Eng. 10 Dll-Nov. 14-18

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School Baybay National High School Grade Level Grade 8

GRADE 8 Teacher Paul James G. Luzon Learning Area English

DAILY Teaching Dates and August 1-5, 2016 Quarter First


I. OBJECTIVES Organize notes taken Arrange notes in Determine the Use the appropriate
reading style
Note the changes
from an expository one-step word, meaning of words in volume,
text phrase, and and expressions (scanning, projection, pitch,
sentence outline that reflect the skimming, speed stress, intonation,
reading, intensive
forms local culture by juncture, and rate
reading etc.) for
noting context clues of speech that
one’s purpose
affect meaning
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a means of exploring forces that human beings contend
with; various reading styles vis – à-vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as carriers of meaning; ways by
which information may be organized, related, and delivered orally; and parallel structures and cohesive devices in
presenting information.

B. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an informative speech based on a specific topic of interest
keeping in mind the proper and effective use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and appropriate prosodic
features, stance, and behavior.

C. Learning Competencies/ EN8WC-Ih-6: EN8WC-Ih-6.2: EN8V-Ih-6: EN8RC-Ii-7: EN8LC-Ii-5.2:

Write the LC code for each
II. CONTENT Organizing Notes Arranging Notes Context Clues Skimming Intonation
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson Elicit the Recall the techniques Let the students read Let them read a brief Ask them the
or presenting the new lesson student’s prior in arranging notes. the short article. article. meaning of
knowledge in intonation.
organizing notes.
B. Establishing a purpose for Let the students give Explore the articles. Ask the purpose of Give the advantages Ask why we have to
the lesson the uses of organizers. context clues. of skimming. use intonation.

C. Presenting examples / Give examples of Discuss organizers. Show examples on Show the examples Show them a video
instance of the new lesson organizers. the ways how to use of articles about intonations.
context clues. highlighting the
skimming to get the
D. Discussing new concept Perform Task in LM Perform Task in LM Perform Task in LM Perform Task in LM Perform Task in LM
and practicing new skills #1

E. Discussing new concept and Guess the graphic Give the name of the Get the meaning of the Skim the article to Critique the video
practicing new skills #2 organizers used. organizers. new word. answer the
F. Developing mastery Discuss student’s Draw your own Discuss the answers of Discuss the students Report the responses
(Leads to Formative responses. organizers. the students. answers.
Assessment 3)

G. Finding practical application Cite instances that Games about Write a reflection Cite instances that Give comments
of concepts and skills in daily depicts the uses of organizers. about the uses of depicts the use of
living graphic organizers. context clues skimming.

H. Making generalizations and Summarize the day’s Finish the open-ended Finish the open-ended Finish the open- Summarize the topic
abstractions about the lesson discussion questions. questions. ended questions.
I learned that… I learned that… I learned that…
I realized that… I realized that… I realized that…
I. Evaluating learning Organize notes taken Arrange notes in Determine the Use the appropriate Note the changes
from an expository one-step word, meaning of words reading style in volume,
text phrase, and and expressions (scanning, projection, pitch,
sentence outline that reflect the skimming, speed stress, intonation,
reading, intensive
forms local culture by juncture, and rate
reading etc.) for
noting context clues of speech that
one’s purpose
affect meaning

J. Additional activities for Give time to students Perform the LM task Perform the LM task Perform the LM task Perform the LM task
application or remediation to do peer tutoring.


A. No. of learners who earned 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus
80% in the evaluation
8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary

8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1

Average Average Average Average Average

B. No. of learners who require 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus

additional activities for
remediation 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary

8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1

Average Average Average Average Average

C. Did the remedial lessons Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
work? 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary

8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1

Average Average Average Average Average

D. No. of learners who 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus

continue to require
remediation 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary

8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1

Average Average Average Average Average

E. Which of my strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Gender and Development
(GAD) Integration
Class Proficiency Level (CPL) 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus 8-Gladiolus

8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary 8- Rosemary

8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1 8- SPS 1

Average Average Average Average Average

Prepared by: Checked by:


Department Head

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