FS1 Module 2 - Lesson 2.1

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Visayas State University, PQWV+2QQ, Baybay
City, Leyte
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.vsu.edu.ph
Phone: +63 53 565 0600 Local 1037

Name: Jojenn P. Calingacion Date: January 11, 2024

Course and Year: BSEd- Social Studies 3 Score:

Lesson # 2.1- Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and its

Application across the Curriculum


Direction: Create a Venn diagram that illustrates the interrelationships between the
various types of knowledge (Content, Pedagogical, Curricular). Each section must
include examples, after which, explain further your diagram.

Content Knowledge

• Knowledge of subject
matter or academic
• What to teach?
• Ex. Theories, Principles,
ideas, Historical events
Guides teachers on
Allow teachers to align
what specific topic What is taught and how their teaching methods
should be taught to it is constructed is and strategies to the
specific year level. purposefully designed to subject matter to make
ensure that certain it more understandable
content is better to the students.
understood by students.

• Knowledge of the • Knowledge of

design and structure of Guides teachers on the teaching
the curriculum ideal way on how to • How to teach?
• Guide in teaching. teach students in a
• Ex. Discussion,
• Ex. Curriculum guide in specific topic.
Group Reporting, Flip
AP wherein Grade 7 talk Classroom, Peer
about Asian Studies, … Learning
Curricular Knowledge Pedagogical Knowledge

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Page 1 of 3
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Visayas State University, PQWV+2QQ, Baybay
City, Leyte
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.vsu.edu.ph
Phone: +63 53 565 0600 Local 1037

What is the diagram all about?

The diagram shows the interrelationship between content, pedagogical, and

curricular knowledge. Content knowledge forms the foundation for effective teaching.
Teachers need to have a strong grasp of the content they are teaching to convey
information accurately and respond to students' questions. Without solid content
knowledge, the effectiveness of teaching diminishes. For example, a teacher must be
knowledgeable about the proper sequence of events in a specific historical
phenomenon, the dates, the people involved, and the significance of the event to the
present. However, even with a deep understanding of a subject, effective teaching
requires the ability to convey that knowledge to students in a way that is accessible
and meaningful. Thus, pedagogical knowledge complements content knowledge.
Pedagogical strategies, teaching methods, and classroom management skills are all
part of pedagogical knowledge. It is not enough that a teacher only knows about the
sequence of events in a specific historical phenomenon, the dates, the people
involved, and the significance of the event to the present; a teacher must use the best
teaching method and strategy to convey that knowledge to students in a way that is
accessible and meaningful. One example of this is group reporting, the flip classroom,
and the Socratic method. Lastly, curriculum knowledge connects content and
pedagogical knowledge within the broader context of a curriculum. Teachers need to
align their instruction with the curriculum, understanding the scope and sequence of
topics and how they fit into the overall educational plan. This includes knowledge of
standards, learning objectives, and assessment methods. These various knowledges
are interrelated. A teacher must be able to utilize these three to make teaching and
learning more effective and efficient.

Read the questions carefully and answer comprehensively.

1. Does the teacher consider the learner’s prior knowledge in the lesson you have
Yes, since it is the first meeting in the third quarter the teacher recalls first the topic in
the second quarter which is about microeconomics then relates it to the new topic
which is macroeconomics. She also asked her students on their idea about
macroeconomics and by their answers she expound it to the class.

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Page 2 of 3
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Visayas State University, PQWV+2QQ, Baybay
City, Leyte
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.vsu.edu.ph
Phone: +63 53 565 0600 Local 1037

2. Does the teacher use varied teaching strategies to deliver the subject matter?

Yes, in discussing the first topic which is about the circular flow model the teacher
grouped the class into four and assigned them with the specific model to discuss.
Each group was tasked to draw the model and discuss it to the class. After a group
discussed their assigned model, the teacher asks them which specific details of their
model. Thus, the teacher used group reporting, model analysis, and Socratic method.

3. Does the teacher provide updated information regarding the lesson?

Yes, in discussing the topic the teacher provides a contextualized examples to make
it more relatable to students. For instance, she talked about “ bahay-kalakal” she
provides a more localized example like SaveMore, Metro Gaisano, Baybay City
Market and so on.

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Page 3 of 3
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

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