Warren Report Aug 2024

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underlying evidence base. For many people, this may well

The CREDS consortium has a wide be CREDS’ most surprising insight.
range of perspectives. For a collection It certainly also means that existing
of academics this is inevitable, and institutions and policies will not be
healthy. But there are some insights adequate. Previous UK governments
that are commonly shared. have failed to address this key
The first is that energy demand conclusion. All significant change
management matters. Use of energy takes time and effort. Particularly in
is fundamental to a modern society, democracies, a ‘long march through
but it is currently the main cause the institutions’ is needed. And there
of greenhouse gas emissions. The are positive signs that these insights
analysis confirms it has to be reduced, are beginning to have traction.
made more flexible and switched to
decarbonised fuels. Reducing the Efficiency first
amount of energy that needs to be Internationally, more recent UN
decarbonised reduces the cost of the assessments are placing much
transition. greater emphasis on changing
demand for fuel, broadly supporting

Identifying ways to reduce

the CREDS' analysis of the scale
of the potential. The International
Energy Agency consistently refers to

energy demand
energy efficiency as ‘the first fuel’, and
the European Commission actively
promotes ‘Energy Efficiency First’.
In the UK, some similar shifts can
be seen in reports from the Climate
Is the new government prepared to rise to the challenge of investing in energy efficiency Change Committee, the National

measures and reducing the country’s energy use? asks Andrew Warren. Infrastructure Commission and the
Government Office of Science. And
he UK has a new government. It within 30 years. These were deemed The work reasserts the importance there are positive signs in the Scottish
arrives determined to deliver grossly over ambitious by the energy of energy efficiency improvements, and Welsh governments and many
the potential that greater establishment at the time, but they and importantly identifies the huge local authorities, as well as forward-
investment in energy efficiency have nonetheless been achieved. boost to its potential offered by thinking businesses and civil society
offers, and these are acknowledged Practically half these savings have electrification. But also established organisations.
to be ‘wins all round’ in economic, come from improvements in energy is that some of the broader For research funders, the CREDS
social and environmental terms. Every efficiency, which have been spread benefits of demand reduction (e.g. initiative has a clear message – inter-
plausible scenario for delivering climate across the three major categories of for health, energy security and disciplinary approaches are still
targets depends critically on delivering energy use: electricity (32%, 123 Mt green employment) also require needed. They can be hard work, but
these improvements. CO₂) heating (34%, 68 Mt CO₂) and more fundamental change in the the challenges of changing demand
The key question remains – how transport (17%, 33 Mt CO₂). systems that drive energy use, in require multiple perspectives.
best to deliver this potential? particular shifts to a circular economy. As importantly, ‘changing energy
Fortunately, for the past six years, Energy demand matters demand’ is not a single topic; the
there has been a major project, A full analysis of what has actually Reducing consumption challenges are diverse and require in-
funded by UK Research & Innovation, been achieved to date can be found Going forward, CREDS’ analyses depth knowledge of specific sectors,
that has been exploring precisely on the Centre’s website (www.creds. show clearly that current UK energy technologies and energy services.
these answers. ac.uk/creds-research-findings/). consumption can be halved by Expertise matters and should be
The Centre for Research into In addition, there are approaching 2050 – and, critically, the policy supported.
Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS) 500 other publications drawn from measures that need to be introduced, One of the biggest long term
has been run by an Oxford University academics based throughout and enforced, to achieve this. The benefit of CREDS will be from the skills
professor, Nick Eyre – a man with the UK involved in this initiative, the research has consistently found that and commitment of the people its
a very practical background in vast majority of these fully peer- fairness matters – not just because existence has brought together. They
the subject. Prior to becoming an reviewed. On the website, these have it is normatively important, but also are part of the generation that will
academic, he worked at a senior been grouped under nine different because perceptions of fairness, or help government map the pathways
level for the Energy Saving Trust. An ‘themes’. The overall findings of otherwise, affect public support for through to complete decarbonisation.
active County Councillor, he was a key the six-year project can be found change. As his professorship becomes
figure seconded to the Cabinet Office, in 15 one-page topic summaries, All this means that managing ‘emeritus’, wise leaders in the new UK
helping create the first energy White each of which provides links to the demand for energy is central to the administration should be expressing
Paper for 30 years, launched by Tony shift to sustainable energy within a zero considerable gratitude to Nick Eyre,
Blair in 2003, which elucidated the emissions concept. Conceptualising for the very remarkable groundwork
entire case for an energy efficiency/ changing energy demand purely in his foresight in creating the insightful
renewables-based future. Managing demand for terms of ‘individual responsibility’, CREDS initiative has provided for
And way back in 1989, he helped ‘greener choices’ or ‘behaviour change’ them. ■
prepare the energy efficiency case for energy is central to the simply misses the point.
Margaret Thatcher’s government shift to sustainable Just like changing energy supply,
Andrew Warren
on the ‘greenhouse effect’. This changing demand requires changes
included the identification of potential
energy in infrastructure, technology and Chairs the British Energy
emission reductions of 477 Mt CO₂ business models. Efficiency Federation

EIBI | JULY � AUGUST 2024 11

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