Evaluation of Implants in Smoking and Non-Smoking Patients With Peri-Implant Disease Risk Analysis and Esthetic Scores: An Observational Study
Evaluation of Implants in Smoking and Non-Smoking Patients With Peri-Implant Disease Risk Analysis and Esthetic Scores: An Observational Study
Evaluation of Implants in Smoking and Non-Smoking Patients With Peri-Implant Disease Risk Analysis and Esthetic Scores: An Observational Study
Background This study examined how smoking affects esthetics, peri-implant health, gingiva around the implant,
and implant disease risk assessment in patients with implants.
Methods The study included two hundred ninety-eight implants of systemically healthy patients aged between 38
and 62 who applied to the Periodontology Clinic and whose functionally prosthesis-loaded implants had been at
least six months and at most five years old. Implants of patients with bruxism were not included in the study. Implants
are divided into two according to the patient’s smoking. Vestibule depth around the implant, keratinized gingival
thickness and width, gingival recession, bleeding on probing, pocket depth, and gingival index by a sole clinician. The
pink esthetic score, peri-implant disease risk assessment, and implant health scale were also examined to measure
implant esthetics and success.
Results There was a statistically significant difference in the implant disease risk assesment scores for the examined
implants of smokers and nonsmokers (p < 0.05). People who had peri-implantitis had higher implant disease risk
assesment score levels. The dental implant health scale revealed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in the
likelihood of implant disease. According to the dental implant health scale, dental implants were 100% successful for
non-smokers. There was a significant difference in the keratinized gingiva width between smokers and nonsmokers
(p < 0.05). The results of the study showed that nonsmokers had a wider keratinized gingiva.
Conclusions Research has demonstrated that the act of smoking has the potential to jeopardize the long-term
survival of dental implants and the surrounding peri-implant tissues. The results of this study indicate that it would be
advisable for dentists to provide guidance to their patients on smoking cessation and to monitor any alterations in
behavior closely. Furthermore, it would be advantageous for dental professionals to elucidate the impact of smoking
on the susceptibility of smokers to peri-implant disease.
Keywords Dental implant, Implant Disease risk assessment, Keratinized tissue, Pink esthetic score
Tuğba Şahin
[email protected]
Dentistry Faculty, Division of Periodontology, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal
University, Bolu, Türkiye
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Şahin BMC Oral Health (2023) 23:925 Page 2 of 6
systematically assessed in each implant in patient. The Table 1 Demographics of the study participants
pink aesthetic score examined papilla, soft tissue mar- Smokers Nonsmokers P
gin level, soft tissue contour, alveolar process, soft tis- Age 51.79 ± 10.41 49.39 ± 11.17 0.331
sue color, and texture. The pink esthetic score is assessed Gender Male 22 (64.7%) 23 (50.0%) 0.139
on a scale ranging from 0 to 10 [16]. Four groups on the Female 12 (35.3%) 23 (50.0%)
implant health scale define the clinical conditions of
success, satisfactory survival, compromised survival, or mean and standard deviation are used to represent open-
failure. While making these evaluations, pain, mobil- ended data. Two hundred ninety-eight dental implants
ity, radiographic bone loss, pocket depth, and exudate in 80 patients were assessed within the study’s param-
were examined [9]. The eight vectors of the diagram in eters. In the two groups who participated in the study,
the IDRA include an assessment of a history of peri- each group had 149 implants examined. To look into
odontitis, the percentage of sites with bleeding on any discrepancies between the two groups investigated
probing, the number of teeth or implants with probing open-ended values, an independent sample t-test was
depths ≥ 5 mm, the ratio of periodontal bone loss (evalu- employed. Categorical variables were compared using
ated from a radiograph) divided by the patient’s age, peri- chi-square analysis. In this investigation, p < 0.05 was
odontitis susceptibility as described from the 2017 World used as the statistical significance threshold.
Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-
implant Diseases [22] the frequency/compliance with Results
supportive periodontal therapy, the distance from the Regarding age, sex, or implant duration, there were no
restorative margin of the implant-supported prosthesis to statistically significant differences between smokers and
the marginal bone crest, and prosthesis-related factors, nonsmokers (p > 0.05) (Table 1).
including cleanability and fit of the implant-supported There is a statistically significant difference in the dis-
prosthesis [17]. A single clinician (T.Ş.) conducted the ease/health status evaluation of the examined implants of
measurements in one session. smoker and non-smoker participants (p < 0.05) (Table 2).
There was a statistically significant difference in the
Inclusion and exclusion criteria IDRA scores for the examined implants of smokers and
Inclusion Criteria: nonsmokers (p < 0.05) (Table 3). The peri-implantitis
– 38 to 62 years of age. group contained most patients with high IDRA scores;
– Systemically healthy or with a controlled medical patient distributions for the other two disease categories
condition. differed. High IDRA scores were linked to failed implants
– At least six months and at most five years passed in both groups (Table 4).
after a dental implant’s functional prosthetic loading There was no statistically significant difference between
and received one or more dental implants with a smokers and non-smokers regarding the pink esthetic
fixed prosthesis. scores of the implants under examination (p > 0.05)
Exclusion Criteria: (Table 3). Whereas 69.8% of the individuals who did not
– Presence of uncontrolled systemic disease. smoke had pink esthetic ratings of 8 or higher, 30.2% of
– Bruxism. the participants who smoked had implants that were
inspected, and 27.5% of the people who did not smoke
Statistical analysis had implants that were examined and had pink esthetic
Within the parameters of the investigation, statistical scores of less than 8. By contrast, the nonsmoking indi-
analyses were conducted using Statistics*. Numbers and viduals’ implants had a pink esthetic score of 8 or above
percentages are used to convey categorical data. The in 72.5% of the examined cases.
Table 4 Dental implant health scale and distribution of IDRA scores in disease and health
Peri-implant Mucositis Peri-implant Health Peri-implantitis p
Dental Implant Health Scale Success 95 (100.0%) 162 (98.8%) 33 (84.6%) 0.001*
Survival - 2 (1.2%) 4 (10.3%)
Failure - - 2 (5.1%)
IDRA Low 15 (15.6%) 18 (11.0%) 2 (5.3%) 0.003*
Moderate 16 (16.7%) 46 (28.0%) 8 (21.1%)
High 65 (67.7%) 100 (61.0%) 28 (73.7%)
The implants’ keratinized gingival thickness and ves- was found in 4 patients (12%) at moderate risk and 12
tibule depth under examination showed no statistically patients (27%) at high risk. Peri-implantitis is a common
significant differences between smokers and nonsmok- condition in patients with a high IDRA risk. [18]. De Ry
ers (p > 0.05). 53.7% of the examined implants of smok- et al. reported that increased IDRA was present in 28% of
ers were 2 mm and below, and 44.3% of the examined individuals with peri-implantitis. Fifteen implants at low
implants of non-smoking participants were 1 mm and risk had peri-implant mucositis (25%), and six implants at
down (Table 3). moderate risk had peri-implantitis (75%) [19]. Individuals
There was a statistically significant difference in the with high-risk IDRA profiles seem to be more vulnerable
dental implant health scale score for the examined to developing biological problems and implant loss [23].
implants of smokers and nonsmokers (p < 0.05). The In the present study, the two failing implants had high
non-smoking group had a complete implant health scale IDRA levels. Smokers had a greater frequency of high
1 (Table 3). The peri-implantitis group had fewer people values. In the group with peri-implantitis, most implants
with successful dental implants than the other groups showed high IDRA levels.
(Table 4). Peri-implant soft tissue position, texture, color, con-
The peri-implantitis group had fewer people with suc- tour, and alveolar process deficiency were also measured
cessful dental implants than the other groups (p < 0.05) and compared with a natural tooth reference (adjacent
(Table 3). or contralateral to the study site) [24]. The thresholds
for clinical acceptance are currently set at values of 8 to
Discussion 14 for the PES [25]. It has been proposed that PES levels
IDRA is a risk assessment approach considering several between 10 and 12 indicate good esthetic outcomes and
characteristics that may help identify individuals at risk that PES values between 13 and 14 indicate ideal implant
of getting peri-implantitis. According to the IDRA data, esthetics [24]. In one study, all 45 anterior maxillary
56.3% of the 79 patients had a high risk, and 42.5% had single-tooth implants examined fulfilled strict criteria
a moderate risk. According to IDRA, peri-implantitis for the success of implants concerning osseointegration;
Şahin BMC Oral Health (2023) 23:925 Page 5 of 6
these criteria included the absence of peri-implant radio- The study confirmed that shallow vestibule depth is
lucency, implant mobility, suppuration, and pain. The associated with higher mucosal recession, a higher rate of
mean total PES of 7.8 ± 0.88 indicated favorable over- relative attachment loss, radiographic bone level, greater
all peri-implant soft tissue conditions [26]. PES values bleeding on probing, gingival index, and peri-implant
varied from 3.17 to 7.46 in a study evaluating 41 ante- failure compared with sites at which there is adequate
rior implants [27]. After a year, the PES score for all 39 vestibule depth ( > 4 mm). Moreover, sites with shallow
patients was 7.07 [28]. The average was 9.09 for smokers vestibule depth presented a lower keratinized mucosa
and 9.07 for nonsmokers in this research. In thirty single width than sites with adequate vestibule depth [38]. The
implants, the implant-related mean PES varied from 2.28 average implant circumference vestibule depth measure-
to 13.8 for single-tooth implants [15]. The pink esthetic ment in patients who smoke was 5.93 ± 2.95, while that in
score in the study ranged from 3 to 14. patients who do not smoke was 5.94 ± 2.70. While 55.0%
The “success” category describes optimum conditions, of the implants of the smoking participants had mucosal
the “survival” category describes implants that are func- tissue that was 2 mm or greater in width, 63.2% of the
tional but not associated with ideal conditions, and the nonsmoking participants did.
“failure” of an implant indicates that the implant should
be removed or has already been removed [9]. Based on Conclusions
a study’s measure for evaluating dental implant health, Smoking, with other risk factors, has a considerable
98.4% were effective and in excellent condition [11]. In impact on the success or failure of implant surgery,
another study, the cumulative implant survival rate was the individual’s risk status, and the width of keratini-
90.9% [23]. The dental implant health scale was higher in zation. The results of this study suggest that there is a
smokers than in nonsmokers. The success and survival need to increase patient awareness regarding the ben-
rates on the implant health scale were reported to be efits of smoking cessation or reduction and to promote
98.6% in smokers compared to 100% in nonsmokers. such efforts actively. Additionally, it is essential to pro-
Adequate peri-implant gingival height, a thick tissue vide support to patients in their endeavors, considering
phenotype, and a wide area of immobile keratinized gin- the detrimental effects of smoking on individuals with
giva may all help lower the risk of tissue inflammation implants.
and subsequent problems [29]. Compared to implant
sites with ≥ 2 mm of keratinized gingiva, implant sites *IBM SPSS Version 26.0 IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA
with a band of keratinized gingiva that was less than IDRA Implant Disease Risk Assesment
2 mm in width were found to be more likely to experi- PES Pink Esthetic Score
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