Basic Information About Pakistan

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Basic information about Pakistan:

Official name: Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Independence Day: 14 August, 1947
Government: Parliamentary form
Emblem/symbol: Faith, Unity, Discipline
National Language: Urdu
Official Language: English
National Poet: Allama Muhammad Iqbal
National Anthem: Hafeez jalandhary
National Animal: Markhor
National Bird: Chakor
National Flower: Jasmine
National Tree: Deodar
National Sports: Hockey
National Dress: Shalwar Qameez
National Juice: Sugarcane Juice
Literacy Rate: …………%

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Federal Ministers:
Federal Minister Portfolio
1………………………………. Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs
2………………………………. Interior & Narcotics
3………………………………. Water, Power & Defence
4………………………………. Petroleum & Natural Resources
5………………………………. Minister of State Information and
National Heritage

6…………………………. Law & Justice

7…………………………. Industries & Production
8…………………………. Railways
9…………………………. Commerce
10………………………... Defense Production
11………………………... Ports and Shipping
12………………………... Planning, Development & Reform
13………………………... Religious Affairs
14………………………... State & Frontier Regions

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FIRST in Pakistan
 Fatimah Jinnah was dentist by profession
 Pakistan opened its first embassy in Iran
 Egypt was first to open its embassy in Pakistan.
 Iran was first to recognize Pakistan
 First state to join Pakistan was Bahawalpur, 1954
 First constitution of was enforced on March 23,1956
 First lady federal minister Vikarun Nisa Noor (Tourism)
 First lady governer Rana Liaquat Ali (sindh) 1973-1976
 First woman university is located in Rawalpindi
 First commander in chief of Pakistan army was Frank Miservi
 First chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff committee was General
 First daily newpaper is Amroz 1947
 First Muslim Commander in Chief of Pakistan was FM Ayub Khan
 First President of AJK, Sardar Ibrahim Khan
 First T.V station was setup at Lahore on 26 Nov 1964
 Dr Fahmida Mirza was the first female National Assembly Speaker
 First Lady Major General: Dr Shahida Malik
 First constructed barrage: Sukkur Barrage
 Headquarter of Ghandhara civilization is Taxila
 Ruins of Harapa were found in Sahiwal
 Laragest railway tunnel is Khojak
 Kalabagh dam is planned on the Indus River at Kalabagh in Mianwali District
 Highest dam in Pakistan is Mangla dam
 Largest dam is Tarbela
 Rawal dam is on Korang River
 Khanpur dam is near Haripur on Haro River
 Mangla dam is in AJK on Jhelum River (Highest)
 Warsak dam (smallest dam) is in NWFP near Peshawar on Kabul River.
 Mirani Dam is in Balochistan near Turbat
 Largest fort is Rani Kot.
 Lahore fort was built by Akbar.
 Rohtas Fort was built by Sher Shah near Jhelum.
 First to receive Nishan e Haider was Capt Sarwar Shaheed
 Nishan e Pak is the highest civil award of Pak
 Second highest civil award is Hilal e Pak
 Ayub National Park (Rawalpindi) is the largest park of Pak
 Lahore museum is the biggest in Pak

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 Largest railway station is in Lahore

 Mountain ranges are Himalaya, Karakorum, Hindu kush, Suleiman and Salt range
 Highest peak is K-2 ( Godwin Austin), in Karakoram range with 28,250 feet height
 Broad peak is in karakoram range
 Tirich mir is the highest peak of hindu kush
 Highest mountain system in the world is Himalayas
 Mount everest is in Himalaya range
 Nanga parbat is situated in Himalayan
 Margalla hills of Islamabad are extension of Himalaya range
 Largest glacier of Pak is Siachen
 Khyber pass connects Peshawer-Kabul
 The highest point of the Khyber pass is Landi kotal
 Simla pact was signed on 3 july,1972
 Khinjer is the largest manmade lake in Pakistan (Sindh)
 Manchar lake is the biggest lake in Pakistan (Sindh)
 Saif ul maluk lake is near Naran
 The first atomic power station of Pakistan was installed in Karachi
 Largest desert is Thar (Sindh)

 Cholistan desert is in Bahawalpur district

 Largest mine is salt mines of khewra
 Largest nuclear reactor of KANUPP, Karachi
 Oldest cantonment of Pak is Kohat
 Under Indus water basin treaty pak got Jhelum, Chenab & Indus. India got Ravi, Sutlej
and beas.
 5 rivers flow in Punjab Indus, jehlum, Chenab, ravi and Sutlej
 Chenab and Jhelum flow from Kashmir
 River Kabul joins Indus river at Attock.
 Length of pak-india border is 1610 km
 Length of pak-iran border is 805 km
 Length of pak-china border is 595 km
 Length of pak-afghan border is 2250 km or 1300 miles
 Durand line is between Pakistan and Afghanistan
 Pakistan has its longest boundary with Afghanistan
 Hafeez jallandhari wrote the national anthem of Pakistan
 Khawaja nizamudin succeeded Quaid e azam as a second governor general
 Liaquat ali khan was assassinated in Rawalpindi in 1951
 Ch rehmat ali coined the word Pakistan
 Allama iqbal died in Lahore on April 21th, 1938
 Quaid e Azam died in Karachi on Sep 11, 1948
 Maj Gen Sikander mirza served both as the president and governor general

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 Allama iqbal wrote many books of poetry which include bang e dara, bal e jibril, zarb e
kaleem and zaboor e ajam & ramooz e bekhudi
 Shaheen & ghouri are Pakistan’s surface to surface missiles.
 Agni and prithvi are the names of Indians two medium range surface to surface missiles.
 Asif ali zardari is the only democratic president of Pakistan to complete his five years
tenure.( 2008 to 2013)
 Mian M Nawaz shareef made history by becoming PM of Pakistan for the 3rd time
 Gawadar became a part of Pakistan on Sep 9, 1958
 Baluchistan is 43% of total pak
 NADRA stands for National Database Registration Authority
 Tomb of Jahangir is at Lahore
 Tomb of Baba Farid is in Pakistan
 Tomb of sachal sir mast is in Pakistan
 Sher shah built GT road
 Karakoram highway passes through khunjarab pass
 M-1 motorway is between Islamabad-Peshawar
 Bambore is in Thatta
 Sahiwal is the new name of Montgomery
 Nur mahal is located at bahawalpur
 Shah Jahan built Shalimar garden
 Minar e Pakistan is also called minto park
 Data ganj baskh is the author of khasful mahjoob
 Thar coalfield is the biggest coal field of Pakistan
 Faisalabad is commonly known as little Manchester
 Sindh is called Bab ul Islam
 Saindak is famous for copper, silver and gold
 Firdausi wrote Shahnama and was also a court poet of Mahmud of Ghazni

Things to know:
 Downing street 10 is famous for the official residence of British prime minister, located
in Westminster, England
 The Great Wall of China was completed in 204 B.C. it is 1500 miles long. Its average
height is 25 feet and 12 feet wide at the top
 The leaning tower of PISA (Italy) built in the 12th century, stands in a slanting position
about 14 feet from the perpendicular
 HAMAS is the name of an Islamic resistance movement in occupied Palestine
 Ostrich is the largest bird in the world
 Victoria cross is the Britain highest military award
 Saudi Arabia is the largest exporter of oil in the world
 World famous golden gate bridge is located in San Francisco (USA)
 Russia invaded Afghanistan on Dec 27, 1979
 Hong Kong was returned to china on July 1, 1997

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 Nelson Mandela’s African national congress (ANC) won the first ever general elections
of south Africa held in 1994
 The velocity of light is 299729 km/sec. (186282 miles/sec)
 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters & 1 mile is equal to 1.6 km
 SAARC ( south Asian association for regional cooperation) was founded in 1985
 Air is composed of nitrogen (78.08%), oxygen (20.95%), argon (0.94%) and carbon
dioxide (03%)
 Mustafa Kamal popularly known as Kamal Ataturk (1881-1938) was founder of modern
 Currently UNO consists of 193 countries
 The term NAM stands for Non-Aligned-Movement
 UNHCR stands for United nations high commissioner for refugees
 The original inhabitants of USA are known as red Indians
 The field hockey ground measures 100*55 to 60 yards
 The football ground measures 100 to 130*50 to 100 yards
 The badminton court for singles measures 17*44 feet
 The table of table tennis measures 9*5*2.5 feet
 Modern Olympic games were first held at Athens in 1896
 Napoleon was defeated at waterloo in 1815
 Adolf Hitler assumed power in Germany in 1933
 The people’s republic of china was established in 1949
 Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on the surface of the moon
 Shanghai cooperation organization (SCO) was founded in 1999.

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Capital & location of the countries:

Name of country Capital Location
Afghanistan Kabul Located in the southwest of
Argentina Buenos Aires Located in the south America
Australia Canberra Located in the pacific ocean
Austria Vienna Land locked central European
Azerbaijan Baku Located in the southwestern
Bangladesh Dhaka Located in south Asia
Belgium Brussels Located in western Europe
Bosnia & Hezegovina Sarajevo Located in the southeastern
Brazil Brasilia Located in the south America
Bulgaria Sofia Located in south east Europe
Canada Ottawa, Ontario Covering most of the northern
part of the north America
China Beijing Located in the central and
eastern asia
Cuba Havana The largest island of the west
Czech republic Prague Central European country
Denmark Copenhagen Located in the Baltic sea
Egypt Cairo At the north east of the Africa
on the Mediterranean sea
Ethiopia Addis ababa Located in east central Africa
Finland Helsinki Located in the northern
France Paris Located in the western
Germany Berlin Located in the central Europe
greece Athens Located in the southern
Hungary Budapest A central European country
India New Dehli South asia
Indonesia Jakarta In the South-East-Asia

UAE Abu Dhabi Eastern part of the Arabia

UK London Europe
USA Washington DC North America
Uruguay Montevideo South American country
Uzbekistan Tashkent Central asia

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Venezuela Caracas South American country

Vietnam Hanoi South east asia
Yemen Sana Middle east
Zambia Lusaka Land locked country in South
central Africa
Zimbabwe Harare Land locked country in south
central Africa

Iraq Baghdad
Ireland Dublin
Israel Jerusalem
Italy Rome
Japan Tokyo
Kazakhstan Astana
Jordan Oman
Kenya Nairobi
North Korea Pyongyang
South Korea Seoul
Kosovo Pristine
Kuwait Kuwait city
Kyrgyzstan Bishkek
Lebanon Beirut
Libya Tripoli
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
Maldives Male
Mali Bamako
Mexico Mexico City
Monaco Monaco
Morocco Rabat
Nepal Katmandu
Netherlands Amsterdam
New Zealand Wellington
Nigeria Abuja
Norway Oslo
Oman Muscat
Panama Panama city
Peru Lim
Philippines Manila

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Poland Warsaw
Portugal Lisbon
Qatar Doha
Romania Bucharest
Russia Moscow
Saudi Arab Riyadh
Senegal Dakar
Serbia Belgrade
Singapore Singapore
Somalia Mogadishu
South Africa Pretoria
Spain Madrid
Sri Lanka Colombo
Sudan Khartoum
Sweden Stockholm
Switzerland Bern
Syria Damascus
Taiwan Taipei
Thailand Bangkok
Turkey Ankara

Agni Indian medium range ballistic missile
Aircraft carrier A large naval warship with facilities of
parking, landing and takeoff of war planes
Altimeter Instrument used for the measurement of
Amnesty international An organization established by peter benson
( british) in july 1961
Ampere Unit for measuring current
Anchor Device used for keeping ships standstill in
Antarctic The southernmost part of the earth
surrounding south pole
Arctic The northern most part of the earth
Barometer An instrument that is used for measuring

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atmospheric pressure
Buffer state A small independent neutral state which lies
between two large unfriendly countries
Chlorophyll The green pigment present in plant cell which
helps in photosynthesis
Contraband Goods forbidden to be supplied to a
belligerent state during war
Cosmic rays The radiation of unknown origin coming from
outer space
DNA De oxy ribonucleic acid
Dog fight A close aerial fight between two or more

Eiffel tower 1063 feet (324 meters) high tower in paris

Encyclopedia Book containing knowledge of all subjects
Etymology Science of origin and history of words
Fifth column Group of anti national elements during the
Fission Breakage of atom in t protons and neutrons
resulting in release of hug amount of energy
Googly ball An off break bowled by a leg break bowler
Hat-trick 3 victims by a bowler in 3 balls
Hydrometer Instrument used for measuring density of
Hygrometer Instrument used for measuring humidity of air
Isotope An atom of an element having same atomic
number but different atomic masses
Joule Unit of work and energy in SI system
k-2 Second highest mountain peak
Laser Light amplification stimulated emission of
Lava Molten volcanic matter
Leap year A year of 366 days
Light year Distance which light travels in 1 year
Lok sabah Name of the lower house of Indian parliament
Malam jabba A ski-resort of Pakistan located in swat valley
( height 9500 ft)
Mano meter Instrument used for measuring gas pressure
Marathon race A long distance race of 26 miles
Megawatt 1lakh watts
Micrometer A device which measures minute distances
Ohm Unit of electrical resistance
Oxidation Reaction in which oxygen combines with
other elements

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Pentagon Headquarters of US department of defense

Periscope A device which helps submarine to watch sea
Rajia sabha Name of the upper house of Indian parliament
Salmon A large fish with silvery scales
Scandinavian countries Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Faeroe
Size of basketball court 28 yards (26m)*45ft, 9inch (14m)
Speedometer Device which measures speed of vehicles
Squadron A unit of air force consisting of 20 air crafts
Watt Unit of electric power
White house Official residence of president of USA in
Washington DC
Zodiac Imaginary belt of the heavens, stars
Zurich A city of Switzerland

Largest countries (in sq. miles)

1. Russia 6,601,668
2. Canada 3,855,100
3. China 37,705,407
Smallest countries ( in sq. miles)
1. Vatican city 0.2
2. Monaco 0.7
Former names of countries and cities:
Ethiopia Abyssinia
Ankara, turkey Angora, turkey
Sri lanka Ceylon
Istanbul, turkey Constantinople, turkey
Beijing, china Peking, china
Iran Persia
Iraq Mesopotamia
Thailand Siam
Cambodia Kampuchea
Burma Myanmar

World’s most populous countries:

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1. China
2. India
3. United states
4. Indonesia
5. Brazil
6. Pakistan

Famous international lines:

Control line: boundary line between Azad Kashmir and India
Durand line: boundary line between Pakistan and Afghanistan (1300 miles length)
Maginot line: it is French line of fortification, built in 1934, along the German border from
Switzerland to Belgium
McMahon line: it is the boundary line between India and china
Radcliffe line: Boundary line between India and Pakistan

LOC: Line of control, refers to boundary between Pakistani Kashmir and Indian occupied
Kashmir 740 Km

Current presidents of the countries:

Pakistan ………………………………
China …………………………………..
Iran ……………………………………

Mountainous ranges in Pakistan:

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Karakoram Range, highest peak is k-2 (8,611 m or 28,244 feet)

Himalaya range, highest peak in Pakistan is Nanga Parbat (8126 m or 26,653 feet)
Hindukush range, highest peak is Tirich Mir (7690 meters or 25,230)
Highest mountains in Pakistan:
World rank Rank(Pakistani) name Height (m) Location
2 1 k-2 Karakorum
9 2 Nangaparbat Himalaya
11 3 Gasherbrum 1 Karakoram
12 4 Broad peak Karakoram
13 5 Gasherbrum 2 Karakoram
Mountain passes in Pakistan:
Babusar pass
Bolan Pass
Broghol pass to Afghanistan
Gomal pass khunjerab pass to China
Khyber Pass to Afghanistan
Lowari pass
Malakand pass
Naitar pass
Tochi pass connects Ghazni to Bannu

List of highways and motorways in Pakistan:

Makran coastal highway: coastal highway links Karachi with Gawadar, Pasni and Ormarah
The karakoram highway : the 1300 kilometers (800 miles) long originates from Hassan abdal,
goes through Abbotabad, manshera, crosses the river Indus at thakot, on to Gilgit ( through
besham, pattan and sazin) and then to chilas, hunza and sost before crossing the khunjrab pass at
the height of some 4800 meters 15,750 ft.)- the zero point Pakistan and china.
Grand trunk road: GT road often called as the Gernaili sadak and the sadak e azam was built
by sher shah suri, in the 16th century AD. The road originates from Kabul, Afghanistan enters in
Pakistan near Peshawar through through the famous Khyber pass, skirts the suburbs of taxila,
and goes down to Lahore and crosses in to india at wahgha finally culminating its 2600 km long
journey at Kolkata. Initially the road was just a dirt track, which was paved by the mughul
emperors in the sixteenth century. The road known to 17th European travelers as the long walk
has a rich history and is still by far the busiest, wildest road in areas that are now part of

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Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. During the British rulers of colonial India, the road was
renamed as the grand trunk road.
RCD highway: the RCD (regional cooperation for development) highway was constructed under
treaty between Pakistan, Iran and turkey. It is 813 km long between Karachi-Quetta-Chaman.
Indus highway:
The Indus highway, is a 1,264 km long 4 lane highway that along the Indus River in Pakistan
connecting the port city of Karachi with northwestern city of Peshawar via D.G khan. The Indus
highway passes through the kohat tunnel.
List of motorways:
M-1 is from Islamabad to Peshawar. It is a 155 km access controlled motorway with 6-lanes
M-2 is from Lahore to Islamabad. It is 367 km access controlled motorway with 6-lanes
(November 1997 completed)

Barrages in Pakistan
Chasma barrage: ONE OF THE Famous barrages in Pakistan. It is located in Mianwali on Indus was completed in1971.
GUDDU BARRAGE: it is located sukkur near sindh province.Guddu barrage was completed in
SUKKUR BARRAGE: it was one of the oldest barrage in was built in was
buit at river Indus near sukkur (Sindh province)

Dams in Pakistan

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TARBELA DAM: Tarbela dam is a large dam on the river Indus in is located about
50 kilometers northwest of Islamabad in1974;it is the largest earth fill dam in the world. The
dam was completed in 1974
The Mangla dam: The Mangla dam,the 12th largest dam of the world in azad was
constructed in 1967 across Jhelum river.
Warsak dam: warsak hydroelectric project is located on river Kabul at about 30 miles from
Peshawar in kpk province of PAKISTAN
MIRANI dam: Mirani dam is in balochistan, is located on dasht river ,about 30 miles
west of turbat in Markan divison of balochistan.The project was completed 2006
Gomal Zam Dam:gomal zam dam projected in kpk,Pakistan
Gomal river,on which gomal zam dam is built,is one the significant tributaries of Indus river
Diameer-bhasha dam. Is the name of dam that has been planned in the northern areas of Pakistan
on the river Indus. It is located about 165 km downstream on Gilgit.
Kanpur dam: it is 48 km from Islamabad on taxila haripur road. Kanpur dam has been
constructed in on the haro river. Its construction was started in 1968 and completed in 1983.
Rawal lake dam: it is located in Islamabad and built on korang river.
Sabakzal dam: it is located in zhob of balochistan, built on zhob river.
Kalabagh dam: it is a mega water reservoir that government of Pakistan is planning to develop
across the Indus River, one of the world’s largest river. The proposed site of dam is situated at
kalabagh in mianwali district of the north west Punjab province, bordering KPK.
The dam project is a highly controversial and has been so since its inception

Major Head works in Pakistan:

Balloki headworks
Marala headworks
Qadirabad headworks
Sulimanki headworks
Islam headworks

Major deserts in Pakistan:

Cholistan desert
Thar desert

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Thal desert
Kharan desert

Islamiyat Notes:
Wajib prayers: they are necessary and willful neglect is considered sinful.
However, if someone misses any of these due to unavoidable circumstances. Qadha (make up of
misprayers is not required). The following are wajib prayers:
1. 3 raqaat of vitaar after isha
2. 2 raqat of eid ul fitr and 2 raqaat of eid ul azha
3. 2 raqaat while performing of the tawaaf of Qabaa
Fard al kifaya: they are fards that are not obligatory for each Muslim
When some Muslims fulfil them, the other Muslims become exempt from them. If no body
fulfils them, the whole community becomes responsible and sinful for them. If some Muslim
performs janaza prayers when a Muslim dies, the other Muslims become exempt from this.
Tayamum: imagine you are in the situation in which you need water to perform wudu but if you
can’t find any. Or you are calling in sick and you can’t touch water with your bear hands you can
perform tayamum, an alternative to wudu, which does not require the use of water.
1. Firstly the intention of (niyyah) tayumum to attain purity ( taharah) must be made.
2. Spot a clean place, this can be anything natural like rock, sand or grass. Place hands on
the ground, lift hands and ensure that there is not dust on the palms surface by rubbing
hands together.
3. Rub face with hands
4. Again place hands on the ground. Lift hands and ensure that there is no dust on the palm
surface by rubbing hands together.
5. Rub your arms
Faraiz in ghusaal:
There are three faraiz of ghusaal
1. To rinse the mouth with water
2. To sniff water in to the nose and blow it out.
3. To wash the whole body
4. It is farz to wash the mouth, the nose and the whole body at least once
5. A person who washes them 3 times is regarded to have fulfilled the farz and gains the
reward of fullfiling the sunnah
Farz in wudu:
4 farz in wuzu:

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1. Washing the face from hair of the forehead to the lower portion of the chin. From one ear
to the other
2. Washing both hands and arms up to the elbows
3. Performing the massaa ( weeping with wet hands, 1/4th of one’s head)
4. Washing both the feet upto the ankles

Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

1. He (saw) was born in 571 AD 22nd April.
2. Fathers’ name : Hazrat Abdullah
3. Mothers’ name: Hazrat Amna
4. 6 months before Holy Prophets’ birth His (SAW) father died
5. Hazrat Abdullah died at Madina
6. Bibi Amna suckled Prophet for 3 days
7. Hazrat amna was buried at Abwa between Makkah and Madina
8. Prophet (SAW) had no brother and no sister
9. The name Muhammad was proposed by abdul mutlib while name Ahmed was
proposed by bibi Amna
10. Hashim was grandfather of holy Prophet and brother of hazrat Abdul mutlib
11. Holy prophet had two real paternal uncles (zubair and abu talib).
12. Prophet had 6 aunts
13. Holy prophet belonged to banu hashim, clan of quraish tribe.
14. Besides hazrat Halema (RA) the holy prophet (pbuh) said that umm e aeman also my
15. The foster mother (s) of the holy prophet (pbuh) hazrat halema, hazrat sobia and
hazrat khola (RA).
16. For 6 years hazrat halema took care of prophet.
17. For 6 years hazrat Halima took care of Prophet.
18. Hazrat Amna died 6 years after birth of Holy Prophet.
19. For two years Hazrat Abdul Mutlib took care of Holy Prophet
20. Hazrat Abdul Mutlib died after 8 years from birth of Holy Prophet
21. Holy Prophet journeyed to Syria with abu talib at the age of 12 years.
22. At 25 Holy Prophet married to Hazrat Khadija
23. Holy Prophet had 4 daughters and 3 sons
24. Qasim was the 1st of the Holy Prophet’s child to be born
25. The eldest daughter of Prophet was Hazrat Zainab
26. Youngest daughter Bibi Fatima
27. Zaid bin Haris was the adopted son of Holy Prophet
28. Sir name of Holy Prophet was Abu ul Qasim
29. Hazrat Khadija was the first to accept Islam in women and all
30. Hazrat Abu bakar was the first one to accept Islam in men
31. Hazrat Ali accepted first in children
32. Hazrat Bilal habshi was the first to accept Islam in slaves
33. Holy Prophet prayed for 2 years In cave Hira before first revolution

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34. At age of 40 Holy Prophet received first wahi.

35. Warqa bin nofil verified Holy Prophet for the first time
36. In 622 A.D Holy Prophet migrated to Madina
37. 35 was the age at the time of Hajr e Aswad incident
38. Wife of Abu Lahab used to spread throne in the way of Prophet
39. Al-kaswa was the name of camel on which Holy Prophet travelled
40. Holy Prophet purchased land at madina from 2 orphans
41. 45 companions were with the Holy Prophet in migration to Madina
42. Holy Prophet recited Surah e Fateh at the conquest of Makkah
43. Hijra took place at 13th Nabvi
44. Prophet spend his last days in Ayesha’s house and died at the age of 63
45. King of the Iran tore the message of holy prophet
46. Holy prophet address khutab-e-Jummah for the first time in first hijrah
47. One lakh companions accompanied holy prophet at Last hajj.
48. In miraj, holy prophet travelled from bait ul muqadas to sidra tul muntaha.
49. In miraj, hazrat jibraeel called Azaan in bait ul muqadas.
50. Holy prophet led all the prophets in a prayer in miraj at al-aqas
51. Allah rasool Muhammad was written on the seal of holy prophet (SAW).
52. Holy prophet performed only one Hajj (in 10 A.H) and 4 umras (in 7 A.H).

Battles of Islam
 Total no. of ghazwas 27.
 First Gazwah of Islam was Widdan or Abwa,fought in 12th month of 1 A.H.
 624 Battle of badar was fought in 17 ramadan, 2 hij.
 313 Muslims fought and number of Kufar was 1000 in Ghazwa Badar.
 Ghazwa Badar is named as Yaum ul Furqan.
 Abu jhel was killed by Ma-ooz and Ma-aaz in Ghazwa Badar.
 625, Battle of Uhad,3 hij.
 In battle of uhad, Muslim women participated firstly.
 In the battle of uhad,the person killed by the holy prophet was ubay bin kalf.
 In the battle of uhad,the teeth of Holy prophet were martyred.
 626, battle of rajih,4 hij.
 627, battle of Khandaq(ahzab) 5 hij.
 The battle of khandaq is also known as battle of Ahzab.
 Ditch Dug on border of Syria with Help of 3000 companions in 2 weeks.
 In Ghazwa Khandak Holy Prohet PBUH missed four prayers.
 628, Treaty of Hudaibiya, 6 hij. Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid Accepted,Islam in 6 hij.
 Conquest of Khyber,6 hij.
 Khyber was captured in 20 days.
 629, Battle of mautta,Preaching of islam to various kings,7 hij.
 First Islamic Non Arab was battle of mautta,7 hij.

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 Khalid Bin walid was titled Saif-ul-Allah in battle of Mautta.

 630, Battle Of hunain, Conquest of MAkkah,8 hij.
 Conquest of makkah took place on 30th Ramadan
 Conquest of makkah is called aam ul fatah
 The flag colour of Holy Prophet was white and yellow at conquest makkah time
 631,ghazwa e tabook was fought in 9 hij
 For battle of tabuk,Abu bakr donated all his belongings
 Last ghazwa was tabook
 632 hijjat ul wada , 10 hijj
 680 tragedy of karballah , 61 hijj
 Fateh mobeen is called to Sulah hudaibiya
 Battle in which Holy Prophet not participated is Saria
 Heb e fajjar means war fought in prohibited months
 Total number of Sarias is 53 or 56
 Holy Prophet stayed at Makkah for 53 years and 10 in madina
 Hazrat Ali established Bait ul Maal
 Masjid Aqsa is first mosque built on earth

 48 rakats in total farz prayers
 Namaz e khasoof offered for solar and solar eclipse
 Namaz e istiska is prayer for rain blessing of Allah pardon and sleep

namaz e istika is offered with backside of hands upward

salaat e istikhara is offered for coming hajat

salah e hajat is offered for prevailing hajat

 Eid Namaz is wajib
 Nawaz e tarawih is Sunnat
 Tahajud means abandon sleep
 Qaada is to sit straight in Salat
 Jaisa is a short pause between two sajdas
 Qaumaa is standing straight during rukus
 Farz in wuzu=4…, Sunats=5
 In fajr, Maghrib and Witr,no change in farz rakaat in case of Qasr
 Jumma prayer is farz Salaat
 The Jumma prayer is not compulsory for women’

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 Five salat made compulsory in 10th nabvi

 The act of shortening one’s prayer while on journey is called qasr
 Jumma prayer is farz salaat
 Namaz ba jamat is 27 times better than individual namaz
 There are 4 takbeers in Namaz e janazaa

 Zakat means to purify
 Zakat was made obligatory in 2 A.H
 7-1/2 is the nasaab of gold and 52-1/2 tolas for silver
 Injunction of utilization of zakat is in Surah al Tauba
 Fast means to stop
 Feed 60 people in atonement for breaking the fast or 60 continuous fasts
 Bab ul rayen is door for fast observing people
 Tarawwih means to rest
 Month of Ramadan is known as sayyeed us shahoor
 1st Ashra of Ramadan=ashra of rehmat
 2nd Ashra of Ramadan=Ashra e maghfirat
 3rd Ashra = Ashra e nijaat

 Hajj means to intend’
 Hajj made compulsory and offered in 9 AH
 The Holy Prophet performed only one Hajj in 10 Hij
 There are 3 types of Hajj
 First structure of Kaaba was built by Adam
 Ibrahim and Ismail built Kaaba 4500 years ago
 Yum e Nahar is called to the day of sacrifice
 Yum e Arafat is 9th Zilhaj
 One khutba is recited during hajj
 Al-imam is the surah in which Hajj is commanded
 Running b/w safa and marwa seven times is called Sayee
 In hajj there are 3 obligations
 The gate which is the best for pilgrims to enter in kaba in Qaba e Islam
 Hajra e Aswad means black stone
 Sayee is commences at Safa and ends at Marwa.

 Kalima Tayyeba is mentioned in Quran for 2 times
 The word Quran means “read one”
 114 total number of surahs
 86 Makki surahs

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 28 madni surahs
 14 bows are in Quran
 7 stages in Holy Quran
 558 rukus
 6666 number of Ayats
 Al-Baqarah is longest surah
 Al-Naas is last surah
 Al-Fateha is the preface of Holy Quran
 Five verses were revealed in first wahi
 Namaz commanded in Quran 700 times
 Al-tauba does not start with Bismillah’
 Hazrat Usman was first Hafiz of Holy Quran
 12 gazawahs described in Holy Quran
 In surah al saf Holy Prophet is addressed as Ahmed
 Surah Yaseen is known as heart of quran
 Sarah e Rehman is called uroos ul quran
 First revealed surah was surah al Alaq
 Subject of Holy Quran is man
 Last surah revealed is Al-Nasr
 Milk is best drink mentioned in Al-Quran’
 Honey is the best eatable thing mentioned in quran’
 Divorce is most disliked halal thing by Allah
 Night of Qadr is best ight mentioned in quran
 Ramzan is best month mentioned in quran
 Surah ikhlas is considered as 1/3 of Holy Quran
 Taurat was first revealed book
 Risalat means to convey message
 25 Prophets mentioned in Holy Quran
 Longest ayat of Holy quran is Ayat al Kursi
 Surah e maryam holy revealed for a woman
 Holy quran was revealed in 22y 5M 14D
 First surah compilation wise is Al-Fatiha
 Fatiha means opening
 Fateha is also called um ul kitaab
 The earth and heaven is created by Allah in 6 days described in surah yunus
 In quran Rooh ul amin is Jibrael
 In charge of provisions is Mikael
 The angel was sent to prophets as helper was jibrael
 The angel who carried punishment for disobedience sometimes is Jibrael
 Meaning of baqarah; Cow

 Prophet’s wives are called um ul momineen

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 First woman to lead to an Islamic army Hazrat Ayesha ( jang e jamal)

 Hazrat Ayesha narrated maximum number of Ahadith.

Companions of Holy Prophet:

 Hamza and hussain are known as leaders of martyrs
 Periods of caliphs:
 Hazrat abu-bakar (632-634) 2y 3m
 Hazrat umar 634-644 (10y 5m 21d)
 Hazrat usman 644-656 (12y)
 Hazrat ali 656-661 (4y 9m)
 Real name of hazrat abu bakar was Abdullah
 Hazrat umer farooq was martyred on 1st muharram 24 .A.H
 Hazrat umer introduced hijri calendar
 Hazraat usman is known as zul noorain because he wedded with two daughters of holy
prophets : rukya+ umm e Qalsoom
 Asadullah and haider e karar were the epithets of hazrat ali
 Hazrat Ali married hazrat Fatima in 2nd hijri
 Hazrat ali was martyred on 21th Ramadan 40 A.H
 In ghazwa Uhad, hazrat Ali was awarded with zulfiqar
 Hazrat umar established the office of qazi
 Only sahabi who did not see holy prophet is awais karni
 Ghani was the title of hazrat usman
 Hazrat ali has the title the gateway to knowledge
 First moazin of islam, hazrat bilal
 The home of hazrat abu ayub ansari was the first place where the holy prophet stayed in

 Kalma tayyab is the kalma number 1st
 Kalma shahadaat is the kalma number 2nd
 Kalma tamjeed is the kalma number 3rd
 Kalma tauheed is 4th
 Kalma e astagfaar is 5th
 Kalma rad e kufar is 6th

Holy books:
 The Torat ( revealed on hazrat Musa (A.S)
 The Zaboor was revealed on Hazrat Dawood (A.S)
 The Injeel was revealed on hazrat Issa (A.S)

Angels: Each human is attended permanently by two angels

 Hazrat jibrael (A.S) is referred in the quran as ROOH-UL-Ameen

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 Hazrat Mekael (A.S) is the incharge of rain and eatings for creatures
 Hazrat Mekael (A.S) is the incharge of provisions
 Hazrat Izrael (A.S) is called as Malk-ul-moot
 Duty of Hazrat Gabriel is to convey Allah’s message to nabi
 Hazrat Israfiel will blow Soor.
 Oldest mosque on earth is kaabatullah
 Istalam is kissing of hajr e aswad
 Deen e hanif is an old name of islam
 Qiblah means anything in front
 Greatest angel per islam is jibrael
 Barzakh: time period between death and day of judgment
 First man to embrace islam on the eve of fateh e makkah was abu suffiyan
 Charter of madina was issued on 1 A.H
 Transfer of qibla was ordered in 2 A.H
 Prophet hazrat Noah (AS) known as sheikh al anbiya
 Hazrat umer proposed azan for the first time
 On 27th rajab, 10 nabvi the event of miraj took place
 Omaar bin hisham was the original name of abu jehl
 First azan was called out in 1 A.H
 Jehad was allowed in 2nd hijrah
 Bait e rizwan took place in 6th hijra
 Bait e rizwan also known as bait e shajra made under keekar tree
 Cave of sour is located near makkah 5 miles
 Nabvi mosque constructed in 1 AH rabi ul awal
 Friday is known as syed ul ayaam
 Shab e barat is celebrated on the 15th night of shabaan
 At koh e safa holy prophet addressed after conquest makkah
 Kabeel killed habeel because he wanted to marry akleema
 Abul basher is called to be hazrat adam
 Hazrat adam built first mosque on earth
 Height of adam was 90 feet
 Age of adam at the time of his death was 950 years
 Ibrahim was thrown in to the fire by the order of namrood
 Abrahim is called khalilullah, father of prophets and idol destroyer.
 Mother of ismail was hajraah
 Zam zam emerged from beneath the foot of hazraat ismaeel in the valley of batha
 Hazrat ismail discovered hajr e aswaad
 Hazrat ismaeel is called as zabeeullah and abu al arab

Whale swallowed Hazrat younus

1 lac 24 thousands prophets were sent
Hazrat Musa had impediment in tongue

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Ten Commandments were revealed on Hazrat Musa

The miracle of pregnant camel is concerned with Hazrat Saleh
Ashab e kahf Slept for 309 years
the number of ashab e kahf was 7
Prophet Dawood has the title of najeeb ullah
Hazrat Essa has the title of Rooh Ullah
Toor e sina was the mountain where Hazrat Musa Received the messages of Allah
Ashra Mubashra are those Companions of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H), who were
given Good News in their life that they will be awarded Heaven.
Ashra Mubashra are 10 companions

World Organizations
UNO – United Nations Organization

Established on 24 October 1945

Headquarters: New York City, USA
Pakistani Membership: 30 September , 1947
Total Members : 193
Secretary General _______________________
Deputy Secretary General _________________

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WTO – World Trade Organization

Founded: 1 January 1995

Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland

WHO – World Health Organization

Established on 7 April 1948

Headquarters – Geneva, Switzerland

IMF – International Monetary Fund

Established on 27 December 1945

Headquarters – Washington, USA

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

Headquarters – New York, US

Head – _________________
Founded on – December 1946

ADB – Asian Development Bank

Motto: Fighting poverty in Asia and the Pacific

Established on 19 December 1966
Headquarters – Manila, Philippines

UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Founded: 16 November 1945

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Headquarters: Paris, France

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Headquarters – Brussels, Belgium

Founded on – 4 April 1949
it is basically a defense alliance which was established to provide security to European
states against communist aggression

UNHCR – United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Formation – 14 December 1950

Headquarters – Geneva, Switzerland

Commonwealth of Nations

Headquarters – London, UK
Founded on – 28 April 1949

IAEA – International Atomic Energy Agency

Established on July 29, 1957

Headquarters – Vienna, Austria

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Headquarters – Vienna, Austria

Founded on – 1960

International Cricket Council (ICC)

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Headquarters – Dubai, UAE

Founded on – 15 June 1909

The Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)

Headquarters – Zurich, Switzerland

Founded on – 21 May 1904

ARAB League

Founded on 1945
Headquarter Cairo (Egypt)

ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nation)

Headquarters: Jakarta, Indonesia
Founded: August 8, 1967
Members: Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines,

ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization)

Headquarters: Tehran, Iran
Founded: 1985
Members : Afghanistan , Azerbaijan , Iran , Kazakhstan, Pakistan ,Tajikistan , Turkey ,

D 8 Countries ( Developing Eight )

Headquarters : Turkey
Members : Bangladesh, Egypt, Nigeria, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Turkey.

GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council)

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Headquarters: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Founded: May 25, 1981, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Members: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman , Saudi Arab , UAE

Interpol (International criminal police

Headquarters : Lyon, France
Founded on 1956

NAM (Non-Aligned Movement)

Headquarters: Central Jakarta, Indonesia
Founded: 1961, Belgrade, Serbia

OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation)

Headquarters: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Founded: September 25, 1969
Members: 57
Pakistani membership date : 1969

SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional


Founded: December 8, 1985, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Headquarters: Kathmandu, Nepal

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Sri Lanka.

CENTO (Baghdad Pact)

The Central Treaty Organization, originally known as the Baghdad Pact
Founded: February 24, 1955
Headquarters: Ankara, Turkey
Extinction: 1979


Area in Square Miles Percent of Total Land

(Square Km) Area on Earth

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57,308,738 Sq. Miles

The World 100%
(148,429,000 Sq. Km)
Asia (including the 17,212,000 Sq. Miles
Middle East) (44,579,000 Sq. Km)
11,608,000 Sq. Miles
Africa 20.3%
(30,065,000 Sq. Km)
9,365,000 Sq. Miles (24,256,000
North America 16.3%
Sq. Km)
6,880,000 Sq. Miles (17,819,000
South America 12.0%
Sq. Km)
5,100,000 Sq. Miles (13,209,000
Antarctica 8.9%
Sq. Km)
3,837,000 Sq. Miles (9,938,000
Europe 6.7%
Sq. Km)
2,968,000 Sq. Miles (7,687,000
Australia (plus Oceania) 5.2%
Sq. Km)

Continent Longest River Length

Africa Nile River 4,157 miles (6,690 km) long
Antarctica none n/a
Asia Yangtze River 3,434 miles (5,530 km) long
Australia Murray-Darling River 2,310 miles (3,720 km) long
Europe Volga River 2,290 miles (3,700 km) long
Mississippi-Missouri 2,540 miles (4,090 km) + 2,340 miles (3,770 km)
North America
River long
South America Amazon River 3,915 miles (6,300 km) long

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Ocean Area Average Depth (ft) Deepest depth (ft)

Pacific 63,780,000 sq mi Mariana Trench, 36,198 feet
15,215 ft (4,028m)
Ocean (165,250,000 sq km) (11,033 m) deep
Atlantic 41,080,000 sq mi
10,950 ft (3,926m) Puerto Rico Trench, 28,231 ft deep
Ocean (106,400,000 sq km)
Indian 28,400,000 sq mi
13,002 ft (3,963m) Java Trench, 25,344 ft deep
Ocean (73,560,000 sq km)
the southern end of the South
Southern 7,848,000 sq. miles 13,100 - 16,400 ft deep
Sandwich Trench, 23,737 ft (7,236
Ocean (20,330,000 sq km) (4,000 to 5,000 meters)
m) deep
Arctic 5,400,000 sq mi
3,953 ft (1,205m) Eurasia Basin, 17,881 ft deep
Ocean (13,990,000 sq km)

Largest Airport: King Abdul Khalid International Airport (Saudi Arabia)

● Tallest Animal : Giraffe
● Largest Animal : Blue Bottom whale
● Largest Bay : Hudson Bay, Canada.
● Fastest Bird : Swift
● Largest Bird : Ostrich
● Smallest Bird : Humming bird
● Longest Bridge : Huey P. Long Bridge (USA)
● Tallest Building : Dubai Burj (Dubai)
● Longest Canal : Baltic sea White Canal
● Largest Continent : Asia
● Smallest Continent : Australia

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● Largest Country (Area) : Russia

● Smallest Country (Area) : Vatican City
● Most Populous City : Tokyo
● Longest Day : June 21
● Shortest Day : December 22
● Largest Desert : Sahara, North Africa

● Largest Gulf : Gulf of Mexico

● Largest Island : Greenland
● Largest Lake : Caspian Sea.
● Largest Mosque : Jama Masjid, Delhi (India)
● Highest Mountain Peak : Mount Everest (Nepal)
● Highest Mountain Range : Himalayas, Asia.
● Tallest Minaret : Qutub Minar, Delhi (India)
● Biggest Oceans : Pacific Ocean
● Deepest Oceans : Pacific Ocean
● Largest Park : National Park of North-Eastern (Greenland)
● Biggest Planet : Jupiter
● Smallest Planet : Mercury
● Brightest Planet : Venus
● Coldest Planet : Neptune
● Nearest Planet (to the Sun) : Mercury
● Farthest Planet (from the Sun) : Neptune
● Longest River : Nile, Africa
● Largest Sea : South China Sea
● Longest Wall : Great Wall of China
● Highest Waterfall : Angel (Venezuela)
● Hottest Place : Azizia (Libya)
● Lightest Gas : Hydrogen
● Fastest Animal : Cheetah
● Largest Democracy : India

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