Pts-Iii (Icmr)
Pts-Iii (Icmr)
Pts-Iii (Icmr)
Applications are invited for the position of Project Technical Support-III for the following
time-bound sponsored project as per the details given below:
S. Name of the project & Duration of Post details and Name of the Project
No the Project No of Posts Investigator and Email
1. “Efficacy of Montelukast in Project Technical Dr. Nimesh Gupta
reducing incidence of warning Support-III Staff Scientist-V
signs and severe disease in [email protected]
patients with dengue fever: a (One position only)
phase 2, double-blind, placebo-
controlled, randomized trial”
funded by ICMR
Emoluments: The selected candidates will draw consolidated emoluments as per Institute
rules, depending upon qualifications & experience.
Rs. 28000/- per month plus 27% HRA (As per funding agency norms)
Job description & Desired Knowledge: The selected candidate will work in a clinical trial by
NII and AIIMS, New Delhi to study the effect of Montelukast in reducing dengue severity.
Briefly, the candidate will coordinate the sample collection, assist in sample processing,
manage the clinical details of participants, and handle the project and administrative details
between AIIMS and NII.
1. The candidates selected for the above posts will be on contract for one year or duration
of the project whichever is shorter, at a time.
2. No Hostel/housing facility will be provided.
3. Applicants may clearly mention the category they belong to i.e. SC/ST/OBC/PH and
attach documentary proof of the same.
4. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview, if called for.
5. Apart from sending application in the prescribed format given below, candidates should
send complete Curriculum Vitae along with the names of three referees. Curriculum
Vitae should contain details of the experimental expertise and list of publications.
6. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
1. Full Name
2. Father’s Name
3. Mother’s Name
4. Date of Birth & Age
5. Gender
6. Category (SC/ ST/ OBC / PH)
7 (a) Full Correspondence Address
(b) Permanent Address
8. E. mail-ID, Fax, Telephone No. and Mobile No. (if any)
9. Details of Past Experience & Present Employment , If any
11. Whether qualified any ‘National Level Examination’ e.g. (NET/GATE), (if any)
Please Note: