The Heart of Leadership

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The Heart of Leadership

By Mark Miller

Skills are important, but “if you don’t demonstrate leadership character, your skills
and your results will be discounted, if not dismissed.”

Five lessons:

1. Think Others First. To think others first is not primarily about what you do—it
is about how you think. It’s all about what’s in your heart. How can I Serve this
person? What does a win look like for him or her?

2. Expect the Best. Many people in the world see events as they are; leaders
are different in that they see things that could be. And the future they see is
always a better version of the present. We believe we can make a difference; we
think we can make the world, or at least our part of it, better. Leaders are
generally more optimistic than non-leaders.

3. Respond With Courage. Practice taking action. As you go through your day,
ask yourself what action would be appropriate here? Your missed opportunities
are often no big deal in isolation. They are, however, cumulative.

4. Hunger for Wisdom. A hunger for wisdom fueled by a commitment to lifelong

learning will equip you for whatever lies ahead. Be open to input, new ideas,
contrarian opinions, and views. Establish a network of counselors to call on for
their advice and wisdom. You never have all the available knowledge.

5. Accept Responsibility. Assume responsibility for your actions and the action
of those you lead. It is about being accountable for actions and outcomes—yours
and others. Leaders accept responsibility, in part, because they are sold out to
the vision. It matters more than they do.

If these qualities don’t become part of who you are, your leadership will never
really change. Our leadership reflects who we are inside. You can fake it for a
while, but eventually it will come out. “If you do all those activities and your heart
doesn’t change, you won’t be the kind of leader you want to be. Leadership is not
about what you do nearly as much as it’s about who you are becoming—the
heart of leadership is a matter of the heart.”

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