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Senior Bread and Pastry Prod Q1 - M2

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Redeveloped Division Initiated Self-Learning Module

Department of Education
i – Division of Palawan
TVL Bread and Pastry Production NC II– Grade 11/12
Developed Division Initiated - Self-Learning Module
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Types, Kinds and Classification of Bakery Products
First Edition, 2021

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Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM.
This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
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In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
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Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests.
And read the instructions carefully before performing each task

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.

Types, Kinds and Classification of
First Quarter Bakery Products
Week 1

MELC’s : Prepare and produce bakery products

Objective/s :
1. Know a variety of bakery products according to
standard mixing procedures/ formulation/recipes
desired product
2. Identify the variety of bakery products
3. Prepare a variety of bakery products according
to standard mixing procedures/ formulation/recipes
desired product characteristics

What I Know
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. It is added to the liquid ingredients and mixed with the dry ingredients to
make soft dough.
A. Water B. Butter C. Oil D. Fats

2. They are leavened with fast-acting leaveners which make preparation

time shorter than any yeast leavened bread.
A. Muffin B. Biscuits C. Cookies D. Quick Breads

3. These are simple cup breads leavened and are considered a member of
the quick bread family.
A. Muffin B. Biscuits C. Cookies D. Quick Breads

4. This method combines all the ingredients together at one time to make the
A. Straight Method C. Sponge and Dough Method
B. Lean Dough D. Rich Dough

5. This dough is used in making rolls, coffee cakes, and the sweet bread
A. Straight Method C. Sponge and Dough Method
B. Lean Dough D. Rich Dough

6. It is always popular. They are really “little cakes, flat, sweet and small.
A. Quick breads B. Cookies C. Biscuits D. Muffin

7. It is the process of separating coarse particles in the ingredients by passing

through a sieve. Air is incorporated through this method.
A. Stirring B. Whipping C. Sifting D. Cut and Fold

8. It is done to incorporate air in a mixture by mechanical agitation.

A. Beating B. Cutting In C. Folding D. Whipping

9. Rubbing one or two ingredients in a bowl with the help of a wooden spoon
or electric mixer to make a soft fluffy mixture.
A. Stirring B. Beating C. Whipping D. Creaming

10. A combination of two motions cutting vertically through the mixture and
turning over and over by gliding the spoon or rubber scraper across the
bottom of the mixing bowl at each turn.
A. Cut and fold B. Cutting In C. Folding D. Stirring

What is It

Types, Kinds and Classification of Bakery Products

Preparing bakery products requires no trick but adequate mastery of the
processes in baking. This module will provide you hands-on experience in baking.
Baking has become not just a favorite past time or hobby but a highly profitable
Bread is one of the most popular and best sold baked products, not only
in our country but in other countries as well. Many countries have bread as their
staple food. Breads can also be a source different vitamin that needed by our
body. Those are; Fiber, Energy, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates, B vitamins, Iron, and
Calcium, sugar.
There are different kinds of bread. Whatever kind of bread is eaten, people
remember it for its quality. It is by maintaining good quality that popular bakeries
or bread houses keep their customers.
The quality of bread is affected by the type of ingredients used, the
manner the dough is mixed or prepared, and the temperature maintained during
baking. A wide variety of additives may be used, from fruits and nuts to various
fats, to chemical additives designed to improve flavor, texture, color and shelf

Methods of Mixing Dough

1. Straight method - This method combines all the ingredients together at one
time to make the dough. The dough is kneaded and set aside to rise.
2. Sponge and dough method - This method mixes part of the liquid, flour, and
all of the yeast to make a soft mixture which is set aside to rise until bubbly.
Then, the remaining ingredients are added and the mixture is treated as
straight dough.

Kinds of Dough in Baking Bread

1. Lean dough. The Basic ingredients for bread which include flour, yeast,
salts, a little sugar, and shortening make up the lean dough. This dough is
made up into Pan de Sal, Pan Amerikano, French bread, and other crusty
bread varieties.
2. Rich dough. Aside from the basic ingredients for bread, rich dough has
butter, nuts, fruits, eggs, and condiments. Milk is often used, too. Rich
dough also uses more sugar. This dough is used in making rolls, coffee
cakes, and the sweet bread varieties.

Bread products can also be prepared using butter instead of dough. Preparation
of this type of bread is faster since there is no dough to knead and shape.

However, the texture of the finished product is not as fine as that of kneaded

Characteristics of a Well-Made Bread

Bread of high quality is characterized by the following:
1. It is large for its weight, well-rounded top, and free from cracks and
2. The crust is thin with an even golden-brown color.
3. It has fine and even grain, elongated cells, and thin cell wall making the
crumb smooth, soft, elastic, and creamy white with a silken sheen.
4. It does not crumble easily.
5. It has a sweet and nutty odor, not sour.

Cookies are always popular. They are really “little cakes, flat, sweet and
small. They can be made in a variety of shapes and flavors, and can be served
in just as many different ways.

Kinds of Cookies
• Drop cookies - are irregular and unevenly shaped. They are made simply
by dropping the cookie batter from a teaspoon to a baking sheet to get
the popular tongue-shaped cookies.
• Rolled cookies - are made from dough which have been rolled out and
cut with cutters to form shapes that fit special occasions such as Christmas,
Valentine’s Day and Easter.
• Pressed or Bagged Cookies – are made with more butter, which makes the
finished product richer in taste than the other types of cookies. They are
made by pressing the mixture out of a cookie presser or pastry tube onto
the baking sheet, and at the same time forming it into varied shapes like
rings or ribbons.
• Cookie bar- this type of cookie is cut into bars after baking. They are usually
small and square.
• Refrigerated cookies – this type of cookie is frozen and cut into desired
shapes before baking.

Mixing Techniques
Mixing methods greatly affect flour mixtures and its resulting product. Various
techniques have been developed for efficiency and convenience. Some of
them are
as follows:
• Creaming - Rubbing one or two ingredients in a bowl with the help of a
wooden spoon or electric mixer to make a soft fluffy mixture. The
creamed mixture should have both smooth and grainy particles.
• Cutting in - Mixing fat and flour with the use of a pastry blender or two
knives in a scissor-like manner. This method cuts fat into small pieces,
coating them with flour to form coarse, granular mixtures for pastries and

• Folding - This is working with two ingredients very gently to retain air in the
mixture. It often involves one delicately textured ingredient such as
beaten egg white or whipped cream, which would be reduced to
nothing if handled crudely, and a batter type mix.
• Cut and Fold - A combination of two motions cutting vertically through
the mixture and turning over and over by gliding the spoon or rubber
scraper across the bottom of the mixing bowl at each turn.

• Beating - It is done to incorporate air in a mixture by mechanical

agitation. It could be done with the aid of special gadgets like those that
wire whips, eggbeaters or electric food mixers or with a fork.

• Stirring – It is often done with a wooden spoon, rotating it through a

mixture as long as necessary usually until the ingredients are combined.

• Whipping – It is a process of beating eggs and cream to fill them with air
and make them thick and fluffy.

• Sifting – It is the process of separating coarse particles in the ingredients

by passing through a sieve. Air is incorporated through this method.
Muffins are simple cup breads leavened and are considered a member of the
quick bread family. A variety of quick loaf breads and coffee cakes can be
derived from the basic muffin recipe.

Outside Characteristics of Muffin and Quick Breads

• Shape: Uniform; well-rounded top; free from peaks; no cracks.
• Size: Uniform; large in proportion to weight.
• Color: Uniform golden brown.
• Crust: Tender; pebbled or slightly rough; shiny

Inside Characteristics of Muffin and Quick Breads

• Color: Creamy white or slightly yellow; free from streaks.
• Grain: Round, even cells; free from tunnels.
• Texture: Tender; moist; light.
• Flavor: Pleasing; well-blended with no bitterness.

Biscuits are small flaky quick breads. They are leavened with fast-acting
leaveners, which make preparation time shorter than any yeast-leavened

Two Ways to Make Biscuits:

• Using solid fats
Solid fats are cut into the flour with a fork, a pair of knives or a pastry
blender until it coats the flour and is fairly crumbly and mealy. Liquid is
added to make a soft dough and then the mixture is rapidly but lightly

kneaded to evenly distribute the mixture and sufficiently develop the
gluten for flaky product.

• Using liquid shortening or “Wet to Dry Method”

Liquid shortening or oil is added to the liquid ingredients and mixed with
the dry ingredients to make soft dough. It is kneaded rapidly but lightly
and treated like the solid fat dough.

Outside Characteristics of Biscuits

• Shape: Uniform; straight sides and level tops on rolled biscuits
• Size: Uniform; twice the size of unbaked biscuits
• Color: Uniform golden-brown tops and bottoms—sides lighter; free from
yellow or brown
• Crust: Tender; moderately smooth; free form excess flour

Inside Characteristics of Biscuits

• Color: Creamy white; free from yellow or brown spots.
• Grain: Flaky, pulling off in thin sheets; medium fine, even cells.
• Texture: Tender; slightly moist; light.
• Flavor: Pleasing, well blended with no bitterness.

NOTE: Drop biscuits will be nicely rounded with rough and crisper crust. They will
not be as flaky.

What I Can Do

Activity 1. Fill in the blanks.

Directions: Arrange the jumbled words from the box. Write the correct word in
the underlined beside each jumbled word. Choose the correct answer to each
question. Write in your answer sheet.

GIHH AYULTQI ________________

FINFUM ________________
AOFRLV ________________
DINSIE ________________
SICTSUBI ________________
APPREDER ________________
RADEB ________________
SECKOOI ________________
GIMNIX GOHUD ________________
UTRETB ____________________

1. Grain, Texture, and Flavor are the _________ characteristics of biscuits.

2. Bread products can also be prepared using _______ instead of dough.
3. The type of ingredients used affects the quality of bread, the manner the
dough is ______________________, and the temperature maintained during
4. One of the characteristics of ___________________ bread is large for its
weight, well-rounded top, and free from cracks and bulges.
5. Straight, Sponge and dough method are Methods of ___________.
6. You may identify the inside Characteristics of Muffin and Quick Breads by
its ___________ because of no bitterness taste.
7. _____________is also known as staple food.
8. ________________ can be made in a variety of shapes and flavors, and can
be served in just as many different ways. They are also known as Drop,
Rolled, Pressed, and Refrigerated.
9. ________________ are leavened with fast-acting leaveners, which make
preparation time shorter than any yeast-leavened bread.
10. ________________ is a variety of quick loaf breads.

Activity 2. Analysis.
Directions: Look for a Bakeshop in your area, list down all the bakery products
they offered/sell. Evaluate and categorize the following by its types, kinds,
classifications and characteristics.
Name of Product Types Kinds Classifications Characteristics










Guide Question:

1. What are the products they offered that have met the standard quality?
2. In what way do you think these skills will help you as a student?
3. What attitudes could be developed alongside mastering these skills?
4. As a student how can you appreciate and apply this skill?

What’s More
Activity 3. Let’s Investigate!
Direction: Answer the following questions. Write the answer in your answer

1. Why it is the importance of knowing the types, kinds and classification of

bakery products?

2. Why is it necessary to master this skill?


Clarity of information, grammar, spelling 30%
Organization 10%
Timely 10%
Total 50%

Activity 4- Performance Task.
Directions: Browse from the internet the process on how to perform Whipping
eggs and cream. Execute the steps and procedure in Whipping eggs and cream
through Video Recordings. Present your video output to your teacher for

Rubrics of criteria Points

Follow correctly the steps and procedure in whipping eggs and
Follow the steps and procedure in whipping eggs and cream with
Follow the steps and procedure in whipping eggs and cream with
minimal error
Cannot follow the steps and procedure in whipping eggs and cream 5

Matching type
Direction: Match the appropriate definition of column A to
column B.
Column A Column B

1. It has a sweet and nutty odor, not sour.

2. This type of cookie is frozen and cut into
desired shapes before baking.
3. Rubbing one or two ingredients in a bowl with b. ROLLED COOKIES
the help of a wooden spoon or electric mixer
to make a soft fluffy mixture. c. COOKIE BAR
4. These are made from dough which have
been rolled out and cut with cutters to form d. CREAMING
shapes that fit special occasions such as
Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter. e. BEATING
5. This type of cookie is cut into bars after baking.
They are usually small and square in shape. f. STIRRING
6. It is often done with a wooden spoon, rotating
it through a mixture as long as necessary
usually until the ingredients are combined. h. DROP COOKIES
7. They are irregular and unevenly shaped.
8. It could be done with the aid of special i. CUT AND FOLD
gadgets like wire whips, egg beaters or
electric food mixers or with a fork. j. WELL-MADE BREAD
9. A combination of two motions cutting
vertically through the mixture and turning over k. BISCUITS
and over by gliding the spoon or rubber
scraper across the bottom of the mixing bowl
at each turn.
10. Air is incorporated through this method.

What I Have Learned

Activity 5. COMPLETE ME!

Direction: Complete the given statements with the knowledge you acquired or if
there are unclear concepts that needs to be clarified from this lesson. Bear in mind to
accomplish the task with honesty.

I learned… I need help with…

The lesson helped me… Example
I have a question…

I am still confused about… I could use this information…

I need to practice… IWantMore
I need to practice more on…


Multiple Choice
Direction: Let us check how much you learned about the lesson. Answer
the question below and write only the letter of your answer in your paper.

1. Fiber, Energy, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates, B vitamins, Iron, Calcium, and

sugar are vitamins that can be found in?
a. Cookies c. Bread
b. Muffin d. Biscuits

2. It is affected by the type of ingredients used, the manner the dough is

mixed or prepared, and the temperature maintained during baking
a. Quality of bread c. Mixing technique
b. Dough d. Ways to make biscuits

3. This method mixes part of the liquid, flour, and all of the yeast to make a
soft mixture, which is set aside to rise until bubbly. Then, the remaining
ingredients are added and the mixture is treated as straight dough.
a. Lean dough
b. Rich dough
c. Straight Method
d. Sponge and dough method

4. It is become a highly profitable business.

a. Bread c. Cookies
b. Baking d. Biscuits

5. It is always popular. It can be made in a variety of shapes and flavors,

and can be served in just as many different ways.
a. Biscuits c. Cookies
b. Muffin d. Well-made bread

6. It is leavened with fast-acting leaveners which make preparation time

shorter than any yeast leavened bread.
a. Well-made bread c. Cookies
b. Biscuits d. Muffin
7. It has fine and even grain, elongated cells, and thin cell wall making the
crumb smooth, soft, elastic, and creamy white with a silken sheen.
a. Muffin c. Biscuits
b. Well-made bread d. Cookies

8. The following are the outside characteristics of the biscuits. Except.

a. Shape c. Crust
b. Size d. Texture
9. It is added to make a soft dough and then the mixture is rapidly but lightly
kneaded to evenly distribute the mixture and sufficiently develop the
gluten for flaky product.
a. Liquid c. Butter
b. Oil d. Yeast

10. These are cut into the flour with a fork, a pair of knives or a pastry blender
until it coats the flour and is fairly crumbly and mealy.
a. Solid fats c. Dough
b. Butter d. None of the above

1. c
2. b
11. Drop cookies
4. a
12. Rolled cookies
5. d
13. Pressed or Bagged
6. b
7. c
14. Cookie bar
8. a
15. Refrigerated cookies
9. d
10. a
ACTIVITY 1 Answer may vary
1. c 1. j
6. FLAVOR 2. a 2. a
8. COOKIES 3. d 3. d
10. MUFFIN 4. b 4. b
5. c 5. c
ACTIVITY 3&4 6. b 6. f
Answer may vary
7. b 7. h
8. d 8. e
9. a 9. i
Answer may vary
10. a 10. g
Answer Key

Bakery products nutrition www.google.com last accessed August 3, 2021


Types of bakery products www.google.com last accessed August 3, 2021


Classification of bakery products www.google.com last accessed August 4,


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – SDO Palawan

Curriculum Implementation Division Office

2nd Floor DepED Palawan Building
Telephone no. (048) 433-3292

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LRMS Building, PEO Compound
Telephone No. (048) 434-0099


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