1. Introduction
India is one of the richest ethnobotanical garden in the 2. Botanical description.
world. It's rich diversity is yet have to fully documented utilised Neem tree is a fast growing tree that can reach to a
and conserved different medicinal plants species. Neem height of 15-20m, and very favourable condition up to
(Azadirachta indica) has been a significant constituent formula approximately 35 to 45 m. As a rule is a evergreen tree but
of traditional healer and homeopathic, ayurvedic in the faculty under extreme circumstances, such as extended dry period, it
of Indian medicine system. Neem( Azadirachta indica) is an may shed most of nearly all of its leaves. The branches spread
omipotent tree and scared gift of nature. More than 2 species widely. The trunk is relatively short straight, the bark is hard
of neem are distributed around the whole country. The latinized fissured or scaly and whitish- gray to reddish brown. The sap
name of neem tree is (Azadirachta indica) derived from the wood is grayish-white and the heart wood reddish. The fruits is
Persian Azad means free dirakhat means tree I- means a smooth, yellow, green, drupe and has sweet flavoured pulp.
indian origin. Hence it literally means the tree of India. The The root system consists of a strong taproot and well
neem tree (Azadirachta indica) is an incredible plant that has developed lateral roots. In India it is easily available in all
been declared that the tree of the 21st century. By the United states. It is evergreen but in drought it may shed most of
Nations. The U S National Academy of science is published or nearly all of its leaves.Azadirachta Indica is a scared
the report in 1992 entitled "Neem": a tree for solving global tree. The neem tree is known for its drought resistance.
problems. The divine tree neem (Azadirachta indica) is mainly
cultivated in the Indian subcontinent. Neem is the member of 3. Cultivation of Neem.
the Mahogany family meliaceae. It's botanical name The cultivation of neem is possible in all over India it is
(Azadirachta Indica). on the Indian subcontinent the neem tree commonly found in southern part of Kerala to northern
has been used for more than 4,500 years ago. The earliest Himalayas hills in the tropical to subtropical regions. It is widely
documentation of the neem mentioned the fruits, seeds, cultivated in India and African countries. In India it occurs
leaves, roots, oils, and bark for their advantageous medicinal throughout the larger part of the country in the state of Bihar,
properties. Neem has been used extensively by humankind to Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh,
treat various ailments before the availability of written records Delhi, punjab, Hariyana, Andhrapradesh,
which recorded the beginning of history. The World health Tamilnadu, Gujarat etc Only fruits at the yellow green
organisation estimates than 80% of the population living in the colour stage are picked from the branches. The collected fruits
developing countries relies exclusively on traditional medicine soaking in water to removing pulp, storing seeds few
for their primary health care. months,and used to cultivate in rainy season. The tree is
At the beginning of this century the neem tree was still mostly evergreen except in dry localities, where it becomes
highly estimated by Indian emigrants who took it along the leafless for a short period Fabruary_ March and the new leaf
places where they settled. The neem tree is also found in appear immediately. In southern part of the country the
places such as Australia, Africa, Asia, America, and some flowering period is February to March and later towards the
small scale plantation are also reportedly successful in Europe North.
and United States of America.
It generally performed well in areas with annual rainfall 5. Used parts of the Neem tree.
400-1200mm. It is survived in hotest temperature i.e more than whole plant is used for medicinal purposes because neem
45°celcious but it can't be with stand freezing or extended cold. have anti bacteria,l anti fungal, anti-inflammatory, Antiarthritic,
Neem grows on almost all kind of soils, but does well on black Antipyretic, Antifungal, properties. its helps to cure various
cotton soils. diseases caused by bacteria and fungi.
The neem tree is very well known tree in India its play very
4. Taste. important role in ayurveda and medical science also. Neem
Neem tree is extremely bitter due to its limonoids content. tree leaves flowers fruits seeds twigs is used with combination
Lumsum all part of the tree is bitter in taste, the leaves, seeds, of diffrent different medicinal plants like, neem leaves and
twigs, bark, roots, fruits, flowers, is used in traditional ayurvedic turmeric powder is used to cure old wounds and boils.
treatment for multiple issues. The neem leaves tea is very In this report we discussed each and every part of the
helpful to maintain blood sugar level but it is very bitter in taste. neem tree, it's structure, medicinal values etc.
Pulp of the neem is used to eat for avoiding, wounds
Twigs. Leaves.
Nearly all parts of the neem tree are useful, and many of used fresh, dried, or in the powder form. These are used
its medicinal and cosmetics uses are based on its antibacterial commonly in the south india to cook various dishes, like flower
and antifungal properties. Neem is commonly used in soap and rice, pachadi, rassam etc. They are used to dry roasted and
Cream for skin care, and shampoos for treating dandruff it is sprinkled on top of the dish to garnish as well.
also a component in some toothpaste and mouthfreshner. Neem flowers can be used to treat anorexia,nausea,
Specially in the Indian subcontinent, the young twigs are used intestinal worms, and bleaching.
directly as a crude toothbrushes in rural areas. Neem leaves Pulp:- -The pulp of the fruits are useful for medicines
have been used as a traditional treatment for diabetics and and for the production of methane gas.
their some clinical evidence suggesting that it may help blood Wood:- Its wood is used to make furniture, it is very
sugar levels. Neem leaves is help to protect diseases causing long lasting. The heart wood is strong and durable thats why
bacteria and viruses. It's leaves have numerous health and it's used to making buliding,cart wheels etc.
skin benefits. consuming leaves is helpful for hair nourishment, Bark:-The bark of the neem tree is used to treat malaria,
good for eyes, boosting immanue system, improve digestive intestinal ulcers, skin diseases, pain and fever. It is also used
system, and oral health. Wood of the neem tree is used to for healthy hair detoxify blood and balance blood sugar level.
make furniture. Seeds:- The seeds is used to treat laprosy, kills intestinal
Uses of Neem :- Neem wood is very strong and durable worms. It is also used for birth control. Neem seeds powder
so it is used to make furnitures, building wheels etc.in addition helps to reduce sugar levels.: In seeds active constituents are
other part of the neem like flowers, fruits, bark, roots, leaves, not determined, with certainty.The neem seeds extracts vary in
twigs , seeds etc.are also useful in various aspects. The each batch in terms of stability and activity.Two new
antifungal antibacterial antivirus, insecticidal and other versatile tetranotriters have been isolated from neemseeds.
biological activities of these products is well known.
Some of the medicinal uses of various parts of neem as Seeds oil:- Neem oil is a vegetable oil pressed from the
mentioned in ayurveda have been listed below. fruits and seeds of the neem. The Neem oil is an extract of
Flowers:- most part of the neem tree is extremely bitter neem tree. Neem oil is used as a facial oil, it is used to treat
with the exception of its flowers.white and delicated flowers acne, pimples. It has anti fungal properties and can be used to
with their off white buds is almost too good to taste and treat hair and skin disorders it's also use as an insecticide.
wonderful therapeutic. Durring the mansoon it's look like Neem oil may also be used to treat the symptoms of eczema,
jasmine and smells is amazing. These neem flowers can be leprosy and other skin diseases.
Neem oil
In ayurveda practitioners always suggesting neem oil for some neem leaves and take them with a glass of lukewarm
fungal infections. Neem oil is rich in fatty acids, such as water to increase immunity. Neem leaves is very helpful to
plamitic linoleic and oleic acid which, help to glowing and remove dendruff Boil some leaves with two glass of water
healthy skin. when water remain half and the water turn green, allow it to
cool after washing your hair with this water. Neem leaves are
Leaves:- The neem leaves have antibacterial properties excellent for your liver, which automatically enhance your
that helps to removing burn acne healing wounds infections, digestive system. Apart from this consuming neem on daily
and any kind of skin. Problems.it helps to destroyed bacteria basis also destroyed intestinal and other internal organs.
that cause infections, stimulates the immune system. Cruss
Neem leaves.
Roots:- Neem tree roots consists of a strong taproot toxic to use human being and animals. They are well
system. The root of the neem tree is increases the water suited for pest control in rural areas.
holding capacity of soil in which it is grown to a great extent Neem tree is of great importance because of its anti-
and also prevent soil erosion durring flood. The root system of desertification properties. Neem is considered as a usefull
the Neem tree is highly extensive and therefore requires a tree in rehabilitating in the West land areas.
large surface to thrive. Neem tree is helpful against global warming.
Twigs:- The neem twigs is used as natural toothbrushes it
helps to fight germs, maintains the alkaine level in the saliva, Chemical constituents: Neem leaves have extract active
treat swallen, germs gum, and also maintain whitesh teeth. Chemical constituents includes isomeldenin, nimbin,
All parts of neem tree are used as anthelmintic, anti - nimbinene,6 desacentllnimbinaene, nimbandiol, immobile,
fungal, anti diabetic, anti bacterial , anti viral, contraceptive nimociol, quercfetin, and bectasitostero,nimbolide, nimbadin
and sedatives.Neem tree is used in many medicinal Tetracycline, triterpenoidsacids, zafaral, tetra,
treatments like skin diseases healthy hair improvement, anorapotricalla, (apoeupha)6-alpha-methhoxy, -7alpha, -
liverfunction, detoxifing the bloodplatlets, fever reduction, acetoxy -1-14 dine -3,16, dione21-all,(1) and
dental treatment, cough, asthma,ulcer, piles, internal worms, meliacinanhydride, 24,25,26,27, tetra anorapotirucalla-
urinary diseases etc . Neem products are cheep and non (apoeupha)-6 alphahydroxy, trien,3, one has been isolated
from the methanolic extract of neem leaves.
molecular formula C30H36O9 molecular weight 540.6 g/mol
Nimbin is a limonoids found in Azadirachta indica. It has a role as a plant metabolite and a pesticide.
( Structure of Azadirachtin)
Molecular formula C34H44O16
molecular weight720.7g/mol.
Azadirachtin is a member of the family of Azadirachtins that is isolated from the neem tree (Azadirachta indica) it has role of
hepatoprotective agent.
CompoundName Source Biological activities
Azadirachtin Seed oil Antimalarial
Nimbolide Seed oil Antimalarial, Antibacterial
Gedunin Seed oil Antimalarial, Antifungal
Mahmoodin Seed oil Antibacterial
Anti-inflammatory Antiarthritic Antipyretic
Nimbidin Seed oil Antifungal Antigastric Spermicidal Direutic
Anti bacterial
Nimbin Seed oil Spermicidal
Gallic acid Bark Anti-inflammatory
Margolone Bark Antibacterial
Cyclic trisulphide Leaf Antifungal
Polysaccharides Bark Anti-inflammatory
NB2 peptidoglucan Bark Immunomodulatory
Table 1.
Actions:-Antioxidants,Anti-inflammatory anticarcinogenic, bulidings to the tree as the strong roots can cause damage to
anti-snake venom activities, Antibacterial. Antiarthritic them.
Antipyretic Antifungal Antigastric Spermicidal Direutic. Hence it is important to keep a substantial distance
Uses in therapy:- The healing properties of neem is between the tree and the bulidings.
mainly due to some bitter substances known as
triterpenoidsacids,(limonoids) with Azadirachta as one of the 7. Conclusion.
main active ingredients. The neem tree has proven to have miracleous powers to
The tree is also known in India as a "village the people using its products to cure their diseases form
pharmacy"referring,to its uses to treat a variety of ailments and ancient and now even doctors from all around the world are
diseases.It is very helpful to cure skin related diseases. accepting this fact.Neem tree is commonly used to treat
various diseases and ailments. In the world of chemical this
6. Precautions. natural cure is boon to human being. Neem is a source of
Neem oil, neem bark and neem leaves are unsafe for natural soap, shampoo, and medicinal products. It's
consumption by pregnant women and can cause miscarriage, constituents nimbandiol,nimociol, quercetin isomeldenin etc.
in case of pregnancy it acts as a contraceptive. It's helps to cure diseases,(chickenpox, skin problems
The main root of the neem tree can grow twice as long as wounds, blister and boils,)and so many diseases caused by
their height, therefore it can be harmful to the structure in viruses and bacteria.
Neem and it's constituents have a very important role in The role of Neem due to presence of biochemical compounds.
disease prevention, and medicinal value . These days in this The present paper clearly shows that neem has been used by
developing of medical science discovered of alternative humankind to treat various ailments and diseases from ancient
medicines- based treatment is profitable in the health practice. to modern day to day life.
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