Parsons et al.
11 Patent Number: 4,473,875
45) Date of Patent: Sep. 25, 1984
(75) Inventors: William M. Parsons; Emanuel M. 3,215,925 11/1965 Rieke ................................... 323/222
Honig, both of Los Alamos, N. Mex. 3,390,305 6/1968 Greenwood et al. .................. 361/4
4,030,020 6/1977 Korb ................................... 363/135
4,168,477 9/1979 Burchall .............................. 323/222
(73 Assignee: The United States of America as
represented by the United States FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
Department of Energy, Washington, 657543 4/1979 U.S.S.R. .............................. 323/222
Primary Examiner-Peter S. Wong
(21) Appl. No.: 574,207 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Leonard C. Brenner; Paul D.
Gaetjens; Michael F. Esposito
(22) Filed: Jan. 27, 1984 57 ABSTRACT
Inductive storage pulse circuit device which is capable
Related U.S. Application Data of delivering a series of electrical pulses to a load in a
sequential manner. Silicon controlled rectifiers as well
(63) Continuation of Ser. No. 341,374, Jan. 21, 1982, aban as spark gap switches can be utilized in accordance with
doned. the present invention. A commutation switching array
is utilized to produce a reverse current to turn-off the
51 Int, C. .............................................. H02M 7/00 main opening switch. A commutation capacitor pro
(52) U.S. C. .................................... 363/124; 323/224; duces the reverse current and is initially charged to a
323/222; 307/106 predetermined voltage and subsequently charged in
(58) Field of Search .................................... 363/27-28, alternating directions by the inductive storage current.
363/96, 124, 135, 136, 138, 128-129; 323/222,
224; 307/106, 107, 108 8 Claims, 11 Drawing Figures
U.S. Patent Sep. 25, 1984 she of 5 4473,875
U.S. Patent Sep. 25, 1984 Sheet 2 of 5 4,473,875
U.S. Patent Sep. 25, 1984 Sheet 3 of 5 4473,875
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U.S. Patent sep. 25, 1984 Sheet 4 of 5 4473,875
U.S. Patent Sep. 25, 1984 Sheet 5 of 5 4473,875
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s A
fers from high switch dissipation during interruption,
INDUCTIVESTORAGE PULSE CIRCUIT DEVICE the requirement of an external magnetic field source,
and apparent difficulty in scaling to much higher power
This invention is the result of a contract with the levels. Fuses and explosively actuated switches suffer
Department of Energy (Contract No. W-7405-ENG from the obvious requirement of the necessity for an
36). additional element for each output pulse desired.
This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 341,374 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
filed Jan. 21, 1982, abandoned.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION It is therefore an object of the present invention to
O provide a pulse circuit device.
The present invention pertains generally to pulse It is also an object of the present invention to provide
circuit devices and more particularly to inductive stor an inductive storage pulse circuit device.
age pulse circuit devices. Another object of the present invention is to provide
With the advent of pulse lasers and other such de an improved inductive storage pulse circuit device.
vices which require electrical pulse energy for opera 15 Another object of the present invention is to provide
tion, the requirements for a device capable of producing a pulse circuit device for delivering electrical pulses to
repetitive high power pulses of electrical energy have a load.
increased greatly. In applications where pulse power is Another object of the present invention is to provide
needed for a limited period, energy storage systems a circuit device for delivering electrical power pulses to
have many practical advantages over continuous duty 20 a load. . ..
power sources. The high energy storage density of Another object of the present invention is to provide
inductors (2-20 MJ/m3) versus the energy storage of a pulse circuit device for delivering electrical pulses to
capacitors (0.2 MJ/m3) is the controlling factor favor a load such that pulse rise time, pulse width, and pulse
ing inductive storage systems over capacitive storage repetition frequency can be controlled independently.
systems, particularly for large scale applications where 25 Additional objects, advantages and novel features of
size, weight, and cost are overriding considerations. the invention will be set forth in part in the description
Utilization of inductively stored energy normally which follows, and in part will become apparent to
requires the interruption of a charging current with an those skilled in the art upon examination of the follow
opening switch, as illustrated in FIG. 1. FIG. 1 sche ing or may be learned by practice of the invention. The
matically illustrates a simplified inductive energy stor 30 objects and advantages of the invention may be realized
age and transfer system. The power supply 10 which is and attained by means of the instrumentalities and com
usually a relatively low voltage power supply, charges binations particularly pointed out in the appended
the energy storage coil 12 through switch 14 to a peak claims.
current level Io. Switch 14 must be capable of carrying To achieve the foregoing and other objects, and in
the coil current during the charge and hold times with 35 accordance with the purposes of the present invention,
low dissipation. To cause the current to transfer to the as embodied and broadly described herein, the appara
load 16, switch 14 must be rapidly opened to rapidly tus of this invention may comprise a pulse circuit device
increase its impedance to a value much greater than the for delivering electrical pulses to a load comprising: an
impedance of load 16. After transfer of energy from the inductive storage device; a power supply for generating
switch 14 to the load 16, the opening switch must with a charging current, said power supply connected to said
stand the recovery voltage generated by the load. For inductive storage device; first switch means for apply
repetitive operation, the switch must close again to ing said charging current to said inductive storage de
terminate each output pulse and then repeat the ope vice in a predetermined direction to charge said induc
ning/closing cycle. The obtainable pulse rise time, pulse tive storage device; an array of commutation switches
width, and pulse repetition rate are all dependent upon 45 connected in parallel to said first switch means; a com
the operational characteristics of switch 14. Since re mutation capacitor connected to said array of commuta
quirements for pulse circuit devices have increased tion switches; means for controlling said array of com
dramatically, it is desirable to control these parameters mutation switches to discharge said commutation ca
separately to provide desired pulse wave characteristics pacitor through said first switch means in a direction
at high power levels. 50 opposite to said predetermined direction to generate
To achieve the desired parameters regarding pulse zero current in said first switch means to turn-off said
repetition frequency, pulse rise time, etc., prior art de first switch means; second switch means connected to -
vices have attempted to improve the characteristics of said inductive storage device and said load for deliver
opening switch 14 illustrated in FIG. 1. A number of ing electrical pulses to said load when said first switch
these prior art methods are disclosed in the Proceedings 55 means is turned-off; whereby said second switch means
of the Workshop on Repetitive Opening Switches (Jan. controls the risetime and said array commutation
28-30, 1981, Durango, Colo.) published Apr. 20, 1981. switches controls the pulse repetition frequency of said
Some of the methods disclosed of achieving repetitive electrical pulses.
energy transfers include the use of a dense plasma focus The present invention may also comprise, in accor
switch, an electron beam controlled switch, a magneti 60 dance with its objects and purposes, a circuit device for
cally controlled vacuum arc switch, and multiple fused delivering electrical power pulses to a load comprising:
or explosively actuated switches. The dense plasma power supply means for generating electrical power; an
focus switch suffers from loss of control once operation inductive storage device connected to said power sup
is initiated, erratic self-triggering, a high conduction ply means; first switch means connected to said induc
drop, and a minimum current level required for opera 65 tive storage device and said power supply; two sets of
tion. The electron beam controlled switch suffers from commutation switches connected in parallel to said first
a high conduction drop and the requirement of an exter switching means; capacitive storage means connected
nal electron beam source, The vacuum arc switch suf between said two sets of commutation switches for
4473,875 4
delivering a reverse current to said first switch means to shown) charges commutation capacitor 34 to a prede
turn-off said first switch means whenever at least one termined voltage. V. After a steady state condition is
set of said commutation switches are turned-on; second reached, bypass switch 22 is opened at the same time
switch means for delivering an electrical power pulse silicon controlled rectifier 24 is triggered so that the
from said inductive storage device to said load each current I is transferred entirely to silicon controlled
time said first switch means is turned-off. rectifier 24. Once the current I is established through
The advantages of the present invention are that silicon controlled rectifier 24 and the voltage V is estab
pulse rise time, pulse width, and pulse repetition fre lished on commutation capacitor 34 in the direction
quency can be controlled independently in accordance illustrated in FIG. 2, silicon controlled rectifiers 30 and
with the preferred embodiment of the invention within 10 32 are triggered to discharge commutation capacitor 34
the switching characteristics of separate circuit ele through silicon controlled rectifier 24 in a direction
ments utilized in the device of the present invention. opposite to the inductive storage device current I. The
Additionally, the present invention provides a unique charge on commutation capacitor 34 is sufficient to
switching arrangement utilizing conventional circuit cause a net current zero in silicon controlled rectifier 24
elements which can provide high output power pulses 15 so that interruption occurs and silicon controlled recti
not previously obtainable. fier 24 is turned-off. The inductor current I is then
caused to flow through silicon controlled rectifiers. 32
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS and 30 causing commutation capacitor 34 to be charged
The accompanying: drawings, which are incorpo in the opposite direction to a predetermined voltage V.
rated in and form a part of the specification, illustrate an 20 When commutation capacitor 34 reaches -V, silicon
embodiment of the present invention and, together with controlled rectifier 36 is triggered to produce a high
the description, serve to explain the principles of the rate of voltage rise in load 38. The full inductor current
invention. In the drawings: . I now flows through load 38.with a risetime determined
FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of a conventional by the switching time of silicon controlled rectifier 36.
inductive storage pulse circuit device. 25 When it is desired to terminate the pulse delivered to
FIG. 2 is a schematic illustration of the pulse circuit load 38, silicon controlled rectifier, 24 is triggered to
device of the present invention. Y provide a lower resistance path of conduction. This
: FIG. 3 is a schematic illustration of the control cir same sequence is then repeated with the exception that
cuitry for the device of FIG. 2. silicon controlled rectifiers. 26, and 28 are triggered at
FIG. 4 is a graph illustrating coil current versus time. 30 the appropriate time due to the reverse charge on com
FIG. 5 is a graph illustrating current through silicon mutation capacitor 34. Similarly, on the third sequence,
controlled rectifier 24 illustrated in FIG. 2 versus time. commutation silicon controlled rectifiers 30 and 32 are
FIG. 6 is a graph of voltage across commutation used since commutation capacitor 34 will again be for
capacitor 34 versus time. ward charged after the second sequence. This proce
FIG. 7 is a graph of current delivered to load 38 35 dure continues for the desired number of pulses to be
versus time. . . . . . . . " delivered to load 38. To terminate this procedure, sili
FIG. 8 is a schematic illustration of a spark gap concontrolled recitifier 24 is triggered and bypass
switch, which can be utilized in place of the silicon switch 22, is then closed. . . . . . . . . . .
controlled rectifiers illustrated in FIG.2, .. . . FIG. 3 illustrates the circuitry, for controlling the
FIG. 9 is a schematic illustration of a self-breakdown 40 trigger pulses of the silicon controlled rectifiers of FIG.
spark gap switch: which can be utilized in place of sili 2. Controller 40 provides activation pulses for timers 42
con controlled rectifier 36 illustrated in FIG. 2. which in turn activate trigger pulse circuitry 44. Trig
FIG.10 is a schematic illustration of a self-break ger, circuitry. 44 can employ pulse transformers to en
down silicon controlled rectifier which can be utilized hance pulse triggering. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
in place of silicon controlled rectifier 36 illustrated in 45 . FIG.4 illustrates the current flowing through induc
FIG, 2. tive storage device 20 versus time. At time to power
FIG. 11 is a schematic illustration of a saturable reac supply 18 is turned-on to charge the inductive storage
tor used to improve the turn-on and turn-off capabilities device 20. At time t1, a current I is produced in induc
of the silicon controlled rectifiers illustrated in FIG. 2. tive storage device 20. At this point, power supply 18
50 may be removed or turned-off and can be replaced by
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE an additional bypass switch (not shown). At time t2
PREFERRED EMBODIMENT OF THE bypass switch 22 is opened and silicon controlled recti
INVENTION fier 24 is triggered via timer 1 and trigger 1, illustrated
FIG. 2 schematically discloses the circuitry of the in FIG.3. At time t3, silicon controlled rectifiers 30 and
pulse circuit device of the present invention. The pres 55 32 are turned-on via timer 2 and trigger 2 and trigger 3,
ent invention is also disclosed in Los Alamos National illustrated in FIG. 3. At time t, silicon controlled recti
Laboratory unclassified report LA-UR-81-269 which fier. 24 turns-off automatically from the reverse current
was published in the Proceedings of the Workshop on produced by commutation capacitor 34. At time ts sili
Repetitive opening switches (Jan. 28-30, 1981, Du concontrolled rectifier 36 is turned-on via timer 4 and
rango, Colo.) Apr. 20, 1981 which is hereby incorpo 60 trigger 6. Additionally, silicon controlled rectifiers 30
rated by reference for all that it teaches. As illustrated in and 32 turn-off automatically due to a lack of current
FIG. 2, under initial conditions all switches, are open flowing through them. At time to silicon controlled
with the exception of bypass 22 which is closed. Power rectifier 24 is again triggered via timer 1 and trigger 1 to
supply 18 charges, the inductive storage device 20 65 cause current. I from the inductive storage device to
which may comprise a superconducting, cryogenic, or flow through the silicon controlled rectifier 24 and,
conventional coil device. The inductive storage device consequently, end the pulse' delivered to load 38. At
20 is charged to a current level I through bypass switch time t, silicon controlled rectifiers 26 and 28 are trig
22. Simultaneously, an additional power supply (not gered via timer 3 and, triggers 4 and 5, causing a reverse
current to flow through silicon controlled rectifier 24, ready, regardless of the characteristics of the load, to
thereby causing silicon controlled rectifier 24 to turn commutate the opening switch for each succeeding
: off at time t8. At time to, silicon controlled rectifier 36 is output pulse.
triggered via timer 4 and trigger 6 and silicon controlled The foregoing description of a preferred embodiment
rectifiers 26 and 28 turn-off automatically due to a lack of the invention has been presented for purposes of
of current flowing through them. At time t10, silicon illustration and description. It is not intended to be
controlled rectifier 24 is triggered via timer 1 and trig exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise form
ger 1 to repeat the same process. This process then disclosed, and obviously many modifications and varia
repeats itself from time t3 until termination at which tions are possible in light of the above teaching. The
time bypass switch 22 is placed in the closed position. 10 embodiment was chosen and described in order to best
FIG. 5 illustrates the current flowing through silicon explain the principles of the invention and its practical
controlled rectifier 24 at the various times described application to thereby enable others skilled in the art to
above. Similarly, FIG. 6 shows the voltage charge on best utilize the invention in various embodiments and
commutation capacitor 34 at the various times de with various modifications as are suited to the particular
scribed above. FIG. 7 illustrates the current produced 15
use contemplated. It is intended that the scope of the
in load 38 at the various times described. invention be defined by the claims appended hereto.
FIG. 8 is a schematic illustration of a spark gap What is claimed is:
switch which can be utilized in place of any one of the 1. A pulse circuit device for delivering electrical
silicon controlled rectifiers 24 through 32 and 36, illus pulses to a load comprising:
trated in FIG. 2. The spark gap switch illustrated in 20 an inductive storage device;
FIG. 8 operates in essentially the same manner as the a power supply for generating a charging current,
silicon controlled rectifier in that a trigger voltage is said power supply connected to said inductive
necessary to cause conduction and a minimal current is storage device;
required to maintain conduction. FIG. 9 is a schematic first switch means for applying said charging current
illustration of a self-breaksown spark gap switch which 25 to said inductive storage device in a predetermined
can be utilized in place of silicon controlled rectifier 36 direction to charge said inductive storage device;
illustrated in FIG. 2. Such a switch can reduce the
required control circuitry illustrated in FIG. 3. an array of commutation switches connected in paral
FIG. 10 similarly illustrates a self-breakdown silicon lel to said first switch means;
controlled rectifier which can also reduce the amount 30 a commutation capacitor connected to said array of
of control circuitry illustrated in FIG. 3. FIG. 11 sche commutation switches;
matically illustrates a saturable reactor which can be means for controlling said array of commutation
connected in series with any of the silicon controlled switches to discharge said commutation capacitor
rectifier switches illustrated in FIG. 2 or other switches through said first switch means in a direction oppo
disclosed herein to enhance the switching capabilities of 35 site to said predetermined direction to generate
these devices. m Zero current in said first switch means to turn-off
The present invention therefore provides a circuit said first switch means;
which is capable of efficiently transforming magnetic triggerable switch means connected to said inductive
energy stored in an inductive storage device into rapid, storage device and said load for delivering electri
fast rise time pulses of direct current. The system may 40 cal pulses to said load when said first switch means
be run in a continuous mode as well as an intermittent is turned-off
mode with a prescribed number of pulses in each inter whereby said triggerable switch means controls the
mittent pulse train. Again, the inductive storage device risetime and said array commutation switches con
may be superconducting, cryogenic, or a conventional trols the pulse repetition frequency of said electri
inductive device. Due to the nature of the present in 45 cal pulses.
vention, the load 38 may be resistive, capacitive, or 2. The device of claim 1 further comprising means for
inductive. If the load 38 is inductive, a transfer capaci controlling said first switch means to regulate the pulse
tor can be placed in parallel with the load. The present width of said electrical pulses.
invention also allows the pulse width, pulse risetime, 3. The device of claim 1 wherein said first switch
and pulse repetition frequency to be varied using sepa SO means comprises at least one silicon controlled rectifier.
rate circuit components to match the desired applica 4. The device of claim 1 wherein said first switch
tion. Presently available silicon controlled rectifiers means comprises at least one spark gap switch.
allow the repetition rate to be as high as 20 kHz for high 5. A circuit device for delivering electrical power
power applications and much higher frequencies at pulses to a load comprising:
lower power levels. Moreover, high voltages and cur 55 power supply means for generating electrical power;
rents can be achieved by utilizing arrays of silicon con an inductive storage device connected to said power
trolled rectifier's, such as disclosed in the above supply means;
referenced Proceedings of the Workshop on Repetitive first switch means connected to said inductive stor
Opening Switches. Consequently, the present invention age device and said power supply;
can provide high power pulses which can be controlled 60 two sets of commutation switches connected in paral
with regard to initiation time, pulse width, interval lel to said first switching means;
between pulses, and termination time. The pulse repeti capacitive storage means connected between said
tion rate can range from zero to a value limited by the two sets of commutation switches for delivering a
repetition rate of the opening switch. The output pulse reverse current to said first switch means to turn
risetime is independent of the opening switch risetime 65 off said first switch means whenever at least one set
limits. The commutation capacitor is recharged from of said commutation switches are turned-on;
the inductive energy storage device just prior to each triggerable switch means for delivering an electrical
output pulse. Therefore, the commutation capacitor is power pulse from said inductive storage device to
7 8
said load each time said first switch means is 7. The device of claim 5 wherein said first switch
turned-off. means comprises at least one silicon controlled rectifier.
6. The device of claim 5 further comprising means for 8. The device of claim 5 wherein said first switch
controlling said first switch means to regulate the pulse means comprises at least one spark gap switch.
width of said electrical pulses. 5 k k