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March Minutes 2024

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1. Bishop Samuel Kinyei Rioba -Regional Bishop

2. D/B Philip Sibuti Maroa- Regional Deputy Bishop -
3. Rev. Tereri Sammy -Regional Secretary
4. Rev. Benson Mutai -Regional Treasurer
5. Emily Katato -Regional R.E.B member
6. Rev. Peter Nkoidillah -D. O Lolgorian
7. Rev. Emmanuel Chacha -D. O B/E Ntimaru
8. Rev. Salim Ranka -D. O Lolgorian South
9. Rev. Francis Ronoh -D. O Angata West
10. Rev. John Mwera -D/S B/E Wangirabose
11. Rev. John Swakei -D/S Lolgorian South
12. Rev. John Munchari -D/S B/E Ntimaru
13. Rev. Mathew Mutai -D/S Angata Barrikoi
14. Pst. Michael K. Sigei -D/S Angata West
15. Rev. Paul Keboga -Dir. Prayers and Evangelism ministry
16. Pst. Huura Simion -Dir. Youth Ministry
17. Dr. Wilfred -Dir. Land and Education ministry
18. Pst. Isaya Chacha -Dir. Children Ministry
19. Gilbert Kiplangat Korir -Dir. Men Ministry
20. Susana Gati Chacha -Dir. Pastors wives and their spouses
21. Caroline Langat -Treasurer Women ministry
Absent with apology
22. Fancy Too -R.E. B member
23. Rev. Philip Sigei -D. O Angata Barrikoi
24. Pauline Nkoidillah -Dir. Women Ministry
Absent without apology
25. Rev. Philip Ngetich -D. O Angata East
26. Rev. Jeremiah Mahenye -D. O B/E Wangirabose
27. Rev. Reuben Kilorit -D/S Lolgorian
Min 1/3/2024 ; Preliminaries
 The meeting started at the 10;45am with a word of prayer from Regional Bishop
Samuel Kinyei. Deputy Bishop shared the word of God from the Books of 1 Corinthian
4;1, 1king 2;1-4, 2 Thessalonians 2;15 and 2chronicle 16;9
 The lessons learned were;
1. To shows others that we are the right servants of God
2. To be counted as stewards of God by other people
3. To be strong in preaching the word of God.
Min 2/3/2024; Reading and confirmation of the previous minutes
 The previous minutes were read by the regional secretary and confirmed as true by
Rev. Francis Ronoh. These was seconded by Peter Nkoidillah overseer lolgorian
Min 3/3/2024; Matters arising from the previous minutes
 B/E Cluster not Ntimaru cluster
 John Mwera is from B/E Wangirabose not B/E Ntimaru
 Dr. Wilfred Land and education departments was present in the previous meeting
 Financial reports to capture income and expenditure.
 Rev. Francis Ronoh D.O is from Angata West not East
Min 4/3/2024; Overview of regional and district leaders’ workshop
 At least one choir from each District to be invited to the cluster
 Time management to observed during the workshop
 Use of projectors during the training
 Other facilitators to be invited during the workshop
 Pefa Bukuria Transmara region to be independent and avoid coping from the former
Bukuria East Nyanza region
 Cluster offerings to remain in the cluster when there is a workshop.
 Workshop mobilization to be done rightfully in all Districts across the region.
 Districts shall facilitate the Regional Executive board whenever there is a workshop
or any other function within the District
 REB allowances to be allocated by the regional Council considering/basing the
a. District cluster workshop
b. General convention
c. Conferences
 Any REB member to be considered/treated like any other member in Pefa Kenya
Min 5/3/2024; Passovers
 Members agreed to conduct the Lords table on Friday 29/3/2024
 10% of the Lords table offerings to be submitted to the region
 Those who have been baptised to take Lords table
 The Regional Council agreed to select representative to research on who should take
lord’s table
 They also agreed to form task force which will include District Overseers to do more
research on the same
 Church members to be sensitised on the Lords table and overseers to ensure it take
place on the same day.
Min 6/3/2024; Visitors from India 17/4/2024
 Members agreed the visitors to be received and hosted at Pefa Lolgorian Church
 Visitors will include former Bishop Maroa Monti and others.
 Church Pastors to organize with his/her leaders on how to attend the meeting.
 R.E.B members to make a budget for the visitation
Min 7/3/2024; National A.G.A
 It will take place on 26th April 2024 at NPBC
 At least 2 Regional Executive board members to attend
 Registration per delegate is 3000/=
 National Elections will be done on 12th April 2024 at NPBC
Min 8/3/2024 Jam starting report
 District Jam starting report was as follows

S/ District Amount Balance 

N Submited
1 Lolgorian 33,500 16,500
2 B/E Ntimaru 29,500 20,500
3 Lolgorian South 25,500 25,000
4 B/E Wangirabose 22,100 27,000
5 Angata Barrikoi 20,000 30,000
6 Angata East -
7 Angata West -
Total 130,600 119,000
The total amount submitted on 8th/march 2024 was 22.600/=
 Members agreed that Angata West and East to submit any amount they collect.
 Regional Bishop requested each district to submit all the remaining amount and
clear their balances before April
Min 9/3/2024; Ministry reports
a. Men ministry
 They had a meeting on 15/3/2024 at Pefa Lolgorian Church
 Director requested all districts to elect and submit district chair, secretary and
treasurer to the region
 To have their meeting on 30/3/2024

b. Youth ministry
 They had a meeting with all representatives including Angata East and Angata
 National Youth conference will be hosted at Narrok County.
 Youth registration to be agreed on the next meeting
 Youth chair requested regional council to increase days of their Youth conference
 They have agreed to start income generating activities from March to August
 They had prayers and fasting on Friday 8th March 2024
 They usually conduct their meetings after the Regional Council
c. Women ministry
 They will have their regional conference on 11th-13th/4/2024
 Every church to submit 2500/= as Jam start and 500 for Registration.
 They have distributed food in various churches which shall be collected and
submitted to regional women Conference.
d. Children Ministry
 They conducted their meeting as planned
 Two districts were absent in the meeting B/E Ntimaru and Angata Barrikoi
 In their last meeting only Lolgorian, B/E Wangirabose and Angata submitted
 The chair requested all the churches to open Sunday school bank account to keep
their offerings
 Children registration is 40 per child in every church
 Children ministry to conduct their meeting on Saturday 3rd week of every month.
 They will have their next meeting on 23/3/2024

e. Land and education ministry

 The had a meeting on 2/3/2024
 They have created WhatsApp group to link them with their members
 They have agreed to collect 1200/= from each district to enables them carry out
audit across the region
 They will have their meeting on 16/3/2024
f. Prayers and Evangelism
 They had their meeting on 17/2/2024
 They agreed to have prayers before the regional council
 They arranged prayers to take place in clusters; Lolgorian on 4th-10th/3/2024,
Angata on 11th-17th/3/2024, B/E Ntimaru on 18th-24th/3/2024 and B/E
Wangirabose on 21st-26t/3/2024
 They have agreed to open M-Pesa account to keep their offerings and other
 They have also started welfare prayers.
g. Pastors wives and their spouses
 Director appreciated B/E Ntimaru, Lolgoria South and B/E Wangirabose for their
 She also appreciated overseers for their efforts in electing District chair, Secretary
and treasurer
 Director requested Sensitization to be done in all districts about Pastors wives and
their spouse
 They agreed to conduct their meetings in clusters
 They also agreed to have their next meeting at Angata Cluster
 They will have their regional conference on 25/5/2024
Min 10/3/2024; Financial Report
a) District offerings
S/N District No.of 100% 7% 5%
1. Lolgorian South 8 250,805 17,557.35 12,540.25
2. Lolgorian 8 244,010 17,080.70 12,200.50
3. B/E Ntimaru 7 144,590 10,121.30 7,229.50
4. B/E Wangirabose 9 128,000 8960.00 6400.00
5. Angata Barrikoi 8 112,725 7890.75 5635.25
6. Angata East 6 46,325 3242.75 2316.25
7. Angata West 7 28,985 2028.95 1449.25
Total 53 955,460 66,880.00 47,773.00

b) Personal Tithes
1. Rev. Emmanuel S. Chacha-8000/=
2. Rev. Peter Nkoidillah 5500/=
3. Rev. Sammy Tereri- 2000/=
4. Rev. Benson Mutai 2000=
5. Emily Katato 2000/=
6. Rev. Philip Sigei 2000/=
7. Fancy Too 1500/
8. Rev. Francis Ronoh 1000/=
Total 25,500=
c) Income
1. Regional 7% 58,388/=
2. Jam start 15,100/=
3. Personal tithes 2500/=
Total 98,988/=
d) Expenditure
1. Meals 10,130/=
2. REB allowances 80,000/
3. Stationaries 2400/=
4. Prayer 2000/=
Total 94,530/=
Income 98,988/=
Expenditure 94,530/=
B/F 4458/=
Min 11/3/2024; A.O.B and adjournment
 Lolgorian fund drive will be held on 14/4/2024
 The next meeting to be conducted on 6/4/2024
 The meeting was adjourned with a word of prayer from the Regional Bishop Samuel
Kinyei at 3;20pm
Confirmed by Confirmed by
....................................................... ...................................................
Regional Secretary Regional Bishop
Date............................... Date.........................................

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