March Minutes 2024
March Minutes 2024
March Minutes 2024
b. Youth ministry
They had a meeting with all representatives including Angata East and Angata
National Youth conference will be hosted at Narrok County.
Youth registration to be agreed on the next meeting
Youth chair requested regional council to increase days of their Youth conference
They have agreed to start income generating activities from March to August
They had prayers and fasting on Friday 8th March 2024
They usually conduct their meetings after the Regional Council
c. Women ministry
They will have their regional conference on 11th-13th/4/2024
Every church to submit 2500/= as Jam start and 500 for Registration.
They have distributed food in various churches which shall be collected and
submitted to regional women Conference.
d. Children Ministry
They conducted their meeting as planned
Two districts were absent in the meeting B/E Ntimaru and Angata Barrikoi
In their last meeting only Lolgorian, B/E Wangirabose and Angata submitted
The chair requested all the churches to open Sunday school bank account to keep
their offerings
Children registration is 40 per child in every church
Children ministry to conduct their meeting on Saturday 3rd week of every month.
They will have their next meeting on 23/3/2024
b) Personal Tithes
1. Rev. Emmanuel S. Chacha-8000/=
2. Rev. Peter Nkoidillah 5500/=
3. Rev. Sammy Tereri- 2000/=
4. Rev. Benson Mutai 2000=
5. Emily Katato 2000/=
6. Rev. Philip Sigei 2000/=
7. Fancy Too 1500/
8. Rev. Francis Ronoh 1000/=
Total 25,500=
c) Income
1. Regional 7% 58,388/=
2. Jam start 15,100/=
3. Personal tithes 2500/=
Total 98,988/=
d) Expenditure
1. Meals 10,130/=
2. REB allowances 80,000/
3. Stationaries 2400/=
4. Prayer 2000/=
Total 94,530/=
Income 98,988/=
Expenditure 94,530/=
B/F 4458/=
Min 11/3/2024; A.O.B and adjournment
Lolgorian fund drive will be held on 14/4/2024
The next meeting to be conducted on 6/4/2024
The meeting was adjourned with a word of prayer from the Regional Bishop Samuel
Kinyei at 3;20pm
Confirmed by Confirmed by
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Regional Secretary Regional Bishop
Date............................... Date.........................................