GATE-strength of Material Practice Test 2

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Strength of Materials Test 2

Number of Questions 35Time:60 min.

Directions for questions 1 to 35: Select the correct alterna- (A) 50% (B) 33%
tive from the given choices. (C) 150% (D) 25%
1. Circular beams of uniform strength can be made by 9. A uniformly distributed load w (kN/m) is acting over
varying diameter in such a way that the entire length of a 8 m long simply supported beam.
s E If the bending moment at the midpoint of simply sup-
(A) is constant (B) R is constant ported beam is 16 kN-m, what is the value of w?
y (A) 3 (B) 2
M M (C) 4 (D) zero
(C) is constant (D) is constant
R Z 10. Consider the Mohr’s circle shown below.
2. A beam of length 8 meters carries a point load 100 kN τ
at its centre. The beam is fixed at both ends. The fixing
moment (kN-m) at the ends is
(A) 200 (B) 100
(C) 400 (D) 800
3. If the two axes about which the product of inertia is
found, are such that the product of inertia becomes What is the state of stress represented by this circle?
zero, the two axes are called (A) σx ≠ σy, τxy = 0 (B) σx = σy = 0, τxy ≠ 0
(A) centroidal axes (C) σx = σy, τxy = 0 (D) σx ≠ 0, σy = τxy = 0
(B) major and minor axes 11. A beam of length ‘L’ is fixed at both the ends. A concen-
(C) principal axes trated load of 12 kN is acting on it at its midspan. What
(D) none of the above is the slope (in radians) at fixed end? (EI = Flexural
4. A bolt is made to pass through a tube and both of them rigidity of the beam)
are tightly fitted with the help of washers and nuts. If 12 L2 12 L2
(A) (B)
the nut is tight ended, then 16 EI 2 EI
(A) bolt and tube are subjected to compressive load.
12 L2
(B) bolt and tube are subjected to tensile load (C) Zero (D)
(C) bolt is subjected to compressive load, while tube is 24 EI
subjected to tensile load. 12. A bar of copper and steel form a composite system.
(D) bolt is subjected to tensile load while tube is sub- They are heated to a temperature of 60oC. What type of
jected to compressive load. stress is induced in the steel bar?
5. If the values of modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio (A) Compressive
for an alloy body 200 GPa and 0.25 respectively, the (B) Tensile
value of modulus of rigidity for the alloy (GPa) will be (C) Both tensile and compressive
(A) 160 (B) 134 (D) Shear
(C) 320 (D) 80 13. A point of a body is subjected to plane stress. The
6. A solid circular shaft is subjected to pure torsion. The value of maximum and minimum principal stresses are
ratio of maximum shear stress to maximum normal –20 MPa and –100 MPa respectively. The design is to be
stress at any point would be done on the basis of the maximum shear stress theory.
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1 Then yielding will just begin if the designer chooses a
(C) 1 : 1 (D) 2 : 3 ductile material whose yield strength (MPa) is
7. A mass of 100 kg falls on a spring of stiffness 8 kN/m (A) 40 (B) 60
from a height of 10 m. The deflection caused in the first (C) 120 (D) 80
fall is 14. The material of a rubber balloon has a Poisson’s ratio of
(A) 1.226 m (B) 1.11 m 0.5. If uniform pressure is applied to blow the balloon,
(C) 1.49 m (D) 1.56 m the volumetric strain of the material will be
8. In case of a beam of triangular cross-section subjected (A) 0.5 (B) 0.25
to transverse loading, the maximum shear stress devel- (C) zero (D) 0.20
oped in the beam is greater than the average shear stress 15. The number of independent elastic constants for isotro-
by pic material is
3.38 | Strength of Materials Test 2

(A) 2 (B) 9 A1 = 500 mm2 A2 = 1000 mm2

(C) 21 (D) 17 B C
16. A steel bar having cross-sectional area of 1000 mm2 is
subjected to axial forces as shown in figure
0.6 m 0.8 m

100 kN 50 kN 30 kN
80 kN (A) 43.84 MPa (B) 50.4 MPa
(C) 100.8 MPa (D) 54.75 MPa
0.5m 1m 1.2m 21. A cantilever beam of span 6 m is subjected to trans-
If modulus of elasticity (E) = 120 GPa, then the total verse shear force of 5 kN at free end. Beam is having
elongation (mm) of the bar will be rectangular cross-section of dimension 40 mm × 50
(A) 0.883 (B) 0.583 mm. Determine the magnitude of shear stress (kPa) on
(C) 0.283 (D) 0.383 an element A lying at a distance of 20 mm from neutral
17. A brass bar 500 mm long and 100 mm × 100 mm in axis.
cross-section is subjected to an axial pull in the direc- 5 kN
tion of its length. If the increase in volume of the bar 40mm
is 50 mm3, then the magnitude of the pull (kN) will be
(Take E = 100 GPa and μ = 0.25) 20mm
(A) 20 (B) 30
(C) 25 (D) 15
18. A thin cylinder of mean radius 100 mm thickness = 2.5 6m
mm is subjected by 5 MPa (gauge) internal pressure
along with 2 kN-m twisting moment. The magnitude of (A) 1250 (B) 2500
maximum shear stress (MPa) will be (C) 5000 (D) 1350
(A) 12.7 (B) 51.6 22. A motor shaft consists of a tube 50 mm external diam-
(C) 100 (D) 200 eter and 4 mm thick. The engine develops 12 kW at
19. A solid brass shaft and a hollow steel shaft are rigidly 2000 rpm. If the power is transmitted through 4:1 gear-
attached to a rigid plate at one end and are fixed at other ing, then the maximum stress (MPa) in the tube will be
end. The rigid plate can rotate and it is subjected by two (A) 4.65 (B) 18.67
force of 5 kN magnitude along the axis (^ to the paper). (C) 8.23 (D) 9.33
If Gsteel = 1.2 Gbrass (G = Modulus of rigidity), then 23. The diagrams show the details of two simply supported
the maximum stress (MPa) induces in the hollow shaft beams B1 and B2. EI is constant throughout the beam
will be length and same for both the beams. The beams have
Hollow Rigid plate the same area of cross-section and the same depth.
shaft +5 kN What is the ratio of maximum bending stress in B2
to B1?
1.2 m 10 kN 5 kN/m
shaft A L/2 L/2 C
0.8 m
–5 kN (B1) (B2)

Outer radius of hollow shaft = 5 cm L L

Inner radius of hollow shaft = 4 cm (A) (B)
4 2
Radius of solid shaft = 3 cm
(A) 78.4 (B) 62.4 (C) L (D) L 8
(C) 86.9 (D) 72.9 24. What will be the deflection at point C due to load P?
20. A steel rod ABC is firmly held between two rigid sup- 3L B
ports A and C as shown in the figure. If the rod is heated
through 30oC then the stress developed in portion AB of 2L
the rod will be
(Take a = 12 × 10-6/oC and E = 200 GPa) C
Strength of Materials Test 2 | 3.39

42 PL3 27 PL3 30. For the state of stress at a point as shown in figure,
(A) (B) determine the normal stress (MPa) and shear (MPa) on
6 EI 2 EI
the plane AB.
27 PL 44 PL3 50 MPa
(C) (D)
8 EI 3 EI
10 MPa A
25. If εx and εy are the maximum and minimum strains
respectively in a point in a stressed material, then what
100 MPa 30° 100 MPa
is the expression for the minimum principal stress?
(A) Eεy (B) E(εy + μεx)
(1- m2 )
e y + mex )
1- m2(
ex + me y
( ) 10 MPa

50 MPa
26. Match List-I (End conditions of columns) with List-II
(equivalent length in terms of length of hinged column) (A) 96.16 and–16.65 (B) 121.16 and 26.65
and select the correct answer using codes given the (C) 123.3 and–16.65 (D) 144.95 and–3.84
lists: 31. A thin cylinder with closed lids is subjected to inter-
List-I List-II
nal pressure and supported at the ends as shown in the
P. Both ends fixed 1. 2L
Q. Both ends hinged 2. P
R. One end fixed and other 3. L The state of stress at point P is as represented as
end free.
S. One end fixed and other 4. L
end hinged
2 (A) (B)
(A) 4 1 3 2
(B) 4 3 1 2
(C) 2 4 1 3 (C) (D)
(D) 2 1 4 3
27. Plane stress at a point in a body is defined by principal
stresses 4σ and 2σ. The ratio of the normal stress to the Common Data Question 32 and 33:
maximum shear stress on the plane of maximum shear A cantilever beam 2.5 m long is loaded with a shear force
stress will be and a bending moment as shown in the figure. Flexural ri-
(A) 3 (B) 2 gidity of the beam is 1.9 × 1012 N-mm2.
(C) 4 (D) 1
10 kN
28. A closely-coiled helical spring of round steel wire 6
mm in diameter having 12 complete coils of 60 mm A
2.5 m
mean diameter is subjected to an axial load of 200 N.
Determine maximum shear (MPa) in the material. 10 kN-m
(A) 130.1 (B) 141.5
(C) 193.6 (D) 162.5 32. The maximum slope (in radians) of the beam will be
(A) 0.0031 (B) 0.296
29. A steel bar of rectangular cross-section (40 mm × 50 (C) 0.0296 (D) 0.0043
mm) and hinge at each end subjected by axial compres-
sive force. If the proportional limit of the material is 33. The maximum deflection (in m) of the beam will be
230 MPa and modulus of elasticity (E) = 200 GPa, then (A) 0.044 (B) 0.126
determine the minimum length for which Euler’s equa- (C) 0.0056 (D) 0.44
tion of column can be applied to determine buckling Linked Answer Question 34 and 35:
load. A massless beam has a loading pattern as shown in the fig-
(A) 1.29 m (B) 2.14 m ure. The beam is of rectangular cross-section with a width
(C) 0.98 m (D) 1.07 m of 50 mm and height of 120 mm.
3.40 | Strength of Materials Test 2

10 kN/m (A) 5.6 m from D (B) 4.8 m from D

(C) 3 m from A (D) 4.4 m from A
35. The maximum magnitude of bending stress (in MPa) is
4m 4m 4m given by
(A) 512 (B) 640
34. The maximum bending moment occurs at (C) 596 (D) 674

Answer Keys
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. A
11. C 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. A 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. C
21. D 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. B 27. A 28. B 29. D 30. A
31. C 32. C 33. A 34. D 35. B

Hints and Explanations

1. For same strength of beam to bear an applied bending 11.
moment, M/Z should be constant. Choice (D) 12 KN
WL 100 × 8
2. M = = = 100 kN-m Choice (B)
8 8
3. Choice (C)
4. Choice (D) Slope at the fixed ends is zero. Choice (C)
5. E = 2G(1 + μ) 12. Co-efficient of thermal expansion (a) of copper is more
200 than that of steel. While heating the copper bar extends
⇒ = G ⇒ G = 80 GPa Choice (D)
2 × (1 + 0.25) more than that of steel. Hence for no strain, copper bar
is subjected to compressive stress and steel bar is sub-
6. For pure torsion jected to tensile stress.
τmax = τ acopper > asteel Choice (B)
σ1,2 = ±τ
13. Maximum shear stress theory
∴ τmax : σ max = τ:τ = 1:1 Choice (C)
s x - sy s yield po int
7. Equation of conservation of energy tmax = =
1 2 2 2
mgh = kx -20 + 100
2 ⇒ s yield po int = = 80  Choice (D)
1 1
⇒ 100 × 9.81 × 10 = × 8000 × x
dV (1- 2m)
⇒ x = 1.566 m
Choice (D)
14. Volumetric strain, ∈v =
(s x + s y + sz )
8. τmax = 1.5 τavg ⇒ ∈v = 0 (μ = 0.5) Choice (C)
τmax = τavg + 0.5 τavg 15. Choice (A)
or τmax = τavg + 50% τavg Choice (A) 16.
9. A B B C
100 kN 100 kN 20 kN 20 kN

wL2 30 kN 30 kN
Bending moment at midpoint =
w × 82 dL =  P1 L1 + P2 L2 + P3 L3 
⇒16 = AE 
8 1
⇒ w = 2 kN/m dL = (100 × 0.5) + ( 20 × 1) - (30 × 1.2)  × 1000
Choice (B)
(1000 ×120) 
10. σx = σ1; σy = σ2 and σx ≠ σy
τxy = 0 Choice (A) ⇒ δL = 0.283 mm Choice (C)
Strength of Materials Test 2 | 3.41

17. Volumetric strain, ∈v = dV =

(1- 2m) s ⇒
 st L 
(2.16 + 2.88) × 10-4 = 
 s L
+ t
x  E  AB  E  BC
V = Volume = (500 × 100 × 100) ⇒ 0.6(σt)AB + 0.8(σt)BC = 1008 × 10 (2)
V = 5 × 106 mm3 From equation (1) and (2)
δV = 50 mm3 (σt)AB = 100.8 MPa and (σt)BC = 50.4 MPa Choice
μ = 0.25 (C)
(1- 2 × 0.25) × P Ry  h 2 2 
(5 ×10 ) 100 ×103 (100 ×100)
6 21. Shear stress =
2 I  4
-y 

P = 20 kN Choice (A) 5 kN
PD 5 × 10 × 0.2
18. sh = s x = =
2t 2 × 2.5 × 10-3
20 mm h
⇒ σh = σx = 200 MPa
sL = s y = = 100 MPa
4t Ry = 5 kN; h = 50 mm; b = 40 mm
bh3 0.04 × 0.05
T 2000
τxy = = I= = = 4.167 × 10 −7 m 4
2p r 2 t 2 × p × 0.12 × 0.0025 12 12
⇒ τxy = 12.74 MPa 5000  0.052 2
 (t ) y = 20 mm = ×  0.4 - 0.02 
 s x - sy 
(2 × 4.167 ×10 ) 

tmax =  + txy2
 2  = 1350 kPa Choice (D)
2 22. 4:1 gearing
 200 -100  N = 2000/4 = 500 rpm
tmax =   + 12.74 = 51.6 MPa

 2 2 p NT 2 p × 500 × T
Power, P = ⇒12 =
 Choice (B) 60 60
19. Parallel arrangement ⇒ T = 0.23 kN-m
θs = θ h Torque transmitted by the shaft (T)
 Ts × L   Th L  p D -d 
4 4

 GJ  =  GJ  T = t 
s h 16  D 
Ts × Ls × 32 Th × Lh × 32 p  0.054 − 0.0424 
Gs × p × 0.06 Gh × p × (0.1 - 0.08 ) 0.23 × 103 = ×τ× 
4 4 4
16  0.05 
∴ Ls = Lh and Gs = 1.2Gb τ = 18.67 MPa Choice (B)
∴ Ts = 0.183 Th M ymax
Now Ts + Th = 5(1.2 + 0.8) = 10 kN-m 23. Bending stress, σb =
∴ Ts = 1.547 kN-m
Th = 8.453 kN-m ∴ A1 = A2, h1 = h2
16 × 8.543 ∴ σb µ M
∴ (τmax)hollow =
 0.084  (sb2 )max ( M max )1
p × 0.13 × 1- Now =
4 
 0.10  (sb1 )max ( M max )2
= 72.91 MPa Choice (D) 5 L2
20. (Thermal Load)AB = (Thermal Load)BC (Mmax)1 = 5L/2; (Mmax)2 =
∴ (σt A1)AB = (σt A2)BC
⇒ (σt)AB × 5 × 10-4 = (σt)BC × 1 × 10-3
(sb 2 )max 5 L2 2 L
∴ = × =  Choice (A)
⇒ (σt)AB = 2(σt)Bc ------------- (1) (sb1 )max 8 5 L 4
Free expansion, δLAB = L1 × a × ∆t = 0.6 × 12 × 1
10-6 × 30 24. Total strain energy = P × d
⇒ δLAB = 2.16 × 10-4 m
M 2 dx 2 L ( Px )
2L 2
δLBC = L2 × a × ∆t = 0.8 × 12 × 10-6 × 30
⇒ δLBC = 2.88 × 10-4 m
(S .E )BC = ∫ =∫ dx
2 EI 0
2 EI
δLtotal = δLAB + δLBC
3.42 | Strength of Materials Test 2

P 2 L3 σcr < σw
⇒ ( S . E )BC =
6 EI p 2 × 200 × 109 × 0.05 × 0.043
∴ < 230 × 106
M 2 dx 3L
(2 PL ) 2
12 × L2 × 0.04 × 0.05
(S .E )AB = ∫ =∫ dx
2 EI 0
2 EI ∴ L > 1.07 m Choice (D)
1 1
(S .E )AB =
4P L 2 2

(3 L ) =
12 P L2 3
( ) ( )
30. sn = s x + sy + s x − sy Cos 2q + txy Sin 2q
2 2
2 EI 2 EI
1 (100 - 50) Cos 60o + 10Sin 60o
Total S.E =
8 P 2 L3 12 P 2 L3 22 P 2 L3
+ =
⇒ sn =
(100 + 50) +
6 EI 2 EI 3 EI
⇒ σn = 96.16 MPa
22 P 2 L3 1 1

3 EI
= P×d
2 2
( )
ts = - s x - sy Sin 2q + txy cos 2q

∴d =
44 P L3
 Choice (D)
⇒ ts = - (100 - 50) sin 60 o + 10 × cos 60 o
3 EI 2
⇒ τs = -16.65 Choice (A)
1 1
25. εx = E [σx – μσy] and εy = E [σy – μσx] 31. Point P is subjected to longitudinal stress and hoop
stress only which are tensile in nature due to pressure.
⇒ Eεx = εx – μσy (1) Therefore there is no shear stress. Choice (C)
and Eεy = σy – μ σx (2)
32. Maximum slope at B(θB) = slope due to bending
σx = Eεx + μ σy {From equation (1)} (3)
moment + slope due to shear force.
σy = Eεy + μ σx {From equation (2)} (4)
Putting σx from equation (3) to equation (4) WL2 ML
∴qB = +
σy = Eεy + μ[Eεx + μ σy] 2 EI EI
⇒ σy = Eεy + μE εx + μ2 σy 10 × 103 × 2.52 10 × 103 × 2.5
⇒ σy(1 – μ2) = E[εy + μ εy] ⇒ qB = +
2 × 1.9 × 10 × 10
12 -6
1.9 × 1012 × 10-6
⇒ sy =  e y + mex   Choice (C) ⇒ θB = 0.0296 radian
1- m2  ) Choice (C)
33. Maximum deflection at B = Deflection due to bending
26. Choice (B) moment + Deflection due to shear force.
s1 - s2 4s - 2s WL3 ML2
27. tmax = = =s ∴YB = +
2 2 3 EI 2 EI
2s WL2
s n = 2s + = 3s  L 1
2 ⇒ YB =  3 + 2  {∵ W = M}
τ (σn, τmax)
10 × 103 × 2.52  2.5 1 
⇒ YB =  3 + 2 
1.9 × 106
σ ⇒ YB = 0.044 m Choice (A)
(2σ, 0) (4σ, 0)
34. Reactions at A and C
40 × 6
RA = = 24 kN
sn 3s
= =3  Choice (A) 40 × 4
tmax s RD = = 16 kN
p X
28. PR = × t × d3 10 kN/m
p B C
200 × 0.03 = × t × (0.006)
16 4m 4m
⇒ τ = 141.47 MPa Choice (B)
16 kN
29. σw = 230 MPa, E = 200 GPa 24 kN x
p 2 E I min
Pcr = = scr × A Taking any section x – x at a distance of x from A.
Strength of Materials Test 2 | 3.43

Shear force = 24 – 10(x – 2) 35. Maximum Bending moment

Maximum bending moment occurs where shear force 10 ( x - 2)

=0 (B.M)max = 24x × at x = 4.4

∴ 24 – 10(x – 2) = 0
24 = 10x – 20 = (24 × 4.4) – 5[4.4 – 2]2
x = 4.4 m (B.M)max = 76.8 kN-m
∴ Maximum B.M occurs at 4.4 m from A. M 76.8 × 6
Bending stress, σb = =
 Choice (D) Z 0.05 × 0.122
⇒ σb = 640 MPa Choice (B)

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