Basic Plasma Processes
Basic Plasma Processes
Basic Plasma Processes
Sladkov,1 Fuchs, Burdonov, Sladkov,2 Alexandrova, Chuvatin, Le Contel, Retino, Delahaye J. Larour, R. Smets,
P. Auvray, S. Pledel,3 Ciardi, Panis, Delahaye,4 Casner,5 Bouffetier,6, 7 and Goudal, Masse, Ripoll8
1) IAP
3) LPP
5) CEA-CESTA, CS 60001, 33116 Le Barp Cedex, France
6) Université de Bordeaux-CNRS-CEA, Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications (CELIA), UMR 5107, F-33405 Talence,
7) Eu XFEL
8) CEA, DAM, DIF, F-91297 Arpajon, France
and sufficiently cold (Te ∼ 5eV ) for the magnetic field aligned consin Plasma Physics Laboratory89 and provided an interpre-
mean free path of an electron to be of order cm, i.e. 10−2 tation of the solar phenomenon as resulting from a pressure-
smaller than the macroscopic scales of the system. Heat con- driven instability followed by the tearing of the current sheet
duction at Knudsen numbers of the order 10−2 or larger could (Réville et al. 2022). Laboratory experiments exploring the
thus be investigated in such devices or in possibly smaller ones twisting of magnetic flux tubes and the spontaneous devel-
such as the TORPEX device at EPF in Lausanne. The major opment of current sheets are needed to evaluate the condi-
obstacle is to maintain the field aligned temperature gradients tions favorable for nanoflaring to occur in open field geome-
against conduction. tries perhaps exploiting the heritage of past experiments on
magnetic reconnection90 that resolved processes at the elec-
tron scale91 or the associated generation of electromagnetic
B. Energy and momentum transport in solar corona fluctuations92 .
The physical mechanisms governing the formation and C. Fast plasma flows and jets in the solar system (Le Contel,
propagation of stellar winds and storms are still poorly un- Retino and Pariat)
derstood and debated. Decades of observations have shown
that the solar atmosphere is extremely dynamic at all observ- Collisionless fast plasma flows have been detected for a
able scales. This dynamism arises largely from plasma motion long time in the tail of the Earth’s magnetosphere93,94 . High-
in the photosphere which is transmitted through the different speed ion flows or “bursty bulk flow” (BBF) were measured
layers of the atmosphere by the magnetic field to influence up to 800 km/s with plasma densities not larger than 1 p.cm3
the corona and the whole heliosphere76 . Consequently nu- and a bursty nature lasting between 10 and 60 s. The mech-
merical modelling shows that the bulk properties of the so- anism of formation of these fast flows are still a matter of
lar wind can only be understood by considering the different debate but the most common models are: magnetic recon-
atmospheric layers (photosphere-chromosphere-corona-solar nection producingreconnection jets95,96 , drift kinetic balloon-
wind) as a coupled system77 in which each particle specie ing instability97 and low entropy magnetic flux tube98–100 . It
plays its role in regulating energy and mass exchanges through was suggested that these flows generated farther in the tail
its transport and interactions with the ambient magnetic and were stopped or braked between the region of dipolar field
electric fields78,79 . The continual reconfiguration of the coro- and the tail-like field, the so-called “transition region” of the
nal field in response to convection drives two key processes: magnetotail with important coupling with ionosphere101 . Fur-
the injection of a spectrum of waves propagating from the thermore, these flows were found to have a limited extension
photosphere to the corona and the development of magnetic in the cross-tail direction of about 3-4 Earth radii102 form-
reconnection at the base of the corona (/upper chromosphere) ing channels in which energy, plasma and magnetic flux are
through Parker’s proposed ‘nanoflaring’80 . Research in the transported from the tail to the region closer to the planet.
coming decade will have to evaluate the relative roles of both As they propagate toward the Earth, these flows generate a
processes in coronal heating that they may turn out to oper- sharp increase of the northward component of the magnetic
ate jointly. For instance, the chromosphere and corona heated field called “dipolarisation front” (DF), which are often pre-
by nanoflaring should produce a spectrum of waves that may ceded by a small decrease of the same component. These DFs
dissipate in the corona (through a yet debated mechanism) can be considered as tangential discontinuities103,104 between
and drive the solar wind81 . Nanoflaring will not only pro- a cold dense plasma at rest and a hot teneous fastly mov-
duce waves but also a pool of suprathermal particles82 and ing plasma. Their typical thickness is about few ion inertial
beams that are invoked as key contributors in a number of the- lengths. Associated with a strong density gradient, they host
ories to the acceleration of the fast solar wind83 as well as different kinetic processes leading to particle acceleration,105
solar energetic particles via Fermi-type processes84 . Clearly micro-instabilities,106 energy conversion.107–109 All these pro-
addressing theoretically such an intricate coupled system and cesses can contribute to the slow down of these flows as they
the interactions between particle populations and the electro- propagateearthward by converting the motional kinetic energy
magnetic field is a formidable task that must address energy to particle acceleration, wave emission or plasma heating. En-
transfers from the fluid to the kinetic scales. Testing these ergy partitioning between ions and electrons have been in-
theories and models will require the (concomitant) exploita- vestigated in particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations110 using re-
tion of remote-sensing observations of the low solar atmo- cent theoretical development in turbulence theory based on
sphere taken by future generations of spectral imagers (such the calculation of the pressure-strain.111 Ions are heated at
as NASA’s recently selected MUSE) with direct in situ mea- and ahead of DFs, whereas electrons are heated at and be-
surements of the corona by Parker Solar Probe85 and of the hind; both species thereforecontributing to significant energy
heliosphere by Solar Orbiter86 and HelioSwarm. Insights can dissipation. However, applications to in-situ space data were
also be gained from laboratory experiments as illustrated by a more difficult and did not provide clear results.112
recent theoretical study showing how the elongation and thin- Plasma jets, defined as transient increases in dynamic pres-
ning of the heliospheric current sheet87 can drive the release sure, are also detected in the region downstream of the Earth’s
of plasmoids in the solar wind88 . This process has been repro- bow shock and upstream of the magnetosphere called the
duced experimentally in the Big Red Ball (BRB) of the Wis- magnetosheath.113–116 Again, different mechanisms of forma-
tion are invoked such as ripples of the bow shock117 or impacts to particle acceleration or energy dissipation, the large scale
of discontinuities of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). and temporal evolution of these fast fast flows during their
Their typical scale is about 1 RE and they can impact the mag- propagation is still difficult to address as it would require a
netosphere with a rate of 1 per 6 min generating surface wave constellation with a large number of satellites. Laboratory ex-
at the magnetosphere boundary called the magnetopause118 periences able to generate fast flows and to perform continu-
and/or local reconnection.119 Within the magnetosheath it- ous measurements all along their propagation are highly com-
self, these jets can enhance the turbulence by pushing the plementaty of in-situ space measurements, 3D global numeri-
slower plasma out of their way and generating return flows cal simulations and remote sensing observations. One of these
as shown by global 3D PIC-hybrid simulations120 and in-situ devices consists of using the Lorentz force to push the plasma
space observations.121 Impacts at the bowshock of interplan- after its formation by microsecond high-voltage discharge.132
etary current sheets transported by the solar wind also gen- Such devices have the advantage to be compact and versatile
erate the so-called hot flow anomalies (HFAs) in the solar allowing us to tackle fundamental physical processes for dif-
wind associated with fast flows transverse to the Sun–Earth ferent plasma conditions (jet propagation and dissipation) at
direction.122 As they can occur at a rate of several events per relatively moderate costs.
day, they may play a significant role in the solar-terrestrial dy-
In the solar system, DFs and fast plasma flows have
been also observed in other planetary magnetospheres: at III. RECONNECTION
Mercury,123 Saturn,124,125 and Jupiter126,127 and seem to be
ubiquituous in the solar system. The recent launches of the
European Space Agency’s BepiColombo and JUICE missions A. Overview (N. Aunai)
to study the environments of Mercury and Jupiter/Gaynmede,
respectively, will provide new information on plasma jets in The last two decades have revealed many unknown prop-
planetary environments. erties of how magnetic reconnection operates in collision-
Finally, solar coronal jets are also another type of acceler- less or weakly collisional plasmas. Enlightening the cru-
ated plasma flows. These jets could be an important source cial role of the Hall effect in enabling fast reconnection rates
of mass and energy transport to the upper solar atmosphere is probably the most important result of the period133,134 .
and solar wind. Although at much smaller scales and involv- An important step was also made when high resolution re-
ing less energy than Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) and solar sistive magnetohydrodynamics simulations revealed Sweet-
flares, they could play an important role in the heating of the Parker current sheets break into plasmoids at high Lundquist
corona and the acceleration of the solar wind.128 They are number,135,136 , thereby drastically increasing the reconnection
thought to be generated by a fast magnetic reconnection pro- rate and possibly facilitating the transition towards Hall medi-
cess between closed coronal loop systems and magnetic fields ated reconnection137 . Accounting for the possible asymmetry
open to the interplanetary medium.129,130 MHD simulations between the two upstream plasmas vastly improved the real-
using spherical geometry, including gravity and solar wind in ism of numerical models138 and was a decisive step in predict-
a nonuniform, coronal hole-like ambient atmosphere, suggest ing the signatures of the electron diffusion region in Particle-
that such “interchange reconnections” can generate helical jet In-Cell models139 , later observed by the Magnetospheric Mul-
and induce traveling nonlinear Alfvén wave front. Unlike tiScale (MMS) mission140 . Recently, the development of a
DF in the Earth’s magnetotail where the accelerated plasma scaling prediction of the reconnection rate from first princi-
comes from a region farther from the Earth and having lower ple has improved reconnection theoretical modeling141 . The
density, these solar jets front are followed by slower-moving last decade has also seen a more important exploration of the
plasma density enhancements that are compressed and accel- realm of 3D kinetic effects,142,143 .
erated by the wave. The physical mechanisms behind the process of magnetic
In order to understand in detail the dynamics of these differ- reconnection are now much better understood and the next
ent types of fast flows and the mechanisms of particle acceler- decades’ challenge probably lie in understanding how they
ation, of energy conversion or heating, it is necessary to inves- couple to the large scales of the system reconnection occurs
tigate the coupling between processes occurring at fluid scales in. Magnetized structures in the solar corona and through-
with those occurring at ion and sub-ion scales. Such an inves- out the heliosphere are very large scale reconnecting systems.
tigation is only possible in the near-Earth environment and is Numerical model will be challenged by the measurements of
one of the main objectives of the Plasma Observatory mission Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter missions. The Earth
which has been submitted to the ESA M7 call in 2022 and is Magnetopause is the closest example of a reconnecting sys-
currently competing for moving in Phase A. All anti-sunward tem for which we are relatively blind regarding how recon-
plasma flows in the near-Earth environment could be also in- nection is triggered, spreads and globally operates. Recent
vestigated by the HelioSwarm constellation of nine satellites efforts to develop multiscale kinetic models e.g.144–146 should
dedicated to the solar wind turbulence study and recently se- continue and be accompanied by efforts to develop comple-
lected by NASA for a launch in 2029.131 mentary global scale statistical representations of the system
However, while multi-points in-situ space measurements exploiting the unique and massive multi-mission database ac-
will allow us to scrutinize the fine cross-scale coupling leading quired over the years147 .
B. Magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration in smaller than the global diffusion timescale150 . This provides
non-planar geometry (Fuchs) a constraint for the evolution of a magnetic field, that is use-
ful in, e.g., quantifying its dynamics. Investigating H how-
Magnetic reconnection (MR) is the subject of intense in- ever remains challenging. First, its computation involves the-
vestigations due to its suspected role in the sudden plasma oretical/numerical difficulties, which have been thoroughly
heating and particle energization observed in many space and investigated151–153 . Moreover, the relation between H and
astrophysical events. However, this phenomenon remains dif- other physical quantities, such as magnetic energy, is not
ficult to characterise and measure with sufficient resolution in straightforward. Another example is with the current helic-
all these distant events. As such, many complementary labo- ity (volume integral of ⃗j · ⃗B): while their definitions may
ratory experiments have been developed to investigate in de- appear close to each other, H only possesses the same sign
tail this process, using various experimental platforms. How- as the current helicity for a limited class of magnetic field
ever, despite such experimental effort and continuous theoreti- configurations154 . Despite the difficulties in apprehending H,
cal developments from many groups, persistent difficulties re- a large set of results have emerged in the last decades with an
main, including being able to accurately predict the fast onset interplay between theory/simulations/observations155–157 .
of magnetic reconnection. Aims of the research Placed in the The helicity conservation property is linked to the cascade
general frame of laboratory astrophysics, this proposal aims of H to large spatial scales where dissipative terms are small,
at continuing the effort our collaborative group has started a whereas magnetic energy cascade to small scales where it is
few years ago to characterise the microphysics of magnetic dissipated158,159 . This theoretical result was tested with nu-
reconnection, using laser-driven plasmas [Bolanos2019]. We merical simulations where numerical challenges, e.g. having
propose to pursue our endeavour in several directions: (1) in- precisely ⃗∇ · ⃗B = 0, are involved to compute precisely enough
vestigate the influence of the field topology on the dynamics various expressions of H and its associated fluxes129 .
of magnetic reconnection - indeed, deviating from the ide- The conservation of H can be used to constrain the mag-
alised picture of the canonical reconnection event where the netic field evolution in the solar convection zone. There, the
encountering magnetic fields are in the same plane, the mag- accumulation of H at large scales is responsible for the dy-
netic fields in natural events frequently involve twisting of the namo saturation, the so-called α-effect quenching160 . Next,
field structures and non-planar topologies, and (2) investigate the local conservation of H during magnetic reconnection
the stability of elongated current sheets - indeed, in natural constrains the properties of the reconnected flux tubes161–163 .
plasmas, e.g., in the Earth’s magnetotail and in solar erup- Moreover, a stressed magnetic field with finite H cannot relax
tions, MR does not always proceed in a single X-point, but to a potential field (H = 0), so this limits the amount of mag-
rather develops from an elongated current sheet that is sub- netic energy releasable (as the field can only relax, at most,
jected to instabilities. to a linear force free field with same H value.) Thus, mag-
We expect the research directions outlined above will allow netic helicity is at the heart of several Magneto-Hydrodynamic
us to quantify the dynamics of MR in realistic, i.e. non-planar (MHD) relaxation theories, e.g. coronal heating164,165 . Fur-
geometry, as well as in elongated current sheets, which are thermore, coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are likely needed to
both difficult to assert solely from observations. The analy- avoid the endless accumulation of H in the solar corona166,167 .
sis of the magnetic field annihilation time will give estimates Magnetic helicity can be directly probed in the solar con-
for how fast reconnection proceeds relative to the initially im- text. Observations provide maps (magnetograms) of the
posed parameters. We thus aim at obtaining a description of photospheric magnetic field evolution. During the last two
different reconnection regimes for a large range of possible decades, important achievements have been realised to derive
initial parameters, which we will combine with our knowl- the photospheric H flux from such data157,168 . The helicity
edge of MR in space plasmas. This will be directly used as flux produced by solar differential rotation169,170 and by mag-
a benchmark for numerical simulations, in order to reproduce netic emergence171–173 were estimated. Detailed maps of H
reconnection in the space context. In addition, we will be able flux density were derived by eliminating fake contributions
to test the existing theories of the tearing instability against due to the use of particular vector potentials174–176 . The most
the measured parameters. precise method includes field line coronal connectivities be-
Bolanos2019, ???? Pas de tween photospheric magnetic polarities177,178 .
vraie référence biblio Eruptive flares are an example of the conversion of H
from shear to twist with magnetic reconnection converting a
sheared arcade to an ejected flux rope163,179 . 3D MHD nu-
C. Physical implications of magnetic helicity merical simulations have unraveled the large scale physics of
(Demoulin/Janvier) this 3D reconnection which forms both flare loops and a coro-
nal mass ejection180–182 . Both detailed studies of energy and
Magnetic helicity defines how much a set of magnetic helicity fluxes have been achieved in such simulations183,184 .
flux tubes are sheared, twisted and/or winding around each An important outcome is the finding of a critical threshold for
other148,149 . Its exact definition involves the vector poten- the onset of solar eruptions. It is based on a ratio involving
tial of a magnetic field and a reference magnetic field. This splitting H into two contributions185–187 .
defines a relative magnetic helicity, simply noted H here- In situ measurements of magnetic fields by interplanetary
after. A key property of H is its conservation on a timescale probes allow us to estimate the amount of H carried by flux
ropes ejected from the Sun (e.g. by magnetic clouds). The shear flow (as in the case of planetary magnetopauses): at
data are complemented by flux rope models188,189 . The most least for large-scale (MHD) KH billows, plasma mixing be-
advanced estimation uses the axis shape derived from a statis- tween the different plasmas on both sides of the shear layer
tical analysis of magnetic clouds190,191 . A comparable mag- is negligible in the absence of magnetic reconnection, while
nitude of H was found in magnetic clouds and their solar this latter is able to magnetically connect the two plasmas
source192–194 . Next, an H budget can be estimated for indi- and thus speeding-up the transport. Lots of numerical stud-
vidual active regions by studying both their eruptive flares, ies have investigated this dynamics and have put in evidence
CMEs, and their photospheric H flux195–197 . Finally, on the different kind of interaction between the KHI and magnetic
time scale of the solar cycle, CMEs carry away an amount of reconnection. Dubbed Type I and Type II Vortex Induced Re-
H comparable to the amount generated by the solar dynamo connection216–219 , Mid-Latitude Reconnection220,221 , or KH
(with opposite sign in each solar hemisphere) to the one mea- Trigger for Southward reconnection222,223 , depending on the
sured in emerging active regions191 . initial magnetic configuration, these mechanisms have been
In conclusion, magnetic helicity is such a versatile quantity, observed in satellite data of the Earth’s magnetopause224–231 .
which can be expressed/split in different ways, that future the- One of the main difficulties for numerical simulations, it is
oretical developments are to be expected. This is the case for exploring the shear flow conditions of smaller-scale systems
example for the field line helicity162,165,198 , which provides a with respect to the Earth one, where the KH billows develop
more local view of the helicity behaviour during magnetic re- at kinetic scales, e.g. at Mercury’s magnetopause232 . In fact,
connection. With the previous large efforts, and the next antic- given the difficulties of finding exact kinetic Vlasov equilibria
ipated ones, to derive H from various data sets, the present So- for the shear flow configuration, the initial evolution of sim-
lar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe missions are well equipped ulations, initialized using a simplified shifted-Maxwellians
to derive more precise H budgets, then to further constrain for the particle distribution functions, undergoes strong relax-
physical processes such as magnetic reconnection, solar erup- ations that render a proper investigation quite difficult233–235 .
tions as well as the transport/transformation of their ejecta in On that point, the recent advances of Laser-plasma interac-
the interplanetary space. tion experiments, gradually reaching a collisionless plasma
regime, are very encouraging since they could allow for a
self-consistent investigation of the magnetized KHI at kinetic
In the laboratory, shear flows can be generated by lasers, in
A. Shear flow instabilities (Faganello) the form of counterpropagating HDE plasmas, either gener-
ated by a single laser pulse hitting multiple targets236 , or by
Shear flows are ubiquitous in the Universe and are prone opposite directed pulses along parallel channels237 . Another
to the classical Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI). KH bil- interesting technique is using a single target with inhomoge-
lows have been observed in solar corona199–202 , in the flow- neous density, where the vorticity of the shear is created by
ing solar wind203 , around planetary magnetospheres204–209 , the baroclinic effect at the density interface238,239 . Playing
and are expected to play a role in strongly inhomogeneous with the solid-state target configuration, allows for investigat-
accretion disks210,211 , in astrophysical jets212,213 and at the ing the role of the thickness of the shear layer, of the initial
heliopause214 . The large majority of these systems is com- perturbations to the shear and even the non-linear dynamics
posed by magnetized plasmas, with an Alfvénic Mach number of a single, dominant initial wavelength238,240 .
MA = |∆V|/VA of order one or smaller (here ∆V is the typical Up to now, the role of the magnetic field has been barely
velocity variation across the shear layer, and VA = |B|2 /4πρ tackled. A magnetic field, perpendicular to the velocity di-
is the Alfvén velocity associated to the background magnetic rection and to the normal direction n̂ of the layer interface,
field B and plasma density ρ. is naturally generated by the Biermann battery effect241 at
The presence of the magnetic field has two important con- the interface (that can be seen as the magnetic counterpart
sequences on the system dynamics. First, depending on the of the baroclinic effect). For present experiments, its inten-
MA value, on the relative orientation between ∆V and B, and sity is too low for playing an important role in the KH dy-
on the magnetic shear across the layer, the KHI can be sup- namics242 , since MA is of order ten, or even higher. Tentative
pressed or simply reduced, with respect to its unmagnetized experiments243,244 , including an external field larger than the
counterpart. Excluding the rare case of ∆V and B aligned, the self-generated one, has been conducted but choosing a config-
KHI develops as a flute mode, with a wavevector perpendicu- uration with a field along n̂, a configuration that is far from the
lar to the local direction of B at the center of shear layer, cre- one expected for the KHI. It would be very interesting to add
ating billows with symmetry axes roughly aligned with this a magnetic field perpendicular to n̂, and exploring the differ-
local field (for further details, please see 215 , and references ent magnetic configuration (B ⊥ ∆V, oblique B, sheared B),
therein). Second, once the instability conditions are fulfilled, leading to the different kinds of magnetic reconnection. A 3D
the KH vortices fed by the flow energy, are able to convert behaviour for the KH and reconnection dynamics, as in Mid-
it to magnetic energy, and create local, strong magnetic in- Latitude Reconnection, could be obtained either preparing the
homogeneities where magnetic reconnection can occur. The target configuration with a 2D modulation, including a domi-
interplay between the KHI and magnetic reconnection is of nant wavevector along the flow, plus a modulation of the per-
paramount importance for the transport properties across the turbation amplitude in the direction perpendicular to both the
flow and n̂, leading to a localized development of KH billows, brodzka, C. Mul¨ler, H. Nagai, N. M. Nagar, M. Nakamura, R. Narayan,
with respect to the axis direction (as in 220,221 ). It is worth G. Narayanan, I. Natarajan, R. Neri, C. Ni, A. Noutsos, H. Okino, H. Oli-
noticing that such localization could be also induced by the vares, T. Oyama, F. Özel, D. C. M. Palumbo, N. Patel, U.-L. Pen, D. W.
Pesce, V. Piétu, R. Plambeck, A. PopStefanija, O. Porth, B. Prather,
finite width of the target245 . Depending on the plasma prop- J. A. Preciado-López, D. Psaltis, H.-Y. Pu, V. Ramakrishnan, R. Rao,
erties, a wise combination of different diagnostics based on M. G. Rawlings, A. W. Raymond, L. Rezzolla, B. Ripperda, F. Roelofs,
Thomson scattering, optical emission, polarimetry, laser in- A. Rogers, E. Ros, M. Rose, A. Roshanineshat, H. Rottmann, A. L. Roy,
terferometry, X-ray radiography, or shadowgraphy with probe C. Ruszczyk, B. R. Ryan, K. L. J. Rygl, S. Sánchez, D. Sánchez-Arguelles,
M. Sasada, T. Savolainen, F. P. Schloerb, K.-F. Schuster, L. Shao, Z. Shen,
lasers, could provide a complete view of the plasma and field D. Small, B. W. Sohn, J. SooHoo, F. Tazaki, P. Tiede, R. P. J. Tilanus,
dynamics236,238,246–248 . M. Titus, K. Toma, P. Torne, T. Trent, S. Trippe, S. Tsuda, I. van Bemmel,
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