Introduction Chapter 1

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Symbol on front cover: Icelandic magical stave Vegvísir,

intended to help people find their right path

Manuscript on front cover:

An Icelandic handwritten letter from 1840
4 Message from the Middle of Nowhere

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.................................................................................. 11
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 13

THE KING, THE TROLL, THE GNOME, AND MYSELF................................................ 16
WHEN THE ERUPTION STARTS, LOCATION IS EVERYTHING................................ 17
AN EMERGING CAREER IN SALES.................................................................................. 18
TAKING ON ‘THE KING’..................................................................................................... 19
THE TROLL ENTERS THE SCENE..................................................................................... 20
THE FIRST SMELL OF SUCCESS........................................................................................ 22
MESSAGES FROM THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.......................................................... 23

A VIKING SALESMAN IN THE COUNTRY OF ELVES............................ 25
THE GEOGRAPHY OF FAMILY......................................................................................... 25
OFF THE HORSE AND ON AGAIN................................................................................... 26
FEMINISM FROM THE TURF HOUSE............................................................................... 27
THE FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT....................................................................................... 27
MOM AND DAD AND THE QUESTION OF MONEY................................................... 28
THE CONFLICTS OF CHILDHOOD.................................................................................. 29
THAT THING THAT IS BIGGER THAN US..................................................................... 30
INFLUENTIAL ELVES........................................................................................................... 31
A NEW LIFE WITH ‘AMMA OG AFI’................................................................................ 33
GRANDMA’S STRENGTH AND PHILOSOPHY............................................................. 34
“READ, GUNNAR ANDRI!”................................................................................................ 35
BOBBY FISCHER.................................................................................................................... 36
THE SALESMAN AND THE TOILET PAPER................................................................... 36
THAT SINGLE MOMENT THAT CHANGES YOUR LIFE............................................. 38
ALWAYS THINK BIG!........................................................................................................... 38
EVERYONE IS SELLING, ALL THE TIME......................................................................... 39
MESSAGES FROM THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.......................................................... 42

FROM MOTIVATED FOOL TO MASTER SALESMAN............................. 45
STARTING OUT AT THE FARM......................................................................................... 45
LIVING LEGENDS IN THE ICELANDIC NATURE........................................................ 46
THIRTEEN SANTA-CLAUSES … AND A CHRISTMAS CAT?..................................... 47
GRÝLA SHOULD ONLY BE A MYTH................................................................................ 48
THE VALUE OF THE WORK ETHIC.................................................................................. 49
ORIGINS MUST NEVER BE FORGOTTEN....................................................................... 50
“HOW ABOUT A CAREER IN BUTCHERY?”.................................................................. 50
FIRST FAILURE OF THE MOTIVATED FOOL................................................................. 51
MAPPING IS KEY................................................................................................................... 52
STARTING TO LEARN THE GAME................................................................................... 52
Message from the Middle of Nowhere 5

THE SUCCESS BEGINS......................................................................................................... 53

WHERE DO YOU GO FROM ZERO SALES?..................................................................... 55
THE IMITATION GAME....................................................................................................... 56
NO ALWAYS MEANS NO, BUT YOU CAN STILL BE SELLING!................................ 57
BIG IN JAPAN......................................................................................................................... 58
“I’M FROM ICELAND, WHERE ARE YOU FROM?”...................................................... 59
MESSAGES FROM THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.......................................................... 61

STUCK BETWEEN TWO AVALANCES......................................................... 63
“A MOBILE PHONE? ARE YOU CRAZY?”...................................................................... 63
INTO THE WILD IN A VAN FILLED WITH BOOKS...................................................... 64
SURROUNDED BY STEEP CLIFFS IN A WILD STORM................................................. 65
CHANCES OF DISASTER: INCREASING......................................................................... 66
ANOTHER AVALANCHE?.................................................................................................. 67
RESCUE IS COMING, ON A SNOW PLOUGH!............................................................... 68
TRUE JOY AND THE FEAST OF A LIFETIME.................................................................. 70
MORE LUCK AND A TRIP TO EUROPE........................................................................... 71
THROWN OFF MY FEET, LITERALLY!............................................................................. 72
THE BIG LESSON................................................................................................................... 74
USING HUMOR TO BREAK THE ICE................................................................................ 75
THE VERY LAST SALE CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING................................................ 76
THE LAST BOOK SALES RUN............................................................................................ 78
FROM HELL TO PARADISE................................................................................................ 79
MESSAGES FROM THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.......................................................... 81

FROM BOOKS TO HOME APPLIANCES.......................................................................... 83
MASTERY TAKES TIME....................................................................................................... 84
FROM ENVY TO ENLIGHTENMENT................................................................................ 85
A BORN SALESMAN?........................................................................................................... 85
THE ART OF SMALL TALK................................................................................................. 86
THE BRIAN TRACY REVOLUTION................................................................................... 87
EDUCATION VERSUS ENTERTAINMENT...................................................................... 88
ON THE ROAD WITH A PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND..................................................... 89
SELLING … AGAINST ALL ODDS.................................................................................... 90
HAVING GOALS AND STICKING TO THEM................................................................. 92
THE REASONS BEHIND FAILED GOALS........................................................................ 93
WHAT YOU WANT AND WHY YOU WANT IT............................................................. 94
DON’T FIX ON LONG-TERM GOALS............................................................................... 95
REMOVING OBSTACLES..................................................................................................... 96
IMAGINE THE ULTIMATE SUCCESS............................................................................... 97
MESSAGES FROM THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.......................................................... 99
6 Message from the Middle of Nowhere

DREAMING OF GREECE................................................................................................... 103
TRIALS AND OBSTACLES IN A FOREIGN CULTURE................................................ 105
A LESSON FROM A GREEK MASTER............................................................................. 106
HONESTY, ABOVE ALL..................................................................................................... 108
IN OVER MY HEAD............................................................................................................ 108
BACK TO THE ICELANDIC REALITY............................................................................ 110
NATURAL DISASTER STRIKES IN ICELAND............................................................... 110
THE FORTUNE-TELLER..................................................................................................... 111
NOT 100% ACCURATE?..................................................................................................... 113
SPLIT-UP AND BACK TO GRANDMA........................................................................... 114
“NEVER GIVE UP!”............................................................................................................. 116
RE-BUILDING MY LIFE...................................................................................................... 117
MESSAGES FROM THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE........................................................ 119

YOU MUST BE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE..................................... 121
FROM ZERO TO MY OWN SALES SCHOOL................................................................. 121
PREPARING FOR THE HARD REALITY........................................................................ 122
TEACHING EVERYONE … EVERYTHING.................................................................... 123
MAKING A LIVING FROM MY PASSION...................................................................... 124
RESOURCEFULNESS AT THE CAR WASH................................................................... 125
REALIZING MY OWN VALUE......................................................................................... 127
KNOWING MY PLACE....................................................................................................... 128
MY PRECIOUS P.D.T.D.S DEGREE................................................................................... 129
THE ‘NEGATIVE’ GUY....................................................................................................... 130
A DEFINING CAREER MOMENT.................................................................................... 131
BEING IN BETWEEN........................................................................................................... 133
EVERYONE IS SELLING, ALL THE TIME....................................................................... 134
DON’T QUIT, JUST DON’T!............................................................................................... 136
MESSAGES FROM THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE........................................................ 138

ALIENS IN ICELAND, GUNNAR ANDRI IN AFRICA............................ 141
ALIENS AT SNÆFELLSJÖKULL....................................................................................... 142
CHARGING THE BATTERIES........................................................................................... 142
ADVENTURES IN AFRICA................................................................................................ 143
THE POWER OF CHOICE.................................................................................................. 144
EYES OPENING.................................................................................................................... 146
SCARED TO DEATH ON A ROAD TRIP......................................................................... 147
MESSAGES FROM THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE........................................................ 150
Message from the Middle of Nowhere 7

IT’S ALL ABOUT CATS AND THE IRS............................................................................ 153
VICTORY, BUT STILL A DISASTER................................................................................. 155
INCARCERATION … OR COMMUNITY SERVICE...................................................... 156
BOOMING BUSINESS......................................................................................................... 157
A HUGE CHANGE IN ATTITUDE................................................................................... 158
GETTING TO KNOW NETWORK MARKETING.......................................................... 160
THE KEY INGREDIENT...................................................................................................... 161
SUCCESS THROUGH HELPING OTHERS..................................................................... 162
WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF SUCCESS?............................................................................ 164
MESSAGES FROM THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE........................................................ 166

THE BIRTH OF THE VIKING SALES KING............................................... 169
THE HIVE SALES ADVENTURE....................................................................................... 169
TAKING A FIRM STAND................................................................................................... 170
OLD CONNECTIONS CAN SUDDENLY PAY OFF...................................................... 170
GOING ALL IN..................................................................................................................... 172
FROM 10% TO 80%.............................................................................................................. 173
DISCIPLINE, ENTHUSIASM, AND HONESTY IN EVERY SALE............................... 173
THE WOLF OF REYKJAVÍK? MAYBE NOT …............................................................... 175
THE END – BEGINNING.................................................................................................... 176
THE BIG BOOM IN ICELAND........................................................................................... 176
A FEAST FOR A FORTY-YEAR OLD, BUT THE END WAS NIGH............................ 178
MESSAGES FROM THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE........................................................ 180

EYJAFJALLAJÖKULL GLACIER.................................................................... 183
SOMETHING WAS ROTTEN IN THE STATE OF ICELAND...................................... 183
COLLAPSING ICELANDIC BANKS................................................................................. 184
A COUNTRY USED TO NATURAL DISASTERS........................................................... 185
THE BIG NATIONALIZATION......................................................................................... 187
REVOLT AND FIRES IN PEACEFUL REYKJAVÍK........................................................ 188
THE TERRORIST ACT AND THE ICESAVE DISPUTE................................................. 189
BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD................................................................................. 190
A STRANGE ERA FOR THE ICELANDIC NATION..................................................... 192
MESSAGES FROM THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE........................................................ 194
8 Message from the Middle of Nowhere

HÚH! THE BIRTH OF THE VIKING CLAP................................................. 197
THE RIDE OF A LIFETIME................................................................................................. 197
ON THE BRINK OF SOMETHING HUGE....................................................................... 198
THE WORD SPREADS QUICKLY – ALL OVER THE WORLD................................... 199
THE FINAL NIGHT IN AKUREYRI.................................................................................. 201
READY TO REAP................................................................................................................. 202
OF COURSE THIS TOO WILL MAKE THE BOOK EVEN BETTER............................. 204
SOURCES OF INSPIRATION............................................................................................. 206
NEVER THE END – ALWAYS A NEW BEGINNING.................................................... 207
THE COMPLEX REALITY OF THE SMALL BUSINESS OWNER............................... 208
THAT THING I REALLY WANT TO DO......................................................................... 209
FINDING A WAY TO MEET BRIAN TRACY.................................................................. 210
THE DREAM DINNER AND A PHONE CALL OF A LIFETIME................................ 211
THE WINTRIS SCANDAL.................................................................................................. 213
TEAM!..................................................................................................................................... 214
HÚH! THE VIKING CLAP THAT CONQUERED THE WORLD................................. 215
A NOBLE NAME WILL NEVER DIE................................................................................ 217
MESSAGES FROM THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE........................................................ 218

THE ESSENTIALS OF QUALITY SALES..................................................... 221
THE FIVE EASY STEPS TO QUALITY SALES................................................................ 221
FIRST STEP: FIRST IMPRESSIONS.................................................................................... 222
SECOND STEP: ANALYZING THE NEED...................................................................... 226
THIRD STEP: NEGATIVE RESPONSES AND CLOSING A SALE.............................. 228
FIFTH STEP: AFTER SALES AND SERVICES................................................................. 232
MESSAGES FROM THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE........................................................ 233
10 Message from the Middle of Nowhere

When I started writing this book, I had no idea how many individuals
would end up contributing to the process and assisting me in this
endeavour. The list would extend to several pages if I mentioned every
one of them, so I will name just a few. The essential helpers were: Þórir
Karl Bragason Celin, for his impressive illustrations and the artwork
on the book cover, Heiða Þórðar, for helping me gather my thoughts
down on paper and assisting me with tiny but important details like
spelling and grammar, showing up every day for many months, Davíð
Stefánsson, for his solid editing and translating advice, and Magnús
Einarsson for being the one who initially pushed me into this crazy

To Aliz Lukács, Einar Victor Karlsson, Aðalheiður Ósk Guðmundsdóttir,

Bjarni Kjartansson and my daughter, Sigurlaug Sara Gunnarsdóttir, I
offer my deepest gratitude for being patient concerning my continous
rantings about this book. Maria Regina Paiz provided extremely
valuable review and proofreading, although all eventual errors are
to be attributed to myself. Gunnar Valsson gets special thanks for
thinking out loud when I told him that I wanted to write a book. When
I expressed my doubts because I was just some guy in the middle of
nowhere, he promptly said: “Well, then it will be your message from
the middle of nowhere!” And just like that the title of the book was

I also want to express my gratitude for being born in Iceland, this

unique place that made it possible for me to write an alternative and
unique book about my personal experience.

And finally, the deepest gratitude I offer you, dear reader, for picking
up my book and starting to read it. I sincerely hope that my Message
From The Middle Of Nowhere will enter your heart and make a
difference in your life.

12 Message from the Middle of Nowhere

31 32



22 16
4 14
5 6 23

3 13
1 19
21 25


1 Bláa lónið (Blue Lagoon) 18 Hveragerði

2 Þingvellir 19 Selfoss
3 Keflavík 20 Skagaströnd
4 Reykjavík 21 Hekla
5 Hafnarfjörður 22 Bárðarbunga
6 Kópavogur 23 Grímsvötn
7 Vestmannaeyjar (Westman Islands) 24 Eyjafjallajökull
8 Heimaey 25 Katla
9 Skagafjörður 26 Siglufjörður
10 Drangey 27 Svarfaðardalur
11 Hofsós 28 Neskaupstaður
12 Höfn í Hornafirði 29 Viðey
13 Jökulsárlón 30 Snæfellsjökull
14 Vatnajökull 31 Flateyri
15 Djúpivogur 32 Súðavík
16 Þvottárskriður (Washboards) 33 Akureyri
17 Litla kaffistofan (a small diner en route
to Hveragerði)


Message From The Middle Of Nowhere – Fighting Fire And Ice

The Viking Philosophy For Conquering The Challenges Of
Business And Life

During the past few years, the same thought has returned to me
each time I’ve made a mistake. This has especially been the case
during times when I have lost everything or when a significant
life changing or dramatic event has taken place. The thought is
“This is alright, this will only make my book even better.”
I believe that this book has important value, and in its pages
you’ll find true learning stories and experiences where my
own life is at the forefront. These stories involve mistakes that
I have made, and natural disasters like volcanic eruptions and
avalanches will play a major role. All the stories involve a life
lesson that can be drawn from the experience of a true Viking
born and raised in Iceland, who grew up in poverty but went
on to become the best known salesman in Iceland and ended up
as a sales trainer that has helped thousands of individuals and
corporations to succeed in both business and private affairs.
I believe it’s a unique book, since the lessons on life and
the business of sales are intertwined with stories of trolls and
Vikings, elves and superstition, ghosts and fortune–tellers.
You will read stories about getting trapped in the middle of an
avalanche in Iceland, as well as various life changing events
that I experienced while traveling in Africa, Asia, and Europe.
I sincerely hope you enjoy my book and forward its messages
to all the people that are important in your life.

“Our common goal is your success”

14 Message from the Middle of Nowhere


When The Eruption Starts,

Location Is Everything

All the stories within this book are based on true life experiences
and this is the very first one.

I began my career in sales at an early age. A lot has changed

since then, but the basic principles remain the same in my
personal and professional approach. I believe that the values
in all the stories will appeal to everyone who wants to achieve
better results in their life dealings and business ventures.
I have worked as a lecturer, consultant and a specialist in
communication and sales in Iceland for twenty years, helping
both individuals and companies to achieve their maximum
sales objectives and true unleashed potential.
It sometimes seems peculiar, even to myself, why I was so
interested in making money as a child. During my youth, I only
heard negative things when the subject of money came up. This
fact is one of the first things I think of when I reflect on my
childhood, along with the unforgettable volcanic eruption in
the following story that catapulted my career in sales, when I
was only six years old!
From an early age, I collected wallets and moneyboxes.
Most of these were empty, but that didn’t matter to me. My
philosophy, even at a young age, was that if I had enough
16 Message from the Middle of Nowhere

wallets and piggy banks, I would eventually accumulate the

money to fill them.
In retrospect, this naive way of thinking seems similar to the
law of attraction covered in The Secret. The law of attraction is,
of course, a fantastic and powerful principle, but there is one
word missing from that particular best-selling book. I would
like to add that word into the mix right here:
I also learned early on that if you don’t ask, then the answer
will always be no. As a young boy, I never asked my parents for
money, because money simply didn’t exist. However, when we
had visitors that I knew had enough money, I did not hesitate
to approach them by asking a very straightforward, logical and
practical question:

“Do you have any money that you aren’t using any more?”

This much I had learned: If I wanted money I would just have to

make it myself, by asking directly or by attracting the attention
of buyers. And, of course, by working hard!

The King, The Troll, The Gnome, And Myself

It was 2 a.m. on January 23, 1973 and the earth started trembling.
A large rift had appeared in the ground in the Westman Islands,
an archipelago southeast of Reykjavík.
A volcanic eruption had started in Heimaey, the largest of
the fourteen islands, hot magma spewing tens of meters into the
air. For the first time, a volcanic eruption was taking place in the
middle of an Icelandic village.
My heritage lies in the Westman Islands, but while this
When The Eruption Starts, Location Is Everything 17

dramatic event was unfolding, I was safe and sound, asleep in

my bed in Reykjavík, far away from the melting lava and the
ongoing confusion in this once peaceful village.
When the volcanic eruption began, the first reaction of a few
of the locals was to act upon their growing curiosity and walk
right up to the two kilometer-wide expansion rift. From that
point they watched the magnificent and natural wonder that
soon transformed into a disaster, with absolute amazement,
as if they were watching a typical Icelandic New Year’s Eve
celebration of fireworks and bonfires.
Suddenly it struck them that what they were actually
watching was not merely something for their enjoyment and
pleasure; they were in fact faced with a life or death situation, the
existence and future of their hometown was currently severely
at stake. Hot lava ran all over the island, all the way down to
the sea, and today it’s considered a miraculous blessing that no
lives were lost during the eruption.

When The Eruption Starts, Location Is Everything

Only two hours after the eruption initiated, my relatives were

safe onboard the rescue boats, heading towards the mainland of
Iceland. They had nothing, beside the few things they had been
able to hastily put in their pockets and carry away with them.
There had been no time to pack anything into bags or suitcases.
The circumstances were totally chaotic. They were destitute.
It only took about six hours to evacuate 5,300 people from
Heimaey. The key element that saved the lives of the inhabitants
of the Westman Island was their swift response rate and how
quickly they realized the immense gravity of the situation.
My family from Westman Islands was of course in great
18 Message from the Middle of Nowhere

shock, as everyone had lost most of their possessions and some

had literally lost everything. Their homes would end up being
buried by the dense shower of ash or by the flowing, hot lava.
Therefore, it was somewhat strange for me, at the tender age
of six, to stroll around downtown Reykjavík the day following
this great natural disaster and do my usual rounds of selling
newspapers by calling out to the passing pedestrians:

“Breaking news: Volcanic eruption in Westman Islands!”

The day after my family had lost everything, there I was, selling
and shouting out headlines, just to get some pocket money.

An Emerging Career in Sales

So it happened that during these fateful events of 1973, my sales

career had already begun. The eruption of the Westman Islands
had caused my relatives to lose almost everything, but I, the
best-selling paperboy, rewarded myself with chocolate and
candy that I purchased with my day’s earnings.
Every day after school I would head to downtown Reykjavík
to sell newspapers. I wanted to sell outside the national bank,
Landsbankinn, because this was considered to be the most
profitable location. Incidentally, thirty-five years later that same
bank would become one of the largest banks in the world, better
known as the bank responsible for the notorious Icesave savings
Icesave was a giant in the banking sector prior to the economic
collapse of 2008, but when I was six years old, Landsbankinn
certainly was no giant in my mind. To me, the true giant was
Óli ‘The Newspaper King’, an eccentric little man who sold his
When The Eruption Starts, Location Is Everything 19

newspapers across the street from the bank and had done so for
many years.
Óli had claimed this busy corner as his own and no paperboy
dared to enter his territory. For a kid like myself, Óli was indeed
a big threat and I felt like a pawn in his presence. He was the
opposition. He was my nemesis.

Taking On ‘The King

Early on in my career I learned that location is key. With my

boyish ambition, I saw an opportunity to sell a lot of newspapers
because with Óli’s location, I would be able to reach a larger
crowd. I told some of my fellow paperboys about this idea but
they told me it was hopeless. I had no chance of going against
‘The King’, they would tell me. In fact, I have heard similar
phrases numerous times over the years when presenting
ambitious ideas. And I’m sure you have too.
Anyway, I gathered my courage, went to the corner and
began to sell my newspapers. I had only been there for a short
while when Óli began to threaten me and tell me he would turn
the police on me if I didn’t leave at once. This is my corner,
he said angrily. Listening to Óli’s threats terrified me, but there
was a question to be answered:

Was I going to let fear control me and give up, or was I going to face
that fear?

I was fixed on securing for myself the corner across the street
from Óli. I was not willing to give up on my dream. There had
to be another solution than giving up. Once you begin giving
up, you keep giving up. And that is a terrible habit, because first
20 Message from the Middle of Nowhere

we create habits and then the habit becomes us.

I refused to give up against Óli and I continued stubbornly
going downtown to sell newspapers. I started moving closer
and closer to the corner next to the Post Office and by doing
so, I was able to sell the occasional paper on Óli’s territory. My
journey towards fortune had started with careful steps in the
right direction.
Being able to secure that location, even for a short period of
time, did indeed help me to sell papers. I started winning small
battles and that made me very proud, even though I had not
won the war and the dream had not yet come true.
This is the only way to conquer larger milestones – with
many small victories. I have learned that the way to commence
and conquer a large project is by taking small steps. Just like
Socrates told the traveler that asked him how to get to the top
of Mount Olympus:

“Just make sure that every step you take is in that direction.”

So, what was I going to do regarding the ‘location problem’?

The solution had been right in front of me all the time.

The Troll Enters The Scene

There was a man that often stood nearby where this rivalry of
Óli and myself took place. He was a giant of a man, much larger
than Óli, and he was collecting money for the poor on behalf of
the Salvation Army. In Iceland, all trolls or ‘tröll’ are gigantic,
and next to this ‘tröll’, Óli The King looked like a gnome.
“This is a cool guy,” I thought to myself. He looked like a
combination of a fairy–tale troll and an Icelandic Viking. I
When The Eruption Starts, Location Is Everything 21

found myself thinking that I needed to get this guy to join forces
with me. What can a gnome like Óli do against someone like him? I
thought to myself.
I went over and talked to the Troll and asked him how the
collection was going. He told me it wasn’t going well enough,
especially considering the importance of the matter.
I told him that I had an idea that was guaranteed to improve
his collection and asked him if he would look into it. He smiled
and was more than willing to listen. After my explanation, the
Troll and I joined forces and he would receive a percentage of
my earnings, provided that he would protect me.
The expression on Óli’s face, the best-selling newspaper
gnome, was certainly not kind when he saw me marching
towards him, ready to sell my newspapers, with my new giant
friend. Óli didn’t give up without a struggle and of course he
tried to bully us away. After all, this was his location, but the
Troll was very capable of answering back and rightly pointed
out to Óli that he didn’t own Reykjavík, let alone the public
street corners. The tables had now turned and Óli’s fear turned
out to be uncalled for. We both sold our papers and there was
enough business for the both of us.
My confidence soared due to these events and I firmly
resolved to become successful. I realized that the Troll would
not stand next to me for percentages if I didn’t achieve any sales
success. I had to deliver for the plan to work, and of course, I
wanted to let the Troll benefit from my success since he helped
me achieve mine.
At that time, sales took off and I was ‘on fire’. I had a burning
desire to do well and I felt great. I felt like I possessed more
energy than the Westman Island eruption and the Eyjafjallajökull
eruption combined.
At the age of six, I was the man!
22 Message from the Middle of Nowhere

The First Smell of Success

Ironically, the thoughts I had at that time were not only the
naïve thoughts of a young paperboy; these principles are fully
valid in real life, no matter where we are situated in the world
or in our personal lives.
I went from selling very well to selling extremely well. In a
flash, my numbers became really impressive. The pinnacle of
my career as paperboy was when I was informed that I had the
highest sales figures of all the other paperboys, including Óli
‘The King’. I have felt this same feeling later in my career, and
there is nothing that compares to it.
At this point I was getting all sorts of personal rewards in
the form of chocolate, soft drinks and movie tickets. The gnome
wasn’t a threat anymore. I had proper money in my wallet and
I felt like the King of Sales. It wasn’t just about having beaten
Óli, the man I had been so afraid of, but also having won this
personal victory by reaching my own goal and being successful
in my own terms.
This true story has always reminded me that I have to
face my fears, whether they appear as trolls or gnomes.
In the story, I benefited from the natural disasters, but of
course it’s natural to do so. In 2010, numerous travelers became
stranded in airports around the world following the eruption of
the glacier Eyjafjallajökull. The airlines came to a standstill for
days and many travelers lost a fortune, but Icelanders would
eventually end up profiting from the eruption. Many tourists
worldwide cursed us lavishly while the eruption took place, but
a huge increase in tourist bookings and arrivals to the country
was evident soon afterwards and continues to this day.
I am proud of the six year old me and how solution–oriented
and innovative he was. I have never met a great sales person,
entrepreneur or a business manager that thinks like the
When The Eruption Starts, Location Is Everything 23

average Joe and has achieved greatness. It all boils down to this
wonderful feeling of victory and the message is simple:

It doesn’t matter if you are a kid selling newspapers or the CEO of

a large corporation – you can’t achieve great success with mediocre

Messages From The Middle Of Nowhere

– Knowledge can never be taken from you.

– WORK is the magic word.
– If you don’t ask the question, the answer will always be no.
– Location is key.
– No one is larger, bigger or greater than you.
– First we make habits and then the habits become us.
– Major milestones are achieved with small victories.
– The solution is often closer than you think.
– Let others benefit from your success if they had a part in it.
– We act outwardly as we feel within.
– If you want to grow, you must face your fears.
– One of the dangers of giving up is that it might become a habit.
– Don’t be afraid to ask for reinforcement when you need to
strengthen your team.

And last but not least:

– The giant in your path can turn into a gnome if you have a
troll on your side.
Straight from Iceland, this book mixes new wisdom with the ancient
Viking philosophy. It’s a true inspiring story of success and failure,
of fighting fire and ice, of the art of sales and successful living.
“This book is for you that share my belief: With the right attitude, knowledge,
and action, anything is possible if you persist and never give up”
– Gunnar Andri

Message From The Middle Of Nowhere will …

Inspire you in your own life struggles by showing that anything is possible
Unveil surprising facts about Iceland, both today and in ancient times
Enlighten you about elves, huge trolls, the thirteen Icelandic yuletide lads and other mystical creatures
Help you gain an understanding of the Icelandic Viking’s unique way of thinking
Provide you with important messages from the middle of nowhere

Gunnar Andri Thorisson

Entrepreneur, Professional Speaker, Best Selling Author
For over 20 years, Gunnar Andri has been a key player in the business of sales
in Iceland, specializing in personal development for both individuals and
organizations, managing sales initiatives and offering training, seminars,
and lectures for thousands of willing students.

About Iceland
This book is also a journey to various places in Iceland and a map in the early pages
shows locations of volcanic eruptions, avalanches, and the oldest parliament
in the world. Iceland, populated by Vikings around 874, is the youngest landmass
in Europe, located in the North–Atlantic – right in the middle of nowhere.

INCLUDES A BONUS CHAPTER Five Basic Steps To Successful Sales And

ABOUT QUALITY SALES More Yeses In Your Daily Life and Career

Vegvísir Magical Stave

If this sign is carried, one will never lose one’s way in storms
or bad weather, even when the way is not known.

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