Lung Protection in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: What Should We Target?
Lung Protection in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: What Should We Target?
Lung Protection in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: What Should We Target?
OPINION Lung protection in acute respiratory distress
syndrome: what should we target?
Jeremy R. Beitler a,b
Purpose of review
Most clinical trials of lung-protective ventilation have tested one-size-fits-all strategies with mixed results.
Data are lacking on how best to tailor mechanical ventilation to patient-specific risk of lung injury.
Recent findings
Risk of ventilation-induced lung injury is determined by biological predisposition to biophysical lung injury
and physical mechanical perturbations that concentrate stress and strain regionally within the lung. Recent
investigations have identified molecular subphenotypes classified as hyperinflammatory and
hypoinflammatory acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which may have dissimilar risk for
ventilation-induced lung injury. Mechanically, gravity-dependent atelectasis has long been recognized to
decrease total aerated lung volume available for tidal ventilation, a concept termed the ‘ARDS baby lung’.
Recent studies have demonstrated that the aerated baby lung also has nonuniform stress/strain distribution,
with potentially injurious forces concentrated in zones of heterogeneity where aerated alveoli are adjacent
to flooded or atelectatic alveoli. The preponderance of evidence also indicates that current standard-of-care
tidal volume management is not universally protective in ARDS. When considering escalation of lung-
protective interventions, potential benefits of the intervention should be weighed against tradeoffs of
accompanying cointerventions required, for example, deeper sedation or neuromuscular blockade. A
precision medicine approach to lung-protection would weigh.
A precision medicine approach to lung-protective ventilation requires weighing four key factors in each
patient: biological predisposition to biophysical lung injury, mechanical predisposition to biophysical injury
accounting for spatial mechanical heterogeneity within the lung, anticipated benefits of escalating lung-
protective interventions, and potential unintended adverse effects of mandatory cointerventions.
acute lung injury, acute respiratory distress syndrome, mechanical ventilation, precision medicine,
ventilator-induced lung injury
1070-5295 Copyright ß 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 27
ARDS “baby
lung” volume
} Atelectatic
Measured Predicted
Insp Capacity Insp Capacity
FIGURE 1. Functional aerated lung volume is decreased in acute respiratory distress syndrome. As a result, the volume of
aerated lung available for gas exchange and mechanical insufflation is reduced; this smaller aerated region is termed the
baby lung. Left: Computed tomography chest of representative patient with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Ventral
regions are well aerated with patchy ground-glass opacities and few areas of focal consolidation from pneumonia. Dorsal
regions show dense dependent atelectasis caused by superimposed pressure from gravity on the edematous acute respiratory
distress syndrome lung above. The effect of gravity on dependent atelectasis in the lung is analogous to that of gravity on a
helical spring oriented vertically in gravity, such as observed with a Slinky (Poof-Slinky, Inc, Hollidaysburg, PA, USA), the
classic children’s toy. The spring coils are distanced farther apart in nondependent regions while the spring is near fully
collapsed in gravity-dependent regions. Reprinted with permission [6]. Right: Measured inspiratory capacity is significantly
reduced compared with their predicted normal values in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (mean difference,
29.5 8.6 ml/kg predicted body weight; P < 0.001). Box plots illustrate the median and interquartile range (boxes), mean
(diamond), and maximum and minimum values (whiskers). Reprinted with permission [33].
can yield wildly different exposure to stress and interdependence [21,24], a mechanism by which
strain [19,32]. ventilation at low absolute lung volumes seemingly
A precision medicine approach instead would paradoxically can cause VILI [38].
scale tidal volumes to functional lung size, that is, the The pulmonary radiographic correlate of this
ARDS baby lung volume [33–36]. special heterogeneity may be the diffuse but patchy
‘ground glass’ opacities on CT. In-vivo studies in
animals and humans have found heterogeneous
Spatial heterogeneity of stress/strain consolidation correlate strongly with markers of
distribution in acute respiratory distress high regional strain [22,24], which map to regional
syndrome lung inflammation [23,39–41], and are associated
Stress and strain are spatially heterogeneously dis- with elevated plasma markers of alveolar epithelial
tributed within the aerated ARDS baby lung. Neigh- injury [42].
boring alveoli share an interalveolar septum and A precision medicine approach therefore would
thus are mechanically interdependent. When one also seek to minimize spatial heterogeneity of stress/
alveolus becomes fluid-filled or collapsed, the strain distribution when present, precisely the pur-
neighboring alveolus also is deformed [21]. This ported mechanism of benefit of prone positioning
phenomenon has been observed in real-time via [43–47].
confocal microscopy, wherein shrinkage of a single
fluid-filled alveolus causes the interalveolar septum
to stretch and bulge into that fluid-filled space, High shear stress/strain in small airways
producing deformation and local overexpansion High shear forces may occur in small airways and
of the adjacent air-filled alveolus. During insuffla- alveolar ducts susceptible to tidal opening and col-
tion, near the flooded alveolus, air-filled alveoli lapse [48]. Inflammation-mediated surfactant dys-
become more deformed, presumably predisposing function and edema weight favor small airways
to mechanical failure from high shear stress/strain collapse at low lung volumes, particularly in grav-
[37] (Fig. 2). Through a similar mechanism, shear ity-dependent zones [49–51]. During inspiration,
stress on aerated lung at the border of regional collapsed but recruitable lung units may assume
atelectasis may be orders of magnitude greater than an unzippering-like conformation as the air bolus
elsewhere in the lung due to alveolar mechanical propagates along the airway, generating high local
1070-5295 Copyright ß 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 29
carry their own untoward effects that change the tion [79,80,81 ], the extent to which the totality of
risk–benefit calculation when therapeutic effect is interventions required for ultra-low tidal volume strat-
framed not in terms of lung protection but rather egies benefits patients again likely depends on poten-
the more appropriate target – net benefit to the tial downsides of ECLS, including bleeding, hemolysis,
patient (Table 1). limb ischemia, immobility, infection, and unknown
For example, lowering tidal volumes or permit- pharmacokinetic effects of key medications [82–84].
ting hypercapnia may increase patient discomfort As cumulative experience refines ECLS management,
and/or respiratory drive, which often are managed risks may decrease, changing the risk–benefit calcula-
by increasing sedatives or analgesics [70]. Deep seda- tion, and potentially expanding populations for
tion also accompanies prone positioning as rou- whom the net patient-level effect may be beneficial.
tinely instituted [3], and certainly neuromuscular
Excess suppression of respiratory drive may con- To be clear, existing data do not justify precise
tribute to diaphragm disuse atrophy and respiratory ventilation targets that are universally appropriate
muscle weakness that prolong invasive ventilation for all patients. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy
[71,72,73 ,74]. Regardless of its effects on drive, esca- for lung-protective ventilation. Rather, ventilation
lating sedation may impair extubation readiness, targets should be individualized according to
delay ventilator liberation, prevent early patient clinical assessment of VILI risk, tradeoffs of cointer-
mobilization and physical therapy [74–76], unin- ventions, and considering likely biological subphe-
tended effects of mandatory cointerventions which notype [9,10]. For patients at low risk of VILI, strict
may contribute to morbidity and mortality. Sedatives adherence to the most protective ventilation targets
and analgesics may have medication-specific iatro- often may be outweighed by adverse effects of coin-
genic effects as well, including contributing to delir- terventions and a strategy of liberal targets with
ium, hemodynamic instability, and gastrointestinal permissive dyssynchrony may be most appropriate.
complications [75–78]. In contrast, for patients at highest risk of VILI,
Table 1. Potential adverse effects of cointerventions often employed with lung-protective strategiesa
complete control of ventilation may be necessary to Also clearly important is the maximum global
safely institute maximally protective ventilation stretch experienced by the lungs during tidal venti-
despite the risks of associated cointerventions. lation. Airway plateau pressure, measured during a
While several potential targets exist for lung- relaxed end-inspiratory pause, is most often used for
protective ventilation, they are not of equal impor- this purpose, but there is no threshold effect for
tance. Cyclic stretch during tidal ventilation appears safety [86]. Plateau pressure fails to distinguish the
to be the most important driver of clinically significant contribution of lung versus chest wall recoil, and
lung injury [1,2,36,79,80]. Tidal volume per predicted chest wall mechanics can vary widely between
body weight is the most widely used target but it does patients [87,88]. Transpulmonary pressure can be
not scale to patient-specific aerated lung volume used to overcome this limitation and distinguish the
accounting for volume loss from atelectasis and con- contributions of lung from chest wall [89–91], but
solidation (i.e., baby lung), and thus is increasingly esophageal manometry is not widely available.
recognized as an imperfect strategy [19,33,34,36]. Proposed specific target ranges for several
Moreover, with patient–ventilator interactions such parameters relevant to lung-protective ventilation
as double triggering and reverse triggering that lead to are presented in Table 2.
breath stacking dyssynchrony [64,85], volume-preset
ventilator modes do not ensure the intended tidal
volume is delivered in the patient with dyssynchro- CONCLUSION: PRECISION MEDICINE FOR
nous spontaneous effort. Airway driving pressure (pla- VENTILATION-INDUCED LUNG INJURY
teau pressure minus PEEP) has been advocated as a Personalizing lung-protective ventilation requires
strategy for scaling tidal volume to respiratory system assessing each patient’s risk of VILI and the risk/
compliance and thus baby lung size [36]. Pressure- benefit of possible interventions to mitigate VILI.
targeted, time-cycled ventilation targeting a specific To gauge VILI risk, one must evaluate both biological
driving pressure again risks misinterpretation if predisposition and mechanical predisposition,
patient respiratory effort is not considered, as patient including global and regional lung mechanics
effort may augment transpulmonary pressure swings accounting for spatial heterogeneity of stress/strain
during tidal ventilation. distribution within the lung. The decision on
Table 2. Suggested targets for lung-protective ventilation according to ventilation-induced lung injury riska
Cyclic stretch
Tidal volume 6–8 ml/kg PBW 3–6 ml/kg PBW Highest
Driving pressure 15 cmH2O 10 cmH2O Highest
Maximal stretch at end-inspiration
Plateau airway pressure 30 cmH2O 27 cmH2O High
Plateau transpulmonary pressureb 20 cmH2O 15 cmH2O High
Spatial stress/strain heterogeneity
Prone positioning Not currently recommended Strongly recommended High
PEEP 5–15 cmH2O 10–24 cmH2O Moderate
End-expiratory transpulmonary pressureb – 0–3 cmH2O Moderate
Control of breathing
Patient-ventilator interaction Permissive dyssynchrony Consider synchronous ventilation Moderate
P0.1 >1 cmH2O 0–3 cmH2O Low
Frequency of cyclic exposure
Respiratory rate 15–35 bpm 5–35 bpm Low
Gas exchange
Oxygen saturation 88–95% 88–95% High
Arterial CO2 35–45 mmHg 45–70 mmHg Low
PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; PBW, predicted body weight; VILI, ventilation-induced lung injury.
Proposed target ranges and prioritization are based on available evidence at time of publication. They should be considered in context of the individual patient
and adjusted accordingly based on clinically ascertained risk of VILI and cointerventions prescribed to help achieve targets.
Where esophageal manometry is available to estimate pleural pressure and calculate transpulmonary pressure.
P0.1 is the airway occlusion pressure, the decrease in airway pressure during the first 100 ms (0.1 s) of inspiration against an occluded airway.
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