Case Study

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cial condition has a negativ

e impact on
society, the situation rec
eives more attention. It
becomes a public issue,
a public
outcry, and people try to c
ome up with a solution. Be
cause they believe there is
disruption in the normal sit
uation or that what is happ
ening is out of the ordinary.
particular social condition
becomes a social problem
at that point. Thus, it is ver
essential to identify the ex
act meaning of social probl
ems, to understand its nat
ure, or
to identify the different typ
es of social problems. The
most important thing abou
social problem is to find ou
t the causes of social probl
ems because the roots of a
social problems are also d
ifferent. Furthermore, kno
wing the causes is critical f
finding a solution. Because
figuring out what's causing
the problem leads to findin
solution. To mitigate the pr
oblem, a proper solution t
o it is imperative as becaus
e the
consequences of any social
problem are detrimental to
the health of society.
We will discuss the meanin
g, nature, and types of soci
al problems, as well as thei
causes and consequences,
in this unit.
cial condition has a negativ
e impact on
society, the situation rec
eives more attention. It
becomes a public issue,
a public
outcry, and people try to c
ome up with a solution. Be
cause they believe there is
disruption in the normal sit
uation or that what is happ
ening is out of the ordinary.
particular social condition
becomes a social problem
at that point. Thus, it is ver
essential to identify the ex
act meaning of social probl
ems, to understand its nat
ure, or
to identify the different typ
es of social problems. The
most important thing abou
social problem is to find ou
t the causes of social probl
ems because the roots of a
social problems are also d
ifferent. Furthermore, kno
wing the causes is critical f
finding a solution. Because
figuring out what's causing
the problem leads to findin
solution. To mitigate the pr
oblem, a proper solution t
o it is imperative as becaus
e the
consequences of any social
problem are detrimental to
the health of society.
We will discuss the meanin
g, nature, and types of soci
al problems, as well as thei
causes and consequences,
in this unit.

Case Study
Social Proble

Dante Palino
Kim Riedge Ivon B. Cuya
Anna Regina B. Cuya
Marbhen Bayabay
When a particular social phenomenon or condition disturbs the social order and hinders the smooth workin
g of social institutions that come to be identified as a social problem. At the initial phase, such conditions are ne
glected since they do not have any serious adverse effects on the social system. But gradually, they get accumul
ated and begin to affect normal social life. Such a condition is recognized as a social problem. Once a social pr
oblem takes roots and develops beyond the bounds of tolerance, there arises resentment against it and there is a
demand for remedy in the interest of social harmony. For example, the degradation of the soil in certain regions
of Punjab and Haryana is being caused by the accepted methods of farming.

In this unit we will discuss a v

ery important topic related t
o the study of society. In our
day to day life we have co
me across various terms li
ke environmental pollution,
resource depletion, unemplo
yment, child labour, poverty,
dowry death, drug abuse,
ethnicity, racial discriminat
ion and so on. Each of t
hese represents an existin
condition which threatens th
e well- being of a society. Ho
wever, we are all aware that
many of them receive relativ
ely little public attention. Aga
in, we discover that such
social conditions do not affec
t all of the world's societies. F
or example, some social
issues in India are not a probl
em in other countries, such a
s caste-related issues. When
we talk about social issues li
ke racial discrimination, the
people living in the far
reaches of Arunachal Prades
h aren't particularly concerne
In this unit we will discuss a v
ery important topic related t
o the study of society. In our
day to day life we have co
me across various terms li
ke environmental pollution,
resource depletion, unemplo
yment, child labour, poverty,
dowry death, drug abuse,
ethnicity, racial discriminat
ion and so on. Each of t
hese represents an existin
condition which threatens th
e well- being of a society. Ho
wever, we are all aware that
many of them receive relativ
ely little public attention. Aga
in, we discover that such
social conditions do not affec
t all of the world's societies. F
or example, some social
issues in India are not a probl
em in other countries, such a
s caste-related issues. When
we talk about social issues li
ke racial discrimination, the
people living in the far
reaches of Arunachal Prades
h aren't particularly concerne
In this unit we will discuss a v
ery important topic related t
o the study of society. In our
day to day life we have co
me across various terms li
ke environmental pollution,
resource depletion, unemplo
yment, child labour, poverty,
dowry death, drug abuse,
ethnicity, racial discriminat
ion and so on. Each of t
hese represents an existin
condition which threatens th
e well- being of a society. Ho
wever, we are all aware that
many of them receive relativ
ely little public attention. Aga
in, we discover that such
social conditions do not affec
t all of the world's societies. F
or example, some social
issues in India are not a probl
em in other countries, such a
s caste-related issues. When
we talk about social issues li
ke racial discrimination, the
people living in the far
reaches of Arunachal Prades
h aren't particularly concerne
In this unit we will discuss a v
ery important topic related t
o the study of society. In our
day to day life we have co
me across various terms li
ke environmental pollution,
resource depletion, unemplo
yment, child labour, poverty,
dowry death, drug abuse,
ethnicity, racial discriminat
ion and so on. Each of t
hese represents an existin
condition which threatens th
e well- being of a society. Ho
wever, we are all aware that
many of them receive relativ
ely little public attention. Aga
in, we discover that such
social conditions do not affec
t all of the world's societies. F
or example, some social
issues in India are not a probl
em in other countries, such a
s caste-related issues. When
we talk about social issues li
ke racial discrimination, the
people living in the far
reaches of Arunachal Prades
h aren't particularly concerne
In this unit we will discuss a v
ery important topic related t
o the study of society. In our
day to day life we have co
me across various terms li
ke environmental pollution,
resource depletion, unemplo
yment, child labour, poverty,
dowry death, drug abuse,
ethnicity, racial discriminat
ion and so on. Each of t
hese represents an existin
condition which threatens th
e well- being of a society. Ho
wever, we are all aware that
many of them receive relativ
ely little public attention. Aga
in, we discover that such
social conditions do not affec
t all of the world's societies. F
or example, some social
issues in India are not a probl
em in other countries, such a
s caste-related issues. When
we talk about social issues li
ke racial discrimination, the
people living in the far
reaches of Arunachal Prades
h aren't particularly concerne
In this unit we will discuss a v
ery important topic related t
o the study of society. In our
day to day life we have co
me across various terms li
ke environmental pollution,
resource depletion, unemplo
yment, child labour, poverty,
dowry death, drug abuse,
ethnicity, racial discriminat
ion and so on. Each of t
hese represents an existin
condition which threatens th
e well- being of a society. Ho
wever, we are all aware that
many of them receive relativ
ely little public attention. Aga
in, we discover that such
social conditions do not affec
t all of the world's societies. F
or example, some social
issues in India are not a probl
em in other countries, such a
s caste-related issues. When
we talk about social issues li
ke racial discrimination, the
people living in the far
reaches of Arunachal Prades
h aren't particularly concerne
In this unit we will discuss a v
ery important topic related t
o the study of society. In our
day to day life we have co
me across various terms li
ke environmental pollution,
resource depletion, unemplo
yment, child labour, poverty,
dowry death, drug abuse,
ethnicity, racial discriminat
ion and so on. Each of t
hese represents an existin
condition which threatens th
e well- being of a society. Ho
wever, we are all aware that
many of them receive relativ
ely little public attention. Aga
in, we discover that such
social conditions do not affec
t all of the world's societies. F
or example, some social
issues in India are not a probl
em in other countries, such a
s caste-related issues. When
we talk about social issues li
ke racial discrimination, the
people living in the far
reaches of Arunachal Prades
h aren't particularly concerne
In this unit we will discuss a v
ery important topic related t
o the study of society. In our
day to day life we have co
me across various terms li
ke environmental pollution,
resource depletion, unemplo
yment, child labour, poverty,
dowry death, drug abuse,
ethnicity, racial discriminat
ion and so on. Each of t
hese represents an existin
condition which threatens th
e well- being of a society. Ho
wever, we are all aware that
many of them receive relativ
ely little public attention. Aga
in, we discover that such
social conditions do not affec
t all of the world's societies. F
or example, some social
issues in India are not a probl
em in other countries, such a
s caste-related issues. When
we talk about social issues li
ke racial discrimination, the
people living in the far
reaches of Arunachal Prades
h aren't particularly concerne
In this unit we will discuss a v
ery important topic related t
o the study of society. In our
day to day life we have co
me across various terms li
ke environmental pollution,
resource depletion, unemplo
yment, child labour, poverty,
dowry death, drug abuse,
ethnicity, racial discriminat
ion and so on.
In this unit we will discuss a v
ery important topic related t
o the study of society. In our
day to day life we have co
me across various terms li
ke environmental pollution,
resource depletion, unemplo
yment, child labour, poverty,
dowry death, drug abuse,
ethnicity, racial discriminat
ion and so on.
The term “social problem” is usually taken to refer to social conditions that disrupt or damage society—cri
me, racism, and the like. “Social Problems” is the title of an undergraduate course taught at many colleges; a ty
pical course discusses what is known about a series of conditions considered social problems. In contrast, the so
ciology of social problems defines social problem differently and adopts a different analytic approach. This app
roach—sometimes called constructionist—defines social problem in terms of a process, rather than a type of co
ndition. It focuses on how and why people come to understand that some conditions ought to be viewed as a so
cial problem, that is, how they socially construct social problems. Typically, the social problems process begins
with claimsmakers who make claims that some condition ought to be considered a problem, that this problem s
hould be understood in particular ways, and that it needs to be addressed. Other people respond to those claims
and rework them, so that the social problem is constructed and reconstructed by the media, the general public, p
olicymakers, the social-problems workers who implement policy, and critics that assess the policy’s effectivene
ss. The process is complex: some claims produce a speedy reaction, while others have difficulty finding an audi
ence. The constructionist approach began to guide researchers in the 1970s and has generated a substantial liter
ature that continues to develop in new directions.
Why Curfew its happen in Philippines context?
Teens that receive a curfew will usually see that structure as something of a consequence. If they do not feel tha
t they’ve done anything to warrant such an approach, then there is an excellent chance a family will see anger a
nd rebellion develop. Teens need a chance to offer input or opinions to prevent unexpressed destructive emotio
ns from forming. It often stops the development of maturity because it communicates a lack of trust. There is n
o way to develop independence or responsibility if parents or the community expect someone to be home-boun
d by a specific time.
Why Curfew can affect of economic development of our country?
Curfew is an order specifying a time throughout that positive rules apply. The main purpose of the study is to d
etermine the effect of the curfew hour implementation as to the perception of Barangay Official, Barangay Poli
ce, and Police Officer of Brgy Camohaguin Gumaca Quezon. A descriptive correlational research design was u
sed in this study. The respondents of this study were the Barangay Police and Barangay officials. The result sho
ws that the curfew hour was implemented regularly by the continuous efforts rendered by the Barangay Official
s, Barangay Police. The result proves that the safety and security needs of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs ar
e essential, including the security of our body, employment, resources, the morality of family, and health. It wa
s recommended that communities living in the Barangay cooperate and participate in the curfew implementatio
n. Also, encourage the future researchers to conduct the same study for helping the school, and give more trust
of the public regarding the credibility and the quality of the school would be much higher.

Curfews are an important tool in helping to manage a teen and keep them away from risky situations. The re
ality is that, as the night goes on, most parents have gone home and even gone to bed. There are less adults out.
The adults and children that are out are more likely to be using alcohol and drugs. If a child is out past curfew, t
hey are often in places or parties in groups of people that are engaged in risky behaviors. There's nothing magic
about it, but those are situations with less supervision, more other people using and direct access. They are at ri
sk for being able to use and/or using to the point of getting in a dangerous situation in terms of sexual risk, bein
g in a car with a driver being intoxicated, getting into a fight, and a variety of other things. Therefore, it's impor
tant for parents to come up with clear boundaries about when kids need to be home and to make sure that those
kids follow those boundaries.

The Curfew: Why is it Important?

In times of both peace and unrest, the use of a curfew has ensured safety and control for “the people” and als
o those in authority. Putting a curfew in place for children and young adults serves a similar purpose. This topic,
while controversial, is one that parents and guardians still find merit in, despite the popular, modern trend to be
more lenient rather than restrictive. Curfews apply to children of all ages, and this extends to teens and young
adults still living at home. There are several reasons that a curfew is an effective and valid parenting tool. One
of the more “selfish” reasons a curfew can be considered is the fact that if there is a curfew in place it allows th
e parents to better plan their lives by applying times that suit them; and that the parents are not kept up waiting
all night for a young person to return home! Knowing that parents require you home at a certain time will also e
nhance your sensitivity to the needs of others; resulting in social courtesy. This courtesy makes for a far more
manageable household. On a less flippant note; a curfew assists in ensuring the safety of our young people. Oft
en, it is not how our children behave that worries us as parents, but rather how others behave. Certain times of d
ay/night may be considered safer than others and so adhering to a curfew could assist in keeping your young pe
rson in a safe environment during those more risky times. In addition to this, a young person who is required to
leave at a certain time will often be able use his/her curfew as a reason not to engage in certain behaviour or not
to go somewhere where he/she is not comfortable. This is a very useful tool that they will have at their disposal
and may allow them to bow out of an unwanted situation gracefully. Curfews have been helpful in ensuring the
safety of our young people from behaviours such as drinking, drugs, promiscuity and violence. In a day and age
where there are so many threats to a young person’s safety, we need to be using every tool at our disposal.

Although most teenagers would deny it; something they yearn for is structure and a level of discipline. To a
young person a complete lack of structure and discipline could equate to a lack of caring. It is a time in their liv
es when they are being bombarded from every side with new things to do and try and there is pressure from eve
ry sphere of their lives. Trying to balance school, sport, a social life and so on takes some doing. A parent can r
eally assist if they put a curfew in place for the sake of the child’s busy schedule. This allows the child to form
good habits and take responsibility for his/her schedule. Learning to work towards -and around- a curfew, and l
earning the importance of being on time is a vital skill so many of us have lost. Surprisingly, adherence to a cur
few is so much more than a simple disciplinary step taken by parents. Once a child becomes accustomed to it, h
e/she will find that the same discipline applies to studying/personal relationships and general work ethic. It is o
bviously important to ensure that the curfew is reasonable, manageable and indeed, that it is appropriate and val
id. It is not to be used as part of an autocratic style of parenting, but rather as a tool that benefits all members of
the family. Often negotiation between parent and child will allow for some interesting discussions. Negotiating
a curfew will also allow the child to feel his/her opinion is taken into consideration. Ultimately, of course, the d
ecision needs to be that of the parent. The negotiation of a “curfew discretion” needs to be considered by parent
s too where the child is perhaps participating in something out of the ordinary. There needs to be a degree of gi
ve and take around curfew times. While the setting of a curfew is a powerful and meaningful tool to add to your
arsenal as a parent, there are some limitations that need to be taken into consideration.

This is not a means to yield power over a young person, rather something that should enhance your relation
ship of mutual trust. Simply setting a curfew will also not change poor behaviour miraculously either. It might
curb some behaviours, but parenting is so much more complicated than just the issue of being home on time. G
oing back to the historical reason for curfews in society (that of ensuring safety and control), I think that if one
can do anything to ensure the safety of our children in a world where that has become increasingly difficult; we
should be doing it .


1. Juvenile curfews are a violation of young people’s fundamental rights. Both the U.S. Constitution and th
e U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child state that freedom of movement and association is an important ri
ght. Federal courts have also recognized that curfew-imposed restrictions are a violation of First Amendment ri
ghts such as free speech and assembly, and therefore have struck down many curfews that fail to give free spee
ch exemptions. Along with First Amendment rights, curfews violate fair and equal treatment under the law as w
ell as substantive and procedural due process, making them unconstitutional in other ways as well.

2. Curfews are ineffective at reducing crime. A recent review of several studies on juvenile curfews stated th
at they are ineffective at reducing both crime and victimization. This supported an earlier review of studies on j
uvenile curfews, which also found that juvenile crime and victimization were “most likely to remain unchange
d after implementation of curfew laws” and when changes were observed, they were just as likely to reflect an i
ncrease in crime as a decrease. In fact, some studies do show that curfews can lead to a rise in crime. For exam
ple, in the District of Columbia, there was a significant uptick in the number of gun violence incidents after ext
ending the curfew by only one hour. Researchers hypothesized that this was because “juvenile curfews change t
he number of witnesses out on the streets as well as how police are spending their time.”

3. Juvenile curfews punish non-criminal behavior. Curfew violations are a type of status offense, which mea
ns they criminalize behavior that is only illegal because the person involved is under eighteen. Status offenses u
nfairly punish young people for activity that is not considered dangerous to society (otherwise it would be illeg
al for everyone to do it). They are purely discriminatory and create criminals out of otherwise law-abiding citiz
Because curfews increase the likelihood of young people being drawn into the criminal justice system, criminal
justice reformers have begun to speak out against the “curfew-to-prison pipeline.” And the penalties for breakin
g curfew are not trivial. For example, in Lexington, KY, the penalty for violating curfew can reach a $499 fine,
while the maximum penalty for speeding is $200. This shows that the city of Lexington considers a young pers
on walking the streets at night is a greater threat to public safety than someone exceeding the speed limit.

4. Juvenile curfews don’t target populations that commit the most crime and waste police resources. Exc
ept for the elderly, juvenile crime makes up the lowest proportion of crime altogether. In fact, adults commit ab
out 90% of crimes in the U.S. Of course, older people would not tolerate such a strong restriction on their freed
om or the targeting of an entire group. However, because police officers are forced to monitor, arrest, and proce
ss curfew violations, they are unable to direct their energies to dealing with actually dangerous behavior. This h
as led to law enforcement officials identifying curfews as a “drain on the police department’s resources.”

5. Juvenile curfews are often applied in a discriminatory fashion. There is ample evidence to show that stre
et policing affects people of color in a disproportionate way. Just like “stop and frisk,” curfews can also dispro
portionately impact homeless people and those trying to escape an abusive home life. Curfew laws are heavily
enforced in black neighborhoods, but not as heavily in white neighborhoods and white youth are less likely to b
e stopped by police than black youth. In fact, the city of Austin, Texas ended juvenile curfews in 2017 after dat
a revealed that “black and Hispanic youths were cited disproportionately.”

Other factors that contribute to the implementation of successful curfew policies include:
 Establishing a curfew center or using recreational, religious, or educational facilities to hold violators while
they await their parents.
 Staffing centers with community social service providers and volunteers; providing intervention services fo
r juveniles and their families.
 Creating specific procedures for repeat offenders; recreational, educational, and job opportunities for offend
ers; and antidrug and antigang programs.
 Providing a hotline for community questions or problems related to curfews and juvenile delinquency in ge


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