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Ascent [General]

Prerequisite: Character level 30.

Benefit: You begin to surpass the limits of mortal

creatures, gaining an indefinable quality of otherworldliness.

No one who looks upon you can fool themselves into thinking

you anything less than a truly powerful existence. Firstly, you

no longer take penalties to your ability scores for aging and

cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties that have

already been gained, however, remain in place. Age bonuses

still accrue, and you still die of old age when your time is up.

You also gain an immediate +1 inherent bonus to all your

saves and a +1 inherent bonus to your AC.

Greater Ascent [General]

Prerequisite: Character level 40, Ascent

Benefit: Your aspect begins to take on supernatural

qualities: unnaturally bright eyes that shine in the darkness, a

constant and sourceless wind that plays at your hair, an aura

that attracts or repels wild animals, or some other

unmistakably inhuman quality.

Your life span is now at the maximum for your race;

barring a traumatic death, you can expect a long life.

Additionally, your physical attacks gain a +1 inherent bonus to

attack and a +2 inherent bonus to damage. Any spells or

spell-like, extraordinary, or supernatural abilities have their

DCs increased by +1 as an inherent bonus.

Absolute Ascent [General]

Prerequisite: Character level 50, Greater Ascent.

Benefit: You have grown in power to the absolute limits

of a mortal being, warping reality simply by existing. Plants

spring up wherever you trod or clouds constantly occlude the

sun in your vicinity or some other supernatural effect.

You will live for a tremendous time, your lifespan

doubling to twice the normal maximum for your species.

Additionally, you gain a +2 inherent bonus to any ability score

of your choice.

Aura of Conviction [Morale]

Prerequisites: Cha 25, Diplomacy 21 ranks.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can project an aura with a

radius of 30 feet. Every creature you designate within the

area of effect gains DR 5/— or has their existing DR improve

by 5. The targets must be able to see and hear you for this

effect to function. You can maintain this aura as long as you

wish and turning it off is a free action.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. The aura's

effects improve by +2 every time.

Note: You can only have one aura active at any one time.

Aura of Protection [Morale]

Prerequisites: Cha 25, Spellcraft 21 ranks.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can project an aura with a 35

radius of 30 feet. Every creature you designate within the

area of effect gains a +2 insight bonus to AC. The targets

must be able to see and hear you for this effect to function.

You can maintain this aura as long as you wish and turning it

off is a free action.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. The aura's

effects improve by +2 every time.

Note: You can only have one aura active at any one time.

Battlegod [Combat]

Prerequisites: BAB +30, Warlord with the chosen weapon,

Weapon Mastery class feature with the chosen weapon.

Benefit: You have acquired absolute mastery with a

single weapon type, an unrivaled skill that the merely mortal

will never be able to approach. You gain the following

abilities while wielding your chosen weapon:

 +2 competence bonus to AC and Reflex saves;

 +4 competence bonus to CMB and CMD;

 Increase threat range of weapon by +1 (stacks with but is

not increased by the Improved Critical feat, keen weapon

quality, or similar abilities);

 Ignore object hardness and material-based DR (adamantine,

cold iron, silver, etc.);

 Cannot be caught flat-footed or flanked;

 Blindsense out to the reach of your weapon (or 15 feet for

ranged weapons).

Note: Unlike the other feats in the Weapon

Focus/Specialization tree, Battlegod can only be selected

once, for one type weapon. It represents a degree of focus

and training so intense that it is impossible for any creature—

even a god—to have it with more than one type of weapon.

Dual Aura [Combat]

Prerequisites: Cha 27, Aura class feature and/or any 2

'Aura' Morale feats.

Benefit: Any time you active an aura, you may select two

auras. You project both benefits simultaneously.

Note: If your auras have different radii, you use the

smaller of the two.

Epic Brutality [Combat]

Benefit: Gain a +2 damage bonus on all physical attacks.


Epic Dodge [Combat]

Prerequisites: Dex 25, Dodge, Acrobatics 27 ranks,

Improved Evasion class feature.

Benefit: Once per round, when struck by an attack from

an opponent, you may automatically avoid all damage from

the attack.

Epic Weapon Focus [Combat]

Prerequisite: Greater Weapon Focus in the chosen


Benefit: Add a +2 bonus to all attack rolls you make using

the selected weapon.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects

do not stack. Each time you take the feat it applies to a

different type of weapon.

Epic Weapon Specialization [Combat]

Prerequisites: Epic Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon,

Greater Weapon Specialization in the chosen weapon.

Benefit: Add +4 to all damage you deal using the selected


Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects

do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a

different type of weapon.

panded Spell List: Magus [Magic]

Prerequisites: Magus, Int 21, Caster level 21st

Benefit: You gain access to certain 7th

-level spells. This

feat does not grant extra spells per day or give you access to

spells of a higher level than normal. To see when you gain

access to these spells, see Table 3-21: Extracts or Spells per

Day for Epic Alchemists, Bards, Inquisitors, Magi, and


You can select spells of the appropriate level from the

Sorcerer/Wizard spell list from the Abjuration, Conjuration,

Evocation, and Transmutation schools.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. The

second time you select it, you gain access to spells at 8th level,

and the third time you select it, you gain access to spells at 9th level.

Extended Life Span [General]

Benefit: Add one-half the maximum result of your race’s

maximum age modifier to your normal middle age, old, and

venerable age categories. Calculate your maximum age using

the new venerable number. This feat can’t lower your

current age category.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects


Force Spell [Metamagic]

Prerequisites: Spellcraft 23 ranks.

Benefit: A force spell converts all damage inflicted by a

spell into force damage. Force damage ignores all damage

reduction and energy resistances that are not force-specific

and ignores object hardness of less than 30. Enduring force

effects cannot be dispelled by anything weaker than a mage's

disjunction. Any square with an enduring force effect in it

provides cover. A force spell uses up a spell slot three levels

higher than the spell's actual level.

Ignore Material Components [Magic]

Prerequisites: Eschew Materials, Spellcraft 23 ranks,

caster level 21st.

Benefit: You may cast spells without any material

components valued at less than 15,000 gold. Once per day,

you can cast any spell without material components. This

feat does not affect the need for a focus.

Improved Darkvision [General]

Prerequisite: Darkvision.

Benefit: The range of your darkvision doubles. This feat

does not stack with darkvision granted by magic items or

nonpermanent magical effects.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects

stack. Remember that two doublings equals a tripling, and so


Improved Low-Light Vision [General]

Prerequisite: Low-light vision.

Benefit: The range of your low-light vision doubles. This

feat does not stack with low-light vision granted by magic

items or nonpermanent magical effects.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects

stack. Remember that two doublings equals a tripling, and so


Improved Spell Capacity [Magic]

Prerequisite: Caster level 21.

Benefit: When you select this feat, you gain a number of

slots for new Spells per Day equal to your current maximum

spell level. You can distribute these slots however you wish,

but it costs a number of slots equal to the spell level to gain

an additional spell per day of a given level.

For example, a 21st

-level wizard is able to cast spells of up

to 10th

level. Upon selecting this feat, she gains 10 slots to

distribute. She could select 1 additional 10th

-level spell per

day; 2 additional 5


-level spells; or a 9th

-level spell and a 1st

level spell. She could even select 10 additional 1st

-level spells

per day, if she wished; any combination so long as the total

spell level is equal to or less than her current maximum spell


You cannot save spell slots; any not assigned at the time

the feat is chosen are lost. Once assigned, the slots cannot be


Special: You can gain this feat multiple times.

Legendary Fighter [Combat]

Prerequisite: Str 21, Dex 21, Greater Weapon Focus.

Benefit: You gain a +6 bonus to your CMB when

sundering or disarming a foe while using a weapon with

which you have Greater Weapon Focus and to your CMD

when being sundered or disarmed. The bonus increases to

+10 if the foe is also using a weapon with which you have

Greater Weapon Focus.

Maelstrom Spell [Metamagic]

Prerequisites: Elemental Spell.

Benefit: A maelstrom spell changes any energy damage

inflicted by the original spell into a combination of fire, acid,

cold, electricity, and sonic damage. After determining the

original spell's damage, divide the total by 4. Each of the five

different types of energy inflicts this reduced damage for a

total of 125% of the original spell's damage. A maelstrom

spell uses up a spell slot five levels higher than the spell's

actual level.

Magic Item Focus [General]

Benefit: All magic items in your character's possession

use your character's appropriate ability score modifier when

determining the DC of any effects caused by the item. Unless

the item says specifically in its description that you use a

different ability score when determining the DCs of its effects,

arcane magic items use either your Intelligence or Charisma

modifier (decided when the feat is selected) while divine

magic items use your Wisdom modifier.

Note: Most magic items do not explicitly state what the

creator's ability score modifier was when the item was

created, so you may need to consult the item creation rules

and work with your GM to determine the new DCs of your

magic items. Remember that most magic items determine

DCs according to lowest score necessary to cast the spells

involved in creating the item.

Magic Item Mastery [General]

Prerequisites: Magic Item Focus, Arcane Caster Level 23rd

or Divine Caster Level 23rd

Benefit: All magic items in your character's possession

use your character's caster level when determining the caster

level of any spell effects caused by the item. Any spell

effects the magic item generates are now as effective as if

you had cast the spell yourself using the level of your highest

caster class. If the caster level of a magic item is higher than

your current caster level, then you still use the magic item's

caster level.

Magic Item Specialization [General]

Prerequisites: Magic Item Focus.

Benefit: All magic items in your character's possession

become more potent. They gain the following benefits:

 Item power DCs improve by +1.

 DR or SR the item provides improve by +2.

 Skill check or ability check bonuses the item provides

improve by +4.

 Saving throw bonuses the item provides improve by +1.

 Use your character level rather than the caster level when

resisting the effects of dispel magic or greater dispel magic

(provided your character level is higher).

 Gain a +5 bonus to Will saves made to resist mage's

disjunction and items are no longer automatically

destroyed on a roll of natural 1. They can still be destroyed

by a targeted disjunction, but retain their bonus to Will

saves (effectively nullifying the penalty).

Master Mage [Skill]

Prerequisite: Int 21.

Benefit: You gain a +6 bonus on all Fly, Spellcraft, and

Use Magic Device checks.

Multispell [Magic]

Prerequisites: Quicken Spell, caster level 21st.

Benefit: You may cast one additional quickened spell in a


Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects


Overwhelming Critical [Combat]

Prerequisites: Str 23, Improved Critical (chosen weapon),

Weapon Focus (chosen weapon).

Benefit: When using the weapon you have selected, you

deal an extra +1d6 points of bonus damage on a successful

critical hit. If the weapon’s critical multiplier is ×3, add +2d6

points of bonus damage instead, and if the multiplier is ×4,

add +3d6 points of bonus damage instead. Creatures

immune to critical hits can’t be affected by this feat.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects

do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a

different type of weapon.

Perfect Spell [Metamagic]

Prerequisites: Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, Spellcraft

25 ranks.

Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of a perfected spell

are maximized, then doubled. A perfected spell deals twice

maximum damage, cures twice the maximum number of hit

points, affects twice the maximum number of targets, and so

forth, as appropriate. Saving throws and opposed rolls are

not affected. A perfected spell uses up a spell slot eight levels

higher than the spell’s actual level.

Permanent Emanation [Magic]

Prerequisites: Spellcraft 22 ranks, ability to cast the spell

to be made permanent.

Benefit: Choose one caster-centered emanation spell you

know. This spell’s effect is permanent (though you can

dismiss or restart it as a free action). Effects that would

normally dispel this spell instead suppress it for 1d4 rounds.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time,

select a different spell to become permanent.

Polyglot [General]

Prerequisites: Int 25, Linguistics 5 ranks.

Benefit: You can speak all languages. If you are literate,

you can also read and write all languages (not including

magical script).

Second Skin [Skill]

Prerequisite: Medium Armor Proficiency.

Benefit: You no longer incur armor check penalties on

Acrobatics, Climb, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride,

Sleight of Hand, Stealth, and Swim checks.

Spell Opportunity [Magic]

Prerequisites: Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Quicken

Spell, Spellcraft 23 ranks.

Benefit: Whenever you are allowed an attack of

opportunity, you may cast (and attack with) a touch spell as

your attack of opportunity. This incurs attacks of opportunity

just as if you had cast the spell normally.

Sublime Luck [General]

Benefit: Once per day, whenever you roll dice for any

reason—attack rolls, saving throws, spell damage, a

percentile roll for a reincarnation, or anything else requiring a

roll of the dice—before the results of the roll are calculated,

you can elect to roll a second time and take whichever of the

two results you prefer.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time

you take this feat, you gain an additional reroll attempt. No

individual dice roll can be rerolled more than once. 71

Summon Companion [Summoning]

Prerequisite: Cha 21, Prolonged Summons.

Benefit: Once per day, a creature or creatures

summoned with one use of summon monster remain until

they are slain or dismissed.

Spontaneous Spell [Magic]

Prerequisite: Spellcraft 21 ranks, ability to cast the

maximum normal spell level of at least one spell-casting class.

Benefit: Select a spell you can cast. You may

spontaneously convert any prepared spell of the selected

spell’s level into the selected spell, just as a cleric channels

energy to convert spells into cure spells. This counts as

spontaneous casting for the purposes of feats and class


Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time

you take this feat, it applies to a different spell.

Vacuum Slash [Combat]

Prerequisites: Dex 23, Str 23, BAB +20, Weapon

Supremacy with a weapon from the Axe, Heavy Blade, Light

Blade, Natural, or Polearm weapon group.

Benefit: When using a weapon with which you have

Weapon Focus from one of the Fighter weapon groups listed

above, you can use a standard action to slash your weapon

with enough force to project a wave of air pressure that

strikes all targets within a 15-foot cone. Resolve your attack

normally against each target to see if the strike is successful.

If there are barriers blocking the cone (such as doors, trees,

walls, etc.), you can make an automatic attack against these

as well. If you inflict enough damage to cut through the

obstacle, the attack will continue for the full 15 feet. If you

fail to inflict enough damage, the attack is stopped by the

barrier. This ability can be used once every 1d4 rounds.

Special: A monk that selects Weapon Focus with their

unarmed strike or a monk weapon treats their base attack

bonus as 5 points higher for the purposes of qualifying for

this feat.

Vast Spell [Metamagic]

Prerequisites: Widen Spell.

Benefit: A vast spell has its area of effect increased by

x10 along all axes. A vast spell uses up a spell slot six levels

higher than the spell's actual level.

Warlord [Combat]

Prerequisites: BAB +25, Weapon Supremacy with the

chosen weapon, Weapon Training class feature in a Weapon

Group including the chosen weapon.

Benefit: When making a full attack with your chosen

weapon, you gain one additional attack at your highest base

attack bonus. This ability does not stack with magical effects

that duplicate the effect (such as a weapon of speed or the

haste spell).

Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Its effects

do not stack, instead apply the feat to a new weapon each


Weapon Supremacy [Combat]

Prerequisites: Epic Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon,

Epic Weapon Specialization in the chosen weapon.

Benefit: Gain a +1 to hit and +2 to damage with the

chosen weapon. These bonuses stack with those from the

Weapon Focus/Specialization progression. Additionally, while

wielding your chosen weapon, you cannot be disarmed and

your weapon cannot be sundered. You also gain the ability to

attempt disarms on targets that are normally immune (such

as from the fighter's Weapon Mastery class ability), unless

their immunity comes from Weapon Supremacy.

Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Its effects

do not stack, instead apply the feat to a new weapon each


Weapon Aficionado [Combat]

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +15.

Benefit: Select one weapon group (see the Fighter's

weapon training class feature for groups). You receive a +1 to

hit and damage with all weapons in this group. Additionally,

treat yourself as a Fighter of half your character level for the

purpose of qualifying for feats such as Weapon Specialization.

Any Fighter levels a character may have are not divided when

figuring your qualifications for feats.

Special: This feat can be selected multiple times. Its

effects do not stack. Every time it is chosen, it applies to a

new weapon group. Weapons falling into more than one

group still only receive the bonus to hit and damage once.

Note: This feat does not stack with the bonus from a
Fighter's Weapon Training class feature.

Wide Pool [Magic]

Prerequisites: Int 21, True Magus class feature.

Benefit: Your arcane pool increases by an amount equal

to your Intelligence modifier. If your Intelligence increases,

this bonus is increased retroactively.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects


White Lotus Gale [Combat]

Prerequisites: Dex 25, Str 25, BAB +23, Vacuum Slash.

Benefit: When using your Vacuum Slash, the cone now

reaches 30 feet and you can elect to make your targets

shaken. Each target must make a Fortitude save DC 10 + 1/2

your HD + your Str modifier or be shaken for 1 round.

Special: A monk that selects Weapon Focus with their

unarmed strike or a monk weapon treats their base attack

bonus as 5 points higher for the purposes of qualifying for

this feat.

Widen Aura [Morale]

Prerequisite: Cha 25, Aura class feature to be chosen or

any 'Aura' Morale feat.

Benefit: Select one of your auras. It now extends 100

feet from you.

Special: This feat can be selected multiple times. Each

time, it applies to a new aura.

Fluid [strong abjuration, CL 22nd]

Shimmering and seemingly only semi-solid, fluid armor

has no armor check penalty, no Maximum Dexterity, and the

Spell Failure is reduced by 25%. Medium fluid armor does not

reduce the wearer's speed.

Special: Armor cannot have the fluid and obdurate or

unbreakable qualities at the same time.

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, freedom

of movement

Market Price: +7 bonus

Fortification, Absolute [strong abjuration, CL 26th]

This suit of armor or shield produces a magical force that 80

protects vital areas of the wearer more effectively. When a

critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the wearer, it is

negated and damage is instead rolled normally.

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, wish or


Market Price: +9 bonus

Obdurate [strong transmutation, CL 22nd]

Turning dull and gritty, obdurate armor is significantly

tougher than normal armor, gaining a hardness of 25 and

doubling its hit points.

Special: Armor cannot have either the fluid or reflex

quality at the same time as it has the obdurate quality.

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor,


Market Price: +6 bonus

Unbreakable [strong transmutation, CL 24th]

Rigid and unyielding, glittering as bright as a polished

mirror without the slightest scratch marring its immaculate

surface, unbreakable armor is almost impossible to damage

by normal means, gaining a hardness of 40 and increasing its

hit points by x10. Additionally, it is immune to the effects of

any spell that causes physical damage and specifically targets

items, such as disintegrate or heat metal.

Special: Armor cannot have either the fluid or reflex

quality at the same time as it has the unbreakable quality.

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, iron

body, polymorph any object

Market Price: +8 bonus

Dragonskin Armor [strong transmutation, CL 24th]

This +5 full plate armor is crafted from the hide of a great

wyrm dragon. At the wearer’s command, the armor sprouts

enormous dragon wings, allowing the wearer to fly at a speed

of 90 feet (clumsy) for a total of 4 hours each day. The armor

also grants immunity to a specific type of energy, based on

the color of dragon that supplied the armor. Roll d% on Table

6-5: Dragonskin Armor to determine the color and immunity.

The wearer of the armor takes a -4 circumstance penalty

on Diplomacy checks with dragons, but gains a +4

circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks against dragons.

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor,

protection from energy, shapechange

Market Price: 564,550 gold

Annihilation [strong transmutation, CL 27th]

A weapon of annihilation appears normal until its power

is activated, at which point the entire weapon is replaced by a

terrible construct of absolute blackness. Every motion of the

weapon bends light and tears apart anything it touches while

attacks devour matter and energy with equal completeness,

though the wielder remains unaffected. A weapon of

annihilation deals +5d6 points of bonus untyped energy

damage. On a successful critical hit it instead deals +10d6

points (or +15d6 if the critical multiplier is ×3, or +20d6 if the

critical multiplier is ×4). Any creature slain by a weapon of

annihilation is utterly destroyed, leaving not even dust to

mark its passing. Only the direct intervention of a major deity

can revive an annihilated character.

Additionally, once every 2d4 rounds, the wielder of a

weapon of annihilation can unleash the barely-constrained

destructive force of their weapon for a single heartbeat,

making the weapon and its wielder the center of a howling

vortex as earth, air, and enemies are all dragged into the

weapon and consumed. In that moment, everything within a

40-foot radius is pulled towards the weapon. Targets must

make a Reflex save DC 21 or be dragged in; flying or floating

creatures receive a -8 penalty to this save. Any object or

creature that comes into contact with the weapon at this

point must make a Fortitude save DC 38 or be utterly

destroyed as described above. On a successful save, targets

instead take 10d6 points of untyped energy damage. So long

as they maintain a firm grip on the weapon, the wielder is

immune to these effects.

A weapon of annihilation has a few weaknesses. If a gate

spell is cast upon it, there is a 75% chance that the weapon is

harmlessly destroyed and a 25% chance that a gap is torn in

space, catapulting everything within a 180-foot radius into a

random plane. Everyone within the affected area except the

wielder is allowed a Reflex save DC 38 to avoid the effect. If a

rod of epic cancellation touches a weapon of annihilation,

they negate each other in a tremendous explosion.

Everything within a 60-foot radius takes 20d6 points of

damage. A Reflex save DC 21 will halve this damage. If a

weapon of annihilation is wielded during one of these

attempts, it counts as an attended object and can use its

wielder's saving throws if they are better than the weapon's.

Even though the gate spell does not normally allow a saving

throw, the object is allowed a Will save against the caster's

DC for a spell of the appropriate level if it is used in this


Prerequisites: Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor,

imprisoned disintegrate

Market Price: +12 bonus

Universal Energy Immunity [strong abjuration, CL 25th]

This ring functions as a ring of energy immunity for all

types of energy: fire, cold, electricity, acid, and sonic. The

wearer takes no damage from energy of any of these types.

Prerequisites: Forge Epic Ring, protection from energy

Market Price: 2,250,000 gp

Epic Rod Descriptions

Standard epic rods are described below.

Epic Metamagic Rods: Any rod that allows the wielder to

use an epic metamagic feat, multiple non-epic metamagic

feats, or affect spells above 9th

level is an epic rod.

To construct an epic metamagic rod, the caster must

possess the metamagic feat or feats to be used. The caster

level required to produce the epic rod is equal to 20 + the

level adjustment of the metamagic feat or the total level

adjustments of the multiple metamagic feats. Use the base

level adjustment or the sum of the base level adjustments of

the multiple feats, unmodified by feats such as Improved

Metamagic or class features such as Metamagic Mastery. The

cost depends on if you are creating a minor, normal, major,

or absolute epic metamagic rod. 100

A minor epic metamagic rod can affect spells of up to 3rd

level and costs an amount equal to the base level

adjustment(s) squared x 30,000.

An epic metamagic rod can affect spells of up to 6th


and costs an amount equal to the base level adjustment(s)

squared x 60,000.

A major epic metamagic rod can affect spells of up to 9th

level and costs an amount equal to the base level

adjustment(s) squared x 90,000.

An absolute epic metamagic rod can affect spells of any

level and costs an amount equal to the base level

adjustment(s) squared x 200,000.

Angelic Fanon [strong abjuration, CL 21st]

This silken doubled shoulder-cape is a symbol of the

church's highest levels of faith. While worn, a character

cannot die. No matter what injury, illness, or magic is used

against them, their hit points will merely keep decreasing, but

they will remain unconscious rather than dead, no matter

how low their total becomes. They are also immune to death


Any non-good creature wearing the angelic fanon gains

five negatives levels and does not benefit from its abilities.

The negative levels remain as long as the fanon is worn and

disappear when it is removed. These negative levels cannot

be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while

the fanon is worn.

Slot: Shoulders

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, breath of life

Market Price: 2,830,000 gp

Belt of Epic Physical Perfection [strong transmutation, CL 23


This belt adds an enhancement bonus of +8 or higher to

all three of the wearer’s physical scores (Strength/Dexterity/

Constitution); it increases by increments of +2. The required

caster level increases by 3 for every increment and the

market price equals the enhancement bonus squared x 40,000.

Slot: Belt

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, bear's

endurance, bull's strength, cat's grace

Market Price: 2,560,000 gp

Book of the Word [strong abjuration, CL 24th]

This beautifully-embossed, gold-inlaid, leather-bound

tome reveals incredible power in the hands of skilled

spellcaster. Up to three times per day, the owner of the book

of the word can automatically attempt to counterspell any

other magic-user's spell as if they had readied an action to


They must be aware of the spell and otherwise able to

react (not paralyzed, restrained, etc.), must be holding the

book in at least one hand, and must have either an

appropriate spell or dispel magic or greater dispel magic

available to make the attempt, but doing so consumes no

action on the wielder's part. They can attempt more than

one counterspell per round, but no more than one attempt

per spell.

Slot: —

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, quickened

greater dispel magic

Market Price: 1,800,000 gp

Cindersteps [strong evocation, CL 30th]

Knee-high boots of black dragon leather, warm to the

touch no matter the temperature. When worn, the obsidian

heels crackle with every step, leaving scorched boot prints

wherever the wearer treads. The wearer gains fire immunity.

Additionally, twice per day as a swift action, they can grant

the wearer a fly speed of 120 with good maneuverability for

up to 30 minutes.

When flying no more than 20 feet above a solid surface,

the wearer can generate a wall of fire effect over every

square they pass as a free action for 1 round. The wall of fire

persists for 30 rounds. This ability can be used once every

time a new use of the boots' flight ability is activated.

Slot: Feet

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, fiery body,

quickened fly, wall of fire

Market Price: 624,000 gp

Cloak of Epic Resistance [strong abjuration, CL 21st]

These garments offer magic protection in the form of a

+6 or higher resistance bonus on all saving throws (Fortitude,

Reflex, and Will); it increases by increments of +1. The

required caster level is equal to three times the resistance

bonus (minimum 21st) and the market price is equal to the

resistance bonus squared x 10,000.

Slot: Shoulders
Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, resistance

Market Price: 360,000 gp

Crown of the Sages [strong conjuration, CL 30


A winged golden crown set about with sapphires and

turquoise, trailed by a fine golden mesh. It actually drifts 117

slightly above the wearer's head (though it still occupies the

'head' magic item slot), and any who don it become immune

to all mind-affecting effects and cannot be detected by any

means, as if protected by a mindblank spell.

Slot: Head

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, enduring


Market Price: 1,820,000 gp

Dragonclaws [strong transmutation, CL 24th]

Crafted of fossilized dragonbone, these heavy gauntlets

permit the wearer to overcome any magical force that wishes

to bar their path. As a standard action, the wearer can

deliver a solid blow with one of the gauntlets to any of the

following spells, completely negating it: blade barrier,

clenched fist, crushing hand, forcecage, forceful hand,

grasping hand, interposing hand, prismatic sphere, prismatic

wall, resilient sphere, telekinetic sphere, wall of fire, wall of

force, wall of ice, wall of lava, wall of sound, wind wall, and

any additional non-epic spell subject to spell resistance that

produces a similar effect, at the GM's discretion.

Slot: Hands

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, freedom of

movement, mage's disjunction

Market Price: 660,000 gp

Hat of the Library [strong conjuration, CL 26th]

This tall, pointy hat is the wizard's best friend, serving the

role of a spellbook. So long as it is worn, any spell read by an

arcanist who normally uses a spellbook is stored in the hat's

memory, be it from a spellbook, a scroll, or some other

source. When preparing his or her spells normally, the

arcanist can memorize any spell stored in the hat just as if

they had memorized it from their spellbook as normal. Only

the original wearer can access the spells stored in the hat in

this fashion. If it is donned by a new wearer who attempts to

store a spell in it, all of the previous wearer's spells are erased

and the new wearer's catalogue of spells is started.

Slot: Head

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, mage's


Market Price: 476,000 gp

Headband of Epic Mental Superiority [strong transmutation,

CL 22


This belt adds an enhancement bonus of +8 or higher to

all three of the wearer’s mental scores (Intelligence/Wisdom/

Charisma); it increases by increments of +2. The required

caster level increases by 3 for every increment and the

market price equals the enhancement bonus squared x 40,000.

Slot: Headband

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, eagle's splendor,

fox's cunning, owl's wisdom

Market Price: 2,560,000 gp

Mantle of Epic Spell Resistance [strong abjuration, CL 29th]

This garment is worn over normal clothing or armor. It

grants the wearer spell resistance 40.

Slot: Chest

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, spell resistance

Market Price: 290,000 gp

Mask of Shadows [strong conjuration, CL 24th]

A masquerade mask of sable and silver, with a plume of

raven's feathers at either temple, it allows the wearer to see

in non-magical dim light and darkness as if it were average

illumination. Additionally, the wearer is able, as a move

action, to enter an area of dim light or shadows and teleport

instantly to another area with similar illumination

characteristics in a manner similar to the spell dimension door.

The wearer can move in this fashion up to 500 feet per day.

They do not need to expend all the distance in a single

teleportation, but they cannot teleport less than 10 feet in a

single jump or more than a total of 500 feet in a single day.

Slot: Head

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, shadow walk

Market Price: 817,000 gp

Minimap [strong illusion, CL 21st]

A clear glass sphere about the size of an apple, it can

emit light like a torch. It's real power, however, is to record

and reproduce an image of everything its light has touched.

So long as its light is active, the minimap is recording images

and can play back small versions of them at varying degrees

of magnification from 2x magnification up to 100x

magnification. The most usual use for this item is to produce

detailed maps of dungeons and other locations adventurers

may frequent. While it will generally record everything, the

minimap produces still images and things that move around

too much—usually living creatures—will not show up on the


Slot: —

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, light, project


Market Price: 260,000 gp

Potion Harness [strong conjuration, CL 21st]

This complex web of straps and pouches can be loaded

with up to 12 potions at one time. Every round, at the user's

command, any potion in the harness can be administered to

the wearer as a free action. Alternately, up to three potions

can be administered as a swift action, up to six potions as a

move action, up to nine potions as a standard action, or up to

all twelve potions as a full-round action.

Slot: Body

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, touch injection

Market Price: 750,000 gp

Robe of the Master Magi [strong varied, CL 25


This gaudy garment of metallic cloth is attuned to one of

three types of alignment. It can be golden (good), silver

(neutral), or adamantine (evil). To most wearers, the robe

offers no powers or has no effects unless the wearer's

alignment matches that of the robe. Only an arcane

spellcaster can fully realize this potent magic item's powers

once the robe is donned. These powers are as follows:

 +11 armor bonus to AC

 Spell resistance 32

 +6 resistance bonus on all saving throws

 +4 enhancement bonus on caster level checks made to

overcome spell resistance

 -1 to total level adjustment for metamagic feats applied to

every spell

If a golden robe is donned by an evil character, she

immediately gains six negative levels. The same is true with

respect to an adamantine robe donned by a good character.

An evil or good character who puts on a silver robe, or a

neutral character who dons either a golden or adamantine

robe, gains four negative levels. These negative levels remain

as long as the garment is worn and cannot be overcome in

any way (including through restoration spells). Negative

levels are immediately removed if the robe is removed from

the wearer.

Slot: Body

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, antimagic field,

extended mage armor or extended shield of faith

Market Price: 4,730,000 gp

Scroll Bands [strong abjuration, CL 26th]

These black armbands seem innocuous at first, but when

the wearer reads a magic scroll, they can choose to store the

power of the spell within the bands instead, causing them to

glow with an incandescent light. Up to three spells of any

level can be stored in such a way at any one time. Such spells

can be released in tandem with an unarmed attack as if the

stored spell had been cast with the Quicken Spell metamagic

feat. The spell does not necessarily have to affect the

unarmed attack—you could just as easily cast a shield or

summon monster IX—but it must be cast at the same time as

an attack.

Slot: Wrists

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, greater spell


Market Price: 800,000 gp

Tornado Bracelet [strong conjuration, CL 28th]

A truly potent item, the wearer of this mithral mesh

bracelet can automatically apply the Quicken Spell

metamagic feat to any spell of the teleportation subschool up

to six times per day. Additionally, any time they are affected

by a spell of the teleportation subschool that would

immediately end their turn, such as dimension door, they can

instead continue acting normally.

Slot: Wrists

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, walk through


Market Price: 2,600,000 gp

Tornado Bracelet [strong conjuration, CL 28th]

A truly potent item, the wearer of this mithral mesh

bracelet can automatically apply the Quicken Spell

metamagic feat to any spell of the teleportation subschool up

to six times per day. Additionally, any time they are affected

by a spell of the teleportation subschool that would

immediately end their turn, such as dimension door, they can

instead continue acting normally.

Slot: Wrists

Prerequisites: Craft Epic Wondrous Item, walk through


Market Price: 2,600,000 gp

Nexus Crystal

Slot none; CL 18th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura strong conjuration


These cloudy, white crystals are believed to form spontaneously— though

extremely infrequently— when a region ofplanar chaos drifts near a lawfully
oriented one. When carried by a non-mythic creature, a nexus crystal bestows the
ability to survive the conditions of a hostile plane as though the bearer
were native to that plane. For example, the crystal would give immunity to the
fires of the Plane of Fire and the life-draining radiation of the Negative Energy
Plane. Any adaptation given protects only against the hazards of the plane itself,
not the creatures within it—fire attacks from creatures on the Plane of Fire are still
hazardous to the bearer. The crystal doesn't provide protection against extreme
conditions not normally experienced by inhabitants of the given plane, such as the
vacuum of space on theMaterial Plane.

When carried by a mythic creature, a nexus crystal has the following additional

 As a standard action, the bearer can bestow the crystal's planar

adaptation ability to another by touching the creature with the crystal and
expending one use of mythic power. The protection can be withdrawn over
any distance on the same plane with a standard action. The use of mythic
power can't be recovered while the protection remains in place. If another
creature claims the crystal and uses this ability, any protection bestowed by
the previous owner immediately ends.
 As a standard action, the bearer can use plane shift to move herself and up
to seven other willing creatures to any plane she is familiar with by
expending one use of mythic power. If traveling to a location she's already
visited, she can reduce the inaccuracy of plane shift by expending two uses
of mythic power when she does so, in which case she appears 1d6–1 miles
(minimum 0 miles) from her destination.
 As a standard action, the bearer can touch another creature with the nexus
crystal and expend three uses of mythic power to use plane shift to move
the target to a random plane (Reflex DC 27 negates).
 As a standard action, the bearer can expend two uses of mythic power to
create a widened dimensional lockcentered on the crystal instead of on a
point in space. The lock lasts for 24 hours or until dismissed.
 As a full-round action, the bearer can attempt to draw back other creatures
that teleported away by expending four uses of mythic power. If she
succeeds at a DC 40 Knowledge (planes) check, the bearer can draw back up
to one creature per mythic tier she possesses that departed via
a conjuration (teleportation) effect in the previous round. To draw back a
creature, the bearer must be within 15 feet of the location the creature left
from. If the creature resists, it can attempt a Will save (DC 25 + the bearer's
tier) to avoid returning.

The bearer can choose freely which creatures from a group to pull back, and can
even pull back creatures that departed with different means or to different
destinations, as long as their points of departure are within range.

A nexus crystal can be destroyed by invoking its plane shift power as the bearer
steps through a gate. Doing so destroys the crystal and the gate, and the resulting
magical explosion causes 18d10 points of damage to creatures within a 2-mile-
radius burst of either side of the gate (Reflex DC 27 for half damage). Permanent
gates between planes could potentially be destroyed in this fashion, at the GM's

Rod of Spell Sundering

Slot none; CL 18th; Weight 4 lbs.; Aura strong abjuration


This 3-foot-long aspen rod bears glyphs of protection and abjuration. Each end is capped with a smooth copper

While holding the rod, the bearer automatically perceives any spell cast (or spell-like ability used) within a 120-foot
radius, even if she can't otherwise perceive the caster. Spells cast from spell completion and spell trigger items are
automatically detected as well. The bearer immediately knows the specific spell cast, whether or not it was from a
magic item, its level, the caster level, and whether the spell is arcane or divine.

When the bearer of the rod of spell sundering counters a spell, she can counterspell with any spell of equal or greater
level she's prepared, automatically countering as if she'd cast the proper spell to counterspell. As an immediate
actionafter countering a spell, the rod's wielder can expend one use of mythic power to reflect the spell back on the
caster. The rod's bearer must have line of effect to reflect a spell, unless the spell reflected doesn't require it. Treat
the caster as the target, center, or origin of the spell's effect, as appropriate.

Treat the spell as though cast by the rod's bearer on the caster.

The power of the rod of spell sundering augments the spell, increasing the DC of any saving throws by 2 and the
spell'scaster level by the bearer's tier.

When used as a weapon, the rod of spell sundering functions as a masterwork light mace. On a successful attack, it
targets the creature struck with greater dispel magic, with a caster level equal to its bearer's character level plus her
mythic tier.

This effect can also be delivered with a successful melee touch attack made using the rod.


A rod of spell sundering can be destroyed by leaving it within an area devoid of all magic for a year and a day. After
this, it must be broken across the knee of a spellcaster formerly capable of casting at least 5th-level spells who lost
her powers by using mage's disjunction on an artifact.


Slot head; CL 20th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura strong conjuration, illusion, and transmutation


This mithral cap includes prominent guards for the eyes and nose. The helmet was forged under duress by a dwarven
smith to further the ambitions of his mad brother. The Tarnhelm has the following powers.
 The wearer gains the shapechanger subtype.
 The wearer gains immunity to polymorph effects, except ones he chooses to allow to affect him.
 At will, the wearer can use greater invisibility as a spell-like ability for as long a duration as desired.
 At will, the wearer can change his appearance in the same fashion as a hat of disguise, with a DC
25 Will save required to disbelieve the illusion. If the Tarnhelm is used to create a disguise, the wearer
receives a +25 bonus on the Disguise check.
 Three times per day, the wearer can use greater teleport, exactly as if he had cast the spell of the same
name. The wearer can teleport additional times by expending one use of mythic power per teleport.
 Three times per day, the wearer can assume the form of an animal as though he had cast beast shape IV,
except the duration lasts until the effect is dismissed or dispelled. The wearer can change shape additional
times by expending one use of mythic power per transformation.
 By expending two uses of mythic power, the wearer can assume the form of Gargantuan chromatic or
metallicdragon. The effect lasts until dispelled or dismissed. He gains a +14 size bonus to Strength, a
+12 size bonus toConstitution, a +10 natural armor bonus, a fly speed of 150 feet (poor), blindsense 90
feet, darkvision 180 feet, abreath weapon, DR 15/magic, frightful presence (DC 23), one bite (4d6), two
claws (2d8), two wing attacks (2d6), and one tail slap (2d8). All his breath weapons deal 16d8 points of
damage and allow a Reflex save (DC 10 plus his tier plus his Constitution modifier) for half damage. This
ability otherwise functions as form of the dragon III.


The Tarnhelm can be destroyed by being struck by a succession by hammer blows from a dwarven smith wielding
anadamantine hammer, a human smith with a steel hammer, and an elven smith using a hammer of spun glass. Each
must succeed at a DC 30 Craft (armor) check when landing the blow.

Failure destroys the hammer, disrupts the attempt to destroy the Tarnhelm, and deals 12d6 points of damage to the


Price +4 Bonus; Aura strong abjuration; CL 13th; Weight —


Once per day, when this armor's wearer is subject to either a critical hit or a sneak attack made with a melee
weapon, she can automatically negate that critical or sneak attack and make it a normal attack. If the attack is both
a sneak attackand a critical hit, the wearer must decide which of those she wants to negate before the damage is
rolled. One use of this special ability doesn't negate both. A mythic wearer can expend two uses of mythic power to
use this ability an additional time per day, and can even expend two more uses of mythic power to negate both
a critical hit and sneak attack from the same attack. This ability can be applied only to heavy armors.


Cost +4 bonus; Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Mythic Crafter; Spells limited wish or miracle


Price +2 Bonus; Aura moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Weight —


A harvesting weapon siphons away mythic power from one mythic creature to empower another. Whenever a mythic
wielder confirms a critical hit against another mythic creature, the weapon leeches away one use of the target's
mythic power and transfers it to the wielder. If the wielder already has her maximum number of uses of mythic
power, the target's use of mythic power is still leeched, but the wielder doesn't gain it. The weapon can do this a
number of times per day equal to the enhancement bonus of the weapon.

If the harvesting weapon is a legendary item, the wielder can have the mythic power that is leeched replenish one of
that weapon's uses of legendary power. Only melee weapons can have this ability.

Cost +2 bonus Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Mythic Crafter; Spells steal power


Price +2 Bonus; Aura strong transmutation; CL 12th; Weight —


As a swift action, the wielder can expend one use of mythic power to increase the weapon's enhancement bonus by
half his mythic tier (minimum 1, to a maximum of a +6 enhancement bonus) and give it the ability to bypass damage
reduction. These benefits last for 1 round. Melee and ranged weapons can have this ability, but not ammunition.


Cost +2 bonus; Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Mythic Crafter; Spells greater heroism, greater magic weapon


Price 10,000 gp; Slot none; CL 18th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura strong conjuration


This divine food comes in many forms, from a light and airy honeyed cake to a
deep, rich chocolate. A mythic creature that eats this food is restored and
replenished. Eating this food takes 1 minute, and when the meal is done, the
consumer regains all her uses of mythic power for the day. If a non-mythic creature
consumes ambrosia, that creature is subject to neutralize poison, remove curse,
and remove disease, each at caster level 10th. A mythic creature can choose to
either gain this effect instead of regaining mythic power.


Cost 5,000 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Mythic Crafter; Spells greater
heroism, heal

Nectar of the Gods

Price 5,000 gp; Slot none; CL 12th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura strong conjuration


This fragrant mead is made from the purest honey gathered from sunny meadows, mixed with rare herbs in the
moonlight, and fermented in earthen jars. Consuming nectar of the gods is a standard action that restores 1d4+1 uses
of mythic power to a mythic creature (up to the creature's maximum). If a non-mythic creature consumes this drink,
it works like the heroism spell, lasting for 1 day. A jar contains only a single draft of this potent beverage.


Cost 2,500 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Mythic Crafter; Spells heroism

Book of Banishing
Price 50,000 gp; Slot none; CL 18th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura strong abjuration


This immense tome contains dozens of banishing rituals, each written in an ever-changing mix of languages.

It can be read only by way of comprehend languages or a similar translating effect. As a full-round action, a mythic
creature can flip to and read an appropriate ritual of banishment for a particular category of extraplanar creatures,
such as angels or devils. Creatures not of that category are unaffected. The reader's caster level for this ritual is
double her mythic tier.

Once the ritual is read, the book counts as an object that the chosen creatures hate and fear, granting a +2 bonus on
the reader's caster level check to overcome the chosen creatures' spell resistance. If other objects and substances
that can affect the caster level check to overcome spell resistance are available, the book's user can apply those
objects and substances when using the banishment ritual, further increasing her bonus.

A book of banishing can be safely read once per day. If read additional times during that period (regardless of who
reads it), the reader must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or suffer the effects of a feeblemind spell. This save DC
increases by 5 each additional time the book is read that day.


Cost 25,000 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Mythic Crafter, banishment, any one of cloak of chaos, holy aura, shield
of law, or unholy aura

Bountiful Bottle

Price 4,000 gp; Slot none; CL 6th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate transmutation


This oddly shaped, transparent bottle has one chamber nested inside the other and two separate spouts, one leading
into the smaller inner bottle, and the other into the outer bottle. To use the bottle, the inner chamber is filled with
a potionand the outer chamber filled with water.

When left alone for 24 hours, the water in the outer chamber slowly takes on the properties of the potion in the inner
chamber, creating a second dose of the potion (though the bottle is unable to replicate potions with expensive
materialcomponents). The second dose of created potion must be quaffed from the bountiful bottle to be effective,
and loses its potency if transferred to another container. By expending one use of mythic power, the time it takes to
transform apotion is shortened to a full-round action.


Cost 2,000 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Mythic Crafter; Spells universal formula

Headband of Sealed Thoughts

Price 150,000 gp; Slot headband; CL 15th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura strong abjuration


Uncomfortably sharp protrusions bristle on the inner edge of this heavy, bronze headband. It grants its wearer a
+4enhancement bonus to Intelligence. Treat this as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the headband is

It also grants skill ranks as a headband of vast intelligence +4. The wearer is protected from all effects that gather
information about her via divination, and gains a bonus equal to her mythic tier on saving throws against mind-
affectingeffects. This protection otherwise functions as mind blank, except the headband provides no protection
against limited wish, miracle, and wish, and it doesn't grant a resistance bonus on saving throws.
When the wearer succeeds at a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, she can rebound the effect onto the
caster as an immediate action by expending one use of mythic power. Treat this as the original spell or effect, except
the wearer is treated as the caster and the original caster as the target. The rebounded spell affects only the original
caster, and rebounding doesn't prevent the original spell from affecting targets other than the wearer of the
headband of sealed thoughts.


Cost 75,000 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Mythic Crafter; Spells fox's cunning, mind blank, spell turning

Penitent's Robes

Price 95,000 gp; Slot body; CL 16th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura strong varied


This humble, threadbare robe grants a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws. A mythic wearer can unlock
additional powers by upholding vows. The wearer selects up to five vows, but no more than she has mythic tiers. For
each vow taken, the wearer must expend one use of mythic power. This use can't be regained as long as the vow is
kept and the wearer retains the robe. After 24 hours adhering to one or more vows, the wearer gains additional
benefits from the robe.

 1 vow: +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws, +1 competence bonus on all skill checks
 2 vows: +3 resistance bonus on all saving throws, +4 armor bonus to AC
 3 vows: +4 resistance bonus on all saving throws, +2 competence bonus on all skill checks
 4 vows: +5 resistance bonus on all saving throws, +6 armor bonus to AC
 5 vows: +8 armor bonus to AC, and all save DCs for the wearer's spells increase by 1

The wearer receives the bonuses from lower levels as well.

For example, with 3 vows, the wearer receives a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws, a +2 competence bonus on all
skill checks, and a +4 armor bonus to AC. The armor bonus provided by the robe can be further improved by magic
vestment and similar spells.

The wearer can select from the following vows.

 Abstain from consuming meat and touching dead creatures.

 Abstain from consuming liquor, drugs, and similar substances, including any magic item that takes effect
through eating or drinking.
 Carry nothing made of metal.
 Refrain from dealing lethal damage.
 Refrain from speaking.
 Refrain from touching others, including touching them with or through clothing.
 Speak and write only the truth.

If a vow is broken, the robe's benefits immediately drop to those granted by the number of vows still kept. Broken
vows can be regained only by way of an atonement spell.


Cost 47,500 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Mythic Crafter; Spells magic vestment, prayer, resistance

Ring of Energy Dampening

Price 31,500 gp; Slot ring; CL 10th; Weight — ; Aura moderate abjuration

When the wearer is about to take acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, this band of braided copper and silver
writhes like a snake. It provides resistance 5 to acid, cold, electricity, and fire. The wearer can expend one use of
mythic power as an immediate action when taking damage of one of these types to upgrade the resistance
to immunity for that attack or effect only. Also, once per day when the wearer takes damage of one of these types,
the wearer can grantresistance 5 to the energy type damaging him to all allies within 20 feet. This resistance lasts for
1 minute.


Cost 15,750 gp; Feats Forge Ring, Mythic Crafter; Spells protection from energy, shield other

Ring of Transcendent Spells

Price 30,000 gp; Slot ring; CL 13th; Weight — ; Aura strong universal


This jade ring is carved in the shape of an ouroboros. Three times per day, the wearer can use it to empower a spell
she casts. This grants her a +2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance, and increases the save DC of
the spell (if any) by 2.

While enhancing a spell this way, the caster can expend one use of mythic power plus an additional use per two spell
levels (minimum two uses), to instead cast the mythic version of her spell (though not an augmented version of the
mythic spell) as if she knew the mythic version of that spell. This has no effect if the spell doesn't have a mythic
version. The save DC increase for being a potent mythic spell stacks with the save DC increase granted by using the
ring's power.

For example, if the wearer enhances fireball with this ring, she can expend two uses of mythic power to cast
mythicfireball instead (one use plus one use for a 3rd-level spell).


Cost 15,000 gp; Feats Forge Ring, Mythic Crafter limited wish, mnemonic enhancer

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