Unequal Health: How Inequality Contributes To Health or Illness. ISBN 0742527409, 978-0742527409
Unequal Health: How Inequality Contributes To Health or Illness. ISBN 0742527409, 978-0742527409
Unequal Health: How Inequality Contributes To Health or Illness. ISBN 0742527409, 978-0742527409
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Unequal Health
How Inequality Contributes
to Health or Illness
Grace Budrys
Preface vii
Introduction 1
The Tools: Definitions, Measures, and Data Sources 11
The Causes of Death 33
Age and Sex 47
Race and Poverty 63
Lifestyle and Health Behavior 85
Medical Care 107
8 Genes 125
9 Stress 143
10 Social Inequality 161
11 Population Health 181
12 Policy 207
Bibliography 235
Index 267
About the Author 271
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T his book took shape over several years. It was born out of my need
to assemble reading material for a course I teach that considers
factors affecting health and illness. Up until about five years ago, I
simply chose from a selection of textbooks and added a few extra
readings. That worked well enough. About four years ago, I decided
to forget the textbook and rely solely on articles because I could not
find a textbook that devoted enough attention to the latest findings in
the field. The volume of research on the topics I had been addressing
in the course had expanded exponentially in just a few years’ time. In
my estimation, the findings were momentous. I was convinced that
the course would be incomplete if students did not have the opportu-
nity to consider the interpretations that the researchers conducting the
latest research were presenting. However, the articles were scattered
among a wide range of journals and were written for a sophisticated
audience of fellow researchers. In spite of the difficulties involved,
there was no question in my mind that this body of work was so
important that I had to integrate it into my course.
Just as I was struggling with the logistics involved in compiling the
reading materials for my class, a company that obtains copyright per-
missions for articles that it assembles into electronic sets of readings
offered to help me. Because this was a new subject area to the com-
pany, the company representative agreed to develop a package of
readings with no cost to the students in my class during a trial basis.
The outcome turned out to be a mixed blessing. The articles offered
recent information, which was great. However, they built on earlier
research with which students were not familiar, making the articles
hard to comprehend. The company suggested filling in with popular
press accounts, which were certainly much easier to understand, but
viii Preface
that did not work very well because those accounts tended to be
incomplete. There were also technical problems-for example, the
tables in the scholarly articles were difficult to print. A couple of years
of experience that I spent trying to perfect the list of articles and work-
ing on filling in the background information required to understand
the articles laid the foundation for this book.
I must acknowledge the importance of the role played by students
in my classes all along in shaping the contents of the book. In the
spring of 2002, my class read a draft of this book. I asked the students,
mostly undergraduates, to point out where they thought I should
revise and clarify the writing. They were also very good at finding
typos, inconsistencies, and other errors. I am grateful to them for
doing this, although there were times when I thought they could have
tried to be a little less cheerful about it.
I would like to express my appreciation to DePaul University for
allowing me to take time away from my teaching responsibilities to
work on the first draft of the manuscript. I received additional support
in the form of a summer research grant from the university, which
was both financially and psychically rewarding.
A number of people read and commented on the manuscript and I
am very appreciative of their generosity. Genevieve Birkby, Gretchen
Fleming, and Susan Reed read the manuscript in its entirety. The
questions they raised and the changes they suggested were invalu-
able. I also asked several people to read portions of the book because
of their particular expertise. I am grateful to Michael Ash, Kiljoong
Kim, and Paul Knepper for their advice and comments on topics on
which there is a great deal of recent research that I wanted to be very
careful not to misrepresent. I also benefited from the comments and
suggestions made by two anonymous reviewers.
Special thanks go to Dean Birkenkamp, the executive editor at Row-
man & Littlefield, who has been enormously supportive and encour-
aging. Colleagues have told me that he is the single best editor in the
field. I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with him
and his staff. The willingness of Alison Sullenberger and Heather
Armstrong at Rowman & Littlefield to respond so cordially to all my
questions and concerns has made the work of getting the manuscript
into print a pleasure.
Finally, I wish to acknowledge my husbands, Dan Lortie’s, contri-
bution. He read and commented on the earliest, most poorly orga-
nized versions of the manuscript, which was, of course, particularly
helpful. He was always willing to discuss at great length the material
Preface ix
2 Chapter One
Now that the course of our journey has been laid out, we need to do
one more thing in preparation. We need to develop a clearer, shared
understanding of the kind of things we are searching for. Committing
oneself to using a scientific approach means that one can not settle
for something like the definition of pornography employed by some
members of Congress, namely, "I know it when I see it." Accordingly,
chapter 2 is devoted to outlining the tools we will be using throughout
the book, giving special emphasis to definitions. Chapter 3 focuses on
the extent of the variation in health status that is revealed in data for
the population as a whole. Each of the remaining chapters focuses on
one or more of the factors or variables that we identified above and on
their roles in determining health and life expectancy.
So far, I have suggested that we will deal in facts, data, and research
findings. As you know, saying that something is a fact will not neces-
sarily convince all listeners of the truth of that assertion. We regularly
see and hear experts arguing about interpretations of facts, even the
validity of the facts. In some cases, experts come at the same issue
from different perspectives, use complicated measures, and empha-
size distinctive aspects of the issue. It is not so much that they dis-
agree, but that they are trying to answer somewhat different questions
even as they address similar topics. This happens because the experts
in one field do not read what the experts in other fields have to say
about the topic. Experts in related fields end up creating separate bod-
ies of knowledge that, under ideal circumstances, should come
together to create a more fully developed set of answers. In many
fields, this scenario persists without anyone becoming overly con-
What is happening in the area that we are about to launch into is
special because, in this case, experts from different fields of study are
very much aware of each other's work. Anyone associated with this
body of research will tell you this is a very exciting time to be focusing
on the questions we will be addressing. Researchers with very differ-
ent kinds of expertise are not only aware of the findings on related
topics produced by researchers in other fields, but they are also incor-
porating those findings into their own work. The knowledge base is
becoming broader and complex explanations are becoming more
widely accepted by researchers who come to this area of work bring-
ing with them very different analytical perspectives.
My training is in sociology, and it is the sociological perspective
lntroduction 7
from which I see the world, so what I say will certainly proceed from
this worldview. However, the material you will be encountering here
will include research produced by epidemiologists, practicing physi-
cians, basic science researchers, public health researchers, statisticians,
political scientists, economists, and social psychologists, to indicate a
few of the disciplines that contribute to the body of knowledge that is
becoming known as the study of population health. Others label it social
epidemiology, which describes the primary focus of what we will be
looking at very well. What you will not find in the body of the text is
much effort to interpret findings from any particular theoretical per-
spective. This is especially true of later chapters, which is where the
health status of large groups of people, rather than of individuals,
becomes the central focus of discussion. At that point, we will be com-
paring the differences in the health status of large populations of peo-
ple by city, state, and country.
The explanation for why researchers from so many different disci-
plines have been able to come together to address questions in this
field, unlike so many other fields, is interesting. It seems that research-
ers from each of the disciplines I just mentioned kept coming up with
partial answers to the questions they were asking. Reports kept end-
ing with statements indicating that the researchers were frustrated by
the lack of more complete and satisfying explanations. Their reports
repeatedly concluded with statements advocating further research on
questions that they readily admitted fell outside of their own areas of
The biggest hurdle that stood in the way was the contrast between
the focus on the individual patient’s problems that medicine has tradi-
tionally employed and the focus on patterns exhibited by entire
groups of people that is employed by researchers in many of the other
fields that are now involved. This is not to say that doctors did not
understand that all those other aspects of a person’s life were impor-
tant. It is just that they were convinced that the physical indicators
exhibited by individuals were the crucial ones. Many doctors continue
to think that, even as the research published in medical journals indi-
cates that some medical scientists are now very interested in the
results found in the population health literature. Medical researchers
who are considering a broader range of factors affecting patient’s lives
are finding that such an approach helps explain why the same disease
proceeds faster and is more devastating in the case of some patients
than others. Findings reported by researchers in other countries, who
8 Chapter One
concluded exactly the same thing, further advanced this new research
It is not that researchers had been ignoring data coming from other
countries in the past. It is just that a heightened interest in sharing of
knowledge began to evolve over the last few decades, possibly
because of the increasing ease with which it can be accessed thanks
to computers. Growing international interest in achieving answers to
similar questions accelerated the process of generating common indi-
cators and scales to measure health. That has made cross-national
research findings, which we will be examining, more comparable in
recent years. The amount of data that is accumulating and revealing
similar results make such findings impossible to ignore.
If it is not already very clear, I wish to emphasize the fact that we
will be looking at the health of large groups of people rather than the
health of individuals with particular health problems. Whether the
information that applies to groups can be translated into recommen-
dations that will benefit any of us as individuals any time soon is hard
to say. That is not the aim of this book. If you are looking for advice
that will improve your own health, you will have to look elsewhere.
There is certainly no shortage of advice, both sensible and “way out.”
I leave you to decide which is which and whose advice to follow.
What we will be doing is best described as a review of the literature
on the health of whole categories or populations of people. Research
that tells us about the health of large groups will, of course, benefit all
of us in the long run as it tells us about the factors that are most closely
linked to poor health and death among the largest numbers of people.
There is an enormous amount of research to which we could refer
that is both pertinent and interesting. Realistically, we can only skim
the surface of it all. In fact, every time we begin discussing each of the
factors identified thus far, we will be encountering a whole new set of
ideas and explanations for an even greater range of phenomena
related to that factor. We cannot do a thorough literature review in
each case; there is simply too much to cover. My objective is to identify
the basic ideas. I aim to bring those ideas together to develop a more
complete picture of how the factors combine to produce either good
health or poor health and premature death.
Because this area of research is moving at a very fast pace, there are
very few comprehensive texts. Accordingly, I will be referring to arti-
cles and reports presented in a wide range of publications. As you will
see, the vast majority of articles were published over the last few years.
This is not to suggest that earlier research is unimportant. It is just that
Introduction 9
most of it has been incorporated into more recent work. If you decide
to search for additional information, be prepared to find a great deal
more and to find it in scattered places.
In case I have not made this perfectly clear, we will be examining
empirical evidence. We will not be using a set of theoretical frame-
works to interpret that evidence. This is not a textbook on health
issues that poses questions at the end of each chapter designed to rein-
force lessons on research methodology, data analysis, or theory pre-
sented from a particular disciplinary perspective. You will have to
develop your own assessment of the data and interpretations pre-
sented by researchers. I assure you that you will not have difficulty
doing that since the findings you will be confronting are so powerful
and convincing.
As I have said, it is an exciting time to be considering the topics we
will be discussing here. With that, let us begin this adventure.
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The tools we discuss in this chapter are basic to the work done by epi-
demiologists (Rockett, 1999). As long as we are going to be defining
concepts, we might as well begin by defining epidemiology. The root
word, "epidemic," pretty much explains it all. It is the study of the
spread of disease. It stems from the Greek words for "about or upon"
(epi), "people" (demos), and "study" (logos). Hippocrates, a physician
and philosopher writing during the fifth century B.c., is credited with
the earliest exposition of the factors implicated in the distribution of
illness. Modern epidemiology is generally traced back to John Snow.