Anecdotal Records
Anecdotal Records
Anecdotal Records
An anecdotal record is an observation that is written like a short story. They are descriptions
of incidents or events that are important to the person observing. Anecdotal records are short,
objective and as accurate as possible.
Informal device used by the teacher to record behaviour of the students as observed
from time to time.
It provides a lasting record of behavior which may be useful later in contributing to a
judgement about a student.
It gives useful information concerning an individual. The observer should be objective
and has to maintain various kinds of social relationships in which the individual takes
part, e.g. Parent-child, pupil-teacher, social interaction, etc.
Teachers will note down the important happenings pertaining to a pupil for future
The teacher describes the events he observed carefully and writes his comments, takes
the signature of the student; he will also sign and keep it into the file, and will be
considered for evaluating the particular student.
Keep a notebook handy to make brief notes to remind you of incidents you wish to
include in the record. Also include the name, time and setting in your notes.
Write the record as soon as possible after the event. The longer you leave it to write
your anecdotal record, the more subjective and vaguer the observation will become.
In your anecdotal record identify the time, child, date and setting
Describe the actions and what was said.
Include the responses of other people if they relate to the action.
Describe the event in the sequence that it occurred.
Record should be complete.
They should be compiled and filed.
They should be emphasized as an educational resource.
The teacher should have practice and training in making observations and writing
To relate the incident correctly for drawing inferences the following items to be
The first part of an anecdotal record should be factual, simple and clear.
Name of the students
Unit/ ward/ department
Date and time
Brief report of what happened.
The second part of an anecdotal record may include additional comments, analysis
and conclusions based on interpretations and judgments.