Seg - Trimestre Octavo Uefc Formato Planificación
Seg - Trimestre Octavo Uefc Formato Planificación
Seg - Trimestre Octavo Uefc Formato Planificación
RESPONSIBLE Lcda. Fanny Andrade Valencia Period: 3r Week: 9
Course EIGHTH A, B, Subject: English Date: From July
C 31st to November
School Year: 2023-2024 TRIMES First
• Learning culture
• Communication and linguistic
• Logical-mathematical reasoning.
• School permanence
WEEK 18. Learners can grasp the general Countries, nationalities and languages. Ss make question each other
From 21st to 25th August meaning
of spoken texts set in familiar Do you recognize any of these flags?
What countries are they from?
contexts and infer changes in
the topic
EFL 4.2.1. Understand of discussion. REF.
phrases and expressions (I.EFL.4.6.1.) (I.3, S.1,
to areas of most immediate J.4) Ss answer the question.
priority within the personal
and educational domains, Where are you from?
provided speech is clearly
and I am from Ecuador
slowly articulated.
(Example: daily life, free I am Ecuadorian
time, school
I speak spanish
activities, etc.
Where is he from?
Learners can use and make Countries, nationalities and languages Students say country,nationality and identify
WEEK 19: simple learning the flags.
From 28th August to 1st resources, both online and in
September in order to compare and Ss complete a table with the following
contrast information. information.
EFL 4.4.2. Make and use a REF. ( I.EFL.4.16.1.) (I.1, I.3,
simple print or digital I.4,
learning J.2, J.4)
resource to compare and
contrast information in
to demonstrate
understanding and
command of a topic.
WEEK 21: I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can Students underline adjectives in the sentences.
From 11th to 15th understand
September main ideas and some details in What are some ways to describe He is a fast driver.
short members of a family?
simple online or print texts on
EFL 4.3.1. Understand main subjects, using contextual clues
points in short simple texts to help
on familiar subjects. identify the most relevant
(Example: news about information.
sports or famous (Example: title, illustrations,
people, descriptions, etc.) organization,
CC etc.) (I.2, I.4)
Delicious- awful
EFL 4.3.6. Apply learning I.EFL.4.13.1. Learners can
strategies to examine and apply learning Dark- light
interpret strategies such as using prior
a variety of written knowledge Close- far
materials using prior and graphic organizers to
knowledge, interpret new
graphic organizers, context information in a text. REF.
clues, note taking and ( I.EFL.4.13.1)
finding (I.2, I.4, J.4)
words in a dictionary..
Week 23. I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can Reading.
Juramento a la Bandera (26 de convey information Students read the paragraph, then they Ss answer the questions.
septiembre) and ideas and describe feelings identify all the adjectives. How many sisters does
From 25th to 29th and opinions in simple Rosie have?
Rosie’s Family • How old is Rosie’s
September transactional or grandmother?
My family is not very big. I have one
expository texts on familiar baby brother and no sisters. • Who is Carlos?
subjects in We live with our parents, my grandma • Describe Rosie physically.
order to influence an audience, and our dog Flocky. • What does Carlos do as
while recognizing a job?
My mother is 38 years old. She is a very
EFL 4.4.1. Convey that different texts have kind and happy woman. Draw Rosie’s family in the picture frame.
information and ideas different She is short, a little fat, and she has long
through simple features and showing the hair. She works at a supermarket.
transactional or expository ability to My father is 42. He is a very funny and
texts on familiar subjects use these features appropriately honest man. He works as
a mechanic with my uncle Carlos, his
using in one’s
younger brother. My younger
ICT tools and conventions own writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2) brother is sweet so I love playing with
and features of English him. My grandma is only
appropriate to audience and 59 years old. She’s a really good cook and
purpose. her chocolate cake is the
best in the world. Her hair is grey and
short. Flocky is our pet dog.
He’s small and noisy. Finally, I am Rosie.
I’m 14 years old. I’m short and thin.
I am a bit quiet, but friendly.
Week 25 I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners can Writing Ss describe your new friend. Write the Introduction,
09 de octubre feriado (Independencia de demonstrate an ability to give Body and Conclusion in the space provided.
Guayaquil) and ask for information and How can I describe people’s
Curriculum Content assistance using level- personalities and physical appearance?
From 9th to 13th October appropriate language and
interaction styles in online or Read the following sections of a
face-to-face social and paragraph. Which section do you think
classroom interactions. (J.2, is first, which is second, and which is
J.3, J.4, I.3) third? Write the numbers 1, 2, 3
in the circles next to each section.
EFL 4.1.8. Use suitable
vocabulary, expressions,
and interaction styles for
formal and informal social
academic situations in order
to communicate specific
intentions in online and
face-to-face interactions.
(Example: thanking, making
promises, apologizing,
permission, chatting with
friends, answering in class,
greeting an authority figure,
Week 26 I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners can Tell students that you will review the Assign pairs.
Curriculum Content demonstrate an ability to give last activities students to maintain eye
From 16th to 20th October and ask for information and contact with each other as they practice.
assistance using level- Listen these adjectives and practice the
appropriate language and pronunciation
interaction styles in online or
face-to-face social and
EFL 4.1.8. Use suitable classroom interactions. (J.2,
vocabulary, expressions, J.3, J.4, I.3)
and interaction styles for
formal and informal social
academic situations in order
to communicate specific
intentions in online and
face-to-face interactions.
(Example: thanking, making
promises, apologizing,
permission, chatting with
friends, answering in class,
greeting an authority figure,
November 2nd Day of the
3th Independence of
performance criteria TEACHING AND LEARNING
Learners can compare and Read the directions aloud. Tell students Prepare students for this exercise by setting
contrast that they can write about important the
EFL 4.1.1. Compare and dates in Ecuador and other countries
contrast oral traditions, oral traditions, myths, folktales context for the dialogue.
myths, and literature from Ecuador
and other cultures.
folktales and literature from
Ecuador and international Ref ( I.EFL.4.1.1.) (I.2, S.1,
regions and cultures and S.2, J.1)
identify similarities and
performance criteria TEACHING AND LEARNING
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