Operational Planning Guidelines - 07DEC2023
Operational Planning Guidelines - 07DEC2023
Operational Planning Guidelines - 07DEC2023
The planning units (offices, centers, departments, colleges/schools) are responsible for translating the university strategic
plan 2024 – 2029 into annual operational plans that will contribute to the attainment of the AdZU strategic goals. These
operational plans shall specify performance targets, activities and programs, persons-in-charge, resource requirements,
and timeframes.
Goals - institutional and mission-driven goals that AdZU would like to achieve and where efforts and resources are to
be focused in the next five years
Directions - overarching paths or courses of actions that AdZU would like to pursue to achieve its strategic goals
Strategies - planned actions and approaches that AdZU will undertake in order to achieve its strategic goals
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) - metrics or milestones to measure progress and success in achieving the strategic
goals; the planning unit may specify more specific KPIs based on the particular context of the unit
Note: The goals describe the destinations, the directions pertain to the overall orientation, and the strategies describe
the institutional action plans
Interfacing Units - planning units identified as key units responsible for implementing and monitoring progress and
success in achieving particular key performance indicators; the lead unit shall have primary responsibility for ensuring
collaboration, streamlining efforts, and efficient use of resources
Operational Plan – annual plan created by a planning unit that translates the AdZU Strategic Plan into specific
performance targets and activities (tasks, programs, and projects) with designated persons-in-charge, resource
allocations, and timeframes
Targets –target levels of performance (numeric or descriptive) set by the planning unit for each key performance
indicator per school year
Activities – specific activities, tasks, programs, and projects that a planning unit undertakes to achieve its target
performance for a specific school year
Actual Performance Data - actual data that show the outcomes or results of activities undertaken by the unit in order
to meet its goals and KPIs; e.g., actual increase in enrollment, number of researches
Plan Performance Evaluation – assessment values that indicate whether targets were achieved or not: target is fully
met (4), target is almost met (3), target is partially met (2), or target is poorly met (1), no action taken to meet the
target (0)
Actions to be Taken - specific steps to be undertaken by the planning unit to uphold or improve performance in the
next cycle of plan implementation
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
Strategic Plan 2024-2029
B. OPERATIONAL PLANNING. The head of the planning unit shall convene the planning team to undertake the following:
1. Review the approved Vision-Mission statement and AdZU Strategic Plan 2024-2029 and gain a common
understanding of the listed strategic goals, directions, strategies, key performance indicators, and interfacing
2. Identify the strategies and key performance indicators that are relevant to the planning unit according to its roles
and responsibilities in AdZU.
3. For every key performance indicator that has been identified, set the target performance of the planning unit per
school year from SY 2024-2025 to SY 2028-2029. Complete the Target Performance Matrix (TPM) as shown:
4. Articulate the annual operational plan of the unit, anchoring on relevant strategies and key performance
indicators listed in the University Strategic Plan 2024-2029. The planning unit may specify equivalent but more
specific and contextualized KPIs, e.g., “accredited MA programs” for the more general “increased program
accreditations”. For each of the identified strategies and key performance indicators:
a. set the unit’s specific target performance for SY 2024-2025
b. describe the activities that will lead to the achievement of the target performance
c. specify the person-in-charge who will be accountable for ensuring that the activity is completed
d. list the resources needed for each activity, including the budget
e. set the timeframe (duration and deadline) for each activity
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
Strategic Plan 2024-2029
C. MONITORING AND EVALUATION. The planning unit head is responsible for monitoring, evaluating, and reporting
the progress in the implementation of the operational plan.
5. Create an Activity Implementation Monitoring Map (a heat map with the strategies and corresponding activities
tabulated as shown below) to make it easier to monitor the completion of activities. The Activity Implementation
Monitoring Map (AIMM) will outline the strategies and corresponding activities as tabulated below. The planning
unit head monitors and documents the completion of the activities by coloring the strategy and activity cells as
Activities: Yellow activity completed
Green activity partially completed
Strategies: Blue all activities for the strategy completed
The activity monitoring can be done monthly (for council meeting reporting) and quarterly before the planning
unit submits its quarterly accomplishment report to the Office of the President for the BOT meeting.
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
Strategic Plan 2024-2029
6. Conduct an annual Year-end Evaluation and Planning Workshop to evaluate plan implementation and make plans
for the succeeding year. Using the Plan Evaluation Matrix (PEM), assess whether or not the performance targets
were achieved and do the following:
a. specify actual data or outcomes pertinent to the KPI and target
b. indicate whether a target has been fully met (4), almost met (3), partially met (2), poorly met (1), or
whether no action taken was to meet the target (0)
c. list specific next steps to be undertaken to uphold or improve performance
D. REPORT MANAGEMENT. The planning units are expected to exercise due diligence in coding and reporting planning
and evaluation results for data analyses and decision-making.
7. For format consistency across the units, use the following specifications:
8. For a more systematic tracking and reporting of plan performance, the planning units are advised to take note of
the following report deadlines. The schedule of plan implementation, monitoring, evaluation and preparation of
reports should align with the specified due dates. The OPLAN and Evaluation reports are due every May 30,
whereas the quarterly accomplishment reports are due AUG 1, NOV 3, and FEB 1, unless otherwise specified in
case of special circumstances.
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
Strategic Plan 2024-2029
Oplan &
3rd Qrt
Due: FEB 1
Due: MAY 30
9. For the OPLAN and EVALUATION reports, take note of the following filename format, contents, and due dates:
Document Filename Format Contents Due Date
Operational Plan <Planning Unit>_OPLAN <School 1. Target Performance Upload on or before
Document Year> Matrix (TPM) May 30, 2024
[OPLAN] Sample: 2. Operational Plan in the planning unit’s
QASMO_OPLAN_SY2024-2025 Matrix (OPM) designated Google
Monitoring and <Planning Unit>_M&E <School Year> 1. Year-End Activity repository:
Evaluation Report Sample: Implementation OPLAN DOCS
[M&E] QASMO_M&E_SY2024-2025 Monitoring Map
2. Year-End Plan
Evaluation Matrix
Quarterly <Planning Unit>_QRT <no.>_ 1. Achievement Email to the President’s
Accomplishment <School Year> Highlights Office:
Report Sample: 2. Concerns and [email protected]
QASMO_QRT 1_SY2024-2025 Challenges
3. Upcoming Activities cc:
[email protected]
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
Strategic Plan 2024-2029
E. PLANNING AND BUDGET PROCESS. Some activities in the operational plan may require budget allocation, as such
the planning units are expected to link planning and budget preparation. The planning unit shall:
1. Hold a mid-year planning and evaluation session within September-October to review implementation of plans
and identify key activities (with budgetary implications) for the succeeding school year.
2. Incorporate in the Annual Budget Proposal, the needed budget for the identified major activities of the
succeeding school year.
Annual Mid-Year
Planning & Planning &
Evaluation Evaluation
Budget Preparation
NOTE: The planning units are advised to include in their Budget Proposals for SY 2024-2025 fund allocations for
priority activities that are realistically attainable in SY 2024-2025 relative to the newly approved University Strategic
Plan. The exercise of discernment and sound judgement is crucial in evaluating and identifying what activities are
most urgent for SY 2024-2025.
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
Strategic Plan 2024-2029
operational plans of the different planning units align with the broader strategic goals and directions outlined in the
ADZU Strategic Plan 2024- 2029, the Quality Assurance and Management Office shall:
Prepared by:
Approved by: