Mod 2 Dev Psych
Mod 2 Dev Psych
Mod 2 Dev Psych
Module Objectives:
1. analyze the different theories of development that had impacted human social-emotional,
behavioral growth processes such as but not limited to psychosexual theory, psychosocial
theory, attachment theory, social learning theory, moral development and the sociocultural
2. recognize the various factors that influence an individual's behavior at each phase of life
span development.
3. point out how the principles of developmental psychology are at work in your professional
and personal life.
Reflective exercise:
Theory explains how some aspect of human behavior or performance is organized. It thus
enables us to make predictions about that behavior. The components of theory
are concepts (ideally well defined) and principles.
2. Theory is to justify reimbursement to get funding and support - need to explain what
is being done and demonstrate that it works - theory and research
Development of theories
Theory is constantly revised as new knowledge is discovered through research. Three stages
of theory development in any new science.
The three goals of developmental psychology are to describe, explain, and to optimize
development (Baltes, Reese, & Lipsitt, 1980). To describe development it is necessary to focus
both on typical patterns of change (normative development) and individual variations in
patterns of change (i.e. idiographic development). Although there are typical pathways of
development that most people will follow, no two persons are exactly alike.
Infantile wishes
These are hidden from our conscious awareness due to their disturbing nature.
Id: It is the raw unorganized, inborn part of personality that is present at birth. It represents
primitive drives related to hunger, sex, aggression, and irrational impulses. Id operates
according to pleasure principle. Its main goal is to provide maximum satisfaction and reduce
Ego: It is the rational and reasonable aspect of one‘s personality. The ego acts as a buffer
between the external world and the primitive id. The ego operates on the reality principle. It
attempts to restrain the instinctual energy so as to maintain safety of the individual or help
him/her integrate into the society.
Superego: It represents a person‘s conscience. It tells us what is right and wrong. It develops
around 5-6 years of age.
Psychosexual Development:
Freud thought that most sexual impulses are repressed during the latent stage, and sexual
energy can be sublimated towards school work, hobbies, and friendships.
Much of the child's energy is channeled into developing new skills and acquiring new
knowledge, and play becomes largely confined to other children of the same gender.
Erikson on the other hand suggested that growth and change continue throughout an
individual‘s lifespan.
Stages arise as individuals grow and face new decisions and turning points during childhood,
adolescence, and adulthood. Each stage is defined by two opposing psychological tendencies –
one positive/syntactic and negative/dystonic. From this develops an ego virtue/strength or
maldevelopment, respectively. If the virtue is adopted, it can help to resolve the current
decision or conflict. It will also help subsequent stages of development and contribute to a
stable foundation for core belief systems in relating to the self and the outer world. The
opposite is true with the adoption of the maldeveloped quality.
As an example, the ego identity crystallizes in stage 5, during adolescence. The two opposing
qualities are ego identity and confusion/diffusion. Those who develop ego identity yield the
virtue of fidelity, while the inability to do so – ego confusion – creates a quality of repudiation.
With a stronger sense of ego identity, the interaction with the outer and inner world is of
rejecting incongruent evaluations of self and a decreased level of anxiety, respectively.
While adopting the syntonic attribute is clearly beneficial in this example, doing so should be
done within reason. Extreme ego identity can become fanaticism, which can create unhealthy
interactions with the self and others. One must navigate the two opposing values in each stage
to find a balance, instead of only striving for the positive quality. Straying too far towards the
positive tendency can be maladaptive, while leaning too far toward the negative can be
Some scholars have attempted to confine stages to specific ages, but Erikson did not initially
define this. Instead, there are periods within childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Each
stage provides an example in which the positive attribute may be furthered.
Stages of Childhood
Stages of Adulthood
a) Classical Conditioning:
Classical conditioning is one form of associative learning and can be defined as a learning
process in which a previously neutral stimulus becomes associated with another stimulus
(which always produces a response) through repeated pairing with that stimulus. The
systematic study of classical conditioning began in Russia with the work of Ivan P. Pavlov.
Classical conditioning gets its name from the fact that it is a kind of learning situation that
existed in the classical‘ experiments of Pavlov. This form of conditioning is also called as
respondent or Pavlovian conditioning. We have studied about classical conditioning in detail in
the XI Class as well as in FYBA.
b) Operant Conditioning:
This theory was provided by Albert Bandura. It is also called as learning through imitation. It is
an approach that emphasizes learning by observing the behavior of another person (i.e.,
model). According to social cognitive learning theory we are more likely to imitate the behavior
of others whom we observe (i.e., model a given behavior).
Theories within Cognitive Perspective: Within cognitive perspective, three theories are
Jean Piaget was an influential figure in the area of cognitive development. According to him all
people pass through a fixed sequence of universal stages of cognitive development. Not only
does the quantity of information increases at each stage, but quality of knowledge and
understanding changes as well.
Piaget focused on the changes in the cognition that occur as children move from one stage to
the next. He was of the view that human thinking is arranged into schemes which are
organized mental patterns that represent behaviors and actions.
Schemes can be viewed as the intellectual computer software that direct and determine how
data from the world are looked at and dealt with. Schemes varies at each stage. For example,
During infancy, schemes represent concrete behavior ; such as scheme for sucking, for
reaching and for each separate behavior.
In older children, the schemes become more sophisticated and abstract such as skills
involved in riding a bike or playing an interactive video game.
Two important principles for explaining children’s understanding of the word: According to
Piaget, growth in children‘s understanding of the world can be explained by two basic
This approach further asserts that children like computers, have limited capacity for
processing information as they develop, they employ increasingly sophisticated strategies that
allow them to process information more efficiently. This approach, in sharp contrast to the
Piagetian approach, assume that development is marked more by quantitative advances than
qualitative ones. This approach further states that our capacity to handle information changes
with age, even speed and efficiency gets influenced as we age. As we age, we are better able
to control the nature of processing and the strategies we choose to process information.
One type of information processing approach that builds on Piaget‘s research is called as Neo-
Piagetan theory. In contrast to the Piaget‘s original work which viewed cognition as a single
system of increasingly sophisticated general cognitive abilities, neo Piagetian theory considers
cognition as made up of different types of individual skills. Neo-Piagetian theory suggests that
cognitive development proceeds quickly in certain areas and more slowly in other areas. For
e.g., reading ability and the skills needed to recall stories may progress sooner than the
abstract computational abilities used in algebra or trigonometry.
Neo-Piagetian also believe that experience plays a greater role in advancing cognitive
development than traditional Piagetian approaches.
This approach is a recent development which takes into consideration cognitive development
related to brain processes. They emphasize on neurological activity that underlies thinking,
problem solving and other cognitive behaviors.
Cognitive neuroscience approach seeks to identify actual locations and functions within the
brain that are related to different types of cognitive activity. For example, they have used brain
imaging techniques to demonstrate how thinking about meaning of the word activated different
areas of the brain than thinking about how the words sound when spoken.
Cognitive neuroscience have also attempted to understand the relationship between autism
and brain processes as well as the relationship between brain enlargement and other
developmental disorders.
Cognitive neuroscience research has also attempted to discover certain genes which are
associated with specific developmental disorders.
According to Carl Rogers individuals need positive regard which arises from an underlying
wish to be loved and respected. Since positive regard comes from other people, we are
dependent upon them and hence their view of us becomes important for us. According to
Abraham Maslow the primary goal of one‘s life is self-actualization. It is a state of self
fulfillment in which people achieve their highest potential in their own unique ways.
This approach to development suggests that individuals are influenced simultaneously by five
levels of environment which include:
a) The Microsystem
b) The Mesosystem
c) The Exosystem
d) The Macrosystem
e) The Chronosystem
(a) The Microsystem: It is the everyday immediate environment of a child‘s life. It includes
parents, siblings, friends, teachers, etc. The children are not passive recipients from
environment. They actively change and construct their microsystem.
(b) The Mesosystem: It refers to all those that connect the children to parents, students to
teachers, employees to bosses, friends to friends, etc. It takes in to consideration direct and
indirect influences that bind us together.
(c) The Exosystem: It represents the broader influences such as social institutions like the
local government, the community, schools, places of worship, local media, etc. Each of these
institutions have an immediate and major impact on our personal development and each effect
how micro and mesosystems work.
(d) The Macrosystem: It represents the larger cultural influences on an individual, including
society in general, types of government, religions and political value systems, etc.
(e) The Chronosystem: It underlies each of the previous systems. It involves the way the
passage of time affects children‘s development. Passage of time would include historical
events, such as 9/11 terrorist attacks or gradual changes in value system such as women
working out, changes in marriage laws, etc., that impact on children‘s development.
According to Vygotsky, children‘s understanding of the world is acquired through their problem
solving interactions with adults and other children. As children play and interact with others,
they learn what is important in their society and at the same time advance cognitively.
According to evolutionary perspective behaviors such as jealousy, shyness and aggression are
produced in part by genetic causes, presumably because they helped in increasing survival
rates of human ancient relatives.
Behavior Genetics: It studies the effects of heredity on behavior. Behavioral genetics explains
how we inherit certain behavioral traits and how environment influences whether we actually
display those traits.