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Test report

Number: T251-0292/18 Project file: C20180568

Date: 2018-04-10
Pages: 41
Product: GPS/GLONAS/GSM Terminal

Type reference: FM-Eco4 Light S, FM-Eco4 Light+ S, FM-Eco4+ S, FM-Eco4+ E S

Rating s: 6- 31,5 Vdc

Protection class: III

Trademark: RUPTELA

Applicant: UAB RUPTELA

Perkunkiemio g. 6, LT-12130 Vilnius, Lithuania

Manufacturer: UAB RUPTELA

Perkunkiemio g. 6, LT-12130 Vilnius, Lithuania

Place of manufacture: UAB RUPTELA

Raudondvario pl. 242C, LT-47153 Kaunas, Lithuania

Summary of testing
Testing method: Draft EN 303 446-1 V1 .1. O

Testing location: SIQ Ljubljana, Mašera-Spasiceva ulica 10, Sl-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Remarks: Date of receipt of test items: 2018-01-19

Number of items tested: 2
Date of performance of tests: 2018-02-23 - 2018-04-06
The test results presented in this report relate only to the items tested.
The products comply with the requirements of the testing methods.

Tested by: Aljaž Bajec Approved by' Luk~

The report shall not be reproduced except in full.

Corrected page due to new Place of manufacture: 2018-09-14.

SIQ Ljubljana, Tržaška cest a 2, 51-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
T +38614778100, F +38614778444,[email protected],www.siq.si
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History sheet
Date Report No. Change Revision
2018-04-10 T251-0292/18 Initial Test Report issued. --

Environmental conditions:
Ambient temperature: 15 C to 35 C
Relative humidity: 30 % to 60 %
Atmospheric pressure: 860 mbar to 1060 mbar

1.1 Equipment under test

Type: FM-Eco4 Light S, FM-Eco4 Light+ S, FM-Eco4+ S, FM-Eco4+ E S

Tested SIQ sample number:

FM-Eco4 Light+ S: S20180420 (tested under all sections)

FM-Eco4+ E S: S20181759 (tested under sections: 4.1 and 4.2)

FM-Eco4 Light+ S is full assembly product. FM-Eco4 Light S is only different from FM-Eco4 Light+ S in not having
battery charger. FM-Eco4+ S is identical to FM-Eco4 Light+ S except in housing. FM-Eco4+ E S is identical to
FM-Eco4 Light+ S with additional external GNSS antenna.

And due that FM-Eco4 Light S, FM-Eco4 Light+ S, FM-Eco4+ S and FM-Eco4+ E S are all covered with this test
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1.2 Operating voltages/frequencies used for testing

Section Test Operating conditions
3.1 Conducted emission measurement /
6 Vdc
3.2 Radiated emission measurement
31,5 Vdc
3.3 Harmonics current emission measurement /
3.4 Voltage fluctuation measurement /
4.1 Immunity to electrostatic discharge 30 Vdc
6 Vdc
4.2 Radiated electromagnetic field immunity test (RS)
31,5 Vdc
6 Vdc
4.3 Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test
31,5 Vdc
4.4 Surge immunity test /
4.5 Transient and surges /
4.6 Immunity to conducted disturbances induced by RF fields (CS) 30 Vdc
4.7 Magnetic field immunity test /
4.8 Voltage dips and short interruptions immunity test (DIP) /

1.3 Operating modes

No. Operating mode
1 On
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STANDARDS (details on first page) Tested Sample
yes no pass not pass
Draft EN 303 446-1
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standard for combined and/or integrated radio
and non-radio equipment; Part 1: Requirements for equipment intended to be used in    
residential, commercial and light industry locations; Harmonised standard covering the
essential requirements of article 3.1 (b) of Directive 2014/53/EU
Draft EN 301 489-1
ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part
1: Common technical requirements; Harmonised Standard covering the essential    
requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU and the essential requirements
of article 6 of Directive 2014/30/EU
Draft EN 301 489-19
ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part
19: Specific conditions for Receive Only Mobile Earth Stations (ROMES) operating in
   
the 1,5 GHz band providing data communications and GNSS receivers operating in the
RNSS band (ROGNSS) providing positioning, navigation, and timing data; Harmonised
Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU
Draft EN 301 489-52
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part
52: Specific conditions for Cellular Communication Mobile and portable (UE) radio and    
ancillary equipment; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of
article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU
EN 55032
   
Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment – Emission requirements
EN 61000-3-2
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits - Limits for harmonic current    
emissions (equipment input current ≤ 16 A per phase)
EN 61000-3-3
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3: Limits - Limitation of voltage changes,
   
voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems, for equipment
with rated current <= 16 A per phase and not subject to conditional connection
EN 55024
Information technology equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of    

Section within
Test Basic standard Class Conclusion
the report
Conducted emission measurement EN 55032:2015 3.1 / N/A
Radiated emission measurement EN 55032:2015 3.2 B PASS
Harmonics current emission measurement EN 61000-3-2:2014 3.3 / N/A
Voltage fluctuation measurement EN 61000-3-3:2013 3.4 / N/A

Required Achieved
Test Basic standard Conclusion
criterion criterion
Immunity to electrostatic discharge EN 61000-4-2:2009 B A PASS
Radiated electromagnetic field
EN 61000-4-3:2006 + A1:2008 + A2:2010 A A PASS
immunity test (RS)
Electrical fast transient/burst
EN 61000-4-4:2004 B A PASS
immunity test
Surge immunity test EN 61000-4-5:2006 / / N/A
Transient and surges ISO 7637-2:2004 See test report T251-0293/18
Immunity to conducted disturbances
EN 61000-4-6:2009 A A PASS
induced by RF fields (CS)
Magnetic field immunity test EN 61000-4-8:2010 / / N/A
Voltage dips and short interruptions
EN 61000-4-11:2004 / / N/A
immunity test (DIP)
* NOTE: for detailed criterion achievement refer to each test separately
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2.1 Performance/observation criterion (Radio part)

If there are no special manufacturer performance criteria defined, those bellow are used for evaluation.

EN 301 489-19:
Checked shall be:
• the storage of messages in the memory of the EUT at the start of the test;
• unintentional responses of the EUT during the test;
• the maintenance of the EUT memory assessed at the conclusion of the test;
• the ability to receive and store messages at the conclusion of the test.

Performance criteria for Continuous phenomena applied to ROMES and ROGNSS receivers (CR)
• Stated above;
• during the test no false calls shall occur;
• at the conclusion of the test comprising the series of individual exposures the EUT shall operate as intended with
no loss of functions or stored data (messages), as declared by the manufacturer.

Performance criteria for Transient phenomena applied to ROMES and ROGNSS receivers (TR)
• Stated above;
• during the test no false calls shall occur;
• at the conclusion of the test comprising the series of individual exposures, the EUT shall operate as intended
with no loss of function and/or stored data (messages), as declared by the manufacturer.

EN 301 489-52:

Performance criteria for Continuous phenomena applied to Transmitters (CT)

At the conclusion of the test, the EUT shall operate as intended with no loss of user control functions or stored
data, and the communication link shall have been maintained.

Performance criteria for Transient phenomena applied to Transmitters (TT)

At the conclusion of each exposure the EUT shall operate with no user noticeable loss of the communication link.
At the conclusion of the total test comprising the series of individual exposures, the EUT shall operate as intended
with no loss of user control functions or stored data, as declared by the manufacturer, and the communication link
shall have been maintained.

Performance criteria for Continuous phenomena applied to Receivers (CR)

At the conclusion of the test, the EUT shall operate as intended with no loss of user control functions or stored
data, and the communication link shall have been maintained.

Performance criteria for Transient phenomena applied to Receivers (TR)

At the conclusion of each exposure the EUT shall operate with no user noticeable loss of the communication link.
At the conclusion of the total test comprising the series of individual exposures, the EUT shall operate as intended
with no loss of user control functions or stored data, as declared by the manufacturer, and the communication link
shall have been maintained.
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2.2 Performance/observation criterion (non-Radio part)

If there are no special manufacturer performance criteria defined, those bellow are used for evaluation.

A During and after the test the EUT shall continue to operate as intended without operator intervention. No
degradation of performance or loss of function is allowed. If the minimum performance level or the
permissible performance loss is not specified by the manufacturer, then either of these may be derived from
the product description and documentation, and by what the user may reasonably expect from the EUT if
used as intended.
B After the test, the EUT shall continue to operate as intended without operator intervention. No degradation of
performance or loss of function is allowed, after the application of the phenomena. During the test,
degradation of performance is allowed. However, no change of operating state or stored data is allowed to
persist after the test.
If the minimum performance level (or the permissible performance loss) is not specified by the manufacturer,
then either of these may be derived from the product description and documentation, and by what the user
may reasonably expect from the EUT if used as intended.
C During and after testing, a temporary loss of function is allowed, provided the function is self recoverable, or
can be restored by the operation of the controls or cycling of the power to the EUT by the user in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions.
Functions, and/or information stored in non-volatile memory, or protected by a battery backup, shall not be

No. Observation for immunity testing

1 Connection to PC via terminal
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3.1 Conducted emission measurement

3.1.1 Limits of conducted emission measurement

Limit Class B (dBV)

Frequency (MHz)
Quasi-peak Average
0.15 – 0.5 66 - 56 56 - 46
0.5 – 5.0 56 46
5.0 – 30.0 60 50


3.1.2 Test procedure

 The EUT was placed 0.4 meters from the conducting wall of the shielded room with EUT being connected to
the power mains through a line impedance stabilization network (LISN). LISN provide 50 Ohm/ 50 H+5 Ohm
of coupling impedance for the measuring instrument.

 AC power line of EUT was checked for maximum conducted interference.

 The frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz was searched.

3.1.3 Test setup

Vertical Reference
Ground Plane

Test Receiver 40 cm

80 cm

80 cm

Horizontal Reference
Ground Plane

For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related item – Photographs of the Test Configuration.

3.1.4 Test results

Test is not applicable due to DC power supply.
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3.2 Radiated emission measurement

3.2.1 Limits of radiated emission measurement

Class B (at 3 m)
Frequency (MHz)
30 – 230 40
Quasi Peak
230 – 1000 47
1000 – 3000 50
3000 – 6000 54
1000 – 3000 70
3000 – 6000 74

NOTE: • The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.

• Emission level (dBV/m) = 20 log Emission level (V/m).

3.2.2 Test procedure

1. The EUT was set 3 m away from the interference-receiving antenna, which was mounted on the top of
variable-height antenna tower.

2. The antenna is a broadband antenna, and its height is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground
to determine the maximum value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna
are set to make the measurement.

3. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the antenna was tuned to
heights from 1 meter to 4 meters and the turn table was turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the
maximum reading.

4. The test-receiver system was set to Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth with Maximum Hold

5. The highest points would be re-tested one by one using the quasi-peak method.
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3.2.3 Test setup

Ant. Tower

1-4 m
Support Units


Ground Plane

Test Receiver

For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related item – Photographs of the Test Configuration.

3.2.4 Test result

• The measurement uncertainty is calculated in document EN122E

Operating modes: 1
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Figure 1: Radiated emission measurement

Figure 2: Radiated emission measurement

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3.3 Harmonics current emission measurement

3.3.1 Configuration

1. The EUT was placed on the top of a wooden table/support 0.8 (or 0.1m for floor-standing equipment) meters
above the ground and operated to produce the maximum harmonic components under normal operating
conditions for each successive harmonic component in turn.

2. The correspondent test program of test instrument to measure the current harmonics emanated from EUT is
chosen. The measure time shall be not less than the time necessary for the EUT to be exercised.

3. Harmonic currents less than 0,6% of the input current measured under the test conditions, or less than 5 mA,
whichever is greater, are disregarded

3.3.2 Test setup

Measuring System &

AC Power Source


For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related item – Photographs of the Test Configuration.

3.3.3 Test results

Test is not applicable due to power consumption being less than 75 W.
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3.4 Voltage fluctuation measurement

3.4.1 Configuration
1. The EUT was placed on the top of a wooden table/support 0.8 (or 0.1m for floor-standing equipment) meters
above the ground and operated to produce the most unfavourable sequence of voltage changes under
normal operating conditions.

2. During the flicker measurement, the measure time shall include that part of whole operating cycle in which the
EUT produce the most unfavourable sequence of voltage changes. The observation period for short-term
flicker indicator is 10 minutes and the observation period for long-term flicker indicator is 2 hours.

3.4.2 Test setup

Measuring System &

AC Power Source


For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related item – Photographs of the Test Configuration.

3.4.3 Test results

Test is not applicable due to EUT is unlikely to produce voltage fluctuations or flicker.
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4.1 Immunity to electrostatic discharge

4.1.1 Test specification

Basic Standard: EN 61000-4-2
Discharge Impedance: 330  / 150 pF
Air Discharge- 8 kV (Direct)
Discharge Voltage:
Contact Discharge- 4 kV (Indirect, Direct)
Polarity: Positive / Negative
Number of Discharges: Minimum 200 discharges (100 positive and 100 negative polarity)
Discharge Mode: Single Discharge
Discharge Period: 1-second minimum

4.1.2 Test procedure

The discharges shall be applied in two ways:

1. Contact discharges to the conductive surfaces and coupling planes:

The EUT shall be exposed to at least 200 discharges, 100 each at negative and positive polarity, at a
minimum of four test points. One of the test points shall be subjected to at least 50 indirect discharges to the
center of the front edge of the horizontal coupling plane. All other test points shall be subjected to at least 50
direct contact discharges. If no direct contact points are available, then at least 200 indirect discharges shall
be applied in the indirect mode. Test shall be performed at a maximum repetition rate of one discharge per

2. Air discharges at slots and apertures and insulating surfaces:

On those parts of the EUT where it is not possible to perform contact discharge testing, the equipment should
be investigated to identify user accessible points where breakdown may occur. Such points are tested using
the air discharge method. This investigation should be restricted to those area normally handled by the user.

For air discharge testing, the test starts with 2 kV and continues with value increased by 2 kV up to and
including the specified test level.
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The basic test procedure was in according with EN 61000-4-2:

1. Electrostatic discharges were applied only to those points and surfaces of the EUT that are accessible to
users during normal operation.
2. The test was performed with at least ten single discharges on the pre-selected points in the most sensitive
3. The time interval between two successive single discharges was at least 1 second.
4. The ESD generator was held perpendicularly to the surface to which the discharge was applied and the return
cable was at least 0,2 meters from the EUT.
5. Contact discharges were applied to the non-insulating coating, with the pointed tip of the generator
penetrating the coating and contacting the conducting substrate.
6. Air discharges were applied with the round discharge tip of the discharge electrode approaching the EUT as
fast as possible (without causing mechanical damage) to touch the EUT. After each discharge, the ESD
generator was removed from the EUT and re-triggered for a new single discharge. The test was repeated until
all discharges were complete.
7. At least ten single discharges (in the most sensitive polarity) were applied to the Horizontal Coupling Plane at
points on each side of the EUT. The ESD generator was positioned vertically at a distance of 0,1 meters from
the EUT with the discharge electrode touching the Horizontal Coupling Plane.

8. At least ten single discharges (in the most sensitive polarity) were applied to the center of one vertical edge of
the Vertical Coupling Plane in sufficiently different positions that the four faces of the EUT were completely
illuminated. The Vertical Coupling Plane (dimensions 0.5m x 0.5m) was placed vertically to and 0.1 meters
from the EUT.

4.1.3 Test setup

>1 m

ESD Vertical coupling

Generator plane
EUT 0.5 mm Isolation

Horizontal 0,8 m
coupling plane

For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related item – Photographs of the Test Configuration.
The GRP is of a sheet of aluminium at least 0,25 mm thick, and it projects beyond the EUT by at least 0,5 meters
and is connected to the protective grounding system. A Horizontal Coupling Plane (1.6m x 0.8m) was placed on
the table and attached to the GRP by means of a cable with 940 kΩ total impedance. The equipment under test,
was installed in a representative system as described in section 7 of EN 61000-4-2, and its cables were placed on
the HCP and isolated by an insulating support of 0.5 mm thickness. A distance of 0,8 meter minimum was
provided between the EUT and the walls of the laboratory and any other metallic structure.
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4.1.4 Test results

FM-Eco4 Light+ S
Operating mode: 1
Discharge Contact Air Required Achieved
Polarity Test Point
Level (kV) Discharge Discharge criterion criterion
2 +/- X B A
4 +/- X B A
8 +/- X B A
4 +/- X B A
Changes in operation observed during testing: no change observed

FM-Eco4+ E S
Operating mode: 1
Discharge Contact Air Required Achieved
Polarity Test Point
Level (kV) Discharge Discharge criterion criterion
2 +/- X B A
4 +/- X B A
8 +/- X B A
4 +/- X B A
Changes in operation observed during testing: no change observed

- contact discharge points (including HCP and VCP)
- air discharge points

Figure 3: ESD – FM-Eco4 Light+ S

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Figure 4: ESD – FM-Eco4 Light+ S

Figure 5: ESD – FM-Eco4 Light+ S

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Figure 6: ESD – FM-Eco4 Light+ S

Figure 7: ESD – FM-Eco4+ E S

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Figure 8: ESD – FM-Eco4+ E S

Figure 9: ESD – FM-Eco4+ E S

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Figure 10: ESD – FM-Eco4+ E S

Figure 11: ESD – FM-Eco4+ E S

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4.2 Radiated electromagnetic field immunity test (RS)

4.2.1 Test specification

Basic Standard: EN 61000-4-3

Frequency Range: 80 – 6000 MHz;
Field Strength: 3 V/m
Modulation: 1 kHz Sine Wave, 80 %, AM Modulation
Frequency Step: 1 % of fundamental
Polarity of Antenna: Horizontal and Vertical
Test Distance: 2,2 m
Antenna Height: 1.75 m

4.2.2 Test procedure

The test procedure was in accordance with EN 61000-4-3

1. The testing was performed in an anechoic chamber. The transmit antenna was located at a distance of 2,2
meters from the EUT.
2. The frequency range is swept from 80 MHz to 6000 MHz, with the signal 80 % amplitude modulated with 1
kHz sine-wave. The rate of sweep did not exceed 1.5 x 10–3 decade/s. Where the frequency range is swept
incrementally, the step size was 1% of fundamental.
3. The dwell time at each frequency shall be not less than the time necessary for the EUT to be able to respond.
4. The field strength level was 3 V/m.
5. The test was performed with the EUT exposed to both vertically and horizontally polarized fields on each of
the four sides.
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4.2.3 Test setup

3 m measurement distance in an Anechoic Chamber


RF Amplifier
Monitoring RF Generator Directional
system and control coupler

Power meter

For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related item – Photographs of the Test Configuration.

The EUT installed in a representative system as described in EN 61000-4-3. The system under test was
connected to the power and signal wire according to relevant installation instructions.

4.2.4 Test results

FM-Eco4 Light+ S
Operating mode: 1
Frequency Level Modulation Required Achieved
Test point
criterion criterion
80 MHz – 6000 MHz 3 V/m 80% Enclosure A A
Changes in operation observed during testing: no change observed

FM-Eco4+ E S
Operating mode: 1
Frequency Level Modulation Required Achieved
Test point
criterion criterion
80 MHz – 6000 MHz 3 V/m 80% Enclosure A A
Changes in operation observed during testing: no change observed
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Figure 12: Radiated electromagnetic field immunity test – FM-Eco4 Light+ S

Figure 13: Radiated electromagnetic field immunity test – FM-Eco4 Light+ S

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Figure 14: Radiated electromagnetic field immunity test – FM-Eco4+ E S

Figure 15: Radiated electromagnetic field immunity test – FM-Eco4+ E S

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4.3 Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test

4.3.1 Test specification

Basic Standard: EN 61000-4-4

Test Voltage: DC power port – 0,5 kV
Polarity: Positive/Negative
Impulse Frequency: 5 kHz
Impulse Waveshape: 5/50 ns
Burst Duration: 15 ms
Burst Period: 300 ms
Test Duration: not less than 1 min.

4.3.2 Test procedure

1. The EUT was tested with 500 volt discharges to the DC input port.

2. Both positive and negative polarity discharges were applied.

3. The cable length between the EUT and the coupling device shall be as intended for installation.

4. The duration time of each test sequential was 1 minute.

5. The transient/burst waveform was in accordance with EN 61000-4-4, 5/50 ns.

4.3.3 Test setup

> 1m

Wall AC Power Line

Decoupling 10 cm

For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related item – Photographs of the Test Configuration.

The EUT installed in a representative system as described in of EN 61000-4-4 and its cables were isolated from
the Ground Reference Plane. The GRP consisted of a sheet of aluminum (at least 0.25mm thick and 2.5 m
square) connected to the protective grounding system.
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4.3.4 Test results

Operating mode: 1
Test Level
Test Point Polarity Required criterion Achieved criterion
DC port +/- 0,5 B A
Changes in operation observed during testing: no change observed

Figure 16: Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test

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4.4 Surge immunity test

4.4.1 Test specification

Basic Standard: EN 61000-4-5

Wave-Shape: Combination Wave
2 kV unsymmetrical – Common mode,
Test Voltage: 1 kV symmetrical – Differential mode,
1.2/50 us Open Circuit Voltage
2 ohm between networks
Generator Source:
12 ohm between network and ground
Polarity: Positive/Negative
Phase Angle: 0 ° / 90 ° / 180 °/ 270 °
Pulse Repetition rate: 1 time / min. (maximum)
Number of Tests: 5 positive and 5 negative at selected points

4.4.2 Test procedure

1. For EUT power supply:

The surge is to be applied to the EUT power supply terminals via the capacitive coupling network. Decoupling
networks are required in order to avoid possible adverse effects on equipment not under test that may be
powered by the same lines, and to provide sufficient decoupling impedance to the surge wave. The power
cord between the EUT and the coupling/decoupling networks shall be 2 meters in length (or shorter).
The test shall be started with low voltage 0,5 kV and continued with level, which is higher for 0,5 kV.

4.4.3 Test setup

> 1m

Wall AC Power Line


For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related item – Photographs of the Test Configuration.
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4.4.4 Test results

Test is only applicable to ports which may connect directly to outdoor cables.
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4.5 Transient and surges

4.5.1 EUT functional state description

Function state Description
The device satisfies all the functions as specified during and after application of the
disturbance variable.
The device satisfies all the functions during application of the disturbance variable
but one or more functions may be out of tolerance. After application of the
disturbance variable the device satisfies all the functions again as specified.
Memory functions must remain in state A.
The device does not satisfy a function during application of the disturbance variable.
C After application of the disturbance variable, however, the device satisfies this
function again as specified.
The device does not satisfy a function during application of the disturbance variable.
D After application of the disturbance variable and an additional simple technical
intervention, however, the device satisfies this function again as specified.
The device does not satisfy one or more functions as specified during and after
E application of the disturbance variable and must be repaired or renewed after

4.5.2 Test procedure and test set up

The immunity of ESA representative of its type shall be tested by the method(s) according to
ISO 7637-2:2004 as described in Annex 10 of the Regulation No.10 Rev.5.

Pulse adjustment


Ground plane



Test pulse
generator RV*a EUT
with internal

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Pulse injection

Ground plane



Test pulse
generator RV EUT
with internal


4.5.3 Test results

For test results refer to test report T251-0293/18.
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4.6 Immunity to conducted disturbances induced by RF fields (CS)

4.6.1 Test specification

Basic Standard: EN 61000-4-6

Frequency Range: 0.15 MHz – 80 MHz
Field Strength: 3 V rms
Modulation: 1 kHz Sine Wave, 80 %, AM Modulation
Frequency Step: 1 % of fundamental
Coupled Cable: Power Mains

4.6.2 Test procedure

1. The EUT shall be tested within its intended operating and climatic conditions.
2. The test shall be performed with the test generator connected to each of the coupling and decoupling devices
in turn, while the other non-excited RF input ports of the coupling devices are terminated by a
50  load resistor.
3. The frequency range is swept from 150 kHz to 80 MHz, using the signal level established during the setting
process and with a disturbance signal of 80 % amplitude. The signal is modulated with a 1 kHz sine wave,
pausing to adjust the RF signal level or the switch coupling devices as necessary. The sweep rate shall not
exceed 1.5 x 10-3 decades/s. The step size shall not exceed 1 % of the start and thereafter 1 % of the
preceding frequency value where the frequency is swept incrementally.
4. The dwell time at each frequency shall not be less than the time necessary for the EUT to be exercised, and
able to respond. Sensitive frequencies such as clock frequency(ies) and harmonics or frequencies of
dominant interest, shall be analyzed separately.
5. Attempts should be made to fully exercise the EUT during testing, and to fully interrogate all exercise modes
selected for susceptibility.

4.6.3 Test setup

0.1 m<L<0.3 m

AC Power


Generator CDN
0.1 m wooden support

Ground Reference Plane

For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related item – Photographs of the Test Configuration.

The equipment to be tested is placed on an insulating support on a ground reference plane. All relevant cables
shall be provided with the appropriate coupling and decoupling devices at a distance between 0.1 meters and 0.3
meters from the projected geometry of the EUT on the ground reference plane.
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4.6.4 Test results

Operating mode: 1
Required Achieved
Frequency Level Modulation Test point
criterion criterion
150kHz - 80MHz 3V 80% DC A A
Changes in operation observed during testing: no change observed

Figure 17: Immunity to conducted disturbances induced by RF fields

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4.7 Magnetic field immunity test

4.7.1 Test specification

Basic Standard: EN 61000-4-8

Frequency Range: 50, 60 Hz
Field Strength: 1 A/m

4.7.2 Test procedure

The test procedure was in accordance with EN 61000-4-8

The EUT was tested with magnetic field antenna

The frequency was set to 50, 60 Hz

The field strength level was 1 A/m

The test was performed with the EUT exposed to all three directions (X, Y, Z).

4.7.3 Test setup

The EUT installed in a representative system as described in section 7 EN 61000-4-8 was placed on non-
conductive table 0.1 (floor equipment) or 0.8 (table-top equipment) meters in height. The system under test was
connected to the power and signal wire according to relevant installation instructions.

4.7.4 Test results

Test is applicable only to EUT containing devices susceptible to magnetic fields.
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4.8 Voltage dips and short interruptions immunity test (DIP)

4.8.1 Test specification

Basic Standard: EN 61000-4-11

Test Duration Time: Minimum three test events in sequence
Interval between Event: Minimum ten seconds
Phase Angle: 0 °, 180o
Test Cycle: 3 times

4.8.2 Test procedure

The EUT shall be tested for each selected combination of test levels and duration with a sequence of tree
dips/interruptions with intervals of 10s minimum (between each test event). Each representative mode of
operation shall be tested. Abrupt changes in supply voltage shall occur at zero crossings of the voltage waveform.

4.8.3 Test setup

AC Power Line


For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related item – Photographs of the Test Configuration.

4.8.4 Test result

Test is not applicable due to DC power supply.

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3.1 Conducted emission measurement
Manufacturer & Description Model No. SIQ No. Used Calibrated until
Rohde & Schwarz, RFI receiver ESU8 105187 / 2019-11
Rohde & Schwarz, RFI receiver ESU26 106897 / 2020-03
Rohde & Schwarz, Artificial main network ESH 2-Z5 106899 / 2019-05
Rohde & Schwarz, Artificial main network ENV216 106765 / 2018-09
Rohde & Schwarz, Current probe EZ-17 106862 / 2018-11
Schwarzbeck, High voltage probe TK 9420 106898 / 2019-05

3.2 Radiated emission measurement

Manufacturer & Description Model No. SIQ No. Used Calibrated until
Rohde & Schwarz, RFI test receiver ESU8 105187 X 2019-11
Rohde & Schwarz, RFI receiver ESU26 106897 / 2020-03
Comtest Engineering, SAC 1 SAC 3m NPS001 X 2019-05
Rohde & Schwarz, Ultra Broadband
HL562E / X 2019-07
Rohde & Schwarz, Horn Antenna HF907 / X 2019-07
Maturo, Turn table (2 m diameter) TT 2.0 SI / X N/A
Maturo, Bore-sight antenna mast BAM-4.0-P / X N/A
Maturo, Multi-channel positioning
Maturo NCD / X N/A
Comtest Engineering, SAC 2 SAC 3m NPS003 / 2019-05
Rohde & Schwarz, Ultra Broadband
HL562E / / 2019-07
Rohde & Schwarz, Horn Antenna HF907 / / 2019-07
Maturo, Turn table (2 m diameter) TT 2.0 SI / / N/A
Maturo, Bore-sight antenna mast BAM-4.0-P / / N/A
Maturo, Multi-channel positioning
Maturo NCD / / N/A

3.3 Harmonics current emission measurement

Manufacturer & Description Model No. SIQ No. Used Calibrated until
DPA 503N with
EM Test, 3-phase harmonics and flicker 106895
AIF503 / 2019-06
NETWAVE20 106896

3.4 Voltage fluctuation measurement

Manufacturer & Description Model No. SIQ No. Used Calibrated until
DPA 503N with
EM Test, 3-phase harmonics and flicker 106895
AIF503 / 2019-06
NETWAVE20 106896

4.1 Immunity to electrostatic discharge

Manufacturer & Description Model No. SIQ No. Used Calibrated until
EM TEST, Simulator ESD 106894 X 2019-05
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4.2 Radiated electromagnetic field immunity test (RS)

Manufacturer & Description Model No. SIQ No. Used Calibrated until
Comtest Engineering, SAC 1 SAC 3m NPS001 / 2019-05
Rohde & Schwarz, Ultra Broadband
HL562E / / 2019-07
Rohde & Schwarz, Horn Antenna HF907 / / 2019-07
Rohde & Schwarz, RF and Microwave
SMB100A 105045 / 2019-11
signal generator
Rohde & Schwarz, Broadband amplifier BBA150-BC1000 / / N/A
Rohde & Schwarz, Broadband amplifier BBA150-D400E200 / / N/A
Maturo, Turn table (2 m diameter) TT 2.0 SI / / N/A
Maturo, Bore-sight antenna mast BAM-4.0-P / / N/A
Maturo, Multi-channel positioning
Maturo NCD / / N/A
Comtest Engineering, SAC 2 SAC 3m NPS003 X 2019-05
Rohde & Schwarz, Ultra Broadband
HL562E / X 2019-07
Rohde & Schwarz, Horn Antenna HF907 / X 2019-07
Rohde & Schwarz, RF and Microwave
SMBV100A 105045 X 2019-11
signal generator
Rohde & Schwarz, Broadband amplifier BBA150-BC250 / X N/A
Rohde & Schwarz, Broadband amplifier BBA150-D110E100 / X N/A
Maturo, Turn table (2 m diameter) TT 2.0 SI / X N/A
Maturo, Bore-sight antenna mast BAM-4.0-P / X N/A
Maturo, Multi-channel positioning
Maturo NCD / X N/A

4.3 Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test

Manufacturer & Description Model No. SIQ No. Used Calibrated until
EM TEST, Ultra compact Simulator UCS 500 N5 106887 X 2019-03
EM TEST, Capacitance coupling clamp HFK 106889 / 2019-03

4.4 Surge immunity test

Manufacturer & Description Model No. SIQ No. Used Calibrated until
EM TEST, Ultra compact Simulator UCS 500 N5 106887 / 2019-03
EM TEST, 3-phase coupling network CNI 503 A2 106888 / 2019-03

4.5 Transient and surges

Description & Manufacturer Model No. SIQ No. Used
EM TEST, Single-Line Artificial Network AN200N100 108249 / 2018-11
EM TEST, Voltage Drop Simulator VDS200N100 106957 / 2020-02
Yokogawa, Oscilloscope DLM2052 106875 / 2019-04
EM TEST, Interface simulator UCS 200N100 106956 / 2019-12
EM TEST, Interface generator for
LD200N 106959 / 2018-01
automotive electronic
EM TEST, Capacitor unit UCS 200N100 / / 2019-12
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4.6 Immunity to conducted disturbances induced by RF fields (CS)

Manufacturer & Description Model No. SIQ No. Used Calibrated until
Robert Luthi, EM clamp EM 101 / / With instrument
EM TEST, Conductive immunity system CWS500N1.4 108175 X 2019-02
EM TEST, Coupling/decoupling device CDN-M3N/32A / / With instrument
EM TEST, Coupling/decoupling device CDN-M2/32A / X With instrument
EM TEST, Coupling/decoupling device CDN-M5/16A / / With instrument
EM TEST, Coupling/decoupling device CDN-T8-RJ45 / / With instrument
EM TEST, Coupling/decoupling device CDN-S8-RJ45 / / With instrument
EM TEST, Coupling/decoupling device CDN-S4-USB / / With instrument
EM TEST, Attenuator ATT6/80 / X With instrument

4.7 Magnetic field immunity test

Manufacturer & Description Model No. SIQ No. Used Calibrated until
EM TEST, Current transformer MC 2630 106893 / 2019-03
EM TEST, Magnetic field coil MS100N 106892 / With instrument

4.8 Voltage dips and short interruptions immunity test (DIP)

Manufacturer & Description Model No. SIQ No. Used Calibrated until
EM TEST, Ultra compact Simulator UCS 500 N5 106887 / 2019-03
EM TEST, Motorized variac MV2616 106891 / 2019-03

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