Bài Tập Relative Clause - Mệnh Đề Quan Hệ

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SĐT/Zalo: 0944870116

Gmail: [email protected]
Page: Tiếng Anh Cô Hà Hà


1. Customers ------- wish to return 6. Customers ------- purchase their orders
merchandise within 7 days of purchase must from the website of Westminster Books
present the valid receipt to the store. receive an automatic discount of at least
(A) who (B) when 10%.
(C) what (D) whom (A) who (B) whom
(C) whomever (D) whose
2. Tokyo International Airport offers a free
shuttle bus service for passengers that ------- 7. There will be a panel ------- of
the international and domestic flight pharmaceutical company spokesperson
terminals. and consumer advocates to debate
(A) connect (B) connects current health concerns.
(C) connecting (D) connection (A) consist (B) consisting
(C) will consist (D) to be consisted
3. The head of the department ------- the
banquet room for a party should submit a 8. The main artists ------- paintings are
required form to the Catering Department. being sold at the Garrett Gallery are Elaine
(A) use (B) used Crick, Jason Chambers and Sylvia Webb.
(C) using (D) will use (A) who (B) whose
(C) their (D) they
4. Anyone ………. experiences complications
with the new software is encouraged to 9. Those ------- wish to get the best deal
bring this matter to Mr. Gruber’s attention in from their shopping are advised to
room 210. compare product features, prices and read
(A) who (B) which customer reviews carefully.
(C) whom (D) whose (A) who (B) whose
(C) which (D) whom
5. An investment ------- gradually increases
in value over the years can be more 10. Attendance is mandatory for the staff
profitable than more short-term. meeting ------- for next Tuesday in the
(A) that (B) they council hall.
(C) what (D) when (A) has been scheduled (B) schedule
(C) will scheduled (D) scheduled

32 Tra đáp án ở trang 34

SĐT/Zalo: 0944870116
Gmail: [email protected]
Page: Tiếng Anh Cô Hà Hà


11. Unauthorized entry into the building is 16. Emma Jean, ------- I was nominated for
not permitted, except to guests ------- have an Employee of the Month Award for her
obtained a special security pass. exceptional work performance, will deliver
(A) who (B) whose a speech.
(C) which (D) whom (A) who (B) anyone
(C) whom (D) which
12. The expert ------- tonight's talk about
online marketing is very well-known. 17. A letter ------- by a copy of the press
(A) giving (B) who give release was mailed to the public relations
(C) that giving (D) is department yesterday.
(A) accompanies (B) accompanying
13. When looking into the “projected draft (C) accompanied (D) will accompany
for construction of a new shopping mall, the
supervisor asked ------- was in charge of 18. ------- those who are determined to
electrical engineering. attend the seminar, tickets are available at
(A) that (B) who the Human Resources Department.
(C) which (D) whom (A) For (B) Whose
(C) What (D) Their
14. However, no liability can be accepted by
INTERWORLD for any loss or damage ------- 19. If coming from Salt Lake City, take the
by any passenger or inconvenience Bonneville Speedway (Exit #4), ------- is the
experienced due to a delay for whatsoever first exit west of the rest area.
reason. (A) what (B) which
(A) incur (B) incurred (C) where (D) who
(C) incurring (D) to incur
20. The speakers will be on the radio talk
15. A password ------- is provided to you by show ------- their views on energy issues in
the registrar's office will enable you to North America.
access some important student information. (A) introduced (B) introduce
(A) when (B) who (C) introduction (D) introducing
(C) which (D) whom

33 Tra đáp án ở trang 34

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