Labelling The Human Digestive System v1

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Activity: Labelling the human digestive system

ACTIVITY: Labelling the human digestive system

Activity idea

In this activity, students use online and/or paper resources to identify and label parts of the
human digestive system.

By the end of this activity, students should be able to:

● identify and label some of the main structures in the digestive system
● understand the functions of the main structures in the digestive system
● use literacy skills to learn about and discuss the functions of the structures.

For teachers


The human digestive system is responsible for the processes of ingestion and digestion,
absorption of digestion products and the elimination of undigested materials.

The system itself is essentially a long muscular tube assisted by glands and organs.

These articles provide background information:

● The human digestive system
● Large intestine function
● Food’s journey through the digestive system
● Digestion – breaking the large into the small

This activity can be used as a formative or summative tool for learning.

What to do

1. Watch the video Digestion of food.

2. Play the video a second time, but instead of watching it, use it as a voiceover to
accompany the written transcript below the video.

3. Glossary words for the video transcript are accessed just below the video title – click or
touch ‘Glossary’. Select words of interest and download them to a Word document if

4. Use the image Human digestive system and the article The human digestive system for
additional information.

5. Discuss the functions of the digestive structures and associated organs.

Complete the interactive Label the human digestive system or use the paper-based version in
the student handout.

Extension idea

The labelling interactive highlights some of the parts of the human digestive system. It also
touches on their functions. Ask students to use the image Human digestive system to
draw/create a more detailed version of the interactive – including descriptions of the functions.

Label the human digestive system – answers

© Copyright. Science Learning Hub – Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao, The University of Waikato.
Activity: Labelling the human digestive system

© Copyright. Science Learning Hub – Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao, The University of Waikato.
Activity: Labelling the human digestive system

For students

Label the human digestive system

Use labels to identify the parts of the human digestive system.

© Copyright. Science Learning Hub – Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao, The University of Waikato.
Activity: Labelling the human digestive system

Labels Description

duodenum Mixes bile and pancreatic enzymes with gastric juice from the stomach.

gall bladder Stores bile produced by the liver and releases it into the duodenum.

large intestine Muscular tube that absorbs excess water.

Organ that processes nutrients and filters toxins from blood, produces bile
and many other functions.

Muscular tube that contracts to move food from the mouth to the

Organ that secretes digestive enzymes and produces hormones such as


rectum Stores indigestible food matter for disposal.

A long tube that is lined with tiny finger-like structures that maximise the
small intestine
absorption of nutrients.

Muscular J-shaped sac that churns food while it is mixed with acid and

© Copyright. Science Learning Hub – Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao, The University of Waikato.

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