Introduction To Financial Market
Introduction To Financial Market
Introduction To Financial Market
Nature and Importance of Financial System Special type of financial entity that acts as the third party to
facilitate the borrowing activities between borrowers and
Finance lenders.
Finance – the goal is to maximize wealth of the owners. The The most common underlying assets for derivatives
OWNERS ultimate goal is to maximize wealth. are stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, interest
rates, and market indexes. These assets are commonly
Sources of Wealth
purchased through brokerages.
Capital assets which may be money to earn interest
Capital assets which can be land or building to earn
Labor/profession in order to earn wages/salaries/fees
Flow of Funds
Price Discovery
Capital Market
Primary Market
This is the financial market wherein fund demanders
corporation or government agencies raise funds through
new issuances of financial instruments (bonds or stocks).
- normally to finance new projects or expansions.
- Coursed thru investment banks as intermediary.
- Borrowers are fund demanders and lenders are fund
Secondary Market