DLL Tle 10 Q2W3
DLL Tle 10 Q2W3
DLL Tle 10 Q2W3
A. Reviewing the previous lesson Elicit their gained Follow up their additional Recall the different tools Brainstorm on the Recall the 6S of working
or presenting the new lesson knowledge regarding activity. in nursery operation. different tips in place.
(Elicit) tools and equipment. performing preventive
maintenance of tools .
B. . Establishing a purpose for Establish connection of “Where do I begin Vocabulary enrichment Present a messy picture Remind safety
the lesson (ENGAGED) tools and equipment with Activity” Tag out of nursery or farm area . precautions in a work
their proper maintenance Let the class recall the Lock out let the learners share place.
to prolong the lifespan of different the process of Care their observation to the
each tool. oxidation and rusting Worn out picture.
effect on tools and
C. Presenting Vocabulary enrichment Connect rusting and Let the learners do the Extract learner’s idea on Let the learners wear
examples/Instances of the new *STORAGE ROOM oxidation principles to the “How do you care me?” how to make it in order. their PPEs and guide
lesson (Explore) *PREVENTIVE new lesson. activity them to the nursery area.
* Operation
D. Discussing new concepts and Present video of proper Bring the class in the Sharing time Present the 6 S in a Bring learners in the
practicing new skills # 1 maintaining of tools. storage room for Call at least 3 learners to workplace. garden area and let the
(Explain) preventive maintenance share their works. learners perform the 6 S
activity. in planting tomato and
E. Discussing new concepts and Randomly select learners Let each learner pick one Process the different Establish connection of eggplant seedlings.
practicing new skills # 2 to share their tool subjective to cleaning answers of students in the 6S in safety and
understanding to the and maintenance caring their tools. healthy working place.
different principles procedures.
presented in the video
F. Developing mastery Bring the class in the Demonstrate the proper Reiterate the importance Present 5 pictures that
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) storage area of tools and use of sand paper in of basic knowledge in needs the 6S principles
equipment. cleaning tools. preventive maintenance. of working place. Let the
learner identify the type
of S needed for the
G. Finding practical application of Let each learner observe Let learners do a return “Identify Me Activity” Let the learners draw an
concepts and skills in daily living and identify the demonstration Let learners identify each ideal storage room of
maintenance needs of tools then classify and tools with applied 5s
each tool. Let them write sort accordingly. methodology.
it in a sheet of paper.
H. Making generalizations and How will you maintain the Reiterate the importance Give importance of sorting Why do we need to Reiterate the importance
abstractions about the lesson different tools in the of tool stabilization while as part of maintenance. observe the 6S in a of observing safety
storage room? doing maintenance or working place? precautions in a work
Let the class identify cleaning activity. place.
ways to prevent tools
from rusting.
I. Evaluating learning Evaluate their Evaluate their activity Evaluate practical Evaluate learning activity Evaluate performance
observation listed in their using a well design rubric. learning activity with a with a well-designed with a rubric.
activity paper. rubric. rubric.
J. Additional activities for Let each learner find Bring PPE and Tools for
application or remediation their buddy to bring sand gardening activity.
paper and oil or the next