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Education-Policy-Outlook-Country-Profile-Slovenia OECD 2016

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April 2016
This policy profile on education in Slovenia is part of the Education Policy Outlook series, which
presents comparative analysis of education policies and reforms across OECD countries. Building on the
OECD’s substantial comparative and sectorial policy knowledge base, the series offers a comparative
outlook on education policy by providing analysis of individual countries’ educational context, challenges
and policies (education policy profiles), analysis of international trends and insight into policies and reforms
on selected topics. In addition to country-specific profiles, the series also includes a recurring publication.
The first volume, Education Policy Outlook 2015: Making Reforms Happen, was released in January, 2015.
Designed for policy makers, analysts and practitioners who seek information and analysis of
education policy taking into account the importance of national context, the country policy profiles offer
constructive analysis of education policy in a comparative format. Each profile reviews the current context
and situation of the country’s education system and examines its challenges and policy responses,
according to six policy levers that support improvement:

 Students: How to raise outcomes for all in terms of 1) equity and quality and 2) preparing
students for the future

 Institutions: How to raise quality through 3) school improvement and 4) evaluation and

 System: How the system is organised to deliver education policy in terms of 5) governance and
6) funding.
Some country policy profiles contain spotlight boxes on selected policy issues. They are meant to
draw attention to specific policies that are promising or showing positive results and may be relevant for
other countries. This country profile also includes a spotlight on the European Union perspective for
Slovenia, based on challenges and recommendations identified by the EU Council of Ministers and the
European Commission as part of their activities with EU member countries.
Special thanks to the Government of Slovenia for its active input during consultations and
constructive feedback on this report. We also thank the European Commission for its valuable analytical
and financial support for development of 11 OECD-EU Country Profiles over the course of 2015-16.
Authors: This country policy profile was prepared by Judith Peterka (main drafter), Simon Field,
Diana Toledo Figueroa, Gillian Golden, Bojana Jankova and Sylvain Fraccola (statistics and design) from
the Education Policy Outlook team of the Policy Advice and Implementation Division, led by Richard
Yelland. Sophie Limoges and Susan Copeland provided editorial support. This profile builds on the
knowledge and expertise of many project teams across the OECD’s Directorate for Education and Skills, to
whom we are grateful. Nadia Bonifacic and Erazem Bohinc contributed on behalf of the European
Commission Directorate-General for Education and Culture.
Sources: This country profile draws on OECD indicators from the Programme for International
Student Assessment (PISA) and the annual publication Education at a Glance. It refers to country and
thematic studies such as OECD work on early childhood education and care, teachers, school leadership,
evaluation and assessment for improving school outcomes, equity and quality in education, governing
complex education systems, vocational education and training, and tertiary education. Much of this
information and documentation can be accessed through the OECD Education GPS at
Most of the figures quoted in the different sections refer to Annex B, which presents a table of the
main indicators for the different sources used throughout the country profile. Hyperlinks to the reference
publications are included throughout the text for ease of reading, and also in the References and further
reading section, which lists both OECD and non-OECD sources.
More information is available from the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills (www.oecd.org/edu)
and its web pages on Education Policy Outlook (http://www.oecd.org/education/policyoutlook.htm), as well
as on the EU Education and Training Monitor (http://ec.europa.eu/education/tools/et-monitor_en.htm) and
Eurydice (https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/mwikis/eurydice/index.php/Slovenia:Overview).



Highlights ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Equity and quality
Strong start and policies to promote equity ..................................................................................................................... 7
Preparing students for the future
Increasing tertiary attainment ........................................................................................................................................... 9
School improvement
Stronger instructional leadership .................................................................................................................................... 11
Evaluation and assessment to improve student outcomes
Strengthening a culture of assessment .......................................................................................................................... 13
Responsibilities shared between the central government and schools .......................................................................... 15
Average public investment in education ....................................................................................................................... 167
Annex A: Structure of Slovenia’s education system ....................................................................................................... 19
Annex B: Statistics ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
References and further reading ...................................................................................................................................... 23


Figure 1. Student performance in mathematics and impact of economic, social and cultural status ................................ 5
Figure 2. Upper secondary and tertiary attainment .......................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3. Mathematics performance and percentage of top and low performers ............................................................. 8
Figure 4. Percentage of 15-29 year-olds in education and not in education................................................................... 10
Figure 5. The learning environment ............................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 6. Student assessment by purpose ..................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 7. Decisions in public lower secondary schools, by level of government ............................................................ 16
Figure 8. Expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP.................................................................... 18


Spotlight 1. The European Union perspective: Slovenia and the Europe 2020 strategy .................................................. 6
Spotlight 2. Supporting disadvantaged students .............................................................................................................. 8
Spotlight 3. Reforming gimnazija through school development teams ........................................................................... 12
Spotlight 4. Using data to monitor and steer education .................................................................................................. 16


Slovenia’s educational context
Students: Educational performance in Slovenia in PISA 2012 is above average in mathematics (501 points,
compared to the OECD average of 494 points) and science (514 points, compared to the OECD average of 501
points), but below average in reading (481 points, compared to the OECD average of 496 points). The impact of
students’ socio-economic background on performance is similar to the OECD average. Slovenia has an
integrated pre-school system of early childhood education and care (ECEC) and pre-primary education for
children age 1 to age 6, and the enrolment rate of 3-4 year-olds is similar to the OECD average. Compulsory
basic education is organised into a comprehensive structure called basic school, attended by students age 6 to 15.
Grade repetition rates are low, and tracking starts at age 15 (the OECD average). The rate of early school leaving
is one of the lowest among EU countries. Attainment rates in upper secondary education and enrolment in
vocational education and training (VET) at upper secondary level are above average. Transitions between
general and vocational upper secondary programmes are possible, as is access to tertiary education upon
completion of an upper secondary VET programme.
Institutions: Slovenian schools and kindergartens have an overall average level of autonomy, with a high
level of local control over hiring and dismissing teaching staff compared to other OECD countries, and a below-
average level of local control over curriculum decisions and student assessment in schools. Teachers in Slovenia
are required to have five years of initial teacher education (master’s level). Exceptions are pre-school teachers
and teachers of professional subjects in vocational and technical upper secondary education, who must have at
least three years of initial teacher education. All teachers must pass a state professional examination. Teaching
conditions include below-average class size and teaching time (except in pre-primary education) and average
actual salaries (base salary plus other work-related payments). Evaluation and assessment of educational
institutions include internal and external evaluations, while teacher appraisal depends mainly on the professional
judgement of school leaders. Teachers conduct student assessments, and they have full autonomy in selecting
assessment methods.
System: Governance of the education system in Slovenia is mainly shared between the central government
and schools. Education policy is defined by parliament and the central government. Municipalities establish public
kindergartens, basic music schools, basic schools, residence halls for students in basic schools, and adult
education organisations. The central government establishes public upper secondary schools, short-cycle higher
education colleges, educational institutions for special education needs and upper secondary student dormitories.
Parliament approves public higher education institutions and public student dormitories. From the central
government, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport is responsible for drafting, evaluating and implementing
regulations, and has authority over pre-school, compulsory basic school, upper secondary school, and adult and
higher education. Most schooling decisions in the equivalent of lower secondary education are taken at school
level (for example, in organisation of instruction or resource management). Annual expenditure per student across
all education levels is around the OECD average (above the OECD average at primary level and below the OECD
average at tertiary level).
Key policy issues
As an already high-performing education system, Slovenia sees the need to address achievement gaps
between specific student-population groups (particularly Roma students) and to make the education system more
responsive to the changing skills requirements of the labour market, the economy and society. Another challenge
for the Slovenian education system is achieving a comprehensive framework for evaluation and assessment to
improve student outcomes. Other priorities include improving the efficiency of governance at schools and
introducing more flexibility in the organisation of pedagogical work, with support and capacity-building to help
teachers succeed. Achieving greater efficiency in the delivery of education services will require adequate funding
for higher education institutions and improved information on the number of students and the real needs of the
Selected policy responses
To improve access to ECEC, the Kindergarten Act (2008) and the Exercise of Rights to Public Funds Act
(2012) provide grants to parents with two or more children enrolled in pre-school education.
The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities set up the Youth Guarantee (2014) to
guarantee a job, formal education or a training opportunity to any 15-29 year-old registering in Slovenia’s
Employment Service.
Slovenia introduced a competence-based approach in VET curricula (2008-11), with a modular structure in
teaching and learning, and also increased the proportion of practical training.
The Slovenian Parliament adopted a Resolution on the National Programme of Higher Education that
defines key goals for future development of higher education in Slovenia (2011).


Performance of Slovenia’s students in PISA 2012 is above average in mathematics and science and below
average in reading. Across PISA cycles, performance in mathematics and science remained unchanged, while
reading performance decreased. The impact of students’ socio-economic status on mathematics scores (15.6%)
is around the OECD average (14.8%).
Figure 1. Student performance in mathematics and relationship between student performance and the
economic, social and cultural status (ESCS), for 15-year-olds, PISA 2012

Slovenia OECD average Min Max

600 25

% of mathematic score variance

explained by the ESCS
Score points

550 20

500 15

450 10

400 5
Mean Overall strength of
performance in the relationship
mathematics between the ESCS
and student

Note: “Min”/“Max” refer to OECD countries with the lowest/highest values.

Source: OECD (2014), PISA 2012 Results: What Students Know and Can Do (Volume I, Revised edition, February 2014):
Student Performance in Mathematics, Reading and Science, PISA, OECD Publishing, Paris,

In Slovenia, the share of 25-34 year-olds with at least an upper secondary education is well above the
OECD average (94%, compared to the OECD average of 83%). Moreover, the first-time upper secondary
graduation rate in Slovenia is 86%. About 38% of 25-34 year-olds in Slovenia have attained tertiary education.
This is slightly below the OECD average of 41% in 2014 (Figure 2), but has increased by 19 percentage points
between 2000 and 2014.

Figure 2. Upper secondary and tertiary attainment for 25-34 year-olds, 2014

% of attainment (population)


OECD average


At least upper Tertiary education
Source: OECD (2015), Education at a Glance 2015: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing, Paris, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/eag-


Spotlight 1. The European Union perspective:
Slovenia's education and training system and the Europe 2020 Strategy
In the European Union’s growth and employment strategy, Europe 2020, education and training is
recognised as a key policy area in contributing to Europe's economic growth and social inclusion. The European
Union set a two-fold target in education by 2020: reducing the rates of early school leaving below 10%, and
reaching at least 40% of 30-34 year-olds completing tertiary or equivalent education. Countries set their own
related national targets. The Europe 2020 goals are monitored by EU's yearly assessment of the main economic
and growth issues.

The European Semester Country Report 2015 identified a number of key issues for Slovenia in education,
that include the following:

 Slovenia has reached the education targets of the Europe 2020 strategy. Early school leaving is the
lowest in the European Union (3.9% in 2013), and 40.1% of the population aged 30-34 has attained a
tertiary qualification. The focus now needs to shift to quality in education.

 Inefficiencies in the higher education system are seen in the high rate of dropout and fictitious
enrolment (enrolment of students who are not actually following courses in that institution). The dropout
rate from university is estimated at 35%. Fictitious enrolment seems mostly due to incentives and social
benefits linked to student status and weak administrative checks. Amendments to the Higher Education
Act are expected to more clearly address the issue of benefits linked to student status. An important
step in this direction has been the introduction of a new electronic information system which has
become an official source of information on student status. It is used by public institutions to grant
scholarships, transport and food subsidies, dormitories, health insurance and student work. In 2014/15,
it was also used for electronic enrolment in higher education. The aim is for the system to become an
analytical tool for evidence-based policy making.

 Half of students hold a job during their study years, seemingly at the expense of performance and
prolonged duration of study. In parallel, the quality of implementation of tertiary programmes risks being
affected by the decrease in total expenditure on education. Spending on tertiary education was reduced
by 13% between 2011 and 2012 (or 5 % between 2008 and 2012).

 Skills mismatches have become less evident. Slovenia displays one of the lowest proportions of young
people with tertiary education in jobs requiring low qualification (vertical mismatch). At 66.2%, the
proportion of upper secondary students following vocational education and training remains above the
EU average (50.4% in 2012). However, in the long run, skills shortages could emerge in high-skilled
occupations. Demand for high-skilled workers is projected to increase substantially.


In its PISA 2012 results, Slovenia combines average equity indicators for 15-year-olds with roughly
average performance overall. The share of top performers in mathematics is just above the OECD average
(13.7% of students at or above Level 5, compared to the OECD average of 12.6%), and the share of low
performers is below the OECD average (20.1% of students below proficiency Level 2, compared to the OECD
average of 23.0%) (Figure 3). Across PISA cycles, performance has decreased in reading and remained
unchanged in mathematics and science. The impact of socio-economic background on student performance in
PISA 2012 was near the average (15.6%, compared to the OECD average of 14.8%).
Early childhood education and care policies aim to foster equity. Slovenia has an integrated pre-school
system that combines early childhood education and care and pre-primary education for children from age 1 to
age 6. While compulsory education starts from age 6, enrolment of 3-4 year-olds has sharply increased. Between
2005 and 2013, the enrolment rate of 3-year-olds increased from 67% to 84% and enrolment of 4-year-olds
increased from 76% to 89% (above the 2013 OECD average of 74% for 3-year-olds and 88% for 4-year-olds).
The child-teacher ratio at pre-primary level remains one of the lowest among OECD countries (9 children per
teaching staff member, compared to the OECD average of 14), and the number of hours spent teaching in pre-
primary education is considerably higher than the OECD average (1 314 hours in Slovenia, compared to the
OECD average of 1 005 hours). Pre-school education is mainly provided in public institutions. In early childhood
education and care, 96% of children enrolled are in public institutions, more than double the OECD average of
43%. In pre-primary education, 97% of children enrolled are in public institutions, well above the OECD average
of 61%. From the age of 11 months, children are legally entitled to a publicly subsidised place in ECEC. While the
supply of kindergarten institutions is increasing, according to a report by the European Commission, local
authorities cannot always satisfy the demand for places for younger children.
Several system-level policies in Slovenia promote equity in education. Compulsory education in Slovenia
is organised in a comprehensive structure called basic school that caters to students between age 6 and age 15.
Tracking (sorting students into different education pathways) begins at age 15, the same as the OECD average.
Grade repetition is low, with 3.4% of 15-year-old students reporting in PISA 2012 that they repeated a grade at
least once in primary, lower secondary or upper secondary school (compared to 12.4% of students in other OECD
countries). Slovenia has one of the lowest rates of early school leavers across all EU countries (4.4% in 2014,
compared to the EU average of 11.1%). School choice is possible: parents have the option to enrol their children
in a school outside their immediate locality, if the school consents. There are few private schools in Slovenia, and
most students are enrolled in public schools (97.6%, compared to the OECD average of 81.7%), while 1.9% are
enrolled in government-dependent private schools (compared to the OECD average of 14.2%). All kindergartens
and basic schools are required to provide pedagogical, psychological and social counselling and career guidance,
as well as non-compulsory extended educational programmes of supplementary classes, morning care (for pupils
in Grade 1), after-school classes (for pupils in Grades 1-5), non-compulsory optional subjects, and other extra-
curricular activities (See School Improvement).
School location also has an above-average impact on student performance. Slovenian students in city
schools (population of 100 000 or more) outperform those in rural schools (population under 3 000) by 74 score
points, after accounting for differences in students’ socio-economic status (compared to the OECD average of 18
score points). Evidence from the European Commission (2011) shows that educational attainment of Roma in
Slovenia is low compared to their peers. Fewer Roma are enrolled in pre-school education. They often are not
proficient in Slovene, leave education early (after basic education) and have lower educational support at home.

The challenge: Supporting students of socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds across regions.

Recent policies and practices

The Kindergarten Act (2008) and the Exercise of Rights to Public Funds Act (2012) provide additional funds
for parents with two or more children enrolled in pre-school education, so that parents only pay 30% for the second
child and no fee for younger siblings. The amount of the fee is determined according to a grid of nine levels of
income, with no fees for those with the lowest income, and no parents actually pay the full fee. Parents with the
highest level of income in the grid (99% of the net average salary) pay 77% of the fee. Municipalities can also
further reduce these fees according to their social policies.
CroCooS (2014-17), financed under the Erasmus+ Programme, aims to identify means to prevent early
school leaving in Slovene VET schools, with emphasis on cross-sectorial co-operation and early warning systems.
To tackle underachievement at an early stage, the Basic School Act (amended in 2007) stipulates that basic
schools must provide supplementary lessons, individual and group assistance for low achievers and students with
learning difficulties. Slovenia has also introduced measures to support disadvantaged students (see Spotlight 2).


Figure 3. Percentage of low and top performers and performance difference between non-immigrant and
immigrant students in mathematics, PISA 2012
Slovenia OECD average Min Max
40 60 70
50 50

Score points
40 30
20 30 10
0 0
Difference in mathematics
Top-performing students Low-performing
performance between
(Level 5 or above) students (below Level 2)
non-immigrant and
immigrant students
AFTER adjusting for
socio-economic status

Note: “Min”/“Max” refer to OECD countries with the lowest/highest values.

Source: OECD (2014), PISA 2012 Results: What Students Know and Can Do (Volume I, Revised edition, February 2014):
Student Performance in Mathematics, Reading and Science, PISA, OECD Publishing, Paris,

Spotlight 2. Supporting disadvantaged students

With the support of European Structural Funds, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport implemented
several programmes to support low-performing students and schools. The measures mainly target students from
disadvantaged socio-economic, immigrant or Roma backgrounds. Some examples:
 The Project for the Successful Integration of Roma Students in Schools (2008-15) aimed to share
national best practices of inclusive teaching among kindergartens and schools and teachers in areas
with little or no such experience. One of the most important measures was providing a Roma assistant
in Roma settlements and schools attended by Roma pupils. As reported by the Roma Union, results
achieved by the end of 2010 included higher attendance of Roma children in educational institutions,
improved co-operation between Roma parents and educational institutions, increased awareness
among Roma of the importance of learning and education, and more successful co-operation between
teaching assistants, teachers and Roma parents in the education of Roma children.
 Based on the Strategy for Integration of Immigrant Children, Pupils and Students in the Education
System in the Republic of Slovenia (2007), the Guidelines for the Integration of Immigrant Children in
Kindergartens and Schools (2009, amended in 2012) define strategies, adjustments and methods to
help integrate immigrant children in education, including co-operation with their parents. Schools
support children before they start school and throughout their education. Parents are also encouraged
to participate in work and activities of schools and kindergartens (such as learning Slovene along with
their children). The guidelines also aim to support schools in planning education with a view to the
specific needs of immigrant students.
 The Successful Integration of Immigrant Children Programme (2013-15) provides educational
activities for immigrant students and training for teaching staff to promote interculturalism in schools.
Other measures to help integrate immigrant children in kindergartens and schools (2012) include
professional support in learning of Slovene, adapted assessment in the first and second year of schooling in
Slovenia and access to lessons in the student’s mother tongue. The state also funds supplementary Slovene
language lessons for immigrant students at upper secondary level.


Labour market perspectives can play an important role in the decision to stay in education. In Slovenia,
the unemployment rate of 25-64 year-olds for all levels of education is above the OECD average (9.1%,
compared to the OECD average of 7.3% in 2014). While unemployment rates were lower for those with higher
levels of education, the unemployment rate for younger tertiary degree holders (25-34 year-olds) increased from
3.8% to 11.9% between 2000 and 2014. The proportion of 15-29 year-olds with upper secondary education in
Slovenia who are neither employed nor in education or training (NEET) is below the OECD average (13.7%,
compared to the OECD average of 15.5%) (Figure 4). The share of NEETs increased by 6.1 percentage points
between 2010 and 2014, while the OECD average decreased by 0.7 percentage points.
Upper secondary education in Slovenia consists of general education and vocational-technical education,
and the same kind of school can offer both types of programmes. Upper secondary attainment rates of the
population are above the OECD average (57%, compared to the OECD average of 39%). The unemployment rate
for those with upper secondary education is above the OECD average (9.7%, compared to the OECD average of
7.5%). General education is provided in four-year gimnazija programmes. Around 34% of students in Slovenia are
enrolled in a general secondary programme (below the OECD average of 54%) leading to the general upper
secondary leaving certificate (Matura), which provides direct entry to tertiary education. Changes between
vocational and general education tracks are enabled by special one-year courses (Matura course and vocational
course) funded by the state. Students and young adults are entitled to counselling services through the Centre for
Information and Career Guidance (Center za informiranje in poklicno svetovanje, CIPS).
Vocational Education and Training is offered in three different tracks at upper secondary level. All tracks
lead to qualifications to enter the labour market in specific occupations, to the vocational upper secondary leaving
certificate (vocational Matura), or to a school-leaving exam. Students with a vocational Matura can pass additional
exams in general Matura subjects to access academic higher education. In Slovenia, more students enrol in
upper secondary vocational programmes than on average across the OECD (66%, compared to the OECD
average of 46%), with a shift in enrolment towards programmes that provide direct access to higher education.
The employment rate for population with vocational education (mainly 25-34 year-olds) is 80%, compared to the
OECD average of 77%.
Tertiary education in Slovenia comprises academic higher education, professional higher education and
short-cycle higher vocational education. Slovenian tertiary attainment among 25-34 year-olds doubled to 38%
between 2000 and 2014, but is still slightly below the OECD average of 41%. Tertiary degree holders earn 75%
more than their peers with only upper secondary education (15 percentage points more than the OECD average).
Slovenian women earn 94% of what men earn across all levels of educational attainment, one of the smallest pay
gaps in all OECD countries. Women have higher tertiary attainment rates than men in Slovenia at all education
levels. For example, women made up a greater share of doctoral graduates than in other OECD countries (55%
of first-time graduates at doctoral level, compared to the OECD average of 47%). At the same time, the
unemployment rate for Slovenian women at all levels of educational attainment (10.0%) is above the OECD
average (7.6%), and also higher than the unemployment rate for Slovenian men (8.3%).

The challenge: Making education more responsive to changing skill requirements of the labour market.

Recent policies and practices

Slovenia adopted the Youth Guarantee (2014) to guarantee a job, formal education or a training opportunity
to 15-29 year-olds registering in Slovenia’s Employment Service.
The National Programme for Youth (2013-22) focuses on ensuring better opportunities for young people with
both formal and informal education. This programme is a strategic document that defines goals, basic measures
and indicators that will be applied to evaluate its impact.
A new competence-based approach in VET curricula (2008-11) introduced a modular structure in teaching
and learning, as well as an increased share of practical training. Subject curricula were updated in general upper
secondary (gimnazija) (2008/09) and basic education (2011/12), with core competencies introduced in general
education. Following the reform of vocational education (2008-11), practical training in the work place increased:
20% of the curriculum can now be designed in co-operation with social partners, particularly local companies.
The Resolution on the National Programme of Higher Education (2011) defines key goals for the future of
higher education, such as quality and excellence, diversity and accessibility, internationalisation, diversification of
study structures, and financing of higher education. The amendment to the Higher Education Act (2012) enabled
universities to modify their study programmes more quickly to improve quality and better respond to the needs of
the labour market.


Figure 4. Percentage of 15-29 year-olds in education and not in education, by educational attainment and
work status, 2014
In education Not in education, Employed Not in education, not employed (NEET)

% of 15-29 year-olds




Slovenia OECD average Slovenia OECD average Slovenia OECD average
Below upper secondary Upper secondary and non- Tertiary education
tertiary post-secondary

NEET: Neither Employed, nor in Education and Training (by higher education status)
Source: OECD (2015), Education at a Glance 2015: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing, Paris, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/eag-



Schools in Slovenia serve about 350 000 students in pre-schools and basic and upper secondary schools,
according to a 2015 report from the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. At primary and lower secondary
level, students in Slovenia receive less compulsory instruction time (6 284 hours, compared to the OECD average
of 7 570 hours) and more non-compulsory instruction time (1 118 hours, compared to the OECD average of 249
hours). In PISA 2012, 15-year-olds reported around-average positive views of their learning environments, but
less positive teacher-student relationships than students in other OECD countries (Figure 5).
School leaders in Slovenia report engaging more in instructional leadership than their peers in other OECD
countries, according to PISA 2012 (Figure 5). School leaders are appointed by the school council for a five-year
term and are responsible for managing staff, appraising teachers, providing an annual report and administering
the budget. In smaller schools, they can also have teaching responsibilities. Candidates for school leadership
positions must hold a teaching qualification, have at least five years teaching experience and have achieved the
second promotion on the Slovenian teaching career ladder. They also need to obtain a school leader licence from
the Slovenian National School for Leadership in Education. School leaders are evaluated annually by the school
Attracting and developing new teachers will be important to maintain the quality of the education system in
coming years. Candidates must meet selective requirements to enter initial teacher education. These may vary
depending on the type of programme or number of places available. Pre-school teachers and teachers of
professional subjects in vocational and technical upper secondary education complete at least a three-year
qualification at bachelor’s level. Primary teachers complete a five-year qualification at master’s level at faculties of
education. Secondary teachers also study at multidisciplinary faculties, at master’s level. All teacher-training
programmes are autonomously determined by universities or other higher education institutions. A general
pedagogical course (mostly of one year) is intended for teachers whose initial education did not include any
pedagogical content. Before entering the profession, teachers can follow a ten-month induction programme (a
traineeship), with a mentor assigned to them, or they can apply for open-recruitment job positions where
beginning teachers receive mentoring support. The induction phase prepares them to take the state professional
examination to become fully qualified teachers. Slovenian teachers are civil servants and are appointed by school
leaders. By law, professional development is both a right and a duty for teachers. Each teacher is entitled to five
days of professional development per year. For participation in specific programmes, teachers receive points that
are necessary for career advancement.
Teaching conditions in Slovenia typically include fewer teaching hours, smaller class sizes, (except in pre-
primary education) and lower average actual salaries (which include base salaries and work-related payments,
such as bonuses) than in other OECD countries. Teaching time over the school year is 627 hours in primary
education and 570 hours in secondary education (below the OECD average of 772 hours in primary education
and 643 hours in secondary education). Slovenia has 19 students per class at primary level and 20 at lower
secondary level (below the OECD average of 21 students per class at primary level and 24 at lower secondary
level). Teachers’ average actual salaries are below the OECD average across school education levels. They
range from USD 26 385 for pre-primary teachers and teaching assistants (compared to the OECD average of
USD 37 798) to USD 38 378 for upper secondary teachers (compared to the OECD average of USD 47 702).

The challenge: Improving teaching conditions and investing in the quality of teaching.

Recent policies and practices

The updated subject curricula in general upper secondary schools (gimnazija) (2008/09) and the updated
curricula in basic schools (2011/12) introduced key competencies in general education. The Opening up Slovenia
initiative (2014) aims to complement existing education practices with innovative, dynamic and open learning
approaches and to set up a mechanism for quality assurance of open education services and content. The
initiative is supported by a wide range of stakeholders and includes research and development of new concepts,
models and methods in open education.
After a mandatory Headship Licence Programme (1996) Slovenia introduced a Headship Certificate
Programme (2012) aiming at enhancing and promoting professional development for school leaders and
improving their leadership practices. The programme is implemented by the National School for Leadership in
The special Criteria for the Accreditation of Study Programmes for Initial Education of Teachers (2008,
amended in 2011) introduce standards for initial teacher education.


Figure 5. The learning environment, PISA 2012

Slovenia Index: OECD average=0

0.6 Above OECD average
Index point

-0.8 Below OECD average
Index of teacher-student Index of classrooms Index of instructional
relations (students' views) conducive to learning leadership
(students' views)

Source: OECD (2013), PISA 2012 Results: What Makes Schools Successful: Resources, Policies and Practices (Volume IV),
PISA, OECD Publishing, Paris, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264201156-en.

Spotlight 3. Reforming gimnazija through school development teams

As part of the reform process for gimnazija (general upper-secondary schools), Slovenia created school
development teams based on the concepts of distributed leadership, learning communities and empowerment of
teachers as change agents. With the support of school leaders, these teams have promoted, steered and
co-ordinated development processes in schools, through activities such as needs analysis and structured dialogue
on concepts of knowledge, teaching and learning, planning, and evaluation. School development teams also had
conceptual and practical support from a strategic team of the National Education Institute.
The reform aims to achieve two sustainable effects:
 to stimulate didactic innovations by individual teachers and interdisciplinary teams in order to develop
higher-order thinking and competences
 to introduce and sustain such change at the school level through strategic planning and thoughtful
implementation and co-ordination across whole schools.
At the beginning, the main focus was on the first of these aims, but focus has since shifted to the second.
The reform combines different approaches and instruments, including direct promotion, provision of
incentives, network creation, knowledge management, leadership strategies and other professional development
capacity building, creating new forms of expertise and change management, as well as a more general drive to
create climates favourable to innovative learning. It involves different groups and elements: learning professionals;
students; concepts of change management, learning and teaching, and knowledge; plus materials, facilities, and
technologies organised and combined in many different ways. It has developed an institute of change agents,
research and professional development network programmes, and networking.
The whole process has lasted for around ten years, including three years at the pilot stage when its main
features were designed and implemented. Ten schools were part of the initial pilot phase. It has now spread to all
gymnasia (more than 70 schools) and represents a model for implementation of change in other schools.
Over time, more and more activities have been put in the hands of schools. Evidence shows that the most
important transforming idea was that of co-design with teachers, in which they came to take lead responsibility,
drawing on national materials and support.


Defining effective evaluation and assessment strategies is important to improve student outcomes and
develop a better and more equitable school system. In Slovenia, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport is
in charge of evaluation and assessment, with support from several national bodies. The Inspectorate of the
Republic of Slovenia carries out inspections in kindergartens, basic schools, music schools and upper secondary
schools. The minister has set up the Quality and Evaluation Council to co-ordinate evaluation and assessment
programmes. In addition, national public research institutes support evaluation and assessment at all levels.
System evaluation aims to provide evidence about the state of the education system. In Slovenia, the
National Education Institute, the National Institute for VET and the Education Research Institute carry out
systematic research at the national level. National examinations facilitated by the National Examination Centre
take place at the end of the second cycle of basic school (Grade 6), at the end of basic school (Grade 9) and at
the end of upper secondary school (vocational Matura and Matura). Slovenia also participates in several
international large-scale assessments, such as PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS.
School and pre-school evaluation includes external and internal evaluation. In Slovenia, announced
external school evaluations last for one day and are carried out by the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Education,
Science and Sport, as a rule once every five years. The aim is to ensure implementation of educational legislation,
appropriate use of funds and quality of educational provision. Evaluators inspect school facilities, examine
documents provided by the school and, with the permission of the school leader, observe teaching practice.
Unannounced inspections can also be carried out at the request of parents, students or employees. The
Inspectorate publishes online an annual report of all inspections carried out during the year. Specific school
inspection reports are not made public if they are not requested. School inspectors must have at least a master’s
degree and a minimum of seven years’ professional experience (in education, counselling, research or
educational administration), and they must pass the school inspectors’ examination. Since 2008, all kindergartens
and schools must conduct yearly internal school evaluations. In schools, evaluations also comprise evaluation of
students’ achievement in national examinations. School councils should adopt the self-evaluation reports, and the
internal evaluation is reflected in school development programmes. To facilitate the process of internal evaluation,
schools have access to a web application (Assessment for/of Learning Analytical Tool) which allows school
leaders and teachers to compare their school’s results with national benchmarks for school improvement.
Teacher appraisal in Slovenia is linked to teachers’ career progression and salary increases. School leaders
evaluate the work of teachers at their school every year, carry out annual interviews, provide advice, and make
recommendations for career advancement. According to a national report on evaluation and assessment
produced for the OECD, teacher appraisal depends mainly on the professional judgement of school leaders.
School principals receive training from the National School for Leadership to carry out this process. As there are
no specific national criteria for teacher quality, teachers’ appraisals are based on legislation that applies to all
public servants.
Student assessments are mainly used to make decisions about student retention or promotion and to
monitor schools’ progress from year to year (Figure 6). Teachers conduct student assessments and are
autonomous in selection of assessment methods. At the end of each school year, students receive a report
stating their grades in individual subjects. Students are awarded descriptive grades in the first two years of basic
school. Later on, they receive numerical grades on a five-level scale.

The challenge: Enhancing evaluation and assessment tools aligned with educational goals in order to
improve student outcomes.
Recent policies and practices
Under the Basic School Act (2008, Article 60.d), each school has to prepare a School Education Plan, based
on the school’s goals, to create a safe and enhancing environment for pursuing the basic education objectives.
The amendment to the Basic School Act (2012) made the national assessment at the end of Grade 6
compulsory for all students. In addition, numerical grades were introduced, replacing descriptive grades for
students, starting in Grade 3.
The Central Register of Participants in Education (CEUVIZ, 2011) compiles individual, school and education
data in pre-school, primary and secondary education and short-cycle higher vocational education (see
Spotlight 2).
Slovenia has also increased professional support for school self-evaluations through development centres
(razvojna jedra) through European Structural Funds, starting in 2016.


Figure 6. Percentage of students in schools where the principal reported assessments of students in
national modal grade for 15-year-olds, PISA 2012

Slovenia OECD average


% of students




To make decisions To monitor the school’s To make judgements To identify aspects of
about students’ progress from year to about teachers’ instruction or the
retention or promotion year effectiveness curriculum that could
be improved

Source: OECD (2013), PISA 2012 Results: What Makes Schools Successful: Resources, Policies and Practices (Volume IV),
PISA, OECD Publishing, Paris, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264201156-en.


Governance of the education system in Slovenia is shared between the central government and the school
level. Education policy is defined by parliament and the central government. The Ministry of Education, Science
and Sport (Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport, MIZŠ) is responsible for drafting, evaluating and
implementing regulations and outlining national programmes. It has authority over pre-schools, compulsory basic
schools, and upper secondary, adult and higher education. The well-being of students and their families is the
responsibility of the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, which participates in
developing legislation on vocational education. The Ministry of Finance manages the budget of the education
system. Other bodies also shape education policy:
 The National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, ZRSŠ)
implements and monitors programmes and practices in kindergartens and schools, performs research and
provides training for professionals.
 The Inspectorate for Education and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia (Inšpektorat Republike Slovenije za
šolstvo in šport), an affiliated body of the MIZŠ, performs inspections in Slovenian kindergartens and schools.
 The National Examinations Centre (Državni izpitni center) prepares and ensures the implementation of
national assessments, administers national certifications and co-ordinates integration within the international
certification system.
 The Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training (Center Republike Slovenije
za poklicno izobraževanje) was established by the Slovenian government, the Chamber of Commerce and
Industry and the Chamber of Craft and Small Businesses. The institute carries out research on developing
trends in the job market, develops and monitors educational programmes for VET, and organises
apprenticeships and professional training for VET teachers. It is also the focal point in VET for interests of
the state and social partners.
 The National School of Leadership in Education (Šola za ravnatelje) was established by the Slovenian
government for training and professional development of school leaders and candidates.
 The Educational Research Institute (Pedagoški Inštitut) is the central research institution in Slovenia for
international large-scale surveys in education. It undertakes basic research, development and applied
projects on issues of current interest in all sectors of education and related areas.
 Several councils of experts established by the government, such as the Council of the Republic of Slovenia
for General Education, Vocational and Professional Education, Adult Education and Higher Education,
support the MIZŠ in specific areas of education planning and implementing education polices.
 The Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (Nacionalna agencija Republike Slovenije za
kakovost v visokem šolstvu, SQAA) was established in 2010 as an independent agency according to
standards and guidelines in quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area. SQAA is part of the
European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education and the European Association for Quality
Assurance in Higher Education.
Municipalities establish public kindergartens, basic music schools, basic schools, residence halls for basic
schools, and adult education organisations. Municipalities took 10% of decisions with regard to public schools in
2011 (compared to the average of 17% across the OECD). Overall, schools in Slovenia take 58% of decisions (for
example, on organisation of instruction or resource management), compared to the OECD average of 41%
(Figure 7). Slovenian schools have less control over curriculum and assessment issues than the OECD average.
Slovenian schools are managed by school leaders and governed by their school councils. School councils
at kindergartens and all school levels include representatives of founders, employees and parents. School
councils at upper secondary level also include student representatives. The councils’ main responsibilities include
appointing and dismissing the school leader, adopting the school development plan and annual work plans, and
overseeing their implementation. Slovenian higher education institutions (HEIs) enjoy relatively high autonomy
for partnerships with industry or other HEIs, staffing decisions, student selection and quality assurance. Private
basic schools can be founded only by Slovenian citizens or legal entities. Private kindergartens, upper secondary
schools and tertiary institutions can be founded by Slovenian or foreign citizens or legal entities.

The challenge: Giving schools more flexibility and support to organise pedagogical work and implement
Recent policies and practices
Slovenia has implemented a comprehensive national qualification framework, based on learning outcomes,
that covers all types and levels of qualifications. The government developed the Act on the Slovenian
Qualifications Framework in 2015.


Figure 7. Percentage of decisions taken in public lower secondary schools
at each level of government, 2011


% of decisions taken

40 Regional or Sub-regional
Central or State

Slovenia OECD average

Source: OECD (2012), Education at a Glance 2012: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing, Paris, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/eag-

Spotlight 4. Using data to monitor and steer education

The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport set up a database called the Central Register of Participants in
Education (CEUVIZ, 2011), which compiles individual, school and education data on students in pre-school,
primary and secondary education, as well as short-cycle higher vocational education. CEUVIZ is linked to other
databases such as the ministry’s Register of Institutions and Programmes, the Central Population Register, the
Register of Social Rights and the Register of Spatial Units. CEUVIZ is used to follow up on key education goals
and objectives, to make decisions with regard to rights to public funding and to provide evidence for scientific
research and statistical work. The use of CEUVIZ is restricted to kindergartens, schools and the ministry.
The ministry also established the Records and Analytical Information System for higher education in the
Republic of Slovenia (Evidenčni in analitski informacijski system visokega šolstva v Sloveniji, eVŠ, 2012), which
includes data on higher education institutions, publicly verified study programmes, students and graduates. The
eVŠ is an analytical tool that facilitates regular monitoring of the system’s operations and the development and
streamlining of higher education policies. As a central source of data on student status, the eVŠ also helps to
verify the right of students to public subsidies and different forms of financial aid instruments. In 2014, eVŠ
registered almost 1.5 million views of student data.


Slovenia’s investment in educational institutions from pre-primary to teriary education (5.8% of GDP) is
around the OECD average (5.9% of GDP) (Figure 8). Expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP
decreased by 0.4 percentage points between 2005 and 2012 (compared to an average increase across the
OECD of 0.2 percentage points). By far the largest share of expenditure on educational institutions comes from
public sources (89.8% in 2012, compared to the OECD average of 83.5%). The share of private expenditure on
institutions across all education levels (10.2%) is below the OECD average (16.5%). Between 2005 and 2012,
public expenditure at primary, secondary, post-secondary and non-tertiary level decreased by 4% (compared to
an average increase of 14% across the OECD), and private expenditure increased by 8% (compared to an
average increase of 37% across the OECD). At tertiary level, public expenditure increased by 15% (compared to
the OECD average increase of 33%), and private expenditure decreased by 40% (compared to an average
increase of 26% across the OECD).
Annual expenditure per student at primary through tertiary levels in 2011 was USD 9 031, below the
OECD average of USD 10 220. Expenditure per student in primary education (USD 9 015) was above the OECD
average (USD 8 247), while expenditure per student at tertiary level was below the OECD average (USD 11 002,
compared to USD 15 028). The expenditure per student by tertiary educational institutions has increased by 9%
since 2005, while the number of students has decreased by 5%.
Slovenian educational institutions are funded by both the state and municipalities. Basic schools are
financed jointly through municipal and state funding. The state provides resources for teaching and non-teaching
staff as well as for material costs, such as teaching and learning materials, textbooks and meals, and in-service
training of staff, while municipalities mainly provide resources for operational expenditure and transportation of
students. Municipalities that are unable to function with only their own source of revenues are eligible to receive
additional financial assistance from the state. Public upper secondary schools, short-cycle higher vocational
colleges and HEIs are financed by the state. Schools receive a block grant for expenditure on staff and
operational goods and services. The block grant for upper secondary public schools is determined by a funding
formula that takes into account the number of students and the cost of the education programme.
Higher education institutions have comparatively high autonomy for funding and financing, although there
are some constraints in determining salaries and raising student fees. Public HEIs and publicly funded private
HEIs (with concession) do not charge fees to full-time students. They may only charge fees for part-time students
and for programmes that are not funded from public sources. HEIs receive a lump-sum from the state for
teaching-related activities. In 2013, that covered around three-quarters (77.6%) of total funds. The rest came from
the sale of goods and services and other sources in their role as service providers, as well from as the market.
Funding mechanisms involve a fixed part of public funding as well as a flexible part determined according to the
number of graduates and total number of students enrolled, depending on the total funding available. Further
linking the funding allocated to HEIs to performance-based criteria could help improve the quality of Slovene
Like the rest of the OECD area, Slovenia has been deeply affected by the global crisis. In the aftermath of
the global financial crisis and facing demographic decline, reduced public budgets for education require a
greater focus on efficient use of public money, according to a 2011 OECD study. Efforts in Slovenia include
achieving greater certitude on the actual number of students in the tertiary education system (see Spotlight 1).

The challenge: Using resources efficiently, allocating them where they will have the greatest impact on
equity and quality in education.

Recent policies and practices

The Childminding of Preschool Children Programme (2008, amended in 2012) provides special grants for
parents whose children did not get a spot in public kindergartens. The grant amounts to 20% of the cost of the
programme in the kindergarten where they would have been enrolled.
To make student work less attractive to employers, the Act on Occasional Student Work (2014) was
incorporated into the Public Finance Balance Act. It introduced a minimum hourly wage and social security
contributions for student work, while allowing student contracts to remain the cheapest form of employment for
In 2012, a new Regulation on the Methodology of Financing Educational Programmes for Upper Secondary
Schools was adopted. Under this regulation, all upper secondary schools as well as all residence halls for upper
secondary students switched to a per-student funding formula and block grant financing.


Figure 8. Expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP, by level of education,2012

Expenditure as % of GDP 7
Upper secondary and post-
secondary non-tertiary
Primary and lower secondary
1 Pre-primary

Slovenia OECD average

Source: OECD (2015), Education at a Glance 2015: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing, Paris, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/eag-



Source: OECD (2012-13), “Slovenia: Overview of the education system”, OECD Education GPS,



Average Min Max

# List of key indicators Slovenia
or total OECD OECD
Background information
Political context
Public expenditure on education as a percentage
1 4.7% 4.8% 3.5% 7.7%
of GDP, 2012 (EAG 2015)
GDP per capita, 2012, in equivalent USD converted using 16 91
2 28 455 n/a
PPPs (EAG 2015) 767 754
3 GDP growth 2013 (OECD National Accounts) -1.1% 1.2% -3.2% 4.3%
4 Population density, inhab/km , 2014 (OECD Statistics) 102.4 142 3.1 507
Population aged less than 15 as a percentage of total
5 14.1% 18.6% 13.1% 29.6%
population, 2010 (OECD Factbook 2014)
Foreign-born population as a percentage of total
6 population, 2013 or latest available year (OECD Factbook 16.1% n/a 0.3% 43.7%
Education outcomes
7 Mean performance in mathematics (PISA 2012) 501 494 413 554
Annualised change in mathematics performance across
8 4,5 -0.6 -0.3 -3.3 4.2
PISA assessments (PISA 2012)
Annualised change in reading performance across PISA
9 4,5 -2.2 0.3 -2.8 4.1
assessments (PISA 2012)
Annualised change in science performance across PISA
10 4,5 -0.8 0.5 -3.1 6.4
assessments (PISA 2012)
Enrolment rates of 3-4 year-olds in early childhood
11 education and primary education as a percentage of the 87% 81% 22% 100%
population of the same age group, 2013 (EAG 2015)
% of 25-64 year-olds whose highest level of attainment is
12 13% 15% 0.4% 33%
lower secondary education, 2014 (EAG 2015)
% of 25-34 year-olds whose highest level of attainment is
13 94% 83% 46% 98%
at least upper secondary education, 2014 (EAG 2015)
% of 25-34 year-olds whose highest level of attainment is
14 38% 41% 24% 68%
tertiary education, 2014 (EAG 2015)
% of 25-64 year-olds whose highest level of attainment is
15 vocational upper-secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary 13% 26% 6% 67%
education, 2014 (EAG 2015)
Unemployment rates of 25-34 year-olds by educational attainment, 2014 (EAG 2015)
Below upper secondary 29.2% 19.1% 4.7% 55.9%
Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary 14.5% 10.2% 3.7% 36%
Tertiary education 11.9% 7.5% 2.9% 32.5%
Students: Raising outcomes
Policy lever 1: Equity and quality
17 First age of selection in the education system (PISA 2012) 15 14 10 16
Students performing at the highest or lowest levels in mathematics (%), (PISA 2012)
18 Students performing below Level 2 20.1% 23% 9.1% 54.7%
Students performing at Level 5 or above 13.7% 12.6% 0.6% 30.9%
Variance in mathematics performance between schools and within schools as a percentage of the
OECD average variance in mathematics performance (PISA 2012)
Between-schools percentage of variance 58% 37% 6% 65%
Within-schools percentage of variance 41% 63% 34% 90%
% of students reporting that they have repeated at least a
20 grade in primary, lower secondary or upper secondary 3.4% 12.4% 0.0% 36.1%
schools (PISA 2012)


Average Min Max
# List of key indicators Slovenia
or total OECD OECD
Percentage of variance in mathematics performance in PISA
21 15.6% 14.8% 7.4% 24.6%
test explained by ESCS (PISA 2012) 4
Score difference in mathematics performance in PISA between
22 non-immigrant and immigrant students AFTER adjusting for 26 21 -29 66
socio-economic status (PISA 2012) 4
Score differences between boys and girls in mathematics (PISA
23 4 3 11 -6 25
Policy lever 2: Preparing students for the future
Adjusted mean proficiency in literacy among adults on a scale of 500 (Survey of Adult Skills, 2012)
24 Among 16-65 year-olds (adjusted) m 270.7 249.4 293.6
Among 16-24 year-olds (adjusted) m 278.0 260.0 297.0
Upper secondary graduation rates in % by programme of orientation, 2013 (EAG 2015)
25 General programmes 38% 52% 19% 82%
Pre-vocational/ vocational programmes 67% 46% 4% 93%
First-time graduation rates, by tertiary ISCED level, 2013 (EAG 2015)
Short tertiary (2-3 years), ISCED 5 8% 11% 0% 28%
26 Bachelor’s or equivalent, ISCED 6 37% 36% 9% 61%
Master’s or equivalent, ISCED 7 21% 17% 3% 40%
Doctorate or equivalent, ISCED 8 3.6% 1.7% 0.2% 3.6%
% of 15-29 year-olds not in education, employment or training,
27 14% 16% 7% 32%
2012 (EAG 2015)
Institutions: Improving schools
Policy lever 3: School improvement
Mean index of teacher-student relations based on students’
28 -0.24 0.00 -0.42 0.47
reports (PISA 2012)
Mean index of disciplinary climate based on students' reports
29 0.06 0.00 -0.33 0.67
(PISA 2012)
% of teachers above the age of 50 by education level, 2013 (EAG 2015)
Primary education 27% 31% 16% 57%
Lower secondary education 33% 34% 17% 63%
Upper secondary education 34% 38% 26% 73%
Number of teaching hours per year in public institutions by education level, 2013 (EAG 2015)
Primary education 627 772 569 1 129
Lower secondary education, general programmes 627 694 415 1 129
Upper secondary education, general programmes 570 643 369 1 129
Ratio of actual teachers’ salaries to earnings for full-time, full-year adult workers similarly educated,
2013 (EAG 2015)
32 Primary education 0.86 0.78 0.52 0.99
Lower secondary education, general programmes 0.88 0.80 0.52 1.01
Upper secondary education, general programmes 0.94 0.82 0.48 1.20
Growth rate of teachers’ salaries between 2005 and 2013 in
33 0% 2% -32% 31%
lower secondary education, 2013 (EAG 2015)
% of lower secondary education teachers who report a
"moderate" or "large" positive change on their knowledge and
34 NP 53.5% 26.7% 86.2%
understanding of their main subject field(s) after they received
feedback on their work at their school (TALIS 2013)


Average Min Max
# List of key indicators Slovenia
or total OECD OECD
Policy lever 4: Evaluation and assessment to improve student outcomes
Percentage of lower secondary education principals who
report that they use student performance and student
35 evaluation results (including national/international NP 88.8% 58.5% 99.5%
assessments) to develop the school's educational goals and
programmes (TALIS 2013)
% of students whose school principals reported that assessments are used for the following
purposes (PISA 2012)
To make decisions about students’ retention or promotion 93% 77% 1% 98%
36 To monitor the school’s progress from year to year 91% 81% 48% 100%
To make judgements about teachers’ effectiveness 38% 50% 14% 88%
To identify aspects of instruction or the curriculum that could
72% 80% 49% 99%
be improved
% of lower secondary education teachers reporting appraisal/feedback from the school principal on
their work with this frequency (TALIS 2013)
37 Once every two years or less NP 33.9% 3.2% 88.8%
Once per year NP 41.5% 9.5% 82.1%
Twice or more per year NP 24.7% 1.0% 49.6%
Systems: Organising the system
Policy lever 5: Governance
% of decisions taken at each level of government in public lower secondary education, 2011 (EAG
Central or state government 38% 36% 0% 87%
Regional or sub-regional government 0% 6% 0% 36%
Local government 10% 17% 0% 100%
School government 52% 41% 5% 86%
Policy lever 6: Funding
Annual expenditure per student by educational institutions, for all services, in equivalent USD
converted using PPPs for GDP, 2012 (EAG 2015)

39 Pre-primary education 7 472 8 008 3 416 19 719

Primary education 9 015 8 247 2 577 20 020
Secondary education 8 022 9 518 2 904 20 617
Tertiary education 11 002 15 028 7 779 32 876
Relative proportions of public and private expenditure on educational institutions, 2012 (EAG 2015)
Public sources 90% 83% 60% 98%
All private sources 10% 17% 2% 40%
Index of change in expenditure on educational institutions,
97 114 75 165
public sources, (constant prices, 2005=100)
Index of change in expenditure on educational institutions,
108 137 76 538
all private sources, (constant prices, 2005=100)

1. The average, total, minimums and maximums refer to OECD countries except in TALIS and the Survey of Adult Skills, where
they refer to participating countries.
2. "m": included when data is not available.
3. "NP": included if the country is not participating in the study.
4. Statistically significant values of the indicator are shown in bold (PISA 2012 only)
5. The annualised change is the average annual change in PISA score points from a country’s/economy’s earliest participation in
PISA to PISA 2012. It is calculated taking into account all of a country’s/economy’s participation in PISA.
See www.oecd.org/pisa/keyfindings/pisa-2012-results-overview.pdf.
6. "n/a": included when the category is not applicable.



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OECD (2016), Education Policy Outlook: Slovenia, available at: www.oecd.org/education/policyoutlook.htm


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