Reverse Logistics Magazine - Managing The Retail Return Nightmare - RL Magazine - Reverse Logistics Association
Reverse Logistics Magazine - Managing The Retail Return Nightmare - RL Magazine - Reverse Logistics Association
Reverse Logistics Magazine - Managing The Retail Return Nightmare - RL Magazine - Reverse Logistics Association
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Reverse Logistics Magazine - Managing the Retail Return Nightmare | RL Magazine | Reverse Logistics Association 8/24/18, 2(40 PM
View Edition 93
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The maturity chart (Figure 1) should help in identifying where your organization is in it‘s
understanding and management of retail returns.
Case study
A major consumer electronics company had a growing retail return issue. Volumes were growing and
were validated at a country level. The validation role was outsourced to a number of local companies
and the validation quality was generally poor. The validation rules were locally negotiated resulting in
a bewildering variety of rules. There was some reutilisation of the main unit locally, but almost no
reutilisation of the rest of the product accessories. The cost of retail returns was taken directly to
warranty and so there was little incentive for the sales force to control retail returns as it had no
detrimental financial effect on them.
After a full review of the current situation and options it was decided that a centralised validation in
Eastern Europe would be the most effective solution. All retail returns are now consolidated in
country and then sent back to the Retail Return Centre by a single carrier. Validation is completed in
two weeks and rejected units returned directly to the retailer. Accepted units are credited on
acceptance. For credited units all of the parts of the sales pack are inspected and fully tested /
repaired. They are then returned to service stock for use in repairs and serviced exchanges. Translate
The crediting process has been changed to spread the costs appropriately across warranty, local sales
and product division to drive the right behaviour.
Increased customer satisfaction with the process as credit processes are quicker and easier to
Pan European and growing global visibility of the costs of retail returns.
Maximised reutilisation of all material. Reutilisation across Europe and developing global
Developing standardisation of retail return rules.
Consumer laws globally are only moving one way. For all manufacturers of retail goods, the costs will
increase. The art is in controlling this increasing costs and ensuring that your processes minimise the
net costs of retail returns.
David Cope has over 20 years of experience in after sales service and logistics operations from a
number of `blue chip' service environments including; IT, Medical, Telecommunications and other
High Technology sectors. Prior to establishing MGH in 1996, David was with Coopers & Lybrand as
Principal in the After Sales team. He has also worked for IKON as Service Director and with Xerox in
various After Sales roles. MGH Consulting specializes in management consultancy and interim
management, providing a range of services primarily to the high technology sectors, (IT,
Telecommunications, Medical Diagnostics and Printer / Copier). For more information visit:
Reverse Logistics Magazine, Nov/Dec 2007 Page 2 of 2