SUPP 2007 Ready Tomorrow

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Get Political
Interview an elected official and ask how she or he feels about the
environment. Find out what kinds of actions the official took that affect
the environment in your community, state, nation, or the world.

11. Take Action

Participate in an environmental action project that has a positive impact on
the quality of life in your community.

My project:

What I did / learned:


Ready for

9 . Local Issues

1 . Global Product Hunt

Go on a global product hunt in your house. Make a list of things that come
from outside the United States. Include items such as clothing, footwear,
electronics, food, cosmetics, art, and games. On a map, find the countries
that are part of your daily life. Share this information with your troop/group.

Learn about a community issue (such as water use, land use, landfills, recycling, toxic waste, land development, open space, or use of chemicals) that
affects the environment.
Attend a public hearing sponsored by a government agency or local government that addresses one of these issues.

Place item on left side and country on right side:

Find out how an informed person can be part of this process.


















My community issue:

What I learned:
Put symbols on map where global items are produced:


7. Global Tree Action

Find out about an organization that helps people in other countries or other
parts of the United States plant trees to fight pollution, prevent soil erosion,
or add oxygen to the Earth's atmosphere. Or look for a group trying to
prevent trees from being cut down. Find out what you can do to help.

2. Cooking with the Sun

Use the sun's energy for cooking! Construct a solar oven and use it to cook
a simple meal or purify water.
See page 139 of the Junior Girl Scout Handbook or visit for

What I made:
8 . A Credo
The word credo means a set of beliefs or principles to live by.
Write a personal credo that tells how you feel about the environment. Make a
list of actions that you might take to live by your credo.


My credo:

Actions I can take:

3. Use Resources Wisely

Design an Earth Matters seal of approval to award products and services in
your community. Make a checklist of important considerations (such as not
using wasteful packaging, not polluting water, or being energy-efficient) that
must be met before receiving the award. Use your consumer power to buy
products that do not harm the environment.


Earth Friendly Checklist





















4. Penny Power
With help from your family or Girl Scout troop/group, collect mail, magazine,
or newspaper appeals that ask for financial help for social or environmental
action projects. Pick ones you would like to help.
Then set aside a dollar in pennies and pretend that it is your budget for
charitable giving. Decide how you would divide the pennies among the
different organizations.

5. Wildlife in Danger
Find out about an endangered species that lives in a different part of the
world. If possible, watch a video or TV show, observe the species at the zoo
or in an arboretum, or collect information about it. Learn how you can help
through an organization that works to preserve this species.

My endangered species:

Charitable organizations I chose:


How I can help:










How did I divide my pennies?


6. Plant a Tree, Help It Grow

Trees are one of the earth's most important renewable resources. They are
essential in removing carbon dioxide from the air and adding the oxygen we
need to survive. Work on a tree-planting project in your community. Care for
the trees after they've been planted.


Where I planted my tree:





Plans for continuing care:

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