Matrices Annd Determinate Lecture Note
Matrices Annd Determinate Lecture Note
Matrices Annd Determinate Lecture Note
Abara 50 40
Nega 30 50
(5030 4050)
N.B The 1st row shows Ato Abara’s Sale and 2nd rows shows Ato Neg’a sale 1st column shows the number of
pens sold and the 2nd column shows the number of books sold
The given information can conveniently be represented in the form of an arrangement of numbers in rows and
columns; such an arrangement is called a matrix
Definition: - a rectangular r array of numbers is called matrix (the plural form is matrices) , and the numbers
are called the entries of the matrix.
an×m is element or entries of a matrix which is found in the n th row and mth column
Rows are mentioned before column
Example. A= (13, 7 5
4 2 ) this is a 3 by 2 matrix the following are entries of A
a 11=1 a 21=3
a 12=7 a 22=4
a 13=5 a 23=2
Order of a matrix
A matrix with m rows and n columns is mxn matrix The pairs (m,n) is called the size of matrix
[2 5 7 8]
[5 6 8 9]
[3 9 0 1]
This matrix A has three rows and four columns. We say it is a 3 x 4 matrix.
We denote the element on the second row and fourth column with a 2,4.
3.2 Types of Matrices
Square matrix
If a matrix A has n rows and n columns then we say it's a square matrix.
In a square matrix the elements ai,i , with i = 1,2,3,... , are called diagonal elements.
( )( )
4 7 6
3 4
8 2 1
5 6
3 2 1
Diagonal matrix
Row matrix
[2 5 -1 5]
Column matrix
[7 1 2] [4 0 3]
[0 5 6] and [1 1 4]
[3 4 6] [8 6 2]
[7 1 ] [7 0 3]
[0 5 ] = [1 5 4]
[3 4 ]
An identity matrix I
[1 0]
[0 1]
[1 0 0]
[0 1 0]
[0 0 1]
A scalar matrix S
A scalar matrix S is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements all contain the same scalar value.
a1,1 = ai,i for (i = 1,2,3,..n)
[7 0 0]
[0 7 0]
[0 0 7]
If we change the sign of all the elements of a matrix A, we have the opposite matrix -A.
If A' is the opposite of A then ai,j' = -ai,j, for all i and j.
A symmetric matrix
[7 1 5]
[1 3 0]
[5 0 7]
A skew-symmetric matrix
[ 0 1 -5]
[-1 0 0]
[ 5 0 0]
Equality of Matrix
Two matrices A and B are called equal (A=B) if and only if
1 .Both matrices are of the same order and
2. Their Corresponding entries are equal
A≠ B, B, ≠ C , A≠ C
Example2: if (−43 x+ 5
2 ) = ( y +3 4 2
z−1 )
Find the value of x,y and z
Example3; - if (5 x−z
x+ y
3 x−2 y
2 y−1 ) = (32 −1
3)find x, y, z
3.3 Matrix Operations
3.3.1 Addition
Definitions : If A and B are any two matrix of the same size, the sum A+B is the matrix obtained by adding
together the corresponding entries in the two matrix matrixes of different size cannot be add
Consider the following sales information by two shops C and D for months of Meskerem and Tikemet 2005
Meskerem 2005
candy soft drink
Slop C 200 300
Slop D 600 200
Tikemet 2005
Candy soft drink
Slop C 400 100
Slop D 700 200
To find the total sales by the two shops we can add the matrices representing the sale
1.If A= (ba c e
d f ) B= ( xg, y, z
h k )
Then A+B= (ba++ xg c+ y e + z
d+ h f + k )
2. If A=(
2 9) (123 104 ) (7+2+312 )
7 6 6+10
B= A+B =
5 13 )
19 16
a. A-B = (7−12
2−4 9−3 ) (−2
−5 −4
6 )
b. B-A = (
2 −6 )
5 4
a. Closure Property
If A and B are matrix of the same order, then their sum i. e A+B is also a matrix of the same order
b. Commutative property
c. Associative property
(A + B ) + C = A + ( B + C )
Corresponding to each matrix, there is one and any one matrix which when added to it gives a null matrix
Let X: ( 42 −1 5
−3 1 )
let X be 2x3 maxtix
( 42 −1 5
3 1
+ ) (
a b c
d e f
0 0 0
0 0 0 ) ( )
a = 4, b = 1 c = -5
d= -2, e = 3 F=-1
A= (−1
, 1, −5
3 −1 )
∴ is called additive inverse of the matrix A
Exercise 1
10 | P a g e
( ) ( )
2 3 7 −3 5 2
1, If A= 5 4 9 and B = 1 5 −3
6 2 5 2 4 6
Find a, A+B b, A – B C, B – A
2. If ( a4 32) + (21 −2b ) - (−21 1c) = (57 03) find the value of a,b and c
3. Find the additive inverse of
( )
1 7 3
A. (
−2 7
3 −5 ) B. −2 5 1
8 −3 −12
When dealing with matrix real number are often referred as scalars
The product of real l number k and a matrix A is the matrix in which each entry is k time the
corresponding entry of A it is denoted by KA.
If A = ( ad b c
e f )
then KA =
ka kb kc
kd ke kf( )
Properties of scalar multiplication of matrix
If m & n are two scalar and A & B matrix of the same order
a. (m + n) A = mA +nA
b. n(A+B)=nA+nB
11 | P a g e
( ) ( )
5 2 2 2
Exercise:-Let A = 4 3 B= 1 4
0 1 3 5
Find 2A and 3B
Multiplication of the matrix A and B which is donated of AB is possible only when the number of column of
A is equal to the number of rows of B.
[2 1 3]. [2] = [19]
[1 3][1 2] = [7 5]
[2 2][2 1] [6 6]
[1 1][2 2] = [0 0]
[1 1][-2 -2] [0 0]
[ 1, 3, 2 ] [ 3, -1, 4 ] [ 1, 16, 5 ]
[ 4, 5, 3 ] [ -2, 3, 1 ] = [ 8, 23, 18 ]
[ 2, 2, 1 ] [ 2, 4, -1 ] [ 4, 8, 9 ]
From these examples we see that the product is not commutative and that there are zero divisors. Zero
divisors are matrices different from a zero matrix, such that the product is a zero matrix.
[1 b c]
A = [0 0 2]
[0 0 1]
13 | P a g e
( )
1 0 0
N.B: ( )
1 0
0 1
0 1 0
0 0 1
matrix of this kind is called an identify matrix and is donated by I, if it is important
to emphasize the size we short write In for nxn identify matrix set of nxn matrix ,
Definition: A square Matrix A is said to be non – singular or invertible if there exist a square matrix B such
that AB= BA= I then A is said to be invertible and B is called an inverse of A
BA = (−12 −5
3 ) (31 52) = (10 01)
B is inverse of A
14 | P a g e
Exercise 1 let A = (−12 30) B= ( ac db)
If B is inverse of A find a, b, c & d
( ) ( )
1 0 2 −11 2 2
Exercise 3;- show that A = 2 −1 3 and B= −4 0 1 are
4 1 8 6 −1 −1
A= ( 14 2 3
5 6 ) B= ( 41 5 5
2 3 )
Matrix B is obtained from A by inter changing y in 1 st and 2nd row
C= (23 1 3
4 5 ) D= (63 3 9
4 5 )
15 | P a g e
Matrix D is obtained from B by multiplying 1st row by 3
E= (21 3 4
3 2 ) F= (27 3 4
12 14 )
F is obtained from E by multiplying 1st row of E by 3 adding it to the 2nd row
Such operation on rows of matrix as described about are called elementary row operations similar we can
define elementary column operator but in this topic we are on going to deal on elementary operation on row
Remark:-The matrix A is said to in echelon form if element below the diagonal are zero
Any matrix can be reduced to echelon form by elementary row operation the procedures is as follows
Step 1. Reduce (1,1)th place to unity by using some elementary row operation
Step2. Reduce the entire element in the first column below the first row to zero with the help of unity
obtained in first step
Step 3. Reduce the element in (2,2)th place to unity by using suitable elementary row operation
Step 4. Reduce all the element in 2nd column below 2nd row to zero with the help of unity obtained in step 3
preceding this way any matrix can be reduced to echelon form
16 | P a g e