Notes Remedial English
Notes Remedial English
Notes Remedial English
To reinforce
To give remedy
Remedial Instruction in English changed to Remedial English
English became an international language
o Reconstruction
o Deconstruction
o Transformation
o Reassembling activities
Lesson 1: Communicative Function
Vocabulary Building Through Contextual Clues and Structural
Caboodle- All the things in the group
Whilom- Archaic
Lek- Assembly area where animals display courtship behavior
Zucchini- Green squash (cylindrical)
Leone- Taken from the word Sierra Leone/ monetary unit of Sierra Leone
Viva Voce- By word of mouth/ orally/ by means of voice
Wishy-washy- Weak
Bushwhack- Ambush/ surprise attack
2nd Strategy
Structural Analysis/ Derivation
Structure/ Elements of Words
5.) Sounds, letters, syllables
6.) Can be one letter
7.) Attached in the root word
a.) Root word
b.) Suffix
8.) Attached at the end of the root
c.) Prefix
9.) Attached to the beginning of a root
10.)Inflectional endings “s”, “es”, “ed”, “ing”
Social Gender
- One must introduce the older one before the younger one.
- Introduce the women before men (females are of weaker sex)
- Introduce those people who are in professions first.
Formal conversations avoid colloquialism.
Colloquial- you do not abbreviate words.
Ex. Of Informal words: Bye, Nice to meet you.
Teachers- faculty
Horses- stud
Musicians- orchestra/ band
Dancers- troupe
Girls- gang/bevy
Fish- school
Birds- flock/flight
Ants- colony
Locusts- plague
Judges- jury
Congressman- congress
Senator- senate
Directors- board
Furniture- suite (completely furnaced)
Thunder- volt/ volts
Lightning- flash
Noun Determiners
- Used in place of nouns
- Rather repeating words, use pronouns
Kinds of Pronouns
1.) Personal Pronoun
- Refers to person
- We used it very often
a.) 1st Person
Singular: I, my, me mine
Plural: We, us, our, ours
b.) 2nd Person
Singular & Plural: you, your, yours
c.) 3rd Person
Singular: he, she, it, her, hers, his, him, its
Plural: they, them, their, theirs
Ex: The soldier told the residents to plant trees>> He told the residents to
plant trees.
1.) Demonstrative Pronoun
- Can be adjective and pronoun itself
When they are w/ noun they are adjectives
Ex: That is mine.
When they don’t stand w/noun, they are pronoun
Ex: That is mine.
Ex: This is the house (that)>relative pronoun) I would like to own.
(Complex sentence)
2.) Possessive Pronoun
- Shown possession
- Can be adjective
When they are used with noun it is adjective
When they are alone w/o noun they are pronoun
Ex: I (subject) like my car, but (coordinate subject) I wish (that) my parents
would let me drive theirs (passive adj.)
Compound sentence has 2 subject and a predicate
Ex: Those (adjective) hoods are ours (possessive pronoun), not theirs
(possessive pronoun).
3.) Indefinite Pronoun
- Pronouns that are not mentioned specifically/ definitely.
a.) Singular Indefinite Pronouns
Another, anybody, anyone, anything, each, other, enough, everybody,
everyone, everything, each, less, little, much, none, nobody, no one,
nothing, one, somebody, someone, something
Verb should be singular
Ex: Everyone (subject) was shocked (verb) by the (determiner) sudden
(adjective) announcement.
Antecedents of Pronouns
- Nouns for which pronoun stands.
- Must agree with the preceding words in number, gender, and person.
Ex: The woman (antecedent) her name on her scarf.
The furry (antecedent) cat wags its tail.
Everybody (antecedent) wants his/her opinion to be heard.
Lina and Martin (antecedent) submitted their work on time.
1.) A phrase/ clause that is between the subject and verb does not
change the number of the antecedent.
Ex: The can of lima beans sits on its shell
2.) Singular indefinite pronouns antecedents take singular pronouns
Ex: Each of the players forgot his/her racket.
2. Mood
- Indicates how the manner of the action is express.
3 Kinds of Mood Verbs
a. Indicative Mood
- Mood of fact
b. Imperative Mood
- Mood of command/ request
Ex: I wish I had prepared for the exam.
c. Subjunctive mood
- To express a wish or desire
- Used in supposition or highly importable (were)
- Used in prayers
- Used in suggestion/ demands
- Used in doubts or uncertainty
Agreement in Using Verb
1. A verb agrees with each number and subject.
Ex: The dog chasses the cat.
2. 2 subjects joined by “and” require a plural verb.
Ex: Gods commandments and teachings
The cow and the pig are jumping over the moon
3. Compound subject joined by or, either, nor, neither takes
verb agree in number nearest to the verb.
Ex: Neither the lion nor the bears have escaped from the zoo.
4. If subjects are both singular and are joined by words or,
either or, neither nor, not only, but, also, the verb is
Ex: He is not only intelligent, but also honest.
5. If one of the words such as, each, every, or, no, comes
before the subject, the verb is singular.
Ex: Every man and woman is a God’s child.
6. A prepositional phrase that follows the subject does not
affect the verb.
Ex: The tree in the middle of the garden is the tree of knowledge.
7. The verb is singular if the two subjects are separated by
and, and refer to the same person or thing.
Ex: Red beans and rice is my favorite dish.
8. When a noun and pronoun subject like half, none, more,
and all followed by a prepositional phrase, the object of the
preposition determining the form of the verb.
Ex: All of the chicken is gone.
9. The singular verb form is usually used for units of
measurement or time.
Ex: 2 yards of silk cloth is enough to make a beautiful tulle.
10. Intervening phrases such as, well, with, including, along
with, as well as, together, with altogether with does not
affect the form of the verb.
Ex: The children with the parents are going to the zoo.
11. Indefinite pronouns such as both, many, several, and few,
take plural verbs.
Ex: Both of you are needed in the office.
12. Indefinite pronouns such as each, either, neither, someone,
anyone, everybody, nobody, anybody, take a singular verb.
Ex: Neither of them has given the correct answer.
13. Titles of book/movies/novels are treated as singular and
take singular verbs.
Ex: The Burbs is a movie starring Tom Hurnets.
14. Distribution words such as each and every are always
Ex: Every boy and girl is allowed to take the exam.
15. Nouns that are plural in form but singular in use/meaning
take a singular in use.
Ex: Statistics is not my favorite subject.
3. Tense
- Refers to the time of occurrence
Tenses of Verb
a. Simple Tense
Simple Present tense
Express the verb in the following:
a. It is used in expressing what is true at the moment or
the present fact.
Ex: The library is open now.
b. Expresses something that is always true or all-time
Ex: We need problems to grow and mature.
c. It expresses something that is done regularly or
Ex: He visits us every Sunday.
Present Tense
- Can be extended
Present Continues
- is formed through “be” + verb…ing
Ex: He is being
I am being
You are being
We are being
They are being
1. Expresses action that will/ will not happen in the future.
Ex: He is not meeting his friend after school.
2. Express something that is happening at the time of
Ex: They are eating breakfast now.
3. Describes the actions that are being repeated always,
constantly, forever.
Ex: Mother is misplacing her keys constantly.
4. Use to express action about current friends.
Ex: Shopping online is growing in popularity nowadays.
5. Talking about a planned event in future.
Ex: We are leaving for beach tomorrow morning.