "sakral" und "profan" in christlicher Architektur:
Sakularisation und Utopie. Ebracher Studien - FS Forsthoff (Stuttgart 1967) 327/41.
R. Skeris, Divini Cultus Studium. Studies in the Theology of Worship and of its Music -
Musicae Sacrae Meletemata 3 (Altotting 1990) 11/19.
G. Van der Leeuw (tr. D. E. Green), Sacred and Profane Beauty. The Holy in Art (New York
RESTORATION 1963) 213/62.
Variations on Two Themes for Organ by Naji Hakim.
Choral United Music Publishers, Ltd. (distributed by Theo-
dore Presser Co.). $19.25.
A Child is Born by Robert G. Griglak. SATB, organ. This collection contains twelve brief variations on
OCP Publications. 5536 N.E. Hassalo, Portland, Or- the familiar hymn melodies, Old Hundredth and
egon 97213. $.80. Donne Secours, set in a contemporary idiom. The
Simple and familiar, there are no choral difficulties nature of the style requires a sophisticated musical
in this easily learned Christmas setting. taste, perhaps making these pieces most suitable for
recitals or hymn festivals.
O Come, All Ye Faithful ar. by John Schiavone. Disjunct lines, atonality, chromaticism, and osti-
SATB, organ, trumpet. OCP Publications. 5536 N.E. nato patterns abound, creating potentially vituosic
Hassalo, Portland, Oregon 97213. $.90. showpieces for the performer. Surprisingly, however,
An easy setting of an old favorite, there are a few the variations are not technically difficult. Both man-
new ideas in what is mostly a unison setting with ual and pedal parts are generally clean and easy to
some four-part sections. The trumpet is in C, and master; the greatest challenge lies in reading numer-
one Latin verse is added. ous accidentals.
Organists will welcome this unusual and stunning
Come, Follow Me, A Prayer for Vocations by Jo- composition.
seph Roff. SATB, choir, organ, congregation. MARY ELIZABETH LE VOIR
Phoebus Apollo Music Publishers, 1126 Huston
Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15122-3104. $1. Twelve Short Organ Pieces by Christian Immo Sch-
The text is the work of Sr. Gemma Brunke, SC. neider. Augsburg/Fortress Publishers. $6.50.
The piece is dedicated to the choir of Saint Patrick's These pieces are valuable not only as service music
Church in Brooklyn, New York. The harmonies are but as a teaching resource. Each is brief and straight-
simple and there is no vocal problem. It has no litur- forward, and a variety of styles provides opportuni-
gical place, but it can be useful for devotions and ties to develop technique (e.g., double pedal, pedal
school functions. solo, cantionale style, and so forth).
As a collection, these pieces offer the interest and
Come, Thou Long-expected Jesus ar. by Austin C. practicality not always found in method books.
Lovelace. SA(T)B, organ. Augsburg Fortress, 426 S. MARY ELIZABETH LE VOIR
5th St., Box 1209, Minneapolis, MN 55440-1209.
$.90. Variations on Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong
The text is by Charles Wesley and the melody a Bands, Op. 99 for violin and organ, by Jan Bender.
Polish carol. Simple and easy, it is mostly unison and Augsburg/Fortress Publishers. $4.75.
two-part. The familiar tune has a true tenderness and This set of five variations is a valuable addition to
is gently set. the existing repertory for lent and passiontide. The
keyboard part is scored for manuals only (organ or
Jesus, Gentle Savior (Jesu, meine Freude) by Elliot Z. piano). Moreover, it is composed in the austere,
Levine. SATB, a cappella. E. Henry David Music tonal, neo-baroque style found in many of Jan Bend-
Publishers (agent: Theo. Presser Co., Bryn Mawr, er's works.
PA.) $1. The violin/organ combination is well-integrated
Both English and German texts are printed. There and highly effective. Neither part is difficult. The
is a soprano descant provided for chorus or solo variations may be performed independently or as a
voice. The harmony is easy and traditional. suite.
An Irish Blessing by Michael Patrick Murphy. Ar. by
Jeffry Lowden. SATB, keyboard. Coronet Press Hymn Preludes and Free Accompaniments, Vol. 21,
(agent: Theo. Presser Co., Bryn Mawr, PA 19010.) by David Cherwien. Augsburg/Fortress Publishers.
$1.30. $5.25.
A familiar text, the setting is easy, a great amount Many organists are familiar with this fine series of
in unison. It is not a liturgical composition, but hymn preludes published by Augsburg. The anthol-
might find a place in a choir program, perhaps on ogy is a tremendous resource for locating hymn prel-
Saint Patrick's Day. udes, interludes, or variations, and the volumes can
R.J.S. be purchased separately.
Volume 21 contains twelve preludes including derived from the intonation of the Alleluia for the
Divinum Mysterium, Go Tell It on the Mountain, Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time. A com-
and Wie Schon Leuchtet. As with the other volumes, pound meter with running subdivisions of the beat,
the variations are short, practical, faithful to the cho- together with registrations rich in flutes and strings,
rale, and filled with compositional variety and inter- lends a gentle, pastoral character to this piece.
James W. Demers, The Last Roman Catholicl (Carp,
ON, 1991) 199pp., $17.95.
This book is a cri de coeur telling the story of the Recordings
expulsion of the Oratorians from Ottawa in 1989.
They had begun a rather successful restoration of the Leo Sowerby, Forsaken of Man. New World Records.
century-old Church of Saint Brigid, a venerable Ed- Stereo 80394-2; DIDX 009288. William Ferris Cho-
wardian structure in the shadow of Canada's parlia- rale, William Ferris, conductor.
ment buildings. The restoration they effected chiefly Much like the classical composers of church music
through the restoration of sacred music there, much before him, Leo Sowerby (1895-1968) also wrote a
as their founder, Saint Philip Neri, set about reform- scriptural-based setting of the passion account, here
ing renaissance Rome by reforming her music. The in the form of a four-movement cantata. The work
Ottawa Oratorians were especially fond of Gregorian dates from 1939, and it was perhaps the Second
chant and music of the age of Palestrina, who was a World War which distracted attention from an other-
contemporary of Saint Philip Neri. wise noteworthy composition. It is scored for the tra-
Their work in Ottawa was certainly laudable, for ditional divided roles which are integral to the gospel
liturgical music had been all but banished from the narratives, here sung by excellent soloists, including
city's Catholic churches. Those in search of liturgical Bruce Hall, baritone (Jesus), and John Vorrasi, tenor
music (i.e., music written for the liturgy using bibli- (evangelist). These soloists sing the texts of St. Mat-
cal or liturgical texts as opposed to merely religious thew's gospel while the choir, in addition to its tradi-
tional role of representing the groups active within After an initial and extremely rapid liturgical his-
the passion (turba choruses), comments, in words tory introduction with some beautiful shots of St.
written by Edward Borgers, on the scriptural pas- Peter's Basilica and various sacred art works, the
sages. By thus reflecting upon the larger meaning of scene shifts to a sacristy. The priest, Fr. Joseph Val-
the events taking place, the choir implicitly invites lauri, FDP, with narration voice-over by the producer
the listener to do the same. Kieron Wood, go through some of the necessary ar-
Those who are familiar with Sowerby's choral rangements for a celebration of the 1962 Mass, in-
style will not be surprised to find the music of this cluding the vesting prayers, which one can also fol-
cantata always subordinate to the text and its mes- low in the booklet. From the preparation of the
sage. Phrase structures, especially in the evangelist's chalice in the sacristy until the priest receives the
part, as well as melodic lines, harmonic progressions, biretta from the server after the Mass is finished,
and larger formal considerations all serve the reli- there is a constant and rapid voice-over commentary
gious text. Sowerby's natural musical language is describing the priest's actions. Since the video cas-
counterpoint but the voice-leading of the individual sette format allows one to pause and rewind easily,
horizontal melodic lines is not always adjusted to this is not an insurmountable difficulty. The cele-
produce traditional vertical harmonies. Chordal brant is not completely inaudible while the voice-
structures succeed each other in a manner not easy to over narration is provided, but he is not easy to hear.
analyze by traditional methods. And yet one familiar Also included are some interesting observations
with the composer's style of writing can perceive that about the historical developments of certain rubrics
the seemingly discordant notes are in fact resolved in or prayers. One could, because it is an instructional
their individual melodic lines, although those resolu- tape, find some faults with the priest's hand, head,
tions may be greatly delayed. and body positions. But obviously great care has
Maestro Ferris deserves a great deal of credit for been taken to demonstrate how one should celebrate
successfully carrying out this valuable contribution the Mass, any Mass...that is, with reverence and pre-
to the recorded anthology of American music. The cision. To his credit, the celebrant does not come off
Ferris Chorale sings very crisply and rhythmically, like a machine. He is dignified and observes the ru-
true to the stylistic demands of a piece written by brics carefully, without being inhuman. In the voice-
Ferris' old teacher. The choir enunciates very clearly over at one point the narrator mentions the impor-
so that none of the sacred words goes unheard. Wor- tance of precision with the rubrics and a certain
thy of special commendation is the full rich choral uniformity of celebration. On the other hand, the
sound which blends so well with the Skinner organ at celebrant is not a slave to this principal. He is not
St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Chicago, master- rigid in his rubrical observance.
fully played by organist Thomas Weisflog. This CD One or two things might strike the viewer as rather
recording is highly recommended; proskynesis to the odd. For example, both on the tape and in the book-
maestro and his chorale. let the Pater noster is called a "sacramental" and it is
REVEREND ROBERT A. SKERIS stated that by its recitation, presumably in the con-
text of the Mass, one may obtain pardon for venial
The Most Beautiful Thing This Side of Heaven—The sins. This is at least strange. Prayers themselves are
Tridentine Mass— And How to Celebrate It. Kieron not sacramentals though they can accompany their
Wood, Linksview, Killincarrig, County Wicklow, use. Things such as holy water, rosaries and churches
Ireland. 1991. Duration 51'20." Shot on Sony Beta- can be sacramentals. Also, the use of sacramentals,
cam (Pal). under the usual conditions, can obtain indulgences.
As stated in its companion booklet, this video cas- But indulgences refer to remission of temporal pun-
sette, sponsored by the new Latin Mass Society of ishment for sins, and not to forgiveness of venial
Ireland, "aims to help priests and lay people learn all sins. One can obtain forgiveness for venial sins with
about the old rite of Mass—its history, its grace and a good act of contrition, during the Mass or outside
the significance and beauty of its rubrics." The tape is of the Mass, or by sacramental confession. However,
heavily instructional and is clearly not for "devo- what the tape and booklet are referring to is not
tional" use. Most of it was filmed during an actual clear. Regardless of whether reference is being made
Mass using the 1962 Missale Romanum at St. Paul's on the tape to indulgences or forgiveness of venial
Church in Dublin, a church where His Grace, Arch- sins, one should be aware that even in celebrations of
bishop Desmond O'Connell, has kindly given his ap- the old Mass, the new indulgences are applicable.
proval for these celebrations on Sundays and holy Also, and not accurately, the narrator says on the
days according to the Holy Father's pastoral provi- tape that in the celebration of the Mass using the
sions. There are moments when some additional ma- 1962 missal, the new calendar and lectionary are not
terial filmed at another time is edited in, but given the to be used. This is somewhat different than what is
tape's objective, they distract very little. printed in the booklet and one should perhaps under-
stand the statement on the tape in that light. a bit "distracted" during their prayers. That merely
To follow up on this point, wherever the local serves to underline the fact that this observance of the
bishop has graciously conceded celebrations of the liturgy was quite real and lived. It is not enslaved to a
Mass with the 1962 form, it is not opportune to im- rigid rubricism or a sterile dumb observance of an
pose the use of the new lectionary and calendar on outdated liturgical form. An attitude of prayer comes
groups who would find it difficult to accept them. through, despite the fact that there is constant voice-
This point was affirmed recently by Cardinal Mayer over narration and its didactic intention.
in his capacity as president of the Pontifical Commis- In the back of the booklet there is a short biblio-
sion Ecclesia Dei in a letter with guidelines interpret- graphy including some classic works on the history
ing the recent legislation governing the use of the of the Mass and on the rubrics, classic "how to"
1962 Missale Romanum. There are groups who wish books, such as that written by Fortescue. Unfortu-
to preserve the celebration of these Masses in their nately, in my opinion, there are some rather "parti-
integrity, and to impose something else could be a san" works included. There is a brief list of some
true obstacle to their ecclesial unity. useful Vatican documents and addresses.
Nevertheless, under the new pastoral provisions it The last section of the booklet is entitled "Vatican
is now possible to use also the calendar and the lec- guidelines on the Tridentine Mass." Although this
tionary promulgated by Pope Paul VI. For some section contains items which, in fact, do not actually
groups this can be an opportunity to make use of the pertain to the title there are at the end certain useful
greater breadth of scripture available for the Mass points concerning the most recent legislation. It ex-
since the liturgical reforms. plains, for example, that in 1986 an ad hoc commis-
On the tape, the epistle and gospel are also read in sion of cardinals determined that the conditions gov-
the vernacular. The celebrant removes the maniple, erning the 1984 indult permitting use of the 1962
places it on the open missal, and then goes to do the missal were too restrictive, recommending that they
readings. There follows a very short homily clarify- be relaxed. There are also found six very important
ing the purpose of the taping session to the congrega- points made recently by Cardinal Mayer which serve
tion attending the Mass. to clarify and interpret the existing legislation gov-
Both the video tape and the booklet provide direc- erning the celebration of the so-called "Tridentine"
tion on how to receive holy communion. This in- Mass in light of the Holy Father's motu proprio. I
cludes a brief historical explanation of the various would express some disappointment at the title of
practices throughout history. The producer of this this video and booklet. Unfortunately, the now fa-
tape clearly shows a predilection for kneeling to re- mous quote of Fr. Faber has become a by-word for
ceive holy communion on the tongue under one spe- "traditionalists." These same traditional minded
cies only and that it should be distributed by priests. faithful often forget that Fr. Faber was referring to the
The commentary says that because the priest recites Mass as such, the only Mass he knew at the time he
the entire formula for distributing holy communion, was writting. He was not referring to the 1962 Mass
including the Amen at the end, the people should as set up against the 1970 Mass. This kind of "termi-
make no response. Also, it is mentioned correctly nology" from the pens and lips of certain people who
that the second Confiteor is not precisely part of the have vigorously sought the opportunity to attend
1962 form of the Mass. Masses using the 1962 missal, which is then imitated
It must be mentioned that the tape is not only by countless others, has, alas, produced more heat
helpful for a celebrant but also for servers at the than light. It should be set aside.
Mass. There are two servers present who respond I would recommend the tape for several reasons.
accurately, though they are not always audible over On the technical level, the quality of the picture and
the commentary. They carry out their proper roles the color are quite good. Also, the rubrics were ob-
with dignity and care and contribute significantly to served conscientiously, and not slavishly. The cele-
the usefulness of this teaching tool. brant was formal and yet comfortable. With the
With the voice-over, one can hear the choir that booklet, and lots of practice of course, this tape could
was providing music for this Mass only rarely. be of real benefit to a priest who would like to review
Snatches of Mosart's Ave verum Corpus come the rubrics of the 1962 Mass or learn them if he had
through at the communion. At the very end a few never celebrated using the previous form.
bars of the Toccata from Widor's Symphony No. 5, Though the tape moves very quickly, and though
and well-played at that, can be heard. some movements could be carefully double checked
The Mass and the tape conclude with the priest on one's own, I think that it is a practical tool worthy
reciting the prayers prescribed by Pope Leo XIII. He of use. I would further recommend careful study of
then exits the sanctuary with the servers. There is a the Missale Romanum itself, though the rubrics and
delightful moment during the responses made by the instructions are in Latin.
congregation when the camera shows some children REVEREND JOHN T. ZUHLSDORF
back to the people, it is now all celebrated with the
OPEN FORUM priest facing the congregation! I sometimes wonder
why some liturgical experts did not seem to follow
Position of the Altar the course of a more happy medium based upon the
principle: "When the priest addresses the people, he
Upon reading the splendid and illuminating article faces the people; and when the priest addresses
by Andrew Nash in the latest issue of Sacred Music, I Heaven, he does not face the people." In this kind of a
could not help but to reflect upon it and share some concept, the readings could be done at their proper
of my own observations. In particular, the final anal- time, in the vernacular, towards the people from an
ysis in the article concerning the orientation of priest ambo. In addition, any of the exhortations to the
and people in relation to the altar really caught my people such as at the beginning of Mass, the Orate
attention. I hope that my own reflections might be fratres, the Ecce Agnus Dei, etc. could be done from
seen as a continuation of the analysis on this particu- the altar platform, facing the people who are being
lar point, and perhaps they can be used as a spring- addressed. Then, when the preparation of gifts and
board for a more gifted and scholarly writer to take the Eucharistic canons are done, the priest could very
up the question more definitively in some upcoming naturally face towards the altar with the people, and
edition. lead them in the offering of the true sacrifice to the
The whole issue of the placement of the altar and Father.
the orientation of the priest and people in relation to Nonetheless, there still remain a host of questions
it opens up two basic questions: How is the altar to and perceptions, both historical and contemporary
be placed in the sanctuary? and what is the position that need to be addressed. For example, how many
of the celebrant and the people in relationship to it? times have you heard of how "in the good old days,
Many readers, no doubt, are aware that most Father at least 'faced the tabernacle.'" Well, this state-
churches in the U.S., up until the Second Vatican ment does not hold up if the tabernacle happens not
Council, had an altar that was placed upon a plat- to be on the main altar, but is reserved rather in a
form near the wall at the back of the sanctuary. separate Blessed Sacrament chapel. And besides, if
These altars were commonly built-up behind with a the impression is that the sacrifice is offered toward
retable and reredos. Some of them were even free- Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament, such a notion
standing, but were so close to the wall that they could is unsound theologically. The sacrifice is offered to
not be compassed about during the incensing. The God the Father, in the Holy Spirit, by Christ through
celebrant of the Mass would do virtually every litur- the ministry of the priest who is used as an "instru-
gical function facing towards the altar, even the read- ment" and "is acting in the person of Christ."
ings. This state of affairs sometimes is referred to as On the other hand, if we see the orientation of the
the priest "having his back to the people." priest at the altar based literally upon "facing east,"
A Vatican II document on the arrangement of sa- then what of those churches built such that when the
cred furnishings in church buildings calls for free- priest and people all face the altar, they are actually
standing altars as a new general rule for the universal facing "compass west"? I once read a book purport-
Church. (The instruction on the Roman Missal states ing to be a concise history of the western rite of Ca-
that it must "be possible" but not necessarily manda- tholicism in which the author argued that even when
tory for the celebrant to stand behind the altar and the priest is behind the altar facing the people, both
face the people.) The purpose for the free-standing the priest and the people are really "facing east" any-
altars is to show forth a more emphasized symbol of way. This is because Christ becomes present at the
the altar apart from the surrounding edifices of reta- altar under the forms of bread and wine, and we all
ble and reredos which had developed over centuries. face Him, Who in His resurrection, was as the rising
In addition, the celebrant can now actually walk sun in the east.
around the altar for the incensations. As for whether You may ask what the point of this article is. In
churches built prior to Vatican II should be changed some ways, I may have raised more questions than
at any cost is another issue. Some renovations do answers, but questioning the present modern liturgi-
such violence to the aesthetic decorum of a given cal shibboleth of the versus populum altar is going to
church building; they should never be done. This is have to be the first step in getting a foot-in-edgewise
not an easy question. for a true liturgical reform in the next generation.
The relative positions of the celebrant and the peo- The position of the altar, and the relative orientation
ple is a very intriguing question. In viewing the com- of the priest and the people toward it must progress
mon relationships that existed prior to the council beyond the common tendency to automatically tie
and after it, I am struck by what seems to be a very the versus orientem altar to the Missal of Pius V (the
rigid "all or nothing" mentality. Whereas virtually all "old Latin Mass") and the versus populum altar to the
of the Mass used to be celebrated with the priest's Missal of Paul VI (the "new Mass"). Rather, good
liturgical taste and sound principles must govern the of churches and monasteries that graced the covers
regulation of liturgical worship in our contemporary prior to 1988, when the journal's exterior alone—an
churches. It is time to challenge the "great unchal- eloquent message in itself, buttressing the "inside
lengeable orthodoxy" of the versus populum position stories"—was worth the subscription.
of the celebrant at Mass, and to overcome any kind of
extremism prevailing on either side. GEORGE MARTIN
Mother Josephine Morgan,
Canadian Comment
Mother Morgan died of heart failure at the Ken-
At the faculty of music at the University of To- wood Convent of the Sacred Heart in Albany, New
ronto I have discovered volumes of back issues of York, on July 3, 1992. She was 88 years old. Known
Sacred Music. I have been reading these over the last internationally for her work in church music and in
few months. The material has certainly been inform- particular in Gregorian chant, she was director of the
ative and thought provoking! I have attempted in my Pius X School of Liturgical Music at Manhattanville
studies to focus on the liturgy of the Church and College of the Sacred Heart in Purchase, New York,
sacred music. from 1952 to 1969.
I have appreciated Sacred Music mainly because it Born in New York City, April 23, 1904, she entered
seems to be the only orthodox journal dealing with the convent at Kenwood, August 14, 1923, and was
the liturgy and sacred music. I tell colleagues and professed in Rome, August 1, 1931.
friends of mine about my "music conversion," that I She served as assistant to Mother Georgia Stevens,
underwent in 1986 when I started reading Sacred Mu- who with Mrs. Justine B. Ward founded the Pius X
sic and some of the books recommended in its pages. School. She was a member of the board of directors
My wife has suggested that "conversion" is the wrong of the Church Music Association of America, and
word to use to describe my discovery of the Church's was recipient of two honorary doctorates, one from
authentic sacred music. I do not necessarily accept Seton Hill College in Greensburgh, Pennsylvania,
her observation because it was almost like a "reli- and one from Manhattanville College in Purchase.
gious experience." Like Saint Paul, my whole vision Her funeral was held at the convent on July 7, and
of the Church's liturgy and sacred music was sud- was attended by many family members, former stu-
denly changed. When I started reading your journal dents, friends and faculty members of her school.
in 1986, as well as publications put out through the She was buried in the convent cemetery at Kenwood.
Consociatio Internationalis Musicae Sacrae, it was R.I.P.
like discovering a hidden treasure. RJ.S.
Sister Theophane Hytrek,
Cover Pictures Known nationally as organist, teacher and com-
The summer 1992 issue of Sacred Music invites com- poser, Sister Theophane was born in Stuart, Ne-
ment before it is even opened: the face on the cover is braska, on February 28, 1915. She joined the School
an unworthy representative of the timeless matters Sisters of Saint Francis in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in
which the journal always treats. That remark is ap- 1928, and during her long life with them she studied
plicable not only to Columbus but to everyone else music and taught at their motherhouse on Layton
(Mozart, English ecclesiastics, Roman musicians) Boulevard and at Alverno College. She held degrees
whose portraits have adorned the quarterly exteriors, from the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music, DePaul
from volume 116 onward. True enduring master- University in Chicago and the Eastman School of
pieces are ultimately so much more than the human Music where she earned the Ph.D. degree. In demand
artist who gives birth to them. For Dante, "art is the as a recitalist, she performed across the nation up
grandchild of God;" hence the appropriateness of until her sudden death. She received many awards
lofty religious architecture to recall the sacred music and honors and was a member of several musical,
performed through the ages within those noble edi- educational and liturgical societies. Her Pilgrim
fices. The mere sight of historic churches, with their Mass, commissioned for the occasion, was sung by a
numinous evocation stirs the imagination and uplifts congregation of over 60,000 people, at the 41st Inter-
the spirit. I would therefore entreat the editors of national Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia in
Sacred Music to give us more of the handsome prints 1976.
She died in her sleep on August 13, 1992. Funeral Marier directed the Gregorian chant and Brian
services were held at Saint Joseph's Convent in Mil- Franck was organist. Joseph Archer, Edward Hester,
waukee. Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland cele- Paul Schwenkler and Michael Summers were aco-
brated the Mass. Burial was in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. lytes.
RJ.S. +
Saint Joseph's Church in Columbia, South Caro-
lina, was the scene of a concert on May 24, 1992,
NEWS featuring Charles Gounod's Messe Solennelle, Saint
Cecilia (1855). The program opened with G. F. Han-
Michael B. Hoerig directed the members of the del's Coronation Anthem No. 1, and closed with
choir of Saint John Kanty Church in Milwaukee, Gioacchino Rossini's Chorus No. 10 "In Sempiterna
Wisconsin, in Mozart's Coronation Mass on the oc- Saecula, Amen" from the Stabat Mater (1842). Teresa
casion of the Mass of thanksgiving celebrated by re- Sturcken Riley directed the program, and Janet Shuf-
cently ordained Father Edward S. Kopec, May 31, fler was organist. Instrumentalists were from the Co-
1992. Other music sung for the celebration was by lumbia Symphony Orchestra.
Arcadelt, Byrd, Morley, Pitoni and Rheinberger. Fa- +
ther Carl M. Kazmierczak is the pastor of Saint John Cantores in Ecclesia of the Archdiocese of Port-
Kanty. land, Oregon, continue to present classical music for
+ the liturgy of Sundays and feast days at Saint Pa-
On Pentecost Sunday, June 7, 1992, the Schola trick's Church, where Father Frank Knusel is pastor.
Cantorum of the Saint Gregory Society sang Pales- During May and June they sang works of Gabriel
trina's Missa Regina Caeli, his motets Loquebantur Faure, William Byrd, Palestrina and Lassus. In June
variis linguis and Ego sum panis vivus, and the and July they sang works of Palestrina, Viadana,
proper parts in Gregorian chant at a Latin Mass using Langlais, Michael Haydn and Poulenc. In August the
the Tridentine missal, at the Church of the Sacred program included music of Lotti, Durufle, Byrd, Pur-
Heart in New Haven, Connecticut. cell and Monteverdi. Dean Applegate is director.
+ +
The Most Reverend Rene H. Gracida, Bishop of The Twin Cities Catholic Chorale has announced
Corpus Christi, celebrated the solemn liturgy of ordi- its program of orchestra Masses beginning in October
nation to the priesthood in the Anglican use, June 29, 1992. Thirty Masses are sung each year at the Church
1992, when he elevated Father W. T. St. John Brown, of Saint Agnes in Saint Paul, Minnesota, concluding
a former Episcopalian priest, to the priesthood in the with the Feast of Corpus Christi. During the past
Roman Catholic Church. Music for the occasion twenty years over 450 orchestral Masses have been
which was held in the Chapel of the Immaculate done; the repertory includes 8 Haydn Masses, 7 Mo-
Conception at Corpus Christi Academy in Corpus zart, 3 Schubert, 2 von Weber, one each of
Christi, Texas, was sung by the Cathedral Pontifical Beethoven, Cherubini, Dvorak and Gounod. The
Choir under the direction of Lee Gwozdz and Greg choir numbers sixty- five and the orchestra in the
Labus. Compositions by Healey Willan, Ralph neighborhood of twenty-four players depending on
Vaughan Williams, Harris and Palestrina were on the the instrumentation demanded. Monsignor Schuler
program. is director, and Mary E. LeVoir is organist. Paul Le-
+ Voir directs the chant schola which sings all the Gre-
Music for the liturgy of Pentecost Sunday, 1992, at gorian chant.
the Church of the Holy Childhood in Saint Paul, +
Minnesota, included Mass for Double Choir and Father James A. Nowak was celebrant for the sol-
Symphonic Winds by Louis Besozzi, Beethoven's The emn Mass commemorating his 25th anniversary of
Heavens Declare, Franz Schubert's Lord's Prayer, and ordination, May 3, 1992, at the Church of Saint An-
other works by Ignaz Franz, Richard Strauss, Bruce thony in Joliet, Illinois. Music for the occasion was
Larsen and John Kemp. Father Gordon M. Doffing is provided by the Ecclesiastical Chorale, Saint An-
pastor, Bruce Larsen and Stephen Schmall, directors. thony Choir and Choristers and members of the Sin-
Robert Vickery is organist. fonia Camerata, all under the direction of Richard
+ Siegel. Sr. M. Teresine Haban, OSF, was organist. Tu
The solemn Latin Mass in the crypt of the National es Sacerdos by Desmet was the processional, and Re-
Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, fice's Missa Choralis and several Gregorian chants
D.C., on Sunday, June 28, 1992, was celebrated by were sung along with the congregation.
Father Robert A. Skeris for registrants of the church +
music colloquium held the preceding days at Chris- The choir of Saint Stephen's Church on the campus
tendom College in Front Royal, Virginia. Theodore of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island,
has celebrated solemn liturgy on Sundays and feast maninoff, Noel Goemanne, Faure, Handel and John
days with such works as Victoria's Missa O quam Rutter were programmed. Conductors of the ensem-
gloriosum, Britten's Te Deum, Mozart's Missa brevis bles are Lee Gwozdz and Greg Labus.
in F (K192), and works by Howells, Pinkham, R.J.S.
Durufle, Scarlatti and Anerio. Richard Benefield is
organist and choirmaster.
The Dallas chapter of the American Guild of Or-
ganists presented 'An Evening of Durufle," April 28,
1992, at the Church of Saint Thomas Aquinas in
Dallas, Texas. Among the works programmed were Paul Koch has been active in music in Pittsburgh
Choral varie sur le theme du "Veni Creator," Quatre for nearly half a century, serving both as organist
Motets sur des themes gregoriens pour choeur a cap- and choirmaster at Saint Paul's Cathedral there and
pella, Notre Pere, Scherzo, Messe "Cum jubilo," Prel- as Carnegie organist with frequent concerts on the
ude sur llntroit de I'Epiphanie, and Fugue sur le famous instrument in the city auditorium. He is a
theme du Carillon des heures de la Cathedrale de member of the historic Singenberger family.
Soissons. Artists performing were Paul Riedo, who
directed the St. Thomas Aquinas Choir, Mary Pres- Karoly Kope has served a director of the Moravian
ton and Jesse Eschbach, organ, and David Bennett, Music Society in Winston-Salem, North Carolina,
baritone. The choristers of St. John School with Mi- directing concert performances of orchestral and cho-
chie Akin at the organ performed under the direction ral music. He has just completed a recital tour of
of William Jordan. Mme. Durufle, widow of the eastern Europe where he played several organ con-
composer, was present at the concert. certs.
A festival concert was presented by the Pontifical Father Robert A. Skeris is a priest of the Archdio-
Chorale and the Youth Chorale and Choristers of cese of Milwaukee. He has a doctorate from the Uni-
Corpus Christi Cathedral, Corpus Christi, Texas, on versity of Bonn and has taught at the Pontifical Insti-
June 12, 1992, under guest conductor Ronald L. Shi- tute of Music in Rome. At present he is on the faculty
rey. Works by Hans Leo Hassler, Victoria, Rach- of Christendom College in Front Royal, Virginia.
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Christmas at St. Agnes
This magnificent recording includes 18 hymns sung by the Twin Cities Catholic
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