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Blockchain Based Voting System

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InterVoteNet: A Blockchain based E-Voting System

Payal Rai, Palak Chadhokar, Pankaj Malviya, Pritesh Prajapat, Dr. Aradhana Negi
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Prestige Institute of Engineering, Management and Research
Indore, India
{[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] }

Abstract— Voters have always viewed voting outcomes deterring voter participation and engagement. These
differently and with suspicion in the centralized challenges have spurred the search for innovative solutions
environments. The majority of electronic voting systems that can improve the security, efficiency, and reliability of
currently in use rely on the centralized servers, which elections.
requires voter to trust the organizing body to guarantee The rise of blockchain technology have generated significant
the accuracy of the results.. In order to address the trust interest in its potential uses in various domains, including e-
difficulties, we present a novel strategy this article voting systems. Blockchain, as a decentralized and immutable
examines a novel voting platform utilizing blockchain ledger, offers the promise of revolutionizing the way elections
technology, aimed at guaranteeing fairness and security are achieved through transparency and immutable record of
without relying on centralized authorities for trust. This
voting transactions. By leveraging smart contracts on
system's primary characteristics include ensuring data
transparency and integrity, restricting voting to single blockchain networks such as Ethereum, it becomes possible to
vote per cell phone number per poll, and preserving voter design e-voting systems that ensure the anonymity and
anonymity. To achieve this objective, organizers of each integrity of votes while mitigating associated risks ,traditional
voting event will deploy consistent, transparent, and centralized voting systems. This emerging technology ensures
predictable smart contracts on the Ethereum Virtual immutability of vote records, provides end-to-end
Machine (EVM), which acts as the running environment transparency, enhances voter anonymity, reduces the risk of
for the Blockchain. fraud and changes.
Keywords: Blockchain, Voting, Authentication, Ethereum ,
Solidity, Elections, Smart Contract ,Security. II. BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY AND ETHEREUM

I. INTRODUCTION The public, decentralized database with duplicates distributed

across multiple nodes simultaneously is known as a
blockchain. The ledger of transactions is not managed or
In modern societies, essential for ensuring public trust maintained by a single authority in Blockchain. The
fundamental pillars of democracy. Voting as a cornerstone of legitimacy of the record's form is laid out through an
democratic societies, enabling citizens to influence agreement instrument among the approving hubs. The secure
government and policy decisions. However, traditional voting validation of the data integrity of a transaction is made
systems face numerous technical challenges that compromise possible by the use of Blockchain technology. Conversely, the
their integrity and effectiveness. First, these systems are Ethereum Blockchain is a distributed, decentralize, an open-
vulnerable to fraud and manipulation, including ballot source computing framework that executes programs known
tampering and vote rigging, which undermine the trust in as smart contracts. It is created to empower decentralization
election outcomes. Additionally, the lack of transparency in for applications, extending beyond just digital currency. Using
vote counting and result verification makes it difficult to a virtual machine and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM),
independently audit and verify election results. Security a Turing-complete scripting language, it is accomplished.
vulnerabilities are a significant concern especially in EVM is in some ways comparable to a versatile computing
electronic voting systems susceptible to hacking and platform that mimics the functionalities of a Turing machine,
unauthorized access. within contrast to Bitcoin, which only takes into account
Moreover, administrative inefficiencies due to manual Boolean evaluations of spending conditions. Impacting the
processes increase the likelihood of human errors and delay condition of an agreement on the Blockchain necessitates
result tabulation. Scalability is another issue, as traditional exchange charges which are valued in Ether (ETH). The
systems struggle to efficiently handle large voter populations distributed application platform is thought to run on ether as
and complex election logistics. Furthermore, ensuring voter its fuel.
anonymity while maintaining a secure audit trail presents a
significant technical challenge. Lastly, existing systems often
fail to provide a seamless and accessible user experience,
III. LITERATURE REVIEW & RELATED WORK clear method for elections. By employing smart contracts on
the Ethereum network, it ensures secure, anonymous voting
The Transformation uses of blockchain technology in E- and maintains the integrity and unchangeability of the voting
Voting systems is explored. The advantages of blockchain, data. This approach is designed to bolster voter confidence in
such as increased efficiency and productivity, as well as its the election process and minimize the chances of fraud or
potential limitations, are examined [1][2][3]. The proposed tampering.
model is founded on the fundamental requirements of
electronic voting, including voter verification. While
acknowledging the benefits of blockchain, the paper also
discusses its limitations in the context of E-Voting [4][5][6].
The shift from paper-based to digital e-Voting systems,
emphasizing the properties and security issues of digital e-
voting. It highlights utilizing blockchain technology to tackle
security concerns and fulfill system requirements, offering
opportunities for secure e-voting deployment [7][8][9].
Electronic voting, or e-voting, has been using since the 1970s
and provides several advantages over traditional paper - based
systems, such as efficiency enhanced and reduced errors.
Nonetheless, widespread adoption of e-voting systems faces
challenges in terms of resilience against potential faults [10]
[11][12]. Blockchain technology locks promise in boost the Fig. 1. System Architecture
resilience of e-voting systems by leveraging cryptographic
foundations and transparency. This paper presents a scheme Fig.1 shows a voting system using blockchain. Users log in
for e-voting that aligns with fundamental requirements and and choose to be either voters or admins. Voters go to a
achieves end-to-end provable, implemented using the voting page, cast their votes, which are recorded securely on
Multichain platform [13][14][15]. The uses of blockchain the blockchain to prevent changes. Admins manage the
technology in electronic voting protocols offers a system through an admin panel. This setup ensures
decentralized system that can provide characteristics such as transparency and fairness by updating votes instantly and
data confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity [16][17][18]. preventing tampering, aiming to improve elections with a
The proposed blockchain - based electronic voting system reliable and accessible voting method.
aims to establish a stable electronic election process. The
paper also discusses the emerging challenges and limitations
to be addressed. Overall, the paper offers a comprehensive
overview of the proposed protocol [19][20][21]. Following an
examination of existing voting systems that employ Electronic
Voting Machines (EVMs) and their susceptibility to mitigate
tampering risks, a blockchain-based e-voting system has been
suggested [21][22][23]. This decentralized system aims to
provide security, transparency, and non-repudiation, offering
a viable alternative to conventional centralized systems. The
proposed system, built on Ethereum, demonstrates the
potential for real-world implementation, mitigating the risk of
manipulation in voting processes [24][25][26]. The paper
delves into the security threats and attacks on blockchain
systems, offering insightful reviews on potential
enhancements and future research directions [27][28][29].
The study introduces a novel framework for recommender
systems, BC-Rec, leveraging Blockchain technology.
Blockchain serves as a decentralized data-sharing ledger Fig. 2. System framework
utilized by e-commerce platforms to distribute shared data
regarding users, items, and sellers.. Public Key Infrastructure Fig. 2. depicts a blockchain-based voting system using
(PKI) is employed to verify identities and maintain the Ethereum technology. It includes a central "Smart Voting
integrity of the blockchain. The paper examines Blockchain Contract" connected to components for voter and candidate
overview, existing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for registration, result tabulation, and encrypted vote storage.
Blockchain and key management for Blockchain wallets, and Users access the system via a "User Interface," with secure
proposes a method for managing group keys to ensure secure authentication handled by an "Identity Verification Module."
group communication [30]. A "Notification System" and "Blockchain Explorer" enhance
transparency. This setup showcases the automation and
IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM security provided by smart contracts, ensuring votes are
verifiable and resistant to tampering.
The envisioned decentralized voting system utilizing
Ethereum blockchain technology aims to deliver a safe and
We have employed a number of technologies, including the introduce features like real-time vote tallying, robust voter
contract-based programming language Solidity, to evaluate identification methods,complicated data analytics for voter
our suggested approach. We used JavaScript, CSS, and behavior insights, and integration with technologies such as
HTML to develop the entire front. Additionally, we artificial intelligence and biometrics. These improvements
developed our system using the open-source language Python. will boost the planning, security, and accessibility of the
In addition to this, node.js was utilized to run the Python code voting process, creating it further inclusive and reliable.
outside of the web browser. The communication with
Ethereum blockchain networks was facilitated via Web.js. REFERENCES
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