6CS3-01 Dip
6CS3-01 Dip
6CS3-01 Dip
CO statement:
4. Evaluate concepts of Image Compression and segmentation
5. Analyze image segmentation and representation algorithms and techniques
PO Key Words:
1. Engineering Knowledge 2. Problem Analysis 3. Design Of solution
4. Complex Problem 5. Modern Tool Usage 6. The Engineer & Society
Q.9 5 4,5 Consider a 1-D image f (x) = [60 60 60 100 100 100] (5)
What are the first & second order derivatives?
Q.10 5 5,6 Explain Roberts, Prewitt and Sobel operators & their significances in image (5)
Q.11 5 4,5 For the given image: (5)
Q.13 5 1,2 What is edge detection? What are the different stages in edge detection? Also (10)
discuss different types of edge detectors.
Q.14 4 1,2 Write the principle of thresholding. What are the steps of global thresholding (10)
Q.15 5 2,3 Explain Region-growing algorithm in detail. Consider the image shown in figure: (10)
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