Compensator Design For Speed Control of

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Compensator Design for Speed Control of DC Motor by Root Locus

Approach using MATLAB
Akshay C. Mahakalkar1, Gaurav R. Powale2, Yogita R. Ashtekar3, Dinesh L. Mute4
1, 2 B.E. 4th Year Student of Electrical Engineering Department, DMIETR, Sawangi (Meghe),Wardha(MH), India
3, 4 Asst. Prof, Electrical Engineering Department, DMIETR, Sawangi (Meghe),Wardha(MH), India

Abstract - In this paper we focus on stability and controller to a DC motor. A compensator is a component in
performance of the System. Motors do not give full a control system that improves an undesirable frequency
stability in its running operations. So as to maintain response in a feedback and control system. It is a
maximum accuracy and to get desired response the fundamental building block in classical control theory.
compensator circuit is use with system i.e. DC motor. There are two general types of compensators: Lead
Thus to get desired output from system it is necessary to Compensators, and Lag Compensators. If we combine the
introduce a compensator in system. This can be done by two types, we can get a special Lead-Lag Compensator
reducing overshoots and time domain parameters. It is system.
not possible to study a practical system and evaluate all
minor and major parameters, hence all the study is 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT
done on the basis of Laplace domain. Another problem
encountered is that it becomes difficult to evaluate all To control the speed of DC motor, primary task is calculate
the responses on the basis of first order system. the transfer function of motor. The transfer function
Therefore to control speed of DC motor we have obtained will be in the form of first order as given below,
assumed the system to be performing on position
control. In this paper compensator is designed by using
MATLAB programming.

Key Words: Compensators, Computer Aided Design,

Desired Response Specifications, MATLAB, Root Locus.
Speed of rotation (Output) Voltage
Calculating the response and time domain parameters is
Today control systems are playing an important role in difficult. Thus to make it easier converting the above
development of modern civilization and technology. Every equation in second order,
system we come across today has some type of control
engineering involved in it. In any sector of industry, you
will find control systems everywhere. Say, inventory
controlled of manufactured products, automatic assembly
line, machine tool control, the space technology and After calculating responses by considering position
weapon systems, the robotics, the power plants all are the control the model will again be converted to velocity control
industrial sectors. The system to be controlled is given by using derivative block as stated below,
different names. The most common being a process or a
plant or the controlled system itself.
No system can be ideal and hence there are some power
consuming elements. These causes the fall in efficiency
and performance of the system. The system do not gives
its actual performance. In a DC motor as considered has
various power consuming elements such as inductance,
resistance, friction, inertia, etc. It becomes possible to use
a controller with the system which helps in providing
desired response at the output. This can help to maintain Fig-1: System block diagram of compensated system
speed, accuracy and performance of device (motor, etc.). In root locus technique, graphical calculations are more
In this project we are concentrating on compensator as a and becomes a long process to obtain a compensator

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1245
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

model. Thus here we have formed a complete program for 3. Compensating zero is assumed at an angle of less than
which makes it easy to calculate. 10 i.e. 6 taken with ζ line. Calculate compensating
pole by triangle inequality, then find value of gain k
3. DESIGNING PROCEDURE: and form the transfer function.

3.1 Lead Compensator: 3.3 Lag-Lead Compensator:

1. Compute the transfer function of the system. Here The procedure of lag-lead compensator design is same
computed is, as lead and lag compensators designed individually.
Following are the steps which give a sequential idea for
designing Lag-Lead compensator.
1. Compute the transfer function of the system. Here
computed is,
2. Get required or available value of ζ and ωn through
responses of system or from given parameters and
decide required Ts and Mp and then calculate and 2. Get required or available value of ζ and ωn through
ωn which is required for designing as per responses of system or from given parameters and
specifications. decide required Ts and Mp and then calculate and
3. Plot root locus of open loop T.F. of the system ωn which is required for designing as per
computed and Plot ‘Sd’= -ζ.ωn . specifications.
4. Calculate φ= . 3. Plot root locus of open loop T.F. of the system
5. Plot compensating zero by assuming it (Assume it just computed and Plot ‘Sd’= -ζ.ωn .
after system pole).OR Find the by triangle 4. Calculate φ= .
inequality theorem, from root locus graph. 5. Now, calculate lead branch as per part (3.1) and lag
branch as per part (3.2), then calculate combined gain
to compensate and form the final compensated


Fig-2: Root Locus graph for calculation of pole and zero

Input Transfer Function
6. Taking angle φ plot compensating pole to the left of
compensating zero. Find value of gain k by using
formula, Evaluation of Response Parameters
Mp=10% Ts=0.7sec

Input Desired Parameters

ζ=0.8261 ωn=48.4212

and Form the final transfer function for the lead Calculation of Complex Dominant Pole
compensated system. Sd=-40.00+27.2875j

3.2 Lag Compensator: Calculation of Pole & Zero

The procedure of lag compensator design is same as Cz = 41.3220 Cp = infinity
lead only the change in procedure is of calculations for
poles and zeros. So we will use steps of lead upto step 5 as Calculation of Gain
shown in 3.1. Following are the remaining steps. K= 0.1423
1. Calculation for velocity error constant of system by
using, Form the Transfer Function
=(56.74s+2345)/(s^2 + 23.25s)

Evaluation of Compensated
2. Value of = Assumed greater than factor. Response
Fig-3 Algorithm for Lead Compensator

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1246
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Figure 3 shows the algorithm flow chart for the lead

compensator. In that explained step by step procedure for
evaluation of parameter for lead compensator. Similarly Input Transfer Function
figure 4 and figure 5 shows the algorithm flow charts for =17.146/s(0.043s+1)
lag and lag-lead compensator respectively.

Evaluation of Response Parameters

Input Transfer Function Mp=10% Ts=0.7sec
Input Desired Parameters
ζ=0.8261 ωn=48.4212
Evaluation of Response Parameters
Mp=10% Ts=0.7sec
Calculation of Complex Dominant Pole
Input Desired Parameters Sd=-40.00+27.2875j
ζ=0.69 ωn=16.10

Input Velocity Error Constant

Calculation of Complex Dominant Pole Kv= 18
Sd=-11.11 +11.65j

Calculation of Lead Branch

Input Velocity Error Constant Cz1 = 41.322 Cp1 = Infinity
Kv= 30

Calculation of Lag Branch

Calculation of Pole & Zero Cz2 = 7.8252 Cp2 = 7.4557
Cz = 2.1253 Cp = 1.2150

Calculation of Gain
Calculation of Gain K= 0.143
K= 0.705

Form the Transfer Function

Form the Transfer Function =(57.13 s^2 + 2807 s + 1.847e004)/(s^3 + 30.71 s^2 +
=(281.5 s + 598.2)/(s^3 + 24.46 s^2 + 28.25 s) 173.3 s)

Evaluation of Compensated
Evaluation of Compensated
Fig-5 Algorithm for Lag-Lead Compensator
Fig-4 Algorithm for Lag Compensator

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1247
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Step Response for Compensated and Uncompensated System

Lag Compensated System
The responses obtained for Lead Compensator are plotted 1.2
Uncompensated System

as shown in figure 6 and the performance parameters

calculated and compared in table 1 which is directly 1

calculated from MATLAB program designed as per the


flow chart shown in figure 3. In lead compensator the pole
obtained by the formula for solving triangle is found to be 0.6

infinity, as this value is not possible we considered its

impedance to be infinity and behaves as open circuit.
The response obtained for Lag compensated system with
comparison to original one is shown in figure 7. The
evaluated values of different performance parameters of 0
responses is tabulated in table 1. Also figure 4 shows the 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (sec)
flow chart for the MATLAB program through which it is
Fig-7 Step response for compensated and uncompensated
evaluated. Lag compensator reduces the distortion but system. (Lag Compensator)
takes a large settling time in compare to lead, thus this
proves that lag improves steady state time of response. Step Response f or Compensated and Uncompensated System
The steps as evaluated are as similar to lead. As per the 1.4
study it is found that the response of lag is not very Compensated System
1.2 Uncompensated System
flexible which proves that lag is invalid for higher order
In Lag-Lead compensator the respective response and the
evaluated results of different performance parameters is 0.8

as shown in the figure 8 and table 1 with respect to results

evaluated as per MATLAB program as per flow chart figure
5. From the response it is clear that lag-lead compensator 0.4
is having both properties of lag of improving steady state
and lead for improving transient response. 0.2

Step Response for Compensated and Uncompensated System 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
1.4 Time (sec)
Compensated Lead Response Fig-8 Step response for compensated and uncompensated
1.2 Uncompensated Response system. (Lag-Lead Compensator)





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Time (sec)

Fig-6 Step response for compensated and uncompensated

system. (Lead Compensator)

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1248
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1249

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