Week 7
Week 7
Week 7
Explain how heat transfer and energy transformation make heat engine work. S9FE-IVg-45
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
Write the LC code for each.
K: Explain how heat transfer and energy transformation make heat engine work.
S: Describe the parts and function of a heat engine and compare the efficiency of heat engines.
A: Suggest ways to save energy used in heat engines.
A. References
3. Textbook pages
a. Briefly review the concept of a. Review the concept of a. Briefly review the concept of Briefly review the topics that were
energy and its different forms energy transfer (thermal heat engines and their role in discussed within the week ready
(kinetic, potential, thermal). energy, kinetic energy, converting heat energy to for the assessment.
work). mechanical work (refer to
b. Introduce the concept of a
b. Introduce the concept of a previous lesson if
heat engine as a device that applicable).
heat engine: "A machine that
converts thermal energy
converts thermal energy b. Introduce the concept of
A. Reviewing previous lesson or (heat) into another form of energy efficiency and how it
(heat) into mechanical work."
presenting the new lesson usable energy, typically relates to heat engines
mechanical work. (efficiency = useful work
output / heat input).
c. State the objective of the
lesson: to explore ways to
improve the efficiency of
heat engines and save
a. Ask students: "Imagine a a. Explain the importance of a. Discuss the importance of Remind the learners that today’s
world without engines. How heat engines: "They power energy conservation and its agenda is to assess their learning
would our lives be different?" many things in our daily impact on the environment via quiz.
b. Explain that today, we'll and cost.
lives! Today, we'll learn how
explore how heat engines b. Ask students why it is
B. Establishing a purpose for the work and the science behind they work and how efficient important to improve the
lesson their ability to power our they can be." efficiency of heat engines.
machines. c. (Possible answers: Reduce
reliance on fossil fuels, save
money on energy bills,
decrease pollution)
a. Show pictures or videos of a. Show pictures/diagrams of a. Show real-world examples of Give more instances or examples
various heat engines: car different heat engines: "This heat engines: cars, power of situations related to the topic of
engines, steam engines, is a car engine. It uses plants, refrigerators, etc. the week.
burning gasoline to create b. Briefly explain how each
power plants.
heat, which powers the engine operates and
b. Briefly discuss the function of pistons." highlight areas where energy
each engine and highlight the b. Briefly explain the basic
C. Presenting examples/instances of might be lost (e.g., friction in
commonality – all use heat to functioning of a heat engine
the new lesson using a simple model (e.g., car engines, heat radiating
produce motion (or
Stirling engine): "Imagine a from refrigerators).
cylinder with a hot and cold
reservoir. Hot gas expands,
pushing a piston, then cools
down and contracts in the
cold reservoir, repeating the
a. Introduce the concept of heat a. Introduce the key a. Introduce the concept of the Allow learners to review their
transfer – conduction, components of a heat Carnot cycle, the theoretical lesson.
convection, radiation. engine: hot reservoir, cold limit for heat engine
b. Use an analogy (e.g., water reservoir, working fluid, and efficiency (explain in a way
flowing downhill) to explain heat exchanger. appropriate for the age
how heat naturally flows from b. Engage students in a short group).
hot objects to cold objects. discussion: "What happens b. Divide students into groups.
to the efficiency of a heat Each group is assigned a
specific factor affecting heat
D. Discussing new concepts and engine if the hot reservoir
engine efficiency (e.g.,
practicing new skills # 1 gets even hotter?" (Allow friction, heat loss, incomplete
students to discuss, then combustion).
explain the relationship c. Each group researches their
between temperature assigned factor and
difference and efficiency). brainstorms ways to
minimize its impact on
d. Groups share their findings
with the class.
E. Discussing new concepts and a. Introduce the concept of a. Introduce the concept of a. Shift the focus from
practicing new skills # 2 internal combustion engines Carnot cycle: "This is the theoretical limitations to
using a simple animated most efficient theoretical practical solutions.
diagram or model. heat engine cycle." b. Discuss real-world
b. Explain the four basic steps b. Briefly explain the formula technologies that improve
of the cycle: intake, for Carnot efficiency (η) = 1 - heat engine efficiency.
compression, combustion, (Tcold / Thoth) (teacher can Examples include:
and exhaust. explain the variables without ● Use of synthetic
c. Emphasize how burning fuel going into deep
mathematical derivation). lubricants to reduce
(combustion) creates heat,
c. Show real-world examples: friction in car engines.
which then expands gas in
"Car engines are not as ● Improved insulation in
the cylinder, pushing the
piston and creating efficient as the Carnot cycle refrigerators to minimize
due to friction and other heat loss.
mechanical work.
factors." ● Hybrid cars that combine
electric motors with
gasoline engines for
better fuel efficiency.
● Development of more
efficient power plant
c. Have students research and
present on a specific
technology that improves
heat engine efficiency.
F. Developing mastery (leads to Design a Boat Challenge Heat Engine Efficiency a. Divide the class into design
Formative Assessment 3) Challenge teams.
a. Divide students into a. Divide students into small b. Each team is challenged to
teams. Provide them with groups. create a model of a more
simple materials like b. Provide each group with a energy-efficient version of a
cardboard, straws, worksheet containing common heat engine (e.g.,
aluminum foil, and small different heat engine car, refrigerator).
candles. scenarios (e.g., Scenario 1: c. Teams can use recycled
b. Challenge them to design Hot reservoir = 500°C, Cold materials and focus on
and build a small boat reservoir = 100°C, Scenario incorporating features
powered by a heat engine 2: Hot reservoir = 300°C, discussed in the lesson to
(using the candle as a Cold reservoir = 50°C). improve efficiency.
heat source). c. Each group calculates the d. Teams present their models
c. Teams test their boats in theoretical efficiency for to the class, explaining the
a small tub of water, each scenario using the specific design choices they
observing which boat Carnot formula.
made to save energy.
travels the farthest. d. Groups can use colored
pencils/markers to represent
the hot and cold reservoirs
on a diagram for better
visualization (optional).
e. After calculations, have a
group discussion: "Which
scenario has a more efficient
engine? Why?" (This allows
formative assessment to
gauge student
a. Discuss the importance of a. Discuss the importance of a. Discuss how students can
heat engines in our daily lives improving heat engine apply the learned concepts
– transportation, electricity efficiency: "More efficient in their daily lives. Examples
generation, etc. include:
engines use less fuel, saving
b. Briefly mention the concept of ● Choosing energy-
money and reducing
efficiency and how improving
environmental impact." efficient appliances.
G. Finding practical application of engine efficiency can save
● Maintaining vehicles
concepts and skills in daily living fuel and reduce pollution.
properly for optimal fuel
● Utilizing public
transportation or
carpooling when
a. Summarize the key a. Summarize the key points: a. Summarize the key points of
takeaways: heat engines use "Heat engines convert heat the lesson.
heat transfer to convert into work. Their efficiency b. Emphasize the connection
thermal energy into between heat engine
depends on the temperature
H. Making generalizations and mechanical work. efficiency and energy
b. Internal combustion engines difference between hot and conservation.
abstractions about the lesson
rely on burning fuel to create cold reservoirs." c. Discuss the importance of
heat, which in turn, powers ongoing research and
the engine. development in creating
more efficient heat engines.
a. Exit Ticket: Ask students to The teacher will prepare a quiz to
write a short paragraph assess the learnings of the
explaining how heat engines students.
I. Evaluating learning b. Briefly discuss their
responses, identifying any
misconceptions and Make sure that the quiz covers all
reinforcing key points. the objectives of the topics that
were discussed in class.
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student progress this week. What works? What else needs to
VI. REFLECTION be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them you can
ask them relevant questions.
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