Experimental Study On Sedimentation and Consolidation of Soil Particles in Dredged Slurry
Experimental Study On Sedimentation and Consolidation of Soil Particles in Dredged Slurry
Experimental Study On Sedimentation and Consolidation of Soil Particles in Dredged Slurry
Sedimentation and consolidation of dredged slurry is very complex in practice. A new Multilayer Extraction Sampling (MES)
method was developed in this study to better understand the underlying law of sedimentation and consolidation of soil particles in
slurries. Comparing with previous methods, the advantages of this method include: (1) the equipment is easy to operate and the test
procedures are simple; (2) the volume distribution and the settling velocity of soil particles can be measured and calculated by
Volume Flux Function (VFF) approach at different time and heights during sedimentation and consolidation process; (3) soil
formation from sedimentation of dredged slurry can be also further studied based on pore water pressure measurements in
conjunction with the velocity and density distributions. The experimental results revealed that there were four different zones during
sedimentation and consolidation process: water zone, hindered settling zone, consolidation zone and a new zone termed as “transition
zone” where soil particles are in contact with each other but effective stress are not fully developed. It is concluded that the
sedimentation and consolidation of soil particles in dredged slurry was studied successfully in a holistic manner using this new
experimental method.
Keywords: sedimentation, consolidation, soil particles, dredged slurry
1. Introduction better solve such issues, studying the settling behavior of soil
particles in dredged slurry in sedimentation stage is more
Many environmental and ecological problems are caused by a important than implementing ground improvement in consolidation
large amount of sediments existing in rivers, lakes, waterways stage, because settling characteristics of soil particles determine
and reservoirs, resulting in implementation of various dredging the physical and mechanical properties of sediments such as
projects. Dredged slurry has the characteristics of extremely high density, water content and contacting force among soil particles.
water content and very low compressive and shear strength, so it Consequently, a deep understanding of sedimentation and
cannot be easily reused as normal engineering soils. The most consolidation of soil particles in dredged slurry is not only
common way to treat this kind of material is to deposit it into a significant to the design of storage yard, but also has many
storage yard. Then, soil particles in dredged slurry will settle implications for engineering dredging projects.
downward to form sediments, and the sediments will consolidate Several studies on sedimentation and consolidation of dredged
under its self-weight during sedimentation and consolidation slurries or clay suspensions had been reported in previous
process. Afterward, the sediments are treated either by stack published literature (Kynch, 1952; Richardson and Zaki, 1954;
preloading or vacuum and preloading methods for future Michaels and Bolger, 1962; McRoberts and Nixon, 1976; Been,
reclamation. However, the traditional treatment methods have 1980, 1981; Imai, 1980, 1981; Pane, 1985; Znidarcic et al., 1986;
several disadvantages. Firstly, the land price is becoming higher Tan et al., 1990; Allain et al., 1995; Chu et al., 2002; Merckelbach
and higher, and the space is so limited for constructing a storage and Kranenburg, 2004; He, 2010; He et al., 2011; Wang et al.,
yard especially in some coastal cities in China. Secondly, it 2013; Zhang et al., 2013). It is well known that dredged slurry
usually takes a long time to finish sedimentation and consolidation behaves like fluid, and there is no effective stress among soil
process for soil particles in dredged slurry. More importantly, particles. During sedimentation process, soil particles settle
secondary pollution from tail water may also cause some other downward until some particles are in contact with each other
serious environmental problems during the process. In order to generating effective stress in sediments. As time elapses, initial
*Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington 76019, Texas, USA (Corresponding Author, E-mail:
[email protected])
**Professor, College of Environment, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China (E-mail: [email protected])
***Geotechnical Engineer, CCCC-FHDI Engineering Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510230, China (E-mail: [email protected])
****Research Assistant, Geotechnical Research Institute, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China (E-mail: [email protected])
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Experimental Study on Sedimentation and Consolidation of Soil Particles in Dredged Slurry
soil structure is being formed gradually and starts working to pore water pressure and particle size measurements is the main
support soil skeleton. In the meantime, the sediment turns into limitation for wider application. Also, Amy et al. (2006) used
soil, and consolidation takes place which is governed by a large freezing method to study the sorting characteristics of sand-mud
strain self-weight consolidation theory (Gibson et al., 1967; suspensions by photographing the frozen core in settling tube
Gibson et al., 1981; Monte and Krizek, 1976; Toorman, 1996). experiments, but this method consumed much more time than
Although sedimentation and consolidation are usually considered as other methods on freezing and cutting the samples.
two separate processes, they are interconnected and can be analyzed The objective of this research is to utilize a new experimental
simultaneously. Some researchers (Been and Sills, 1981; Sills Method-multilayer Extraction Sampling (MES) to better study
and Elder, 1984; Pane and Schiffman, 1985; Shodja and Feldkamp, sedimentation and consolidation of soil particles in dredged
1993; Eckert et al., 1996; Bürger and Karlsen, 2001; Jeeravipoolvarn slurry. A series of large scale sedimentation column tests were
et al., 2009) proposed a concept of “transition zone” which is first performed in laboratory. The distributions of water content
located in between sedimentation zone and consolidation zone to and density were measured by the MES method. The volume
integrate above two zones into one in the modelling. For distribution of soil particles were then obtained as well. The
example, Jeeravipoolvar (2009) used an interaction coefficient average velocity of soil particles during different sampling time
(β) proposed by Pane and Schiffman (1985) to combine the intervals were calculated at different heights by Volumetric Flux
sedimentation theory with the consolidation theory. However, Function (VFF) approach. Then, the test results were analyzed
the existence of this zone is still questionable and needs to be and discussed in conjunction with the measurements of pore
further demonstrated. . water pressure to validate the feasibility and reliability of the
In terms of experimental method to study sedimentation and proposed method.
consolidation of dredged slurries, sedimentation columns are
most commonly used in previous studies. Table 1 shows several 2. Multilayer Extraction Sampling (MES) Method
typical experimental methods on study of sedimentation and
consolidation. Nuclear techniques had been widely used to study 2.1 Experimental Setup
sediment transport and sedimentation problems (Crickmore et Based on the previous experimental methods (Imai, 1981;
al., 1990; Berlamont et al., 1993). For example, Been (1981) and Been, 1981; Merckelbach, 2000; Alexis et al., 2004; Liu et al.,
Alexis et al. (2004) used X-ray or γ-ray nuclear densimeter to 2004), sedimentation column combined with the MES method
scan sedimentation column horizontally at different times to was adopted in this research to study the sedimentation and
obtain the distributions of density and water content. The merit consolidation of soil particles in dredged slurry. According to the
of this method is that the measured results are continuous with experimental experience from Elder (1985), the size effect on
sedimentation height without any disturbance induced by sedimentation and consolidation of dredged slurry cannot be
experimental apparatus. But there are also some disadvantages neglected if the inner diameter of sedimentation column is less
such as the complicated operating procedures of nuclear densimeter
and harm to human body caused by the high level nuclear radioactive
materials. Merckelbach (2000) adopted layered sedimentation
column to investigate the compressive and shear strength of
sediments during certain time intervals. Imai (1981) used multilayer
shear extraction sampling method to study the sedimentation and
consolidation process. Both density and particle size of dredged
slurries were measured layer by layer. However, the complexity
of the experimental apparatus in Merckelbach (2000) and Imai’s
(1981) studies may cause disturbance during sampling process
and affect the accuracy of measured results. Liu et al. (2004)
considered the dredged slurry as a whole soil body to study
sedimentation and consolidation process. But the lack of density, Fig. 1. Schematic of Experimental Setup (unit: cm)
particles during time interval Δt, m/s; A is the cross section area of
2.3 Determination of Velocity of Soil Particles sedimentation column, i.e. 78.5 cm2 (A = πd2/4); N is the layer
Since the dredged slurry is fully saturated, the void ratio of number (i.e. i = 1, 2, 3…); n is the number of layers water-slurry
slurry is expressed as, interface settles down; φ is the average volumetric concentration of
slurry, %. The calculation procedures are described as follows:
e = wGs (6)
At t = tj and t = tj + Δt, the total volume (Vs) and volumetric
The volume of soil particles in each layer and the volumetric concentration (φ) of soil particles in each layer are calculated by
concentration are expressed as, Eq. (7) and (8) based on the measured water content; the average
volumetric concentration ( φ ) of each layer during the period of
e wGs
Vs = Vt (1 − n) = Vt (1 − ) = Vt (1 − ) (7) Δt is also obtained accordingly;
1+ e 1 + wGs
The number of layers (n) that the water-slurry interface settles
wGs down is observed and approximated during the period of Δt (e.g.
φ = 1− n = 1− (8) n = 3 from t0 to t1; and n = 2 from t1 to t2 as shown in Fig. 4);
1 + wGs
In order to determine the average velocity of soil particles at a
where Vs is the volume of soil particles; Vt is the total volume of specific height (or the corresponding layer number N = i) at t =
one single layer, Vt = 1/4πd2h = 235.5 cm3 (d is the dimeter of the tj+Δt during the period of Δt, the summation of volume of soil
column, i.e. 0.1 m; h is the height of each extracted slurry layer, particles in each layer above N = i (total number of layer is i + n)
i.e. 3 cm). at t = tj was first calculated;
The density of slurry at each sampling time is calculated by the Similarly, the summation of volume of soil particles in each
following equation, layer above N = i at t = tj+Δt was then calculated;
Gs (1 + w) The volumetric flux of soil particles passing through the layer
ρ= ρw (9) N = i at t = tj+Δt during the period of Δt was computed by Eq.
1 + wGs
The velocity of soil particles is calculated by Volumetric Flux The average velocity of soil particles at N = i at t = tj+Δt during
Function (VFF) approach as the schematic of calculation model the period of Δt was then calculated by Eq. (11) based on A and φ ;
shown in Fig. 4. The formulas are given below: Based on the above procedures, the average velocity of soil
particles at any heights during other time intervals can be also
⎡ i +n i
f ( Ni , Δt ) = ⎢ ∑Vs ( N m , t j − Δ t ) − ∑Vs ( N m , t j )⎥ / Δ t (10) calculated.
⎣ m=1 m=1 ⎦
where f is the volumetric flux function, m3/s; Vs is the volume of 3.1 Materials
soil particles in one single layer, m3; v is the average velocity of soil Dredged slurry used in the experiments was taken from Taihu
4. Experimental Results
Fig. 7. Distributions of Volume of Soil Particles: (a) Total Volume, (b)-(f) Volume Fractions of Different Size Groups
Fig. 8. Distributions of Velocity of Soil Particles During Four Time Intervals: (a) 0-1h, (b) 1-4h, (c) 4-7h, (c) 7-13.5h
Fig. 10. Comparison between ue and σ’+ue at Different Sampling Times: (a) t=1h, (b) t=4h, (c) t=7h, (d) t=13.5h
denoted by the shadow area. It is indicated that soil was being 5.1 Measurement Error of MES Method
formed at point D below which the effective stress started The proposed MES method is capable of measuring distributions
working to support soil skeleton. Moreover, the height of point D of water content and density of slurry, as well as the volume and
increased with sampling time. settling velocity of soil particles, but the measurement accuracy
might be affected by the extraction technique itself. Theoretically,
4.5 Sedimentation Curve and Inflection Point Curves the effective stress of soil might be underestimated because of
Based on the inflection points observed in above test results, the rebound of soil particles during the extraction. It is also
the sedimentation curve and inflection point curves of the affected by several factors, such as the extracting rate, vacuum
dredged slurry are depicted in Fig. 11. It is indicated that water air pressure, etc. However, based on the test results shown in
content inflection curve (B), density inflection curve (B') and Figs. 10 and 11, the generation of effective stress was not directly
velocity inflection curve (B'') were almost completely overlapped. measured by the MES method, but determined by both the non-
The inflection points B, B', B'' moved upward, while the destructive technique for excess water pressure measurement
process with the transition zone is discussed in the following ground improvement. In this paper, a new experimental method-
section. Multilayer Extraction Sampling (MES) was developed to better
study the sedimentation and consolidation of soil particles in
5.3 Sedimentation and Consolidation Process dredged slurry. The distributions of water content and density
Figure 13 shows the schematic of distributions of velocity and were first obtained, the average velocity of soil particles were
pore water pressure during sedimentation and consolidation then calculated by the Volumetric Flux Function (VFF) approach
process. This process is described as follows: fine soil particles based on the volume distributions of soil particles. In conjunction
flocculate in the beginning of sedimentation, and some single with pore water pressure measurements and density distributions,
flocs or flocs clusters are formed with voids space inside. It the location where effective stress generates was also determined
should be noted that some interior forces still exist such as experimentally. A new zone termed as “transition zone” was
electrical force and van der Waals Force (Mitchell, 1976) even found between the hindered settling zone and the consolidation
though they are quite small. Then, the soil particles settle downward zone. Soil particles are found to be in contact with each other in
at a constant rate due to the force equilibrium among gravity, the zone where effective stress is not fully developed.
buoyancy, disturbance from neighboring soil particles and The MES method showed satisfactory experimental results
upward water flow impact, resulting in appearance of a sharp even though it cannot provide continuous profile of water
water-slurry interface (A, A', A'') in this process. The magnitude content and density along sedimentation height compared with
of this constant settling rate is dependent on the initial water X-ray or γ-ray nuclear densimeter. The advantage of this method
content and local slurry concentration in hindered settling zone is that the distributions of volume and velocity of soil particles in
where the total stress equals to the pore water pressure with no different soil particle size groups can be measured and calculated
effective stress generated. Once the soil particles reach the at any time and heights during sedimentation and consolidation
slurry-sediment interface (B, B', B''), the settling velocity of soil process. More importantly, the experimental setup is easy to
particles decreases suddenly because they are in contact with operate, and test period is relatively short. The proposed MES
each other at this interface. As more soil particles or flocs method is a more reliable and accurate experimental method to
aggregating to form larger flocs or flocs clusters, more total study the sedimentation and consolidation of soil particles in
stress will be applied to the sediment beneath this interface. dredged slurry. However, the measurement error induced by the
However, a single floc can resist some external forces, which has extraction technique needs to be further studied in the future. In
been approbated by Xu et al. (2012). Thus, the preliminary addition, laboratory experiments on other dredged slurries need
compression among these flocs only leads to a reduction of to be conducted to further validate the repeatability, reliability
volume of the inside voids, but not the generation of effective and applicability of the method.
stress among soil particles. It happens in the transition zone as
shown in Fig. 13. As total stress increases, more voids even some Acknowledgements
closed voids will be compressed. Once the total stress exceeds
the yield force of a single floc, most voids are occupied by soil The work reported was supported by The Special Project on
particles, and effective stress begins to work among soil particles Public Welfare of Ministry of Water Resources: Study on Treatment
at point D or C. Initial soil structure is also being formed at this and Utilization of River and Lake Sediments (Grant No: 201201015).
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