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Evaluation of Hydrological Modeling Using Climatic Station and Gridded Precipitation Dataset

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Evaluation of hydrological modeling using climatic station and gridded

precipitation dataset

Article in MAUSAM · October 2020

DOI: 10.54302/mausam.v71i4.63


10 356

3 authors:

Wisal Khan Asif Khan

University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis


Afed Ullah Khan

University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar


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MAUSAM, 71, 4 (October 2020), 717-728

556.048 : 551.577.21

Evaluation of hydrological modeling using climatic station

and gridded precipitation dataset


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology
Peshawar (Bannu Campus), Bannu – 25000, Pakistan
*Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology
Peshawar (Jalozai Campus), Jalozai – 25000, Pakistan
**Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology,
Peshawar, 25000, Pakistan
(Received 13 January 2020, Accepted 17 August 2020)
e mail : [email protected]

सार — क्षेत्र के कुछ भाग के वषार् के आँकड़ के पारं पिरक आकलन अपेक्षाकृत सटीक होते है । इस प्रकार के
ऑकड़ के अंतवशन से वा तिवक वषर्ण क्षेत्र का अनम
ु ान लगाया जाता है । हालाँिक िजन क्षेत्र के ऑकड़े उपल ध नहीं ह,
पिरणामी वषर्ण क्षेत्र उन क्षेत्र म वा तिवक वषार् का मोटा आकलन होता है । इंडस बेिसन पािक तान जैसे अनप
ु ल ध
ऑकड़ वाले क्षेत्र म सुदरू संवद
े न के मा यम से प्रा ऑकड़े बहुत उपयोगी िसद्घ हो सकते ह। प्र तुत शोध म
पािक तान म तीन छोटे बांध के िलए जलवायु टे शन के आँकड़ के साथ-साथ दो प्रकार के िग्रड िकए गए ऑकड़े
अथार्त यरू ोपीय पुनिवर्शलेषण (ERA) अंतिरम और 55 वषर् के जापानी पुनिवर् े षण (JRA-55) का मू यांकन िकया गया।
चूंिक इन बांध म प्रवाह के मापे गए ऑकड़े उपल ध नहीं ह, इसिलए िनकटतम संभािवत जल ग्रहण क्षेत्र , जहाँ प्रवाह के
ऑकड़े उपल ध ह, का अंशांकन िकया गया और िफर इन जल ग्रहण क्षेत्र के प्राचल का उपयोग वा तिवक बांध म मद
ृ ा
और जल मू यांकन यंत्र (SWAT) के मा यम से सभी तीन प्रकार के आँकड़ से प्रवाह के अनुकरण हे तु िकया जाता है ।
िग्रडेड और वषार्मापी वषर्ण की तुलना के पिरणाम से पता चलता है िक िग्रडेड आँकड़े जलवायु टे शन को बहुत
अिधक बढ़ा कर दशार्ते दे खे गए SWAT मॉडल द्वारा प्रवाह के अनुकरण की तुलना म भी इसी तरह के पिरणाम दे खे गए
JRA-55 से सवार्िधक बाढ़ की गणना अनुमान से अिधक होती है जबिक तीन म से दो जलग्रहण क्षेत्र म
ERA-अंतिरम सवार्िधक बाढ़ की तुलना की जा सकती है ।

ABSTRACT. The conventional rainfall data estimates are relatively accurate at some points of the region. The
interpolation of such type of data approximates the actual rainfield however in data scarce regions; the resulted rainfield
is the rough estimate of the actual rainfall events. In data scarce regions like Indus basin Pakistan, the data obtained
through remote sensing can be very useful. This research evaluates two types of gridded data i.e., European Reanalysis
(ERA) interim and Japanese Reanalysis 55 years (JRA-55) along with the climatic station data for three small dams in
Pakistan. Since no measured flow data is available at these dams, the nearest possible catchments where flow data is
available are calibrated and the calibrated parameters of these catchments are then used in actual dams for simulating the
flow from all the three types of data using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). The results of the comparison of
gridded and rainguage precipitation shows that gridded data highly overestimates the climatic station data. Similar results
were observed in the comparison of flow simulated by SWAT model. The Peak flood calculated from JRA-55
overestimates while the Era-Interim peak floods are comparable to that of climatic stations in two of the three catchments.

Key words – Hydrological modeling, Gridded data, Accuracy assessment.

1. Introduction estimate the spatial variability of rainfall a dense network

of rainguages is required which is not possible in the
The hydrological modeling in Pakistan is carried out developing countries due to its high cost. Even in the
using the rainfall data of conventional rain gauges. Due to technologically advanced nations, the data collected from
the high cost of climatic stations and its monitoring the the rain gauges do not represent the actual precipitation
rain gauges are often limited in number. In order to and the situation is worse in the less developed nations

718 MAUSAM, 71, 4 (October 2020)

(Wilheit, 1986). The spatial variability of rainfall is better quality climatic data from 1958. Many of the deficiencies
estimated by the radars which are limited in developing in the JRA-25, the first project of JMA, were alleviated by
countries due to high cost of radars. JRA-55 (Kobayashi et al., 2015).

The satellite images are now used for estimating the 3. Soil conservation curve number method
rainfall events and various methods have been proposed
for estimating the rainfall from different electromagnetic The rainfall runoff modelling in hydrology is as
spectrum bands (Dingman, 2002) and the most important important as other modelling techniques in other fields
is obtained from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (Donigian et al., 1995). We model things because of the
(TRMM) (Kummerow et al., 2000). In this research ERA- limitation of the procedures and techniques to record the
Interim and JRA-55 estimates were evaluated through various components of the hydrological modelling (Beven
comparison with the precipitation data of raingauges and & Freer, 2001). Another use of hydrological modelling is
through the estimation of stream flow using the semi to see the effect of one parameter on changing certain
distributed model i.e., Soil and Water Assessment Toll conditions (Donigian et al., 1995). The documentation of
(SWAT). The main objective of this research is to the hydrological modelling started in the mid-19th century
examine whether the ERA-Interim and JRA-55 estimates and the first model which is now known as rational
are helpful to the rainfall-runoff models in the data scarce formula was first described by T.J. Mulvaney in 1851
regions. The focus of the study is to use these estimates (McCuen, 1998). This is known as the marking point of
only for hydrological modelling rather than developing documentation of hydrological modelling. In 1871, Saint
new rainfall estimates. Venant developed the surface water equation for flow of
water in one dimension (Maidment, 1993). Manning
2. Satellite based estimated rainfall developed the equation of open channel flow in 1891. One
of the most popular model the field of hydrology is the
Green and Ampt model which was developed in 1911.
Information regarding the different components of
The Horton model was introduce in 1919. Sherman
the hydrological cycle can be obtained from the satellite
developed the concept of unit hydrograph in 1932 (Todini,
images. Even before the launch of the first meteorological
1988). Horton also described the theory of infiltration in
satellite i.e., TIROS in April 1960, it was assumed that the
1933 which is known as the most important theory of
occurrence of rainfall might be detected from the parent
infiltration. In 1939, McCarthy introduced the
cloud system (Petty, 1995). With the development of the
hydrological method which later on published as
Micro-Wave Sensors, estimation of rainfall based on the
Muskingum Routing method. Cung in 1969, showed some
Infrared and Visible wavelength of light were improved
improvements into the Muskingum method. The simplest
(Ramage et al., 2003).
model for calculating runoff from rainfall is the Soil
Conservation Services (SCS) Curve Number (CN) model
For the hydro-meteorological studies, many now known as the Natural Resources Conservations
researchers suggest the use of gridded data (Lutz et al., services (NRCS) Curve Number model. For small
2014). Around twelve widely used precipitation datasets catchments hydrology, the engineers and hydrologists
were tested based on the basin wise mass balance equation recommend this model (Mishra & Singh, 2013). For small
for Upper Indus Basin (UIB) and all the datasets were
catchments, the initial abstraction ratio (λ) in the NRCS-
underestimating the precipitation except European
Reanalysis-40 (ERA-40) and the ERA-Interim for some CN greatly affects the results (Baltas et al., 2007). The
parts of the UIB (Khan, 2015). TRMM data was evaluated value of the initial abstraction ratio must be selected by
for the tributary of Amazon through a large scale model considering the climatic condition (Ponce & Hawkins,
and it was found that the hydrographs obtained from the 1996). The value of λ = 0.2 in the original NRCS-CN
TRMM data is comparable with the observed hydrographs model is ambiguous and this value must be determined for
(Collischonn et al., 2008). The latest global atmospheric a given watershed. A value of 0.05 was confirmed by
reanalysis product is ERA-Interim which is developed by studying 307 U.S. watershed’s rainfall runoff data
the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather (Woodward et al., 2003). In the Three Gorges area of
Forecasts (ECMWF). ERA-15 is the first reanalysis China, different watershed studies defined the range for
product for almost 15-years spanning 1978 to 1994. The the initial abstraction ratio as 0.010 to 0.154 (Shi et al.,
second product is ERA-40 for almost 40-years spanning 2009). Data from 237 U.S watershed showed a value
1957 to 2002 and is replaced by Era-Interim data which of λ = 0.01 (Mishra et al., 2004). Data from 186
ranges from 1979 till date (Dee et al., 2011). The second Australian watersheds suggested a value of λ = 0.05
reanalysis project carried out by the Japanese (Beck et al., 2009). All the watershed characteristics
Meteorological Agency (JMA) is the Japanese 55-years and climatic factors are combined in one entity called
reanalysis data known as JRA-55 which provides the high the Curve Number (CN) in the SCS-CN model

Fig. 1. Location of three small dams on the map of KP and FATA

(Ebrahimian et al., 2012). The values of the curve number the raingauge daily precipitation data over the three
can be selected using the tables; however, this value can catchments. SWAT was used with daily time step with
be better estimated base on the rainfall-runoff data of a ERA-Interim, JRA-55 and rainguage data as inputs to
watershed. Various procedures are available for estimating simulate the flow.
the curve number and there is no agreement on a single
method of determining the curve number (Soulis & The study area is briefly explained in the section
Valiantzas, 2012). SCS-CN model and the proposed “Watershed Description”. The availability of data is
models performance were checked based on the CN value described in the section “Data Collection”. The
selected from tables and CN value calculated using event SWAT model is described in “Soil and Water Assessment
based rainfall-runoff data. The result showed that model Tool”. Calibration of the model and the stream flow
performance was good in case of CN calculated from the comparison is mentioned in “Accuracy Assessment of
event based rainfall runoff data (Ajmal et al., 2015). Data and Stream Flow Comparison”. The peak flood
Fifteen watershed with eight different rainfall-runoff estimation is briefly explained in the “Estimation of Peak
models including the SCS-CN model, SCS inspired Flood”.
models and proposed models for the watershed by the
researcher with modified initial abstraction ratio was used 4.1. Watershed description
and it was found that the proposed model performed well
as compared to the other models (Ajmal and Kim, 2014). This study focuses on the hydrology of three small
dams located in Federally Administered Tribal Are
4. Methodology (FATA) now part the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province
of Pakistan. Fig. 1. shows the location of dams on the
The quality of the ERA-Interim and JRA-55 topographic map based on digital elevation model (DEM)
estimates were assessed by comparing the daily data with of KP and FATA.
720 MAUSAM, 71, 4 (October 2020)


Type and duration of data obtained from different departments in Pakistan

Station Type of data Time period Source

Saidu Sharif Precipitation, Temperature 1974-1998 PMD, Lahore
Kalam Do 2002-2011 PMD, Lahore
Parachinar Do 1960-2009 PMD, Lahore
Peshawar Do 1960-2016 PMD, Lahore
Bannu Do 1991-2015 WAPDA
Kurram at Thal River Flow Data 1991-1998 WAPDA
Swat at Chakdara Do 1991-1998 WAPDA

Climate of Pakistan is dry with deficient 4.2. Data collection

precipitation during most of the year (Kottek et al.,
2006). Despite the fact that FATA has scarcity of both 4.2.1. Observed data
water resources and Land, the people are more dependent
on the agriculture and livestock activities. In order to store Observed hydrological data and Gridded data was
the flood water in the streams and to bring more areas used in this study. Observed data (Rainfall and
under irrigation command, the FATA Development Temperatures) was provided by the Pakistan
Authority (FDA) has put forward to construct Small Meteorological department (PMD), Lahore and Water and
Dams. In this regards several small dams have been Power Development Authority (WAPDA). The River
constructed while various projects are still under Flow Data was obtained from WAPDA. Detail about the
construction. data for different stations obtained from PMD and
WAPDA is given in Table 1.
Pindiali Small Dam in Mohmand Agency-
FATA is located on Pindiali Khawar (Stream) 4.2.2. Gridded data
with a catchment area of 17.15 sq. Miles. The area
falls in the rainfall zone of about 17.96 inches Two types of Gridded precipitation and temperature
(456 mm). The annual inflow of the stream is about data used are
2033 Acre-ft and 19.4 acre-ft of sediments per
annum. The flood water will be stored in a reservoir and (i) ERA-Interim data for the period of 1979-2010 was
will be used to irrigate 300 acres of land at 109% download from http://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets/data/
intensity. interim-full-daily/

Sarobi Small Dam in North Waziristan Agency - (ii) JRA-55 data for the period 1979-2010 was
FATA is located on Ping Algad (stream) with a catchment downloaded from https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/
area of 8.9 sq. Miles. The area falls in the rainfall zone of
about 12.96 inches (329 mm). The stream has perennial 4.2.3. Soil, land use and digital elevation model
flow of about 0.5 cusecs and is estimated to bring 1035
AF inflow and 18 acre-ft of sediments per annum. The Apart from the precipitation and temperature data,
flood water will be stored in a reservoir and used to some other types of data necessary for the preparation of
irrigate 450 acres of land at 100% intensity in command SWAT model are :
(i) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the
Dande Small Dam in North Waziristan Agency - United Nations global soil data was download from
FATA is located on Dawagar Algad (Stream) with a http://www.fao.org/soils-portal/soil-survey/soil-maps-and-
catchment area of 59.12 sq. Miles. The area falls in the databases/faounesco-soil-map-of-the-world/en/
rainfall zone of about 14 inches (355.6 mm). The stream
has no perennial flow is estimated to bring 88.68 acre-ft of (ii) The Glob Cover 2009 Land Use data was download
sediments per annum. from the link http://due.esrin.esa.int/page_globcover.php/

(iii) The digital elevation model (DEM) used in this of the numerous parameters to adjust and greater data pre-
research was accessed from the link processing (Saleh & Du, 2004). In this study the SWAT
http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/ model has been used in order to evaluate the flow from
different types of precipitation datasets.
4.2.4. Data required for accuracy assessment
4.4. Accuracy assessment of data and stream flow
The data required for accuracy assessment is : comparison

(i) Actual Evapotranspiration (ETact) Data of ERA- SWAT model was calibrated using the conventional
Interim available at http://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets/data/, raingagues data. Since no flow data is available at these
FAO available at http://gaez.fao.org/Main.html#, Willmott three small dams, therefore, nearest possible flow
and Matsuura (W&M) PET data available at measuring stations were delineated. The flow measuring
http://climate.geog.udel.edu/ for the period 1999-2010 station near to Pindiali dam is Chakdara station at River
have been used in this research Swat and that near to Sarobi and Dande dam is Thal
station at River Kurram.
(ii) Ground Water Recharge Data of World-wide Hydro-
geological Mapping and Assessment Program The accuracy assessment of the data is important for
(WHYMAP) available at http://www.whymap.org/ calibrating the nearest catchments. The accuracy
whymap/EN/Downloads have been used in this research. assessment was carried out using the Basin-Wise Mass
Balance Equation (Reggiani & Rientjes, 2015). The
(iii) Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) Data of ERA- proposed equation is
Interim available at http://spirits.jrc.ec.europa.eu/
files/ ecmwf/int/asia/evpt/, Potential Evapotranspiration Q  ETact  P   S (1)
data of FAO available at http://gaez.fao.org/Main.
html# for the period 1999-2010 have been used in this where,
Q = average annual flow (mm/year)
4.3. Soil and water assessment tool
P = Total annual precipitation (mm/year)
Numerous computer models are present in order to
evaluate the watershed hydrology. Among them, SWAT is ∆S = Change in storage
most widely used semi-distributed physical model (Arnold
et al., 1998). A large input data is required for SWAT
ETact = Actual Evapotranspiration
model which makes the parameterization and calibration
of the model complicated. The SWAT model can be
Three limits i.e., L1, L2 and L3 were defined for the
calibrated manually or a using a semi-automated
accuracy assessment and they are given below:
procedure known as SWAT calibration and uncertainty
L1  Q  ETact  nGWR  min
procedure (CUP) (Arnold et al., 2012). The hydrology of
the Upper Illinois River Basin was simulated using two (2)
different models in order to check the suitability of the
model and it was found that the SWAT Model best L2  Q  ETact  nGWR  max (3)
simulates the low flow as compared to the other model
(Singh et al., 2005). Another study compared the SWAT L3  Q  PET  nGWR  avg (4)
model with the Hydrologic Simulation Program-Fortran
(HSPF) model and showed that for agriculture watershed where,
SWAT showed an element of robustness as compared to
the HSPF in estimating the stream flow (Van Liew et al.,
2003). In order to check the capabilities of the SWAT
ETact  minimum  ETact  average  ETact  
model, data from three nested watersheds was used and it
was found that once the SWAT model is calibrated, it can nGWR  minimum  nGWR  average  nGWR  
be used to for providing adequate simulation in case of
climate change on water resources (Van Liew & ETact  maximum  ETact  average  ETact  
Garbrecht, 2003). Another study revealed that the
calibration of the HSPF model as compared to the SWAT
model was less user friendly and time consuming because nGWR maximum  nGWR  average  nGWR 
722 MAUSAM, 71, 4 (October 2020)

nGWR  Net ground water recharge  P    S 2

Q (6)
P  1     S 
PET  Potential evapotranspiration
  Standard deviation of the relative parameter
Q = runoff volume in inches
The data that lie in between the limit 1 and limit 2 is
P = rainfall in inches
considered of good quality while the data that lie above
the limit 2 and limit 3 is overestimation and the data that
S = soil retention parameter in inches after runoff
lie below limit 1 is underestimation (Khan, 2015). In our
case, the climatic station data is considered of good
quality as compared to the gridded dataset and hence this λ = Initial abstraction ratio
data is used for calibrating the models. The calibrated
parameters of River Kurram at Thal station were used for 5. Results and discussion
Sarobi and Dande dam while that of River Swat at
chakdara were used for Pindiali dam and the flow was 5.1. Mean basin rainfall comparison
then simulated using ERA-Interim, JRA-55 and
conventional rain gauges data as inputs to the SWAT model. Rainfall data was obtained for all the three dams
from different sources as explained in the “Data
4.5. Peak flood estimation Collection” section. Accumulated mean daily precipitation
for gridded and climatic station data for all the three
Design flood was estimated using Hydrologic catchments is shown in Fig. 2.
Engineering Center (HEC) Hydrologic model system
(HMS). HEC-HEC is a software that calculates the flood Fig. 2 shows that both Era-Interim and JRA-55
hydrograph at different junctions of the stream by entering estimates are very far from that of raingauge estimates,
the catchment area, the loss rate in terms of curve number, when the rainfall is averaged over the catchments. In
the lag time and the time distribution of rainfall as input. terms of the total amounts of rain during the 32-years
The time of concentration (Tc) for the catchment was period, the results are very different.
calculated using the Kirpich’s equation.
In order to explore the seasonal variations, basin
0.385 average rainfall was compared on monthly basis as
 11.9  L3 
Tc minutes     shown in Fig. 3. Monthly averages were calculated
H  for a period of 32 year from 1979-2010 and during this
 
period, both the JRA-55 and Era-Interim data
overestimates the climatic station data in the wet as well
where, as the in the dry season. However, the seasonal variability
is well distinguished both by JRA-55 and Era-Interim
L = length of longest flow path (miles) datasets.

H = the difference between the highest and lowest 5.2. Comparison of mean inflow at dam site
point (feet)
The accumulated mean daily inflow estimated from
The Synthetic unit hydrograph (UH) has been SWAT model for gridded and climatic station data for all
developed using the parameters of the curvilinear the three catchments is shown in Fig. 4.
dimensionless UH and the SCS triangular unit hydrograph
through the HEC-HMS rainfall-runoff model. The peak Fig. 4 shows that both Era-Interim and JRA-55
storm is estimated using the Gumbel Extreme value-I estimates of inflow are very far from the flow generated
distribution and SCS Type-II distribution has been used from the precipitation of raingauge, when the flow is
for hourly distribution of peak storm. To estimate the averaged over the catchments. The results are also different
direct runoff, the most widely used model is the SCS-CN in terms of the total amounts of flow for 32-years period.
model. The slope adjusted curve number is calculated by
the SWAT model using soil, land use and slope data. The In order to explore the seasonal variations based on
SCS curves for initial abstraction ratio (λ) are obtained the inflow in the streams, basin average inflow to the Dam
using the equation: site were compared on monthly basis as shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 2. Accumulated mean daily rainfall over the three different catchments for Era-Interim, JRA-55 and climatic station

Fig. 3. Average monthly precipitation based on different types of datasets for all the three Dams
724 MAUSAM, 71, 4 (October 2020)

Fig. 4. Accumulated mean daily inflow over the three different catchments for Era-Interim, JRA-55 and Climatic Station

Fig. 5. Average monthly precipitation based on different types of datasets for all the three Dams

Fig. 6. Accuracy assessment of gridded and climatic station data for two different catchments

Monthly averages were calculated for a period of 32 year small dam was River Kurram at Thal station and the near
from 1979-2010 and during this period, both the inflow to the Pindiali small dam was River Swat at Chakdara
generated from JRA-55 and Era-Interim data station. The calibration period for River Kurram at Thal
overestimates the flow from climatic station data in the station was taken from Jan-1991 to December-1998 as
wet as well as the in the dry season. However, the shown in Fig. 7.
seasonal variability is well distinguished both by JRA-55
and Era-Interim datasets. The calibration was carried out on monthly basis and
shows that model performed very well having Nash–
5.3. Accuracy assessment of data Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) = 0.72 and correlation
coefficient (R2) = 0.90. The validation period for the same
The accuracy assessment of the data helps in model is from Jan-99 to Dec-03 on monthly basis. The
determining the precipitation data for calibration of validation results also show the model performance is in
SWAT models. As explained in the section “Accuracy good range having NSE = 0.74 and R2 = 0.66. The
Assessment of Data and Stream Flow Comparison”, the calibration period for River Swat at Chakdara station was
basin wise mass balance equation was applied on the two taken from Jan-1991 to December-1995. The calibration
catchments where flow data was available. The result of was carried out on monthly basis and it shows that model
the accuracy assessment is shown in Fig. 6. performed very well having NSE = 0.91 and R2 = 0.96.
The validation period for the same model is from Jan-
Fig. 6. shows that for both catchments, River Kurram 1996 to Dec-98 on monthly basis. The validation results
at Thal and River Swat at Chakadara station, ERA-Interim also show the model performance is in very good range
and JRA-55 datasets show overestimation as the data lies having NSE = 0.80 and R2 = 0.91.
above Limit 2 and Limit 3 while the climatic station data
well represents these catchments’ precipitation as it is in 5.5. Peak flood generation
between the limit 1 and Limit 2.
The peak floods from climatic station and gridded
5.4. Calibration and validation precipitation datasets were calculated for all the three
catchments and is shown in Fig. 8.
The nearest possible catchments were calibrated
where the flow data was available and the calibrated The peak flood for Pindiali Dam was generated using
parameters were then used in actual study area and flow HEC-HMS software. The time of concentration was
was estimated. The catchment near to Dande and Sarobi calculated using the Kirpich’s Equation (Fang et al., 2008).
726 MAUSAM, 71, 4 (October 2020)

Fig. 7. Calibration and validation of River Kurram at Thal and River Swat at Chakdara catchments

Fig. 8. Estimating the peak flood from gridded and climatic station datasets using HEC-HMS

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station datasets are in good agreement for Sarobi and peaks of JRA-55 and Era-Interim are 3.0 and 0.9 times
Pindiali catchments while in case of Dande dam the of climatic station peak respectively. For Sarobi dam the
peak flood from Era-Interim data is also overestimating. peaks of JRA-55 and Era-Interim are 1.5 and 1.1 times
Peak flood calculated from JRA-55 is overestimating for of climatic station peak respectively. For Dande dam

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