28-07-24 SR - Iit Star Co-Sc (Model-A) Jee-Main Ctm-14 QP Final
28-07-24 SR - Iit Star Co-Sc (Model-A) Jee-Main Ctm-14 QP Final
28-07-24 SR - Iit Star Co-Sc (Model-A) Jee-Main Ctm-14 QP Final
PHYSICS Max.Marks:100
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
A) 36.2 s B) 40 s C) 25 s D) 42.6 s
3. A ring of mass M = 90 g and radius R = 3 m is kept on a frictionless horizontal surface
such that its plane is horizontal. A particle of mass m = 10 g is placed in contact with the
inner surface of ring as shown in figure. An initial velocity v 2 ms 1 is given to the
particle along the tangent of the ring. Find the magnitude of the force of interaction in
milli – newton between them after 1s from the start. (There is no friction between
particle and ring)
A) 6 B) 8 C) 4 D) 3
4. Let F, FN and f denote the magnitudes of the contact fore, normal force and the friction
exerted by one surface on the other kept in contact. If none of these is zero,
A) F FN B) F > f C) FN f D) FN f F FN f
A) Statements a and d are only correct
B) Statements a, c and d are only correct
C) Statements a, b and d are only correct
D) Statements a and b are only correct
6 mg 2 3mg 2 2 mg 2 mg 2
A) B) C) D)
k k k 2k
7. There is a thin uniform disc of radius R and mass per unit area , in which a hole of
radius R / 2 has been cut out as shown in the figure. Inside the hole, a square plate of
same mass per unit area is inserted so that its corners touch the periphery of the hole.
The distance of the centre of mass of the system from the origin is
R 2 R 1 2R 3R
A) B) C) D)
2 3 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 1
8 2 2 8 2 v 2 2 8
A) vi v j B) vi v j C) i D) vi v j
27 27 27 27 3 27 27
9. Line PQ is parallel to y-axis and at a distance ‘x’ ( x in meters) from it, and moment of
inertia of the rigid body about PQ line is given by I 2 x 2 12 x 27 , where x is in
meter and I is in kg-m2. The x-coordinate of centre of mass of the rigid body is:
A) 4 B) 3 C) 2 D) 1
10. A uniform rod of mass m and length is attached to smooth hinge at end A to a string at
end B as shown in figure. It is at rest. The angular acceleration of the rod just after the
string is cut is :
Statement – II: If f b is the buoyant force on the body immersed in the liquid when the
container is at rest. Then the buoyant force on the same body when it moves with an
1 a
acceleration a downwards is f b f b 1
A) STATEMENT–1 is True, STATEMENT–2 is True; STATEMENT -2 is a Correct
explanation for STATEMENT–1
Correct explanation for STATEMENT–1
C) STATEMENT–1 is True, STATEMENT–2 is False
D) STATEMENT–1 is False, STATEMENT–2 is True
12. A light cylindrical tube ‘T’ of length and radius ‘r’ containing air is inverted in water
(density d). One end of the tube is open and the other is closed. A block ‘B’ of density
2d is kept on the tube as shown in the figure. The tube stays in equilibrium in the
position shown. (Assume the atmospheric pressure is to be P0 .). Assume that density of
air is very small than density of block and water. Pick up the correct statement (s).
D) the pressure of air trapped in the tube is P0 d g h
A) Statements A and B are only correct
B) Statements A and C are only correct
C) Statements C and B are only correct.
D) All the statements are correct
13. A uniform rod of length l is acted upon by a force F in a gravity – free region, as
shown in the figure. If the area of cross – section of the rod is A and it’s Young’s
modulus is Y , then the elastic potential energy stored in the rod due to elongation is
F 2l F 2l F 2l 2 F 2l 2
A) U B) U C) U D) U
6 AY 6 A2Y 4 A2Y 4 AY
14. Which of the following set of characteristics of a material is suitable for using it as a
dielectric in a capacitor ?
A) large dielectric constant and high dielectric strength
B) large dielectric constant and low dielectric strength
C) small dielectric constant and high dielectric strength
D) small dielectric constant and low dielectric strength
15. A particle of mass 1 kg and charge C is projected towards a non conducting fixed
spherical shell having the same charge uniformly distributed on its surface. The
minimum initial velocity V0 of projection of particle required if the particle just grazes
the shell is
2 2 2
A) m s 1 B) 2 m s 1 C) m s 1 D) 1m s 1
3 3 3
16. Three waves of amplitudes 7 mm, 3 mm and 11 mm with a successive phase difference
of are super – imposed. The amplitude of the resulting wave will be
A) 5 mm B) 12 mm C) 8 mm D) 6 mm
17. A closed and an open organ pipe have the same length. When they are vibrating
simultaneously in their first overtone, they produce three beats. The length of the open
pipe is now made one third the original length and one of its ends is closed. On the other
hand, the length of the closed pipe is made three times the original length. The number
of beats produced when they vibrate with fundamental frequencies will be
A) 8 B) 14 C) 17 D) 10
18. A fixed mass of oxygen gas performs a cyclic process ABCA as shown in the figure.
Efficiency of the cycle will be
the rod are maintained at temperatures T1 and T2 T1 T2 . Heat current flowing through
the rod will be –
A T12 T22 B)
A T12 T22 C)
A T12 T22 D)
A T12 T22
3l l 3l 2l
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the Answer in the
decimals , Mark nearest Integer only. Have to Answer any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will be
evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, -1 in all other cases.
21. A metallic ring of mass 2 kg and radius 1m with a uniform metallic spoke of same mass
2 kg and length 1 m is rotated about its axis with angular velocity 1 rev sec1 in a
perpendicular uniform magnetic field B of magnitude 10 T as shown in the figure. If the
central end of the spoke is connected to the rim of the wheel through a resistor R of
resistance of as shown. The resistor does not rotate, it’s one end is always at the
centre of the ring and another end is always in contact with the ring. A force F as shown
is needed to maintain the constant angular velocity of the spoke then, find the value of F
in Newtons (Given the ring and the spoke has zero resistance)
22. A very long cylindrical wire is carrying a current I 0 distributed uniformly over its cross
– section area. O is the centre of the cross – section of the wire and the direction of
current is into the plane of the figure. The magnitude of the value of B . dI along the
4 0 I 0
path AB from A to B is found out to be . Find the value of ‘z’.
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23. When the gap between two identical concave thin lenses , f 10 cm placed in
contact is filled with certain liquid, the image of an object placed at 15 cm from lens
combination shifts away from the lens by 5/4 cm. If the refractive index of the liquid is
, then write 3 as your answer.
24. Find the difference between the mass number and atomic number of the missing product
in the given nuclear reaction
92 U 10n ? 36
Kr 3 10n
25. In Young’s double – slit experiment, the distance between slits is d 0.25 cm and the
distance of the screen D 120 cm , from the slits. If the wavelength of light used is
6000 A and I 0 is the intensity of central maximum, then the minimum distance of
the point from the centre, where the intensity is is k 106 m . What is the value of k ?
26. At a certain instant of time, the potential difference between the plates of a
capacitor of capacitance 2 F is charging at a rate of 2 106Vs 1 . The displacement
current at that instant in Amperes is_______
27. In the circuit shown, each resistor is of resistance 10 . Find the equivalent resistance
between terminals A and B (in ohms)
29. Twelve persons are initially at the twelve comers of a regular polygon of each side
a 2 3 m . Each person now moves with uniform speed v = 1 m/s in such a manner
that 1 is always directed towards 2,2 towards 3,3 towards 4 and so on. Find the distance
travelled by each person before they meet.
30. The potential energy of a particle is determined by the expression U x 2 y 2 ,
where is a positive constant. The particle begins to move from a point with the co-
ordinates (3,3) only under the action of potential fields force. When it reaches the point
(1,1) its kinetic energy is 4K . Find the value of K.
31. For the first-order reaction A g 2 B g C g , the total pressure after time t from the start
of reaction with A is P and after infinite time, it is P . Then the rate constant of the
reaction is
1 P 1 2 P
A) ln B) .ln
t P t P P
1 2 P 1 2 P
C) .ln D) ln
t 3P P t P 3P
A) B)
d d
C) D)
d d
35. Find the pH (initial pH – final pH)n when 100 mL of 0.01 M HCl is added in a solution
containing 0.1m moles of NaHCO3 solution of negligible volume
CH 3 C C CH 3
CH 3 CH 3
1) CH 3 C C CH 3 2)
CH 3
3) 4) HC C CH 2 CH 3
39. Among the following, the aromatic compounds are:
CH 2
A) B)
C) D)
c 2c c 2c
3) K 4) K
c c
Considering the above reactions, the compound ‘A’ and compound ‘B’ respectively are:
2) CN , CN
, CN
4) CN ,
43. A certain orbital has no angular nodes and two radial nodes. The orbital is:
1) 2p 2) 3s 3) 3p 4) 2s
44. A compound ‘X’ is acidic and it is soluble in NaOH solution, but insoluble in
NaHCO3 solution. Compound ‘X’ also gives violet colour with neutral FeCl3
solution. The compound ‘X’ is:
1) 2)
3) 4)
45. N 2 g 3H 2 g 2 NH 3 g
20 g 5g
Consider the above reaction, the limiting reagent of the reaction and number of
moles of NH 3 formed respectively are:
A liquid mixture contain 10 moles of A P 0 A 200 mmHg and 10 moles of B
P 0
B 100 mmHg . The vapour pressure over liquid mixture is 160 mm Hg.
1) ZnHg+Hcl
2) Cr2O3 , 773K
10 20 atm
Considering the above reaction, the major product among the following is:
CH 2CH3 CH 2CH 2CH 3
1) 2)
CH 3
3) 4)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the Answer in the
decimals , Mark nearest Integer only. Have to Answer any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will be
evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, -1 in all other cases.
52. From which position does NO 2 replaces a hydrogen from the following compound
1 O
3 4
5 8
6 7
53. Consider the reaction AB2 g AB g B g . If the initial pressure of AB2 is
500 torr and equilibrium pressure is 600 torr, equilibrium constant K p in terms of torr is
54. On complete combustion, 0.492 g of an organic compound gave 0.792 g of CO2 . Then
the % of carbon in the organic compound is _______(Nearest Integer)
55. If O2 gas is bubbled through water at 303 K, the number of mill moles of O2 gas that
dissolve in 1 litre of water is _________.(Nearest Integer)
O2 =0.920 bar)
(Assume solubility of O2 in water is too small, nearly negligible)
56. Number of nodal planes in bonding sigma molecular orbital is __
57. If the solubility product of PbS is 8 10 28 , then the solubility of PbS in pure
water at 298 K is x 10 16 mol L1 . The value of x is _____.(Nearest Integer)
[Given: 2 1.41 ]
58. If E10 , E2 0 and E30 are standard oxidation potentials for Fe Fe 2 , Fe 2 Fe3 and
3 E2 0 2 E10
Fe Fe , then E3 . The value of n is …..
59. Percentage of aniline hydrochloride hydrolysed in its M/40 solution at 250 C is
Given; EC6 H 5 NH 2 , Hcl / H 2 0.18V ; 0.06
For silver, C p JK 1mol 1 23 0.01T . If the temperature (T) of 3 moles of
silver is raised from 300 K to 1000 K at 1 atm pressure, the value of H will be
closed to
sin cos ec
A A2 B
t dt dt
61. A ;B , then the value of e Ae B B 2
1 is___
1 t2 t 1 t
1 1
1 A B2
1) A B 2) 2A B 3) sin cos ec 4) 1
p(X x) k(x 1)3 x , x 0,1, 2,3...... ,where k is a constant, then P(x 2) is equal to
7 11 20 7
1) 2) 3) 4)
27 18 27 18
ex 1 ex ex ex
1) ln 1 2 c 2) ln 2 c 3) ln 2 2 c 4) ln x 2 c
x 2 x x x
68. The largest area of the rectangle having one side on the x-axis and two vertices on the
curve y = e x is
2 2 1 1
1) 2) 2
3) 4)
e e 2e 2 e
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1 2 3
69. Let for A 3 1 , A 2, If 2 adj 2 adj 2 A 32n , then 3n is equal to
1 1 2
1) 10 2) 12 3) 9 4) 11
p q
70. If the coefficients of x and x 2 in 1 x 1 x are 4 and -5 respectively, then
2 p 3q is equal to
A) 60 B) 66 C) 69 D) 63
71. If S n 4 11 21 34 50 ....to n terms then S29 S9 is equal to
A) 220 B) 227 C) 223 D) 226
Area of the region ( x, y ): x 2 ( y 2) 2 4, x 2 2 y is
8 8 16 16
1) 2) 3) 2 4) 2
3 3 3 3
73. For a, let A {z : Re(a z ) Im(a z )} and B {z : Re(a z ) Im(a z)} . Then
among the two statements:
(S1) : If Re(a), Im(a) 0 , then the set A contains all the real numbers
(S2) : If Re(a), Im(a) 0 , then the set B contains all the real numbers,
1) both are false 2) only (S1) is true
3) both are true 4) only (S2) is true
Let y y( x) be the solution of the differential equation
x5 1
, x 0 . If
dx x x5 1
y(1) 2 , then y(2) is equal to
75. The number of five digit numbers, greater than 40000 and divisible by 5, which can be
formed using the digits 0,1,3,5,7 and 9 without repetition, is equal to
1) 132 2) 72 3) 120 4) 96
19 2 3 19
1) 2) 3) 4)
7 3 5 5
78. If the equation of the plane containing the line x + 2y + 3z – 4 = 0 = 2x + y – z + 5 and
perpendicular to the plane r ˆi ˆj ˆi ˆj kˆ ˆi 2jˆ 3kˆ is ax + by + cz = 4,
then (a – b + c) is equal to
1) 24 2) 22 3) 20 4) 18
1 1 1 1 1 1
79. lim 2 2 3 2 2 2 5 ....... 2 2 2 2 n 1 is equal to
1) 2) 1 3) 2 4) 0
80. Let centre of a circle C be , and its radius r 8 . Let 3 x 4 y 24 and 3 x 4 y 32 be
81. Let y f x be a curve passing through e , e e which satisfy the differential equation
g x dx =___
84. Let k and m be positive real number such that the function
3x 2 k x 1, 0 x 1 8f '(8)
f (x) is differentiable for all x 0. Then is equal to
2 2 1
mx k , x 1 f '
85. Let a common tangent to the curves y 2 4 x and x 4 y 2 16 touch the curves at the
points P and Q. Then PQ is equal to ____.
86. Let the foot of perpendicular from the point A 4,3,1 on the plane P : x y 2 z 3 0