SECTION 27 51 16 Public Address and Mass Notification Systems Part 1 - General 1.1 Section Summary

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SECTION 27 51 16

A. Work covered by this document includes design, engineering, labor,
material and products, equipment warranty and system guarantee, training
and services for, and incidental to, the complete installation of new
and fully operating National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) – Life
Safety Code 101.3-2 (a) Labeled and (b) Listed Emergency Service Public
Address System (PAS) and associated equipment (here-in-after referred to
as the System) in approved locations indicated on the contract
drawings. These items shall be tested and certified capable of
receiving, distributing, interconnecting and supporting PAS
communications signals generated local and remotely as detailed herein.
B. Work shall be complete, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), National Recognized Testing Labatory (NRTL – i.e. Underwriters
Laboratory [UL]) Listed and Labeled; and VA Central Office (VACO),
Telecommunications Voice Engineering (TVE 005OP3B) tested, certified and
ready for operation.
C. The System shall be delivered free of engineering, manufacturing,
installation, and functional defects. It shall be designed, engineered
and installed for ease of operation, maintenance, and testing.
D. The term “provide”, as used herein, shall be defined as: designed,
engineered, furnished, installed, certified, and tested, by the
E. Specification Order of Precedence: In the event of a conflict between
the text of this document and the Project’s Contract Drawings outlined
SAFETY CODES. The Local Fire Marshall and/or VA Public Safety Officer
are the only authorities that may modify this document’s EMERGENCY CODE
COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS, on a case by case basis, in writing and
confirmed by VA’s PM, RE and TVE-005OP3B. The VA PM is the only
approving authority for other amendments to this document that may be
granted, on a case by case basis, in writhing with technical

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concurrencies by VA’s RE, TVE-005OP3B and identified Facility Project

F. The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and Contractor shall ensure
that all management, sales, engineering and installation personnel have
read and understand the requirements of this specification before the
system is designed, engineered, delivered and provided. The Contractor
shall furnish a written statement attesting this requirement as a part
of the technical submittal that includes each name and certification,
including the OEMs.
A. 01 33 23 – Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples.
B. 07 84 00 – Firestopping.
C. 26 05 21 – Low – Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables (600
Volts and Below).
D.27 05 11 – Requirements for Communications Installations.
E.27 05 26 – Grounding and Bonding for Communications Systems.
F.27 05 33 – Raceways and Boxes for Communications Systems.
G.27 10 00 – Structured Communications Cabling Equipment and Systems.
H.27 11 00 – Communications Cabling Interface and Equipment Rooms Fittings.
I.27 15 00 – Horizontal and Vertical Communications Cabling Equipment and
J.27 31 31 – Voice Communications Switching and Routing Equipment and
System - Extension.
A. Provide: Design, engineer, furnish, install, connect complete, test,
certify and guarantee.
B. Work: Materials furnished and completely installed.
C. Review of contract drawings: A service by the engineer to reduce the
possibility of materials being ordered which do not comply with contract
documents. The engineer's review shall not relieve the Contractor of
responsibility for dimensions or compliance with the contract documents.
The reviewer's failure to detect an error does not constitute permission
for the Contractor to proceed in error.
D. Headquarters Technical Review, for National and VA communications and
security, codes, frequency licensing, standards, guidelines compliance:
Office of Telecommunications
Special Communications Team (005OP2B)

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1335 East West Highway – 3rd Floor

Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
(O) 301-734-0350, (F) 301-734-0360
E. Engineer: Apogee Consulting Group, PA
Charles G. Sowders, III, P.E.
7330 Chapel Hill Road
Suite 202
Raleigh, NC 27607
919-858-7420 ext. 103
F. Owner: VA Medical Center
1111 East End Blvd.
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Robert M. Calarco
570-824-3521 ext. 7352
G. General Contractor (GC): //XXXXXXX//
H. Contractor: Radio Contractor; you; successful bidder
A. The installation shall comply fully with all governing authorities, laws
and ordinances, regulations, codes and standards, including, but not
limited to:
1. United States Federal Law:
a. Departments of:
1) Commerce, Consolidated Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 15 –
Under the Information Technology Management Reform Act (Public
Law 104-106), the Secretary of Commerce approves standards and
guidelines that are developed by the:
a) Chapter II, National Institute of Standards Technology (NIST
– formerly the National Bureau of Standards). Under Section
5131 of the Information Technology Management Reform Act of
1996 and the Federal Information Security Management Act of
2002 (Public Law 107-347), NIST develops – Federal
Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS) 140-2—
Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules.
b) Chapter XXIII, National Telecommunications and Information
Administration (NTIA – aka ‘Red Book’) Chapter 7.8 / 9;
CFR, Title 47 Federal communications Commission (FCC) Part

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15, Radio Frequency Restriction of Use and Compliance in

“Safety of Life” Functions & Locations
2) FCC - Communications Act of 1934, as amended, CFR, Title 47 –
Telecommunications, in addition to Part 15 – Restrictions of
use for Part 15 listed Radio Equipment in Safety of Life /
Emergency Functions / Equipment/ Locations (also see CFR, Title
15 – Department of Commerce, Chapter XXIII – NTIA):
a) Part 15 – Restrictions of use for Part 15 listed Radio
Equipment in Safety of Life / Emergency Functions /
b) Part 58 – Television Broadcast Service.
c) Part 90 – Rules and Regulations, Appendix C.
d) Form 854 – Antenna Structure Registration.
3) Health, (Public Law 96-88), CFR, Title 42, Chapter IV Health &
Human Services, CFR, Title 46, Subpart 1395(a)(b) JCAHO “a
hospital that meets JCAHO accreditation is deemed to meet the
Medicare conditions of Participation by meeting Federal
a) All guidelines for Life, Personal and Public Safety; and,
Essential and Emergency Communications.
4) Labor, CFR, Title 29, Part 1910, Chapter XVII - Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Occupational Safety
and Health Standard:
a) Subpart 7 - Definition and requirements (for a NRTL – 15
Labatory’s, for complete list, contact
1) UL:
a) 44-02 – Standard for Thermoset-Insulated Wires and
b) 65 – Standard for Wired Cabinets.
c) 83-03 – Standard for Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires
and Cables.
d) 467-01 – Standard for Electrical Grounding and
Bonding Equipment
e) 468 – Standard for Grounding and Bonding Equipment.
f) 486A-01 – Standard for Wire Connectors and Soldering
Lugs for Use with Copper Conductors

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g) 486C-02 – Standard for Splicing Wire Connectors.

h) 486D-02 – Standard for Insulated Wire Connector
Systems for Underground Use or in Damp or Wet
i) 486E-00 – Standard for Equipment Wiring Terminals for
Use with Aluminum and/or Copper Conductors.
j) 493-01 – Standard for Thermoplastic-Insulated
Underground Feeder and Branch Circuit Cable.
k) 514B-02 – Standard for Fittings for Cable and
l) 1069 – Hospital Signaling and Nurse Call Equipment.
m) 1333 – Vertical (Riser) Fire Rating.
n) 1449 – Standard for Transient Voltage Surge
o) 1479-03 – Standard for Fire Tests of Through-
Penetration Fire Stops.
p) 1863 – Standard for Safety, Communications Circuits
q) 2024 – Standard for Optical Fiber Raceways.
r) 60950-1/2 – Information Technology Equipment –
2) Canadian Standards Association (CSA): same tests as for
3) Communications Certifications Labatory (CCL): same tests
as for UL.
4) Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. (ITSNA formerly
Edison Testing Labatory [ETL]): same tests as for UL.
b) Subpart 35 – Compliance with NFPA 101 – Life Safety Code.
c) Subpart 36 - Design and construction requirements for exit
d) Subpart 268 - Telecommunications.
e) Subpart 305 - Wiring methods, components, and equipment for
general use.
5) Department of Transportation, CFR, Title 49 (Public Law 89-
670), Part 1, Subpart C – Federal Aviation Administration
a) Standards AC 110/460-ID & AC 707 / 460-2E – Advisory

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Circulars for Construction of Antenna Towers.

b) Forms 7450 and 7460-2 – Antenna Construction Registration.
6) Veterans Affairs (Public Law No. 100-527), CFR, Title 38,
Volumes I & II:
a) Office of Telecommunications:
1) Handbook 6100 – Telecommunications.
a) Spectrum Management FCC & NTIA Radio Frequency
Compliance and Licensing Program.
b) Special Communications Proof of Performance Testing,
VACO Compliance and Life Safety Certification(s).
b) Office of Cyber and Information Security (OCIS):
1) Handbook 6500 - Information Security Program.
2) Wireless and Handheld Device Security Guideline Version
3.2, August 15, 2005.
c) VA’s National Center for Patient Safety – Veterans Health
Administration Warning System, Failure of Medical Alarm
Systems using Paging Technology to Notify Clinical Staff,
July 2004.
d) VA’s Center for Engineering Occupational Safety and Health,
concurrence with warning identified in VA Directive 7700.
e) Office of Construction and Facilities Management (CFM):
1) Master Construction Specifications (PG-18-1).
2) Standard Detail and CAD Standards (PG-18-4).
3) Equipment Guide List (PG-18-5.
4) Electrical Design Manual for VA Facilities (PG 18-10),
Articles 7 & 8.
5) Minimum Requirements of A/E Submissions (PG 18-15):
a) Volume B, Major New Facilities, Major Additions; and
Major Renovations, Article VI, Paragraph B.
b) Volume C - Minor and NRM Projects, Article III,
Paragraph S.
c) Volume E - Request for Proposals Design/Build
Projects, Article II, Paragraph F.
6) Mission Critical Facilities Design Manual (Final Draft –
7) Life Safety Protected Design Manual (Final Draft –

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8) Solicitation for Offerors (SFO) for Lease Based Clinics

– (05-2009).
b. Federal Specifications (Fed. Specs.):
1) A-A-59544-00 - Cable and Wire, Electrical (Power, Fixed
2. United States National Codes:
a. American Institute of Architects (AIA): Guidelines for Healthcare
b. American National Standards Institute/Electronic Industries
Association/Telecommunications Industry Association
1) 568-B - Commercial Building Telecommunications Wiring
a) B-1 – General Requirements.
b) B-2 – Balanced twisted-pair cable systems.
c) B-3 - Fiber optic cable systems.
2) 569 - Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications
Pathways and Spaces.
3) 606 – Administration Standard for the Telecommunications
Infrastructure of Communications Buildings.
4) 607 – Commercial Building Grounding and Bonding Requirements
for Telecommunications.
5) REC 127-49 – Power Supplies.
6) RS 160-51 – Sound systems.
7) RS 270 – Tools, Crimping, Solderless Wiring Devices,
Recommended Procedures for User Certification.
8) SE 101-A49 – Amplifier for Sound Equipment
9) SE 103-49 – Speakers for Sound Equipment
c. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME):
1) Standard 17.4 – Guide for Emergency Personnel.
2) Standard 17.5 – Elevator & Escalator Equipment (prohibition of
installing non-elevator equipment in Elevator Equipment Room /
Mechanical Penthouse).
d. American Society of Testing Material (ASTM):
1) D2301-04 - Standard Specification for Vinyl Chloride Plastic
Pressure Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape.
e. Building Industries Communications Services Installation (BICSI):

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1) All standards for smart building wiring, connections and

devices for commercial and medical facilities.
2) Structured Building Cable Topologies.
3) In consort with ANSI/EIA/TIA.
f. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE):
1) SO/TR 21730:2007 - Use of mobile wireless communication and
computing technology in healthcare facilities - Recommendations
for electromagnetic compatibility (management of unintentional
electromagnetic interference) with medical devices.
2) 0739-5175/08/©2008 IEEE – Medical Grade – Mission Critical –
Wireless Networks.
3) C62.41 – Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits.
g. NFPA:
1) 70 - National Electrical Code (current date of issue) –
Articles 517, 645 & 800.
2) 75 - Standard for Protection of Electronic Computer Data-
Processing Equipment.
3) 77 – Recommended Practice on Static Electricity.
4) 99 - Healthcare Facilities.
5) 101 - Life Safety Code.
6) 1600 – Disaster Management, Chapter 5.9 – Communications and
3. State Hospital Code(s).
4. Local Town, City and/or County Codes.
5. Accreditation Organization(s):
a. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals Organization
(JCAHO) – Section VI, Part 3a – Operating Features.
A. The OEM shall have had experience with three (3) or more installations
of systems of comparable size and complexity with regards to type and
design as specified herein. Each of these installations shall have
performed satisfactorily for at least one (1) year after final
acceptance by the user. Include the names, locations and point of
contact for these installations as a part of the submittal.
B. The Contractor shall submit certified documentation that they have been
an authorized distributor and service organization for the OEM for a
minimum of three (3) years. The Contractor shall be authorized by the

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OEM to pass thru the OEM’s warranty of the installed equipment to VA.
In addition, the OEM and Contractor shall accept complete responsibility
for the design, installation, certification, operation, and physical
support for the System. This documentation, along with the System
Contractor and OEM certifications must be provided in writing as part of
the Contractor’s Technical submittal.
C. The Contractor’s Communications Technicians assigned to the System shall
be fully trained, qualified, and certified by the OEM on the
engineering, installation, operation, and testing of the System. The
Contractor shall provide formal written evidence of current OEM
certification(s) for the installer(s) as a part of the submittal or to
the RE before being allowed to commence work on the System.
D. The Contractor shall display all applicable national, state and local
E. The Contractor shall submit copy (s) of Certificate of successful
completion of OEM’s installation/training school for installing
technicians of the System’s PA equipment being proposed.
A. Provide all necessary permits and schedule all inspections as identified
in the contract’s milestone chart, so that the system is proof of
performance tested and ready for operation on a date directed by the
B. The contractor is responsible to adhere to all codes described herein
and associated contractual, state and local codes.
C. The Contractor shall display all applicable national, state and local
licenses and permits.
A. After the award of contract, the Contractor shall prepare a detailed
schedule (aka milestone chart) using “Microsoft Project” software or
equivalent. The Contractor Project Schedule (CPS) shall indicate
detailed activities for the projected life of the project. The CPS
shall consist of detailed activities and their restraining
relationships. It will also detail manpower usage throughout the
B. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate all work with
the other trades for scheduling, rough-in, and finishing all work
specified. The owner will not be liable for any additional costs due to

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missed dates or poor coordination of the supplying contractor with other

(Note: The Contractor is encouraged, but not required, to submit
separate technical submittal(s) outlining alternate technical
approach(s) to the system requirements stated here-in as long as each
alternate technical document(s) is complete, separate, and submitted in
precisely the same manner as outlined herein. VA will review and rate
each received alternate submittal, which follows this requirement, in
exactly the same procedure as outlined herein. Partial, add-on, or
addenda type alternates will not be accepted or reviewed.)
A. Submit at one time within 10 days of contract awarding, drawings and
product data on all proposed equipment and system. Check for compliance
with contract documents and certify compliance with Contractor's
"APPROVED" stamp and signature.
B. Support all submittals with descriptive materials, i.e., catalog sheets,
product data sheets, diagrams, and charts published by the manufacturer.
These materials shall show conformance to specification and drawing
C. Where multiple products are listed on a single cut-sheet, circle or
highlight the one that you propose to use. Provide a complete and
through equipment list of equipment expected to be installed in the
system, with spares, as a part of the submittal. Special Communications
(TVE-005OP3B) will not review any submittal that does not have this
D. Provide four (4) copies to the PM for technical review. The PM will
provide a copy to the offices identified in Paragraph 1.3.C & D, at a
minimum for compliance review as described herein where each responsible
individual(s) shall respond to the PM within 10 days of receipt of their
acceptance or rejection of the submittal(s).
E. Provide interconnection methods, conduit (where not already installed),
junction boxes (J-Boxes), cable, interface fixtures and equipment lists
for the: ENR(s) ( aka DMARC), TER, TCR, MCR, MCOR, PCR, ECR, Stacked
Telecommunications Rooms (STR), Nurses Stations (NS), Head End Room
(HER), Head End Cabinet (HEC), Head End Interface Cabinet (HEIC) and
approved TCO locations Telecommunications Infrastructure Plant (TIP)
interface distribution layout drawing, as they are to be installed and

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interconnected to teach other (REFER TO APPENDIX B – SUGGESTED

F. Headend and each interface distribution cabinet layout drawing, as they
are expected to be installed.
G. Equipment OEM technical literature detailing the electrical and
technical characteristics of each item of equipment to be furnished.
H. Engineering drawings of the System, showing calculated of expected
signal levels at the headend input and output, each input and output
distribution point, and signal level at each telecommunications outlet.
I. Surveys Required as a Part of The Technical Submittal:
1. The Contractor shall provide the following System survey(s) that
depict various system features and capacities required in addition to
the on-site survey requirements described herein. Each survey shall
be in writing and contain the following information (the formats are
suggestions and may be used for the initial Technical Submittal
Survey requirements), as a minimum:
a. PA Cable System Design Plan:
1) An OEM and contractor designed functioning PA System cable plan
to populate the entire TIP empty conduit/pathway distribution
systems provided as a part of Specification 27 11 00 shall be
provided as a part of the technical proposal. A specific
functioning PA: cable, interfaces, J-boxes and back boxes shall
coincide with the total growth items as described herein. It
is the Contractor’s responsibility to provide the Systems’
entire PA cable and accessory requirements and engineer a
functioning PA distribution system and equipment requirement
plan of the following paragraph(s), at a minimum:
2) The required PA Equipment Locations:


Master Control Stations

Telephone Operators Room
Police Control Room
Zone Amplifiers
All Call (complete Zone 1)
Admissions (Zone 2)

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Entrance (Zone 2a)

Pharmacy Dispensing (Zone 2a)
Agent Cashier (Zone 2a)
Other (Zone 2a)
Labs (Zone 3)
Blood (Zone 3a)
Dissecting (Zone 3a)
Other (Zone 3a)
Clinics (Zone 4)
Dental (Zone 4a)
Radiology (Zone 4a)
Oncology (Zone 4a)
Other (Zone 4a)
// __________ (Zone 5)
__________ (Zone 5a)
__________ (Zone 5a)
Other (Zone 5a)
Spare (Zones 6, 7 & 8)
Other (Zone __) //
Supervisory Panel(s)
Trouble Panel(s)



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Power Supply(s)
Radio Paging Access (when pre-
approved by TVE-
Wireless Access (when pre-approved
by TVE-005OP3B)
Maintenance/Programming Console
3) The required PA Cable Plant/Connections:
The Contractor shall clearly and fully indicate this category
for each item identified herein as a part of the technical
submittal. For this purpose, the following definitions and
sample connections are provided to detail the system’s


Central Control Cabinet/Equipment
Power Supply(s)
Essential Electrical Power
Cable Plant
Supply to Locations Identified
Speaker Locations
Remote Locations
Telephone Operator Room
Police Control Room

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Maintenance/Program Console
LAN (Local Facility)
Access/Equipment/Location (when pre-
approved by TVE-005OP3B)
Wireless Access/Equipment/Location
(when pre-approved by TVE-005OP3B)
A. Throughout progress of the Work, maintain an accurate record of changes
in Contract Documents. Upon completion of Work, transfer recorded
changes to a set of Project Record Documents.
B. The floorplans shall be marked in pen to include the following:
1. All device locations with UL labels affixed.
2. Conduit locations.
3. Head-end equipment and specific location.
4. Each interface and equipment specific location.
5. Facility Entrance (aka DEMARC) Room(s) interface equipment and
6. Telephone Equipment Room (TER) interface equipment and specific
7. Main Computer Room (MCR) interface equipment and specific location.
8. Police Control Room (PCR) interface equipment and specific location.
9. Engineering Control Room (ECR) interface equipment and specific
10. Telecommunication Outlet (s –TCO) equipment and specific location
11. TIP Wiring diagram(s).
12. Warranty certificate.
13. System test results.
14. System Completion Document(s) or MOU.
A. The Contractor shall warrant the installation to be free from defect in
material and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the date of
acceptance of the project by the owner. The Contractor shall agree to
remedy covered defects within four (4) hours of notification of major
failures or within twenty-four (24) hours of notification for individual
station related problems.

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B. The Contractor shall agree to grantee the system according to the

guidelines outlined in Article 4 herein.
A. Use of the site shall be at the GC’s direction.
B. Coordinate with the GC for lay-down areas for product storage and
administration areas.
C. Coordinate work with the GC and their sub-contractors.
D. Access to buildings wherein the work is performed shall be directed by
the GC.
A. Deliver, store, and handle products using means and methods that will
prevent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft.
B. Store products in original containers.
C. Coordinate with the GC for product storage. There may be little or no
storage space available on site. Plan to potentially store materials off
D. Do not install damaged products. Remove damaged products from the site
and replaced with new product at no cost to the Owner.
A. Prior to final inspection and acceptance of the work, remove all debris,
rubbish, waste material, tools, construction equipment, machinery and
surplus materials from the project site and thoroughly clean your work
B. Before the project closeout date, the Contractor shall submit:
1. Warranty certificate.
2. Evidence of compliance with requirements of governing authorities
such as the Low Voltage Certificate of Inspection.
3. Project record documents.
4. Instruction manuals and software that is a part of the system.
C. Contractor shall submit written notice that:
1. Contract Documents have been reviewed.
2. Project has been inspected for compliance with contract.
3. Work has been completed in accordance with the contract.
A. Furnish and install a complete and fully functional and operable Nurse
Call System for each location shown on the contract drawings and TCOs

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B. The specific location for each PA: Central Control Cabinet is indicate
like locations on the contract drawings.
C. Coordinate features and select interface components to form an
integrated PA system. Match components and interconnections between the
systems for optimum performance of specified functions.
D. Expansion Capability: The PA equipment interfaces and cables shall be
able to increase number of enunciation points in the future by a minimum
of 50 percent (%) above those indicated without adding any internal or
external components or main trunk cable conductors.
E. Equipment: Active electronic type shall use solid-state components,
fully rated for continuous duty unless otherwise indicated. Select
equipment for normal operation on input power usually supplied between
110 to 130 VAC, 60 Hz.
F. Meet all FCC requirements regarding low radiation and/or interference of
RF signal(s). The system shall be designed to prevent direct pickup of
signals from within and outside the building structure.
G. Weather/Water Proof Equipment: Listed and labeled by an OSHA certified
National Recognized Testing Labatory (NRTL – i.e. UL) for duty outdoors
or in damp locations.
H. Deliver a fully functioning and operable PA in the specific locations
shown on the drawings.
A. Furnish and install a complete and fully functional and operable HF
Radio System. Provide additional require conduit(s) according to
Specification 27 11 00.
B. The Contractor is responsible for interfacing the MATV, RED, Patient Bed
Service Walls, SSC Room and FA systems with the System and shall be the
interface points for connection of the radio interface cabling from the
interface unit(s). The interface unit(s) shall be provided by the
C. The Contractor shall continually employ interfacing methods that are
approved by the OEM and VA. At a minimum, an acceptable interfacing
method requires not only a physical and mechanical connection, but also
a matching of signal, voltage, and processing levels with regard to
signal quality and impedance. The total PA system shall be configured
and installed so that the combination of equipment actually employed
does not produce any undesirable visual or aural effects such as signal

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distortions, noise pulses, glitches, hum, transients, images, etc. The

interface points must adhere to all standards described herein for the
full separation of Critical Care and Life Safety systems.
D. It is not acceptable to utilize the telephone cable system for the
control of radio signals and equipment. The System Contractor shall
connect the Telephone System Remote Control System to the Radio System
Paging Control Unit ensuring that all NFPA and UL Critical Care and Life
Safety Circuit and System separation guidelines are satisfied. The
System Contractor is not allowed to make any connections to the
Telephone System. The Owner shall arrange for the interconnection
between the PA and Telephone Systems with the appropriate responsible
E. System hardware shall consist of a standalone (separate) PA
communications network comprised of amplifiers, mixers, speakers, volume
controls, test sets, telephone private branch exchange (PBX) interface
equipment, equipment cabinets/racks, wiring and other options such as,
sub zoning in addition to “all call” functions, computer interfaces,
printer interfaces and wireless network interfaces, (when specifically
approved by 005OP3B and VA Headquarters Spectrum Management 005OP2B –
herein after referred to as 005OP2B) as shown on drawings. All
necessary equipment required to meet the intent of these specifications,
whether or not enumerated within these specifications, shall be supplied
and installed to provide a complete and operating nurse/patient
communications network.
F. Systems firmware shall be the product of a reputable firmware OEM of
record with a proven history of product reliability and sole control
over all source code. Manufacturer shall provide, free of charge,
product firmware/software upgrades for a period of two (2) years from
date of acceptance by VA for any product feature enhancements. System
configuration programming changes shall not require any exchange of
parts and shall be capable of being executed remotely via a modem
connection (when specifically approved first by 005OP3B).
G. The PA Head End Equipment shall be located in Telecommunications Room.
The PA shall provide zoned, one-way voice paging through distributed,
ceiling mounted loudspeakers. Voice input into the PA shall be by zone
using the telephone system. The Nurse Call / Code Blue System may

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interface the PA system when specifically approved by VA Headquarters

005OP3B during the project approval process prior to contract bidding.
H. The System shall utilize microprocessor components for all signaling and
programming circuits and functions. Self contained or on board system
program memory shall be non-volatile and protected from erasure from
power outages for a minimum of 24 hours.
I. Provide a backup battery or a UPS for the System (including each
distribution cabinet/point, CRT, LCD and Monitor) to allow normal
operation and function (as if there was no AC power failure) in the
event of an AC power failure or during input power fluctuations for a
minimum of two (2) Hours.
J. The System is defined as Emergency Service and the Code Blue functions
is defined as Life Safety/Support by NFPA (re Part 1.1.A) and so
evaluated by JCAHCO. Therefore, the system shall have a minimum of two
(2) additional remote enunciation points in order to satisfy NFPA’s Life
Safety Code 101 where each enunciation point shall fully function
independent of the Facility’s PBX.
1. These two (2) additional remote locations shall be fully manned:
a. 24/7/365 for certified Hospital .
b. As long as other identified VA Medical / Servicing Facilities are
open for servicing patients.
c. The minimum remote enunciation locations shall be:
1) The Telephone / PBX Operator Room.
2) The Police Control / Operations Room.
3) Other location(s) that is specifically approved by VA
d. One (1) global (aka “all call”) hard wired zone shall be
provided that connects to every system speaker.
e. There shall be 5 hard-wired sub-zones designated as follows:
1) Department A.
2) Department B.
3) Department C.
4) Department D.
5) Department E.
6) The System shall have a minimum of three (3), unused zones.

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2. The System shall allow voice pages to be made within a single zone,
across programmed multiple zones or a global page (all zones) by
using preset codes entered into the keypad of any telephone
instrument attached to the PBX.
K. The System shall interface with the Facility’s existing PAS so that a
global page (aka “all call” page) is communicated to the existing PAS
and the new System of this project. Arrangements for interconnection of
the System and the telephone system(s) shall be coordinated with the
owner and the PBX provider.
L. The system shall be designed to provide continuous electrical
supervision of the complete and entire system (i.e. light bulbs, wires,
contact switch connections, master control stations, wall stations,
circuit boards, data, audio, and communication busses, main and UPS
power, etc.). All alarm initiating and signaling circuits shall be
supervised for open circuits, short circuits, and system grounds. Main
and UPS power circuits shall be supervised for a change in state (i.e.
primary to backup, low battery, UPS on line, etc.). When an open, short
or ground occurs in any system circuit, an audible and visual fault
alarm signal shall be initiated at the main supervisory panel, nurse
control station and all remote amplifier locations.
M. When the System is approved to connect to a separate communications
system (i.e. LAN, WAN, Telephone, Nurse Call, radio raging, wireless
systems, etc) the connection point shall be at one location and shall
meet the following minimum requirements for each hard wired connection
(note each wireless system connection MUST BE APPROVED PRIOR TO CONTRACT
1. UL 60950-1/2.
2. FIPS 142.
3. FCC Part 15 Listed Radio Equipment is not allowed.
N. All passive distribution equipment shall meet or exceed -80 dB radiation
shielding (aka RFI) shielding specifications and be provided with screw
type audio connectors.
O. All equipment face plates utilized in the system shall be stainless
steel, anodized aluminum or UL approved cycolac plastic for the areas
where provided.

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P. All trunk, branch, and interconnecting cables and unused equipment ports
or taps shall be terminated with proper terminating resistors designed
for RF, audio and digital cable systems without adapters.
Q. Noise filters and surge protectors shall be provided for each equipment
interface cabinet, headend cabinet, control console and local and remote
amplifier locations to insure protection from input primary AC power
surges and to insure noise glitches are not induced into low voltage
data circuits.
R. Plug-in connectors shall be provided to connect all equipment, except
coaxial cables and RF transmission line interface points. Coaxial cable
distribution points and RF transmission lines shall use coaxial cable
connections recommended by the cable OEM and approved by the system OEM.
Base band cable systems shall utilize barrier terminal screw type
connectors, at a minimum. As an alternate, crimp type connectors
installed with a ratchet type installation tool are acceptable provided
the cable dress, pairs, shielding, grounding, connections and labeling
are the same as the barrier terminal strip connectors. Tape of any type,
wire nuts or solder type connections are unacceptable and will not be
S. Audio Level Processing: The control equipment shall consist of audio
mixer(s), volume limiter(s) and/or compressor(s), and power amplifier(s)
to process, adjust, equalize, isolate, filter, and amplify each audio
channel for each sub-zone in the system and distribute them into the
System’s RF interfacing distribution trunks and amplification circuits.
It is acceptable to use identified Telephone System cable pairs
designated for Two-Way Radio interface and control use or identified as
spare telephone cable pairs by the Facility’s Telephone System
Contractor. The use of telephone cable to distribute RF signals,
carrying system or sub-system AC or DC voltage is not acceptable and
will not be approved. Additionally, each control location shall be
provided with the equipment required to insure the system can produce
its designed audio channel capacity at each speaker identified on the
contract drawings. The Contractor shall provide: a spare set of
telephone paging modules as recommended by the OEM (as a minimum provide
one spare module for each installed module); one spare audio power
amplifier, one spare audio mixer, one spare audio volume limiter and/or

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compressor, and one spare audio automatic gain adjusting device, and
minimum RF equipment recommended by the OEM.
T. Contractor is responsible for pricing all accessories and miscellaneous
equipment required to form a complete and operating system. Unless
otherwise noted in this Part, equipment quantities shall be as indicated
on the drawings.
A. At a minimum, each distribution, interconnection, interface, terminating
point and TCO shall be capable of supporting the Facility’s PA system
voice and data service as follows:
1. Shall be compliant with and not degrade the operating parameters of
the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and the Federal
Telecommunications System (FTS) at each PSTN and FTS interface,
interconnection and terminating locations in the TERs.
2. Audio Input: The signal level of each audio input channel at each
input point shall be a MINIMUM of zero decibels measured (dBm), +0.10
dBm across 150 Ohms, balanced.
3. Audio Output: The audio signal level at each speaker shall be a
MINIMUM of +0.25 Watt (W) and a maximum of +20 W, 600 Ohms balanced
impedance, on a 70.7 V audio distribution line Contractor to
determine and set each speaker’s proper audio signal level (top)
based on speaker location and the ambient noise level in speaker
coverage area.
4. The system shall meet the following MINIMUM parameters at each
a. Cross Modulation: -46 dB
b. Hum Modulation: -55 dB
c. Isolation (outlet-outlet): 24 dB
d. Impedance:
1) Distribution: 600 Ohm balanced @ 70.7 V audio line level.
2) Speaker: Selectable, as required.
e. Audio Gain: 10 dB minimum @ mid-range measured with a sound
pressure level meter (SPL)
f. Signal to noise (S/N) ratio: 35 dB, minimum
B. Audio Level Processing: The head-end equipment shall consist of audio
mixer(s), volume limiter(s) and/or compressor(s), and power amplifier(s)
to process, adjust, equalize, isolate, filter, and amplify each audio

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channel for each zone or sub-zone in the system and distribute them into
the system’s distribution trunks. It is acceptable to use identified
telephone system cable pairs designated for PA use or identified as
spare telephone cable pairs by the Facility’s Telephone System
2. Additionally, each remote location shall be provided with the
equipment required to ensure the system supervision and designed
audio channel capacity at each speaker identified on the contract
A. The products specified shall be new, FCC and UL Listed, labeled and
produced by OEM of record. An OEM of record shall be defined as a
company whose main occupation is the manufacture for sale of the items
of equipment supplied and which:
1. Maintains a stock of replacement parts for the item submitted,
2. Maintains engineering drawings, specifications, and operating manuals
for the items submitted, and
3. Has published and distributed descriptive literature and equipment
specifications on the items of equipment submitted at least 30 days
prior to the Invitation for Bid (IFB).
B. Specifications contained herein as set forth in this document detail the
salient operating and performance characteristics of equipment in order
for VA to distinguish acceptable items of equipment from unacceptable
items of equipment. When an item of equipment is offered or furnished
for which there is a specification contained herein, the item of
equipment offered or furnished shall meet or exceed the specification
for that item of equipment.
C. Equipment Standards and Testing:
1. The System has been defined herein as connected to systems identified
as an Emergency performing Public Safety Support Functions.
Therefore, at a minimum, the system shall conform to all
aforementioned National and/or Local Public and Life Safety Codes
(which ever are the more stringent), NFPA, NEC, this specification,
JCAHCO Life Safety Accreditation requirements, and the OEM
recommendations, instructions, and guidelines.

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2. All supplies and materials shall be listed, labeled or certified by

UL or a nationally recognized testing laboratory (NRTL) where such
standards have been established for the supplies, materials or
3. The provided equipment required by the System design and approved
technical submittal must conform with each UL standard in effect for
the equipment, as of the date of the technical submittal (or the date
when the RE approved system equipment necessary to be replaced) was
technically reviewed and approved by VA. Where a UL standard is in
existence for equipment to be used in completion of this contract,
the equipment must bear the approved UL seal.
4. Each item of electronic equipment to be provided under this contract
must bear the approved UL seal or the seal of the testing laboratory
that warrants the equipment has been tested in accordance with, and
conforms to the specified standards. The placement of the UL Seal
shall be a permanent part of the electronic equipment that is not
capable of being transportable from one equipment item to another.
A. General.
1. Contractor is responsible for pricing all accessories and
miscellaneous equipment required to form a complete and operating
system. The equipment quantities provided herein shall be as
indicated on the drawings with the exception of the indicated spare
2. Each cabinet shall be provided with internal and external items to
maintain a neat and orderly system of equipment, wire, cable and
conduit connections and routing.
3. Contractor Furnished Equipment List (CFEs):
a. The Contractor is required to provide a list of the CFE equipment
to be furnished. The quantity, make and model number of each item
is required. Select the required equipment items quantities that
will satisfy the needs of the system as described herein and with
the OEM’s concurrence applied to the list(s), in writing.
b. The following equipment items are the minimum requirements of VA
to provide an acceptable system described herein:
Item Quantity Unit

1. As Required Interface Panel(s)

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1.a As Required Electrical Supervision

Trouble Enunciator
1.a.1. As Required Equipment Back Box(s)
1.a.2. As Required Telephone Access Equipment
1.a.3. As Required Radio Paging Access Equipment
1.a.3.a. As Required Radio Pager Equipment
1.a.4. As Required Wireless Access Equipment
1.a.5. As Required Personal Communicator
2. As Required Lightning Arrestor
3. As Required Head End Equipment Locations
3.a As Required Cabinet(s)
3.a.1. As Required AC Power Conditioner & Filter
3.a.2. As Required AC Power Strip
3.a.3. As Required UPS
3.a.3.a As Required Main Power Amplifiers
3.a.3.b As Required Remote Power Amplifiers
3.a.3.c As Required Distributed Amplifiers (When
3.a.4. As Required Interconnecting wire Cable(s)
3.a.4.a As Required Wire Cable Connector(s)
3.a.4.b As Required Wire Cable Terminator(s)
3.a.4.c As Required Wire Management System
3.b. As Required Head End Function(s)
4. As Required Distribution System(s)
4.a As Required Equipment Back Box(s)
4.a.1. As Required Speakers
4.a.1.a As Required Overhead
4.a.1.b As Required Horn
4.a.1.c As Required Outside
4.a.1.d As Required Speaker w/ Microphone
5. 2 (MIN) Remote Station(s)
5.a. As Required Spare Items

B. ENT (aka DEMARC) Room(s):

Refer to CFM Physical Security Manual (07-2007) for VA Facilities,
Chapters 9.3 & 1) and PG 18-10, EDM, Chapters 7- Table 7-1, 8 & Appendix
B, Telecommunications One Line Topology for specific Room and TIP
Connection Requirements.
C. TER, TCR, TR, SCC, PCR, STR, HER Rooms and Equipment:
Refer to CFM Physical Security Manual (07-2007) for VA Facilities,
Chapters 9.3 & 1) and PG 18-10, EDM, Chapters 7- Table 7-1, 8 &
Appendix B, Telecommunications One Line Topology for specific Room and
TIP Connection Requirements.
1. Interface Equipment:
a. TER:
1) Paging adaptor:

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a) The Contractor shall coordinate the installation of the

paging adapter(s) designed for use with the Facility’s
telephone system with the Facility Telephone Contractor or
local telephone company.
b) The Contractor shall provide and install a paging adapter(s)
for each zone and sub zone. The paging adapter(s) shall be
accessible by dialing a telephone number provided by the
Facility’s Telephone Contractor. The Paging Adapter shall:
1) Monitor each audio input and output on the unit.
2) Be provided with an electrical supervision panel to
provide both audio and visual trouble alarms.
3) Be provided as part of the head end equipment and shall
be located in the Telephone Switch Room
4) Be provided with Executive (aka emergency) Paging
Override of all routine paging calls in progress or
being accessed to allow system “all call” (aka global)
and radio paging calls designated as (Code One Blue)
5) Be capable of internal time out capability.
6) Function completely with the interface module.
7) Provide one spare adapter.
c) Time Out Device: A time out device/capability shall be
provided to prevent system “hang-up” due to an off-hook
telephone. The device shall be able to be preset from 30
seconds to two (2) minutes. Its function shall not
interfere with or override the required “all call” (aka
global) operational capability.
1) Central Processor Module:
2) Controls system operations and holds all programmed
3) Data link connection to additional CPU modules.
d) Power Module: Provides 12V DC @ 800mA to Central Processor
e) Minimum three (3) Zone Module:
1) Provides a minimum of three (3) paging zone outputs at
70V audio sound level.
2) Background Music inhibit switch for each zone.

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2) Audio Monitor Panel:

a) The panel shall be EIA/TIA standard for 483 mm (19”) cabinet
b) It shall be provided in the upper portion of the head-end
equipment cabinet.
c) Provide one (1) spare panel.
3) Trouble Annunciator Panel:
a) A trouble annunciator panel shall be provided in the head-
end cabinet, and at locations as designated on the contract
drawings. The panel(s) shall be compatible with or generate
electrical and/or electronic supervising signals to
continuously monitor the operating condition for the System
head-end audio power amplifier(s), remote power
amplifier(s), microphone consoles and interconnecting
trunks. The panels shall generate an audible and visual
signal when the System’s supervising system detects an
amplifier or trunk-line is malfunctioning.
b) Provide one (1) spare panel.
4) Head-End Equipment
a) Provide all required power supplies, communications hubs,
network switches, intelligent controllers and other devices
necessary to form a complete system listed herein. Head-end
components may be rack mounted or wall mounted in a metal
b) Provide the head end equipment in the closed
telecommunications closet where the PA system is installed
to include the minimum equipment listed herein.
c) Provide minimum of 30 minute battery back-up to system
5) Equipment Cabinet: Comply with TIA/EIA-310-D. Lockable,
ventilated metal cabinet houses terminal strips, power
supplies, amplifiers, system volume control, and other
switching and control devices required for conversation
channels and control functions
a) Vertical Equipment Rack, Wall Mounted (to be included inside
of the Equipment Cabinet):

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b) 74” (48RU) rack space, Welded Steel construction, Minimum

20” usable depth, Adjustable front mounting rails.
1) Install the following products in rack provided by same
manufacturer or as specified:
2) Security screws w/ nylon isolation bushings.
3) Textured blank panels.
4) Custom mounts for components without rack mount kits.
5) Security covers.
6) Copper Bus Bar.
7) Power Sequencer rack mounted power conditioner and
(provide as needed) delayed sequencer(s) with two (2)
inswitched outlets each and contact closure control
8) Rack mounting: Provide rack mount kit.
6) Amplifier Equipment:
a) Paging (aka zone):
1) Inputs for 600-ohm balanced telephone line, LO-Z
balanced microphone, and background music.
2) Input Sensitivity: Compatible with master stations
and central equipment so amplifier delivers full rated
output with sound-pressure level of less than
10 dynes/sq. cm impinging on master stations speaker
microphones, or handset transmitters
3) Automatic Level Control (ALC) for pages, adjustable
adjustable background music muting level during page,
wall or rack mountable.
4) 16-ohm, 25V, 25V center tapped (CT), and 70V outputs.
Amplifier quantity and size (output power) as needed.
Continuous amplifier power rating shall exceed
loudspeaker load on amplifier by at least 25%.
5) Output Power: 70-V balanced line. 80 percent of the sum
of wattage settings of connected for each station and
speaker connected in all-call mode of operation, plus
an allowance for future stations.
6) Total Harmonic Distortion: Less than 5 percent at rated
output power with load equivalent to quantity of
stations connected in all-call mode of operation.

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7) Minimum Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 45 dB, at rated output.

8) Frequency Response: Within plus or minus 3 dB from 70 to
12,000 Hz.
b) Output Regulation: Maintains output level within 2 dB from
full to no load.
c) Amplifier Protection: Prevents damage from shorted or open
d) Be provided with electronic supervision function(s).
e) Provide one spare amplifier.
7) Wireless (when specifically approved by TVE 005OP3B):
a) Radio Paging Equipment / Systems:
1) The PA system shall have the ability to interface only
with VA certified and licensed radio paging system (FCC
Part 15 listed pagers and transmitters are not allowed
for “Safety of Life” functions or installed in those
specific areas – VA Headquarters TVE – 0050PB2 and SM –
0050PB2 are the only approving authorities for this
function)and must have the following minimum system
a) Ability to pass-through location information (such
as a room number) and call-type as well as other text
messages simultaneously to shift supervisor
identified staff members.
b) System shall allow the operator to select staff
members by name and pager number and to select a
message consisting of a room number and a condition
code (aka priority level). Operator may also choose
to type in a unique alpha-numeric text message (the
text message shall meet or exceed all HIPA and VA
OCIP Communications Security Guidelines for the
transmission of Patient or Staff Specific information
[aka PII] – VA Headquarters TVE – 0050P2B is the
approving authority for this function) into the
system to be read by the holder of the pager unit.
c) While a patient station is connected to the nurse’s
master station, the system shall allow the operator
to automatically page the staff member assigned to

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the room. An alternate staff member maybe selected

for paging purposes in place of the primary staff
member. The system must allow an alternate staff
member to be paged when the primary staff member is
unable to respond to patient’s needs within a
specified period of time. The System must have the
ability to assign any bed to any pager or pager
group, and to assign an unlimited amount of pagers
to any patient bed.
d) System shall have the ability to send all code blue
calls to staff members by predetermined group (as
required) automatically by simply pressing one “Code
Blue” button. Pager shall indicate room number of
code call, and state “Code Blue” in plain English
format on pagers (FCC Part 15 listed pagers are not
allowed to be used as “Safety of Life” functions or
those specific locations – VA Headquarters TVE –
0050P2B is the approving authority for this
b) Personal Wireless Communicator: The PA system will only
be allowed to connect to the personal wireless
communications system, pass text data and provide a 2-way
communication between the Telephone Interface and the
personal wireless communicator as long as it is not a FCC
Part 15 listed device(s), meets or exceeds UL 60950-1/2,
meets OCIS Guide Lines for FIPS 140-2 certification and
the using staff shows an extensive training program along
with recertification(s) according to the Facility
Emergency Plan concerning HIPA requirements.
c) Other Wireless Equipment / Systems: Each proposed
wireless system and/or equipment to be connected to or be
a part of the system, each shall meet the minimum
requirements outlined herein.
b. TCR:
1) Microphone Paging Console:
a) A console shall be provided in the TCR and PCR’s as shown on
the drawings.
b) The console shall contain visual enunciators for each
connection to the telephone system’s Public Address Paging
Adapter. The visual enunciators shall display all the
System connections to the telephone system being used.

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c) The console shall be fully independent of the Facility’s

telephone system so if the telephone system has a
catastrophic failure (aka partial, multiple or total system
failure) the microphone console will function normally as if
the Facility’s telephone system was operating normally. The
restoration of the Facility’s telephone system shall not
affect the System.
d) Each microphone console shall:
1) Be Mounted: Flush unless otherwise indicated, and
suitable for mounting conditions indicated.
2) Have a Faceplate: Stainless steel or anodized aluminum
with tamperproof mounting screws.
3) Have a system interface Back Box: Minimum Two-gang
galvanized steel with 2-1/2 inch minimum depth.
4) Have an Internal Speaker: 3 inches, 2.3 oz. minimum;
permanent magnet.
5) Have a Call Switch: Mount on faceplate. Permits calls to
The system.
6) When approved - in lieu of a standalone microphone,
provide a Handset with Hook Switch: Have a Handset with
Hook Switch: Telephone type with 24-inch-long,
permanently coiled cord. Arrange to disconnect speaker
when handset is lifted.
7) Be provided with an electrical supervision panel to
provide both audio and visual trouble alarms to the
Nurse Call /Code Blue electrical supervision system.
8) Be capable of internal time out capability.
0) Be completely compatible with the Telephone Interface
2) Electrical Supervision Trouble Annunciator Panel:
a) The Electrical Supervision Trouble Annunciation Panel shall
be located in the TCR and PCR’s SCC.
b) The panel(s) shall be compatible with the generated
electrical and/or electronic supervising signals to
continuously monitor the operating condition for the PA
system head-end processing equipment, local/remote control
consoles, audio power amplifier(s), UPS, power supplies,

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dome lights and interconnecting trunks. The panels shall

generate an audible and visual signal when the System’s
supervising system detects a system trouble or trunk-line is
c) TRs: Locate the PA floor distribution equipment within
each TR as required by system design and OEM direction.
Provide secured and lockable cabinet/rack(s) as required.
1) General Equipment: Provide all required power supplies,
communications hubs, network switches, intelligent
controllers and other devices necessary to form a
complete system listed herein. Equipment components may
be rack mounted or wall mounted in a metal enclosure.
2) Amplifiers:
a) Panging Amplifier Equipment:
b) Refer to the Amplifier characteristics described herein
Paragraph 2.4.G.f.
c) Provide one (1) spare amplifier in addition to the spare
Head End Amplifier.
3) Distributed Amplifier:
a) Provide the type and number of the amplifier(S) required
to meet the system design. Provide this unit as complete
and separate technical submittal during the IFB review
portion of the project.
b) Provide one spare amplifier for each 20% (or portion
thereof) of amplifiers used in the system.
4) Provide the equipment in the nearest TER where the System is
installed to include the minimum equipment listed herein.
5) Provide minimum of 30 minute battery (UPS) back-up to system
6) Equipment Cabinet: Comply with cabinet requirements as
7) Trouble Annunciator Panel: Comply with the panel
characteristics identified herein.
d. SCC, PCR, STR, HER: Refer to PG-18-10, Article 7 for specific
required equipment and use minimum aforementioned specifications
for population.

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1. System Speakers:
a. Ceiling Cone-Type:
1) Minimum Axial Sensitivity: 91 dB at one meter, with 1-W input.
2) Frequency Response: Within plus or minus 3 dB from 70 to 15,000
3) Minimum Dispersion Angle: 100 degrees.
4) Line Transformer: Maximum insertion loss of 0.5 dB, power
rating equal to speaker's, and at least four level taps.
5) Enclosures: Steel housings or back boxes, acoustically
dampened, with front face of at least 0.0478-inch steel and
whole assembly rust proofed and factory primed; complete with
mounting assembly and suitable for surface ceiling, flush
ceiling, pendant or wall mounting; with relief of back
6) Baffle: For flush speakers, minimum thickness of 0.032-inch
aluminum with textured white finish. Completely fill the baffle
with fiberglass.
7) Vandal-Proof, High-Strength Baffle: For flush-mounted speakers,
self-aging cast aluminum with tensile strength of 44,000 psi,
0.025-inch minimum thickness; countersunk heat-treated alloy
mounting screws; and textured white epoxy finish.
8) Size: 8 inches with 1-inch voice coil and minimum 5-oz. ceramic
9) Have a minimum of two (2) safety wires installed to a solid
surface or use a flexible conduit from ceiling / wall back box
to the speaker back box.
10) The speakers and mounting shall be self contained and wall
mounted with flush back box at a minimum of 10 meter intervals
and shall match (or contrast with, at the direction of the RE)
the color of the adjacent surfaces.
11) Provide one spare speaker, mount, and back box for each 50
speakers or portion thereof.
b. Wall Mounted Horne-Type:
1) Each horn speaker shall be provided with a means of adjusting
the output level over the rated horn speaker range to an
appropriate audio level in the area installed.

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2) Provide horn speakers in equipment rooms, mechanical room,

supply warehouse areas, loading dock, entrance and exit areas,
and at other areas as indicated on the drawings.
3) Speakers shall be all-metal, weatherproof construction;
complete with universal mounting brackets.
4) Frequency Response: Within plus or minus 3 dB from 275 to
14,000 Hz.
5) Minimum Power Rating of Driver: 15 W, continuous.
6) Minimum Dispersion Angle: 110 degrees.
7) Line Transformer: Maximum insertion loss of 0.5 dB, power
rating equal to speaker's, and at least four level taps.
8) Provide one spare speaker, mount, and back box for each 20
speakers or portion thereof.
c. System Cables: In addition to the TIP provided under
Specification Section 27 15 00 – TIP Horizontal and Vertical
Communications Cabling, provide the following additional TIP
installation and testing requirements, provide the following
minimum System TIP cables & interconnections:
1) Line Level Audio and Microphone Cable:
a) Line level audio and microphone cable for inside racks and
b) Shielded, twisted pair Minimum 22 American Wire Gauge (AWG),
stranded conductors and 24 AWG drain wire with overall
2) Speaker Level (Audio 70.7Volt [V]) Cable, Riser Rated:
a) For use with 70.7 V audio speaker circuits.
b) 18 AWG stranded pair, minimum.
c) UL-1333 listed.
3) Speaker Level Audio Cable, Plenum Rated (70.7V):
a) For use with 70.7 V audio speaker circuits.
b) 18 AWG stranded pair, minimum.
4) All cabling shall be riser plenum rated.
5) Provide one (1) spare 1,000 foot roll of approved System (not
microphone) cable only.
2. Raceways, Back Boxes and conduit:
a. Raceways:

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1) In addition to the Raceways, Equipment Room Fittings provided

under Specification Sections 27 15 00 TIP Communication Room
Fittings and 27 15 00 – TIP Communications Horizontal and
Vertical Cabling, provide the following additional TIP raceway
and fittings:
2) Each raceway that is open top, shall be: UL certified for
telecommunications systems, partitioned with metal partitions
in order to comply with NEC Parts 517 & 800 to “mechanically
separate telecommunications systems of different service,
protect the installed cables from falling out when vertically
mounted and allow junction boxes to be attached to the side to
interface “drop” type conduit cable feeds.
3) Intercommunication System cable infrastructure: EMT or in J-
hooks above accessible ceilings, 24 inches on center.
4) Junction boxes shall be not less than 2-1/2 inches deep and 6
inches wide by 6 inches long.
5) Flexible metal conduit is prohibited unless specifically
approved by 005OP3B.
b. System Conduit:
1) The PA system is NFPA listed as Emergency / Public Safety
Communication System which requires the entire system to be
installed in a separate conduit system.
2) The use of centralized mechanically partitioned wireways may be
used to augment main distribution conduit on a case by case
basis when specifically approved by VA Headquarters (005OP3B).
3) Conduit Sleeves:
a) The AE has made a good effort to identify where conduit
sleeves through full-height and fire rated walls on the
drawings, and has instructed the electrician to provide the
sleeves as shown on the drawings.
b) While the sleeves shown on the drawings will be provided by
others, the contractor is responsible for installing conduit
sleeves and fire-proofing where necessary. It is often the
case, that due to field conditions, the nurse-call cable may
have to be installed through an alternate route. Any
conduit sleeves required due to field conditions or those

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omitted by the engineer shall be provided by the cabling

3. Device Back Boxes:
a. Furnish to the electrical contractor all back boxes required for
the PA system devices.
b. The electrical contractor shall install the back boxes as well as
the system conduit. Coordinate the delivery of the back boxes
with the construction schedule.
4. Telecommunication Outlets (TCO): Populate each TCO that is required
to perform system operations in the locations that were provided and
cabled as a part of Specifications Sections 27 11 00 and 27 15 00.
Provide additional TCO equipment, interfaces and connections as
required by System design. Provide secured pathway(s) and TCOs as
5. UPS:
a. Provide a backup battery or a UPS for the System to allow normal
operation and function (as if there was no AC power failure) in
the event of an AC power failure or during input power
fluctuations for a minimum of four (4) hours.
b. As an alternate solution, the telephone system UPS may be utilized
to meet this requirement at the headend location, as long as this
function is specifically approved by the Telephone Contractor and
the RE.
c. The PA Contractor shall not make any attachments or connection to
the telephone system until specifically directed to do so, in
writing, by the RE.
d. Provide UPS for all active system components including but not
limited to:
1) System Amplifiers.
2) Microphone Consoles.
3) Telephone Interface Units.
4) TER, TR & Headend Equipment Rack(s).
E. Patient Bedside Prefabricated Units (PBPU):
1. Where PBPU’s exist in the Facility; the Contractor shall identify
the “gang box” location on the PBPU designated for installation of
the telephone jack. This location shall here-in-after be identified
as the unit’s TCO. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining

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written approval and specific instructions from the PBPU OEM

regarding the necessary disassembly and reassembly of each PBPU to
the extent necessary to pull wire from above the TIP ceiling junction
box to the PBPU’s reserved gang box for the unit’s TCO. A Contractor
provided stainless steel cover plate approved for use by the PBPU OEM
and Facility IRM Chief shall finish out the jack installation.
2. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor proceed with the PBPU
installations without the written approval of the PBPU OEM and the
specific instructions regarding the attachment to or modifying of the
PBPU. The RE shall be available to assist the Contractor in obtaining
approvals and instructions in a timely manner as related to the
project’s time constraints.
3. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to maintain the UL
integrity of each PBPU. If the Contractor violates that integrity,
it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain on site UL
re-certification of the violated PBPU at the direction of the RE and
at the Contractor’s expense.
F. Installation Kit:
1. General: The kit shall be provided that, at a minimum, includes all
connectors and terminals, labeling systems, audio spade lugs, barrier
strips, punch blocks or wire wrap terminals, heat shrink tubing,
cable ties, solder, hangers, clamps, bolts, conduit, cable duct,
and/or cable tray, etc., required to accomplish a neat and secure
installation. All wires shall terminate in a spade lug and barrier
strip, wire wrap terminal or punch block. Unfinished or unlabeled
wire connections shall not be allowed. Turn over to the RE all unused
and partially opened installation kit boxes, coaxial, fiberoptic, and
twisted pair cable reels, conduit, cable tray, and/or cable duct
bundles, wire rolls, physical installation hardware. The following
are the minimum required installation sub-kits:
2. System Grounding:
a. The grounding kit shall include all cable and installation
hardware required. All radio equipment shall be connected to earth
ground via internal building wiring, according to the NEC.
b. This includes, but is not limited to:
1) Coaxial Cable Shields.
2) Control Cable Shields.

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3) Data Cable Shields.

4) Equipment Racks.
5) Equipment Cabinets.
6) Conduits.
7) Duct.
8) Cable Trays.
9) Power Panels.
10) Connector Panels.
11) Grounding Blocks.
3. Coaxial Cable: The coaxial cable kit shall include all coaxial
connectors, cable tying straps, heat shrink tabbing, hangers, clamps,
etc., required to accomplish a neat and secure installation.
4. Wire and Cable: The wire and cable kit shall include all connectors
and terminals, audio spade lugs, barrier straps, punch blocks, wire
wrap strips, heat shrink tubing, tie wraps, solder, hangers, clamps,
labels etc., required to accomplish a neat and orderly installation.
5. Conduit, Cable Duct, and Cable Tray: The kit shall include all
conduit, duct, trays, junction boxes, back boxes, cover plates, feed
through nipples, hangers, clamps, other hardware required to
accomplish a neat and secure conduit, cable duct, and/or cable tray
installation in accordance with the NEC and this document.
6. Equipment Interface: The equipment kit shall include any item or
quantity of equipment, cable, mounting hardware and materials needed
to interface the systems with the identified sub-system(s) according
to the OEM requirements and this document.
7. Labels: The labeling kit shall include any item or quantity of
labels, tools, stencils, and materials needed to completely and
correctly label each subsystem according to the OEM requirements, as-
installed drawings, and this document.
8. Documentation: The documentation kit shall include any item or
quantity of items, computer discs, as installed drawings, equipment,
maintenance, and operation manuals, and OEM materials needed to
completely and correctly provide the system documentation as required
by this document and explained herein.

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A. Assign a single project manager to this project who will serve as the
point of contact for the Owner, the General Contractor, and the
B. The Contractor shall be proactive in scheduling work at the hospital,
specifically the Contractor will initiate and maintain discussion with
the general contractor regarding the schedule for ceiling cover up and
install cables to meet that schedule.
C. Contact the Office of Telecommunications, Special Communications Team
(005OP3B) at (301) 734-0350 to have a VA Certified Telecommunications
telecommunications review, equipment and system approval and co-
ordination with VA’s Spectrum Management and OCIS Teams.
A. Coordinate with the cabling contractor the location of the PA system
faceplate and the faceplate opening for the PA system back boxes.
B. Coordinate with the cabling contractor the location of TIP equipment in
the TER, TCR, PA, PCR, SCC, ECR, STRs, NSs, HER and TCOs in order to
connect to the TIP cable network that was installed as a part of Section
Specification 27 11 00. Contact the RE immediately, in writing, if
additional location(s) are discovered to be activated that was not
previously provided.
C. Before beginning work, verify the location, quantity, size and access
for the following:
1. Isolated ground AC power circuits provided for systems.
2. Junction boxes, wall boxes, wire troughs, conduit stubs and other
related infrastructure for the systems.
3. System components installed by others.
4. Overhead supports and rigging hardware installed by others.
D. Immediately notify the Owner, GC and Consultant(s) in writing of any
Provide a one-on-one meeting with the particular manager of each unit
affected by the installation of the new PA system. Review the floor
plan drawing, educate the nursing manager with the functions of the
equipment that is being provided and gather details specific to the

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individual units; coverage and priorities of calls; staffing patterns;

and other pertinent details that will affect system programming and
A. General
1. Execute work in accordance with National, State and local codes,
regulations and ordinances.
2. Install work neatly, plumb and square and in a manner consistent with
standard industry practice. Carefully protect work from dust, paint
and moisture as dictated by site conditions. The Contractor will be
fully responsible for protection of his work during the construction
phase up until final acceptance by the Owner.
3. Install equipment according to OEM’s recommendations. Provide any
hardware, adaptors, brackets, rack mount kits or other accessories
recommended by OEM for correct assembly and installation.
4. Secure equipment firmly in place, including receptacles, speakers,
equipment racks, system cables, etc.
a. All supports, mounts, fasteners, attachments and attachment points
shall support their loads with a safety factor of at least 5:1.
b. Do not impose the weight of equipment or fixtures on supports
provided for other trades or systems.
c. Any suspended equipment or associated hardware must be certified
by the OEM for overhead suspension.
d. The Contractor is responsible for means and methods in the design,
fabrication, installation and certification of any supports,
mounts, fasteners and attachments.
5. Locate overhead ceiling-mounted loudspeakers as shown on drawings,
with minor changes not to exceed 12” in any direction.
a. Mount transformers securely to speaker brackets or enclosures
using screws. Adjust torsion springs as needed to securely support
speaker assembly.
b. Speaker back boxes shall be completely filled with fiberglass
c. Seal cone speakers to their enclosures to prevent air passing from
one side of the speaker to the other.
6. Finishes for any exposed work such as plates, racks, panels,
speakers, etc. shall be approved by the Architect, Owner and 005OP3B.

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7. Coordinate cover plates with field conditions. Size and install

cover plates as necessary to hide joints between back boxes and
surrounding wall. Where cover plates are not fitted with connectors,
provide grommeted holes in size and quantity required. Do not allow
cable to leave or enter boxes without cover plates installed.
8. Active electronic component equipment shall consist of solid state
components, be rated for continuous duty service, comply with the
requirements of FCC standards for telephone and data equipment,
systems, and service.
9. Color code all distribution wiring to conform to the PA Industry
Standard, EIA/TIA, and this document, whichever is the more
stringent. At a minimum, all equipment, cable duct and/or conduit,
enclosures, wiring, terminals, and cables shall be clearly and
permanently labeled according to and using the provided record
drawings, to facilitate installation and maintenance.
10.Connect the System’s primary input AC power to the Facility’ Critical
Branch of the Emergency AC power distribution system as shown on the
plans or if not shown on the plans consult with RE regarding a
suitable circuit location prior to bidding.
11.Product Delivery, Storage and Handling:
a. Delivery: Deliver materials to the job site in OEM's original
unopened containers, clearly labeled with the OEM's name and
equipment catalog numbers, model and serial identification
numbers. The RE may inventory the cable, patch panels, and related
b. Storage and Handling: Store and protect equipment in a manner,
which will preclude damage as directed by the RE.
12.Where TCOs are installed adjacent to each other, install one outlet
for each instrument.
13.Equipment installed outdoors shall be weatherproof or installed in
weatherproof enclosures with hinged doors and locks with two keys.
B. Equipment Racks:
1. Fill unused equipment mounting spaces with blank panels or vent
panels. Match color to equipment racks.
2. Provide security covers for all devices not requiring routine
operator control.

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3. Provide vent panels and cooling fans as required for the operation of
equipment within the OEM' specified temperature limits. Provide
adequate ventilation space between equipment for cooling. Follow
manufacturer’s recommendations regarding ventilation space between
4. Provide insulated connections of the electrical raceway to equipment
5. Provide continuous raceway/conduit with no more than 40% fill between
wire troughs and equipment racks for all non-plenum-rated cable.
Ensure each system is mechanically separated from each other in the
6. Ensure a minimum of 36 inches around each cabinet and/or rack to
comply with OSHA Safety Standards. Cabinets and/or Racks installed
side by side – the 36” rule applies to around the entire assembly
C. Distribution Frames.
1. A new stand-alone (i.e., self-supporting, free standing) PA
rack/frame may be provided in each TR to interconnect the PA, TER,
TCR, PCR, SCC, STRs & ECRs. Rack/frames shall be wired in accordance
with industry standards and shall employ "latest state-of-the-art"
modular cross-connect devices. The PA riser cable shall be sized to
satisfy all voice/digital requirements plus not less than 50% spare
(growth) capacity in each TR which includes a fiber optic backbone.
2. The frames/racks shall be connected to the TER/MCR system ground.
D. Wiring Practice - in addition to the MANDATORY infrastructure
requirements outlined in VA Construction Specifications 27 10 00 – TIP
Structured Communications Cabling, 27 11 00 – TIP Communications Rooms
Fittings and 27 15 00 – TIP Horizontal and Vertical Communicators
Cabling, the following additional practices shall be adhered too:
1. Comply with requirements for raceways and boxes specified in Division
26 Section "Raceway and Boxes for Electrical Systems."
2. Execute all wiring in strict adherence to the National Electrical
Code, applicable local building codes and standard industry
3. Wiring shall be classified according to the following low voltage
signal types:
a. Balanced microphone level audio (below -20dBm) or Balanced line
level audio (-20dBm to +30dBm)

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b. 70V audio speaker level audio.

c. Low voltage DC control or power (less than 48VDC)
4. Where raceway is to be EMT (conduit), wiring of differing
classifications shall be run in separate conduit. Where raceway is
to be an enclosure (rack, tray, wire trough, utility box) wiring of
differing classifications which share the same enclosure shall be
mechanically partitioned and separated by at least four (4) inches.
Where Wiring of differing classifications must cross, they shall
cross perpendicular to one another.
5. Do not splice wiring anywhere along the entire length of the run.
Make sure cables are fully insulated and shielded from each other and
from the raceway for the entire length of the run.
6. Do not pull wire through any enclosure where a change of raceway
alignment or direction occurs. Do not bend wires to less than radius
recommended by manufacturer.
7. Replace the entire length of the run of any wire or cable that is
damaged or abraided during installation. There are no acceptable
methods of repairing damaged or abraided wiring.
8. Use wire pulling lubricants and pulling tensions as recommended by
the OEM.
9. Use grommets around cut-outs and knock-outs where conduit or chase
nipples are not installed.
10.Do not use tape-based or glue-based cable anchors.
11.Ground shields and drain wires to the Facility’s signal ground system
as indicated by the drawings.
12.Field wiring entering equipment racks shall be terminated as follows:
a. Provide ample service loops at harness break-outs and at plates,
panels and equipment. Loops should be sufficient to allow plates,
panels and equipment to be removed for service and inspection.
b. Line level and speaker level wiring may be terminated inside the
equipment rack using specified terminal blocks (see “Products.”)
Provide 15% spare terminals inside each rack. Microphone level
wiring may only be terminated at the equipment served.
c. If specified terminal blocks are not designed for rack mounting,
utilize ¾” plywood or 1/8” thick aluminum plates/blank panels as a
mounting surface. Do not mount on the bottom of the rack.

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d. Employ permanent strain relief for any cable with an outside

diameter of 1” or greater.
13.Use only balanced audio circuits unless noted otherwise
14.Make all connections as follows:
a. Make all connections using rosin-core solder or mechanical
connectors appropriate to the application.
b. For crimp-type connections, use only tools that are specified by
the manufacturer for the application.
c. Use only insulated spade lugs on screw terminals. Spade lugs shall
be sized to fit the wire gauge. Do not exceed two lugs per
d. Wire nuts, electrical tape or “Scotch Lock” connections are not
acceptable for any application.
15.Make all connections as follows:
a. Make all connections using rosin-core solder or mechanical
connectors appropriate to the application.
b. For crimp-type connections, use only tools that are specified by
the manufacturer for the application.
c. Use only insulated spade lugs on screw terminals. Spade lugs shall
be sized to fit the wire gauge. Do not exceed two lugs per
d. Wire nuts, electrical tape or “Scotch Lock” connections are not
acceptable for any application.
16.Noise filters and surge protectors shall be provided for each
equipment interface cabinet, switch equipment cabinet, control
console, local, and remote active equipment locations to ensure
protection from input primary AC power surges and noise glitches are
not induced into low Voltage data circuits.
17.Wires or cables previously approved to be installed outside of
conduit, cable trays, wireways, cable duct, etc:
a. Only when specifically authorized as described herein, will wires
or cables be identified and approved to be installed outside of
conduit. The wire or cable runs shall be UL rated plenum and OEM
certified for use in air plenums.
b. Wires and cables shall be hidden, protected, fastened and tied at
600 mm (24 in.) intervals, maximum, as described herein to
building structure.

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c. Closer wire or cable fastening intervals may be required to

prevents sagging, maintain clearance above suspended ceilings,
remove unsightly wiring and cabling from view and discourage
tampering and vandalism. Wire or cable runs, not provided in
conduit, that penetrate outside building walls, supporting walls,
and two hour fire barriers shall be sleeved and sealed with an
approved fire retardant sealant.
d. Wire or cable runs to system components installed in walls (i.e.:
volume attenuators, circuit controllers, signal, or data outlets,
etc.) may, when specifically authorized by the RE, be fished
through hollow spaces in walls and shall be certified for use in
air plenum areas.
e. Completely test all of the cables after installation and replace
any defective cables.
f. Wires or cables that are installed outside of buildings shall be
in conduit, secured to solid building structures. If specifically
approved, on a case by case basis, to be run outside of conduit,
the wires or cables shall be installed, as described herein. The
bundled wires or cables must: Be tied at not less than 460 mm (18
in.) intervals to a solid building structure; have ultra violet
protection and be totally waterproof (including all connections).
The laying of wires or cables directly on roof tops, ladders,
drooping down walls, walkways, floors, etc. is not allowed and
will not be approved.
E. Cable Installation - In addition to the MANDATORY infrastructure
requirements outlined in VA Construction Specifications 27 10 00 –
Structured TIP Communications Cabling, 27 11 00 – TIP Communications
Rooms and Fittings and 27 15 00 – TIP Communications Horizontal and
Vertical Cabling and the following additional practices shall be adhered
1. Support cable on maximum 2’-0” centers. Acceptable means of cable
support are cable tray, j-hooks, and bridal rings. Velcro wrap cable
bundles loosely to the means of support with plenum rated Velcro
straps. Plastic tie wraps are not acceptable as a means to bundle
2. Run cables parallel to walls.

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3. Install maximum of 10 cables in a single row of J-hooks. Provide

necessary rows of J-hooks as required by the number of cables.
4. Do not lay cables on top of light fixtures, ceiling tiles, mechanical
equipment, or ductwork. Maintain at least 2’-0” clearance from all
shielded electrical apparatus.
5. All cables shall be tested after the total installation is fully
complete. All test results are to be documented. All cables shall
pass acceptable test requirements and levels. Contractor shall
remedy any cabling problems or defects in order to pass or comply
with testing. This includes the re-pull of new cable as required at
no additional cost to the Owner.
6. Ends of cables shall be properly terminated on both ends per industry
and OEM’s recommendations.
7. Provide proper temporary protection of cable after pulling is
complete before final dressing and terminations are complete. Do not
leave cable lying on floor. Bundle and tie wrap up off of the floor
until you are ready to terminate.
8. Terminate all conductors; no cable shall contain unterminated
elements. Make terminations only at outlets and terminals.
9. Splices, Taps, and Terminations: Arrange on numbered terminal strips
in junction, pull, and outlet boxes; terminal cabinets; and equipment
enclosures. Cables may not be spliced.
10.Bundle, lace, and train conductors to terminal points without
exceeding OEM's limitations on bending radii. Install lacing bars and
distribution spools.
11.Cold-Weather Installation: Bring cable to room temperature before
dereeling. Heat lamps shall not be used.
12.Cable shall not be run through structural members or be in contact
with pipes, ducts, or other potentially damaging items.
13.Separation of Wires: (REFER TO RACEWAY INSTALLATION) Separate
speaker-microphone, line-level, speaker-level, and power wiring runs.
Install in separate raceways or, where exposed or in same enclosure,
separate conductors at least 12 inches apart for speaker microphones
and adjacent parallel power and telephone wiring. Separate other
intercommunication equipment conductors as recommended by equipment
14.Serve all cables as follows:

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a. Cover the end of the overall jacket with a 1” (minimum) length of

transparent heat-shrink tubing. Cut unused insulated conductors 2”
(minimum) past the heat-shrink, fold back over jacket and secure
with cable-tie. Cut unused shield/drain wires 2” (minimum) past
the Heatshrink and serve as indicated below.
b. Cover shield/drain wires with heat-shrink tubing extending back to
the overall jacket. Extend tubing ¼” past the end of unused wires,
fold back over jacket and secure with cable tie.
c. For each solder-type connection, cover the bare wire and solder
connection with heat-shrink tubing.
F. Labeling: Provide labeling in accordance with ANSI/EIA/TIA-606-A. All
lettering for PA circuits shall be stenciled using laser printers
thermal ink transfer process.
1. Cable and Wires (Hereinafter referred to as “Cable”): Cables shall be
labeled at both ends in accordance with ANSI/EIA/TIA-606-A. Labels
shall be permanent in contrasting colors. Cables shall be identified
according to the System “Record Wiring Diagrams.”
2. Equipment: System equipment shall be permanently labeled with
contrasting plastic laminate or Bakelite material. System equipment
shall be labeled on the face of the unit corresponding to its source.
a. Clearly, consistently, logically and permanently mark switches,
connectors, jacks, relays, receptacles and electronic and other
b. Engrave and paint fill all receptacle panels using 1/8” (minimum)
high lettering and contrasting paint.
c. For rack-mounted equipment, use engraved Lamacoid labels with
white 1/8” (minimum) high lettering on black background. Label the
front and back of all rack-mounted equipment.
3. Conduit, Cable Duct, and/or Cable Tray: The Contractor shall label
all conduit, duct and tray, including utilized GFE, with permanent
marking devices or spray painted stenciling a minimum of 3 meters (10
ft.) identifying it as the System. In addition, each enclosure shall
be labeled according to this standard.
4. Termination Hardware: The Contractor shall label TCOs and patch panel
connections using color coded labels with identifiers in accordance
with ANSI/EIA/TIA-606-A and the “Record Wiring Diagrams.”

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5. Where multiple pieces of equipment reside in the same rack group,

clearly and logically label each indicating to which room, channel,
receptacle location, etc. they correspond.
6. Permanently label cables at each end, including intra-rack
connections. Labels shall be covered by the same, transparent heat-
shrink tubing covering the end of the overall jacket. Alternatively,
computer generated labels of the type which include a clear
protective wrap may be used.
7. Contractor’s name shall appear no more than once on each continuous
set of racks. The Contractor’s name shall not appear on wall plates
or portable equipment.
8. Ensure each OEM supplied item of equipment has appropriate UL Labels
Marks for the service the equipment is performed permanently attached
G. Conduit and Signal Ducts: When the Contractor and/or OEM determines
additional system conduits and/or signal ducts are required in order to
meet the system minimum performance standards outlined herein, the
contractor shall provide these items as follows:
1. Conduit:
a. The Contractor shall employ the latest installation practices and
materials. The Contractor shall provide conduit, junction boxes,
connectors, sleeves, weather heads, pitch pockets, and associated
sealing materials not specifically identified in this document as
GFE. Conduit penetrations of walls, ceilings, floors, interstitial
space, fire barriers, etc., shall be sleeved and sealed.
b. All cables shall be installed in separate conduit and/or signal
ducts (exception from the separate conduit requirement to allow PA
cables to be installed in partitioned cable tray with voice cables
may be granted in writing by the RE if requested). Conduits shall
be provided in accordance with Section 27 05 33, RACEWAYS AND
Critical Care and 800 for Communications systems, at a minimum.
c. When metal, plastic covered, etc., flexible cable protective armor
or systems are specifically authorized to be provided for use in

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the System, their installation guidelines and standards shall be

as specified herein, Section 27 05 33, RACEWAYS AND BOXES FOR
d. When ”interduct” flexible cable protective systems is specifically
authorized to be provided for use in the System, it’s installation
guidelines and standards shall be as the specified herein, Section
e. Conduit fill (including GFE approved to be used in the system)
shall not exceed 40%. Each conduit end shall be equipped with a
protective insulator or sleeve to cover the conduit end,
connection nut or clamp, to protect the wire or cable during
installation and remaining in the conduit. Electrical power
conduit shall be installed in accordance with the NEC. AC power
conduit shall be run separate from signal conduit.
f. Ensure that PA Systems (as identified by NEC Section 517) are
completely separated and protected from all other systems.
2. Signal Duct, Cable Duct, or Cable Tray:
a. The Contractor shall use GFE signal duct, cable duct, and/or cable
tray, when identified and approved by the RE.
b. Approved signal and/or cable duct shall be a minimum size of 100
mm x 100 mm (4 in. X 4 in.) inside diameter with removable tops or
sides, as appropriate. Protective sleeves, guides or barriers are
required on all sharp corners, openings, anchors, bolts or screw
ends, junction, interface and connection points.
c. Approved cable tray shall be fully covered, mechanically and
physically partitioned for multiple electronic circuit use, and be
UL certified and labeled for use with telecommunication circuits
and/or systems. The RE shall approve width and height dimensions.
d. All cable junctions and taps shall be accessible. Provide an 8” X
8” X 4” (minimum) junction box attached to the cable duct or
raceway for installation of distribution system passive equipment.
Ensure all equipment and tap junctions are accessible
Contractor shall protect network devices during unpacking and
installation by wearing manufacturer approved electrostatic discharge
(ESD) wrist straps tied to chassis ground. The wrist strap shall meet

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OSHA requirements for prevention of electrical shock, should technician

come in contact with high voltage.
A. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to keep their work area
clear of debris and clean area daily at completion of work.
B. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to patch and paint any
wall or surface that has been disturbed by the execution of this work.
C. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing any additional
cutting, drilling, fitting or patching required that is not indicated as
provided by others to complete the Work or to make its parts fit
together properly.
D. The Contractor shall not damage or endanger a portion of the Work or
fully or partially completed construction of the Owner or separate
contractors by cutting, patching or otherwise altering such
construction, or by excavation. The Contractor shall not cut or
otherwise alter such construction by the Owner or a separate contractor
except with written consent of the Owner and of such separate
contractor; such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The
Contractor shall not unreasonably withhold from the Owner or a separate
Contractor the Contractor’s consent to cutting or otherwise altering the
E. Where coring of existing (previously installed) concrete is specified or
required, including coring indicated under unit prices, the location of
such coring shall be clearly identified in the field and the location
shall be approved by the Project Manager prior to commencement of coring
A. Where PA wires, cables and conduit penetrate fire rated walls, floors
and ceilings, fireproof the opening.
B. Provide conduit sleeves (if not already provided by electrical
contractor) for cables that penetrate fire rated walls and
Telecommunications Rooms floors and ceilings. After the cabling
installation is complete, install fire proofing material in and around
all conduit sleeves and openings. Install fire proofing material
thoroughly and neatly. Seal all floor and ceiling penetrations.
C. Use only materials and methods that preserve the integrity of the fire
stopping system and its rating.

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D. Install fireproofing where low voltage cables are installed in the same
manholes with high voltage cables; also cover the low voltage cables
with arc proof and fireproof tape.
E. Use approved fireproofing tape of the same type as used for the high
voltage cables, and apply the tape in a single layer, one-half lapped
or as recommended by the manufacturer. Install the tape with the coated
side towards the cable and extend it not less than 25 mm (one inch) into
each duct.
F. Secure the tape in place by a random wrap of glass cloth tape.
A. Ground PA cable shields and equipment to eliminate shock hazard and to
minimize ground loops, commonmode returns, noise pickup, cross talk, and
other impairments as specified in CFM Division 27, Section 27 05 26 –
Grounding and Bonding for Communications Systems.
B. Facility Signal Ground Terminal: Locate at main room or area signal
ground within the room (i.e. head end and telecommunications rooms) or
area(s) and indicate each signal ground location on the drawings.
C. Extend the signal ground to inside each equipment cabinet and/or rack.
Ensure each cabinet and/or rack installed item of equipment is connected
to the extended signal ground. Isolate the signal ground from power and
major equipment grounding systems.
D. When required, install grounding electrodes as specified in CFM Division
26, Section 26 05 26 –Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems.
E. Do not use “3rd or 4th” wire internal electrical system conductors for
communications signal ground.
F. Do not connect the signal ground to the building’s external lightning
protection system.
G. Do Not “mix grounds” of different systems.
H. Insure grounds of different systems are installed as to not violate OSHA
Safety and NEC installation requirements for protection of personnel.
The PA System is NFPA listed as an “Emergency / Public Safety”
Communications system. Where Code Blue signals are transmitted, that
listing is elevated to “Life Support/Safety.” Therefore, the following
testing and guaranty provisions are the minimum to be performed and
provided by the contractor and OEM.

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A. Intermediate Testing:
1. After completion of 25 – 30% the installation of a head end
cabinet(s) and equipment, one microphone console, local and remote
enunciation stations, two (2) zones, two (2) sub zones prior to any
further work, this portion of the system must be pretested,
inspected, and certified. Each item of installed equipment shall be
checked to ensure appropriate UL Listing and Certification Labels are
affixed as required by NFPA -Life Safety Code 101-3.2 (a) & (b) and
JCHCO evaluation guidelines, and proper installation practices are
followed. The intermediate test shall include a full operational
2. All inspections and tests shall be conducted by an OEM-certified
contractor representative and witnessed by TVE-005OP3B if there is no
local Government Representative that processes OEM and VA approved
Credentials to inspect and certify the system. The results of the
inspection will be officially recorded by the Government
Representative and maintained on file by the RE, until completion of
the entire project. The results will be compared to the Acceptance
Test results. An identical inspection may be conducted between the
65 - 75% of the system construction phase, at the direction of the
B. Pretesting:
1. Upon completing installation of the PA System, the Contractor shall
align, balance, and completely pretest the entire system under full
operating conditions.
2. Pretesting Procedure:
a. During the System Pretest the Contractor shall verify (utilizing
approved test equipment) that the System is fully operational and
meets all the System performance requirements of this standard.
b. The Contractor shall pretest and verify that all PA System
functions and specification requirements are met and operational,
no unwanted aural effects, such as signal distortion, noise
pulses, glitches, audio hum, poling noise, etc. are present. At a
minimum, each of the following locations shall be fully pretested:
1) Central Control Cabinets.
2) Local Control Stations.

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3) Zone Equipment/Systems.
4) Sub-Zone Equipment/Systems.
5) Remote Control Panels.
6) All Networked locations.
7) System interface locations (i.e. TELCO, two way radio, etc.).
8) System trouble reporting.
9) System Electrical Supervision.
10)UPS operation.
3. The Contractor shall provide four (4) copies of the recorded system
pretest measurements and the written certification that the System is
ready for the formal acceptance test shall be submitted to the RE.
C. Acceptance Test:
1. After the PA System has been pretested and the Contractor has
submitted the pretest results and certification to the RE, then the
Contractor shall schedule an acceptance test date and give the RE 30
day’s written notice prior to the date the acceptance test is
expected to begin. The System shall be tested in the presence of TVE
005OP3B and an OEM certified representatives. The System shall be
tested utilizing the approved test equipment to certify proof of
performance and Emergency / Public Safety compliance. The tests shall
verify that the total System meets all the requirements of this
specification. The notification of the acceptance test shall include
the expected length (in time) of the test.
2. The acceptance test shall be performed on a "go-no-go" basis. Only
those operator adjustments required to show proof of performance
shall be allowed. The test shall demonstrate and verify that the
installed System does comply with all requirements of this
specification under operating conditions. The System shall be rated
as either acceptable or unacceptable at the conclusion of the test.
Failure of any part of the System that precludes completion of system
testing, and which cannot be repaired in four (4) hours, shall be

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cause for terminating the acceptance test of the System. Repeated

failures that result in a cumulative time of eight (8) hours to
affect repairs shall cause the entire System to be declared
unacceptable. Retesting of the entire System shall be rescheduled at
the convenience of the Government.
3. Retesting of the entire System shall be rescheduled at the
convenience of the Government and costs borne by the Contractor at
the direction of the SRE.
D. Acceptance Test Procedure:
1. Physical and Mechanical Inspection:
a. The TVE 005OP3B Representative will tour all areas where the PA
system and all sub-systems are completely and properly installed
to insure they are operationally ready for proof of performance
testing. A system inventory including available spare parts will
be taken at this time. Each item of installed equipment shall be
checked to ensure appropriate UL certification labels are affixed.
b. The System diagrams, record drawings, equipment manuals, TIP Auto
CAD Disks, intermediate, and pretest results shall be formally
inventoried and reviewed.
c. Failure of the System to meet the installation requirements of
this specification shall be grounds for terminating all testing.
2. Operational Test:
a. After the Physical and Mechanical Inspection, the system head end
equipment shall be checked to verify that it meets all performance
requirements outlined herein. A spectrum analyzer and sound level
meter may be utilized to accomplish this requirement.
b. Following the head end equipment test, each speaker (or on board
speaker) shall be inspected to ensure there are no signal
distortions such as intermodulation, data noise, popping sounds,
erratic system functions, on any function.
c. The distribution system shall be checked at each interface,
junction, and distribution point, first, middle, and last speaker
in each leg to verify the PA distribution system meets all system
performance standards.
d. If the RED system is a part of the system, each volume stepper
switches shall be checked to insure proper operation of the pillow
speaker, the volume stepper and the RED system (if installed).

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e. Additionally, each installed head end equipment, microphone

console; amplifier, mixer, distributed speaker/amplifier, monitor
speaker, telephone interface, power supply and remote amplifiers
shall be checked insuring they meet the requirements of this
f. Once these tests have been completed, each installed sub-system
function shall be tested as a unified, functioning and fully
operating system. The typical functions are: “all call,” three
sub-zoned, minimum of 15 minutes of UPS operation, electrical
supervision, trouble panel, corridor speakers and audio paging.
h. Individual Item Test: The TVE 005OP3B Representative will select
individual items of equipment for detailed proof of performance
testing until 100% of the System has been tested and found to meet
the contents of this specification. Each item shall meet or exceed
the minimum requirements of this document.
3. Test Conclusion:
a. At the conclusion of the Acceptance Test, using the generated
punch list (or discrepancy list) the VA and the Contractor shall
jointly agree to the results of the test, and reschedule testing
on deficiencies and shortages with the RE. Any retesting to comply
with these specifications will be done at the Contractor's
b. If the System is declared unacceptable without conditions, all
rescheduled testing expenses will be borne by the Contractor.
E. Acceptable Test Equipment: The test equipment shall furnished by the
Contractor shall have a calibration tag of an acceptable calibration
service dated not more than 12 months prior to the test. As part of the
submittal, a test equipment list shall be furnished that includes the
make and model number of the following type of equipment as a minimum:
1. Spectrum Analyzer.
2. Signal Level Meter.
3. Volt-Ohm Meter.
4. Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Meter.
5. Oscilloscope.
6. Random Noise Generator.
7. Audio Amplifier with External Speaker.

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A. Contractor’s Responsibility:
1. The Contractor shall guarantee that all provided material and
equipment will be free from defects, workmanship and will remain so
for a period of two (2) years from date of final acceptance of the
System by the VA. The Contractor shall provide OEM’s equipment
warranty documents, to the RE (or Facility Contracting Officer if the
Facility has taken procession of the building), that certifies each
item of equipment installed conforms to OEM published specifications.
2. The Contractor's maintenance personnel shall have the ability to
contact the Contractor and OEM for emergency maintenance and logistic
assistance, remote diagnostic testing, and assistance in resolving
technical problems at any time. This contact capability shall be
provided by the Contractor and OEM at no additional cost to the VA.
3. All Contractor maintenance and supervisor personnel shall be fully
qualified by the OEM and must provide two (2) copies of current and
qualified OEM training certificates and OEM certification upon
4. Additionally, the Contractor shall accomplish the following minimum
requirements during the two year guaranty period:
a. Response Time During the Two Year Guaranty Period:
1) The RE (or Facility Contracting Officer if the system has been
turned over to the Facility) is the Contractor’s ONLY OFFICIAL
reporting and contact official for nurse call system trouble
calls, during the guaranty period.
2) A standard work week is considered 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. or as
designated by the RE (or Facility Contracting Officer), Monday
through Friday exclusive of Federal Holidays.
3) The Contractor shall respond and correct on-site trouble calls,
during the standard work week to:
a) A routine trouble call within one (1) working day of its
report. A routine trouble is considered a trouble which
causes a power supply; one (1) master System control
station, microphone console or amplifier to be inoperable.
b) Routine trouble calls in critical emergency health care
facilities (i.e., cardiac arrest, intensive care units,
etc.) shall also be deemed as an emergency trouble call. The

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RE (or Facility Contracting Officer) shall notify the

Contractor of this type of trouble call.
c) An emergency trouble call within four (4) hours of its
report. An emergency trouble is considered a trouble which
causes a sub-zone, zone, distribution point, terminal
cabinet, or all call system to be inoperable at anytime.
4) If a PA System component failure cannot be corrected within
four (4) hours (exclusive of the standard work time limits),
the Contractor shall be responsible for providing alternate
System equipment. The alternate equipment/system shall be
operational within a maximum of 12 hours after the four (4)
hour trouble shooting time and restore the effected location
operation to meet the System performance standards. If any sub-
system or major system trouble cannot be corrected within one
working day, the Contractor shall furnish and install
compatible substitute equipment returning the System or sub-
system to full operational capability, as described herein,
until repairs are complete.
b. Required On-Site Visits During the Two Year Guaranty Period
1) The Contractor shall visit, on-site, for a minimum of eight (8)
hours, once every 12 weeks, during the guaranty period, to
perform system preventive maintenance, equipment cleaning, and
operational adjustments to maintain the System according the
descriptions identified in this document.
2) The Contractor shall arrange all Facility visits with the RE
(or Facility Contracting Officer) prior to performing the
required maintenance visits.
3) Preventive maintenance procedure(s)shall be performed by the
Contractor in accordance with the OEM's recommended practice
and service intervals during non-busy time agreed to by the RE
(or Facility Contracting Officer) and Contractor.
4) The preventive maintenance schedule, functions and reports
shall be provided to and approved by the RE (or Facility
Contracting Officer).
5) The Contractor shall provide the RE (or Facility Contracting
Officer) a type written report itemizing each deficiency found
and the corrective action performed during each required visit

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or official reported trouble call. The Contractor shall provide

the RE with sample copies of these reports for review and
approval at the beginning of the Acceptance Test. The following
reports are the minimum required:
a) The Contractor shall provide a monthly summary all equipment
and sub-systems serviced during this guarantee period to RE
(or Facility Contracting Officer) by the fifth (5th) working
day after the end of each month. The report shall clearly
and concisely describe the services rendered, parts replaced
and repairs performed. The report shall prescribe
anticipated future needs of the equipment and systems for
preventive and predictive maintenance.
b) The Contractor shall maintain a separate log entry for each
item of equipment and each sub-system of the System. The
log shall list dates and times of all scheduled, routine,
and emergency calls. Each emergency call shall be described
with details of the nature and causes of emergency steps
taken to rectify the situation and specific recommendations
to avoid such conditions in the future.
6) The RE (or Facility Contracting Officer) shall convey to the
Facility Engineering Officer, two (2) copies of actual reports
for evaluation.
a) The RE (or Facility Contracting Officer) shall ensure a copy
of these reports is entered into the System’s official
acquisition documents.
b) The Facility Chief Engineer shall ensure a copy of these
reports is entered into the System’s official technical
record documents.
B. Work Not Included: Maintenance and repair service shall not include the
performance of any work due to improper use; accidents; other vendor,
contractor, or owner tampering or negligence, for which the Contractor
is not directly responsible and does not control. The Contractor shall
immediately notify the RE or Facility Contracting Officer in writing
upon the discovery of these incidents. The RE or Facility Contracting
Officer will investigate all reported incidents and render an official
opinion in writing concerning the supplied information.

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A. Provide thorough training of all biomed engineering and electronic
technical staff assigned to those nursing units receiving new networked
nurse/patient communications equipment. This training shall be
developed and implemented to address two different types of staff. Floor
nurses/staff shall receive training from their perspective, and
likewise, unit secretaries (or any person whose specific
responsibilities include answering patient calls and dispatching staff)
shall receive operational training from their perspective. A separate
training room will be set up that allows this type of individualized
training utilizing in-service training unit, prior to cut over of the
new system.
B. Provide the following minimum training times and durations:
1. 48 hours prior to opening for BME / Electronic Staff (in 8-hour
increments) – split evenly over 3 weeks and day and night shifts.
Coordinate schedule with Owner.
2. 32 hours during the opening week for Telephone Staff – both day and
night shifts.
3. 24 hours for supervisors and system administrators.

- - - E N D - - -

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