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MAKAUT Prospectous - New

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Center for Collaborative Program, Training and

Research CCPTR of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

University of Technology West Bengal MAKAUT


24 Girish Chandra Bose Road, Kolkata-700014.
Near- Moulali Above State Bank of India, 3rd Floor
Contact: - 033-22272310, (M)-9231520480
Websitewww.ssmthope.org & www.ssmtlivelihood.org
[email protected]

Funded Training Partner

About Center for Collaborative Program, Training and Research CCPTR of
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
Center for Collaborative Program, Training and Research Under Aegis of Maulana
Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal Main Campus: NH 12,
Haringhata, Post Office – Simhat, Police Station - Haringhata, Pin – 741249 City
Campus: BF-142, Sector – 1, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700064, Web site: wbut.ac.in
Objectives of CCPTR  To Promote collaboration with other academic and
professional organizations having national/ international reputation in their
specific areas of expertise.  To bestow high quality teaching learning practices
and specific professional skill sets to the students.  To expand the student base of
the University.  To use the pooled resources of the collaborating organizations in
a synergistic manner so as to help the University elevate its academic standards. 
To foster quality professional education in West Bengal and enhance employment
opportunities. All the above to be done as per the quality mandate prescribed by
different academic/statutory/Government bodies for the greater interest of the

ABOUT School of Medical Technology

School of Medical Technology under the ages of SSMT was

established in the year 1992 with the aim to educate youths in allied
health care courses. Which in one hand will give sustainable
employment to youths in the other hand facilitate the presence of
skilled man power in health care system. During covid we found the
demand of skill healthcare workers and paramedics in global health
care system. In this present pandemic scenario health care workers
worked 24x7 in different hospitals across the country. Union
Government and all state government appreciated the tireless effort of
paramedics to combat the COVID -19. Day after day the demand of
paramedics are increasing. So as a career option all paramedical
courses are very promising. In fact, no skilled paramedic is unemployed
as the demand is rising sky-high.

Project Implementing Agency
• Ministry of Rural Development Govt. of India for DDU-GKY project.
• Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs Govt. of India for DAY NULM project.
• Ministry of Minority Affairs Govt. of India for Nai-Manzil and Learn & Earn
• Empaneled with Paschim Banga Society for Skill Development for Utkarsh
Bangla Project.
• Training Partner of NSDC - SMART.
• BTP – Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. Government of India

Previous Association

 West Bengal State Council or Technical Education

 Department of Panchayet and Rural Development. Govt of West
 Department of Women and Child Development, Govt of West
 Department of International Development (DFID) Govt. of United
 Ministry or Social Justice and Empowerment. Govt. of India
 Ministry of Housing Urban and Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India
 Ministry of Horne Affairs, Govt of West Bengal
 Centre for adult continuing education extension and filled
outreach- Rabindra Bharati University
 Centre for vocation studies- Aliah University.
 Department of Technical Education. Govt of West Bengal
 Department of Youth. Govt. of India & West Bengal
 Department of Labour. Govt of West Bengal
 Ministry of Labour. Govt of India
 Department of Correctional Services, West Bengal

Admission procedure: -

Admission to above said course shall be given twice in a calendar year -Jyly and
January. Admission Notice is issued in the leading newspapers of the State and

a. Application for admission to the course is required to be submitted on

the prescribed form. The application form is obtainable from the office
of the Institute personally on cash payment of Rs.50/-or sending
demand draft.
b. The documents required are:
i) Mark sheet of H.S as per eligibility criteria.
ii) Aadhar Card.
iii) 4 copy photographs, Voter Card.

Course Name – Diploma in Physiotherapy Technology

Duration - 2 Years

Eligibility- H.S in any stream

Fees Structure

Admission fees 5000/- (Five Thousand Only)

Enrollment fees – Rs-500 to be paid to university
Semester Fee along with apprentice fees – 12500/- per semester (Twelve
thousand five only)

Assessment fees- 4000/- (Rs 1000 per semester)

to be paid to university as per the notification of university.

Grand Total -59500/- (Fifty nine thousand and five hundred only)

Terminal Competency: - Physiotherapists and Physical Therapists (PTs) work

within a wide variety of health settings to improve a broad range of physical
problems associated with different 'systems' of the body. In particular they treat
neuromuscular (brain and nervous system), musculoskeletal (soft
tissues, joints and bones), cardiovascular and respiratory systems (heart
and lung and associated physiology).

Physiotherapists work autonomously, often as a member of a team with other health

or social care professionals. Physiotherapy practice is characterised by reflective
behaviour and systematic clinical reasoning, both contributing to and underpinning
a problem-solving approach to patient-centric care.

People are often referred for physiotherapy by doctors or other health and
social care professionals. Increasingly, as a result of changes in health care,
people are referring themselves directly to physiotherapists (first-line access)
without previously seeing any other health care professional. Trends in
Canada and Australia, for example, are even exploring the role of the
physiotherapist within the triage system of emergency departments

l. Examinations There will be two exam period between 15th of June to 30th
of June and 15th of December to 31st of December as notified by the Controller
of Examinations MAKAUT, WB. The University will conduct only the END
COURSE EXAMINATION till further notice.
2. In all communications name of the Training Course should clearly be stated,
otherwise these shall be liable to be rejected.
3. Admission will be taken for the courses sought for admission in the

5. Candidates found guilty of impersonate or submitting fabricated documents

which have been tempered with or making statements which are incorrect or
false suppressing of material information, may in addition to rendering
himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution.
6. Prospectus of the Training Courses will be provided with the application forms
by the Institute.
7. No traveling expenses for appearing in the entrance test shall be paid by the
8. Any change of address given in the application form should at once be
communicated to the Principal/Administrative Officer of Institute. Candidates
must also arrange for the redirection of communication to their new address, if

TIMING OF TRANING: - 10 hrs. per week or as per the SOP of the University
including theory & Practical Class for every course. Class routine will be
provided before commencement of class.

MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTIO – English shall be the medium of instruction for

all the subjects of study.

Students theoretical understanding is supplemented by a practical orientation
developed through lecturers by leading academicians.
Most of the subjects require assignments to be submitted by the specific dates.
In order to check the performance of the students College conducts regular class
tests etc.


College keeps close eye on the overall performance of the student and send
monthly progress report of students to their parents/guardians.

Management of the college takes regular feedback from students regarding
faculty and other related problems etc. and tries to sort their problems on top


We apply all sincere & possible efforts to shape the career of the students so as
to make them not only a complete Professional but also a responsible citizen.
Students are provided with all sorts of modern amenities and extra ordinary care
is taken towards over all development of their personality.
Institute has well-furnished air condition class rooms, library, staff room & other
college related accommodation. Due to security reason college has recently
introduced close circuit cameras in and outside the college.

To supplement the course, texts relevant video & audio tapes are screened from
time to time. To strengthen the teaching learning process the Institute has
provided the much-needed aids like VCR, TV, OHP's, LCD and other modern
teaching equipment’s.

Institute has library cum reading room for students comprising of text books,
reference books etc.

We at SSMT believe that a job-oriented training session that does not culminate in
income generation for the beneficiaries is of little relevance. Thus, we have derived a
scheme of employment that befits itself to the need of the beneficiary. We have a post
training placement assistance wing through which we help the trainees to get their
own jobs. To ensure prolonged benefits of support service we hold interactive sessions
on employment scopes every two months for six months post training with
beneficiaries unable to establish themselves and accordingly submit feedback reports
to the concerned authority.

Steps of wage Placement-

• Prepare data bank of beneficiary.
• Conduct counseling of beneficiaries to identify who are interested for wage
employment/ who are interested for self-employment, and who are not
interested at present because of higher studies or personal problem.
• Accordingly, we collect C.V from all beneficiaries
• We send C.V of the beneficiaries to the Employer from our Employer's Bank
• Employer conduct interview and select the candidate
• Later the employer confirm appointment and intimate the candidate and

Support for Self-Employment:

As we have seen that most of the trainees are not confident of starting their
individual units immediately after training and require loan. We give the name
of Govt. agency who gives loan at subsidized rate or loan at a very low interest.
We give all support like filling of form, prepare project proposal and other
relevant formalities.


Institute organizes Annual Day function every year. Prominent person,
academicians from or outside the state is invited as Chief Guest for the function.
The students of the college present various cultural items.

College also organizes seminars on various National Events such as World Aids
Day, World Environment Day and other important days.


Violation of rules will result in disciplinary action against the offender including
his/her suspension and/or discharge from the college. A student may be expelled
from the college at any times on the following grounds

1. Unsatisfactory conduct
2. When his/her activities are found detrimental to the interest of the
college, management or other students.

3. When he/she indulge in unlawful/ anti-national activities.

4. When payment of fee is delayed beyond the prescribed time schedule.
5. When he/she is absent for more than two successive week without any
application/information to institute

Enrollment No:

Collaborative Program Training and Research (CCPTR)
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology
(MAKAUT), West Bengal

Collaborative Institute


24 Girish Ch. Bose Road, Kolkata-700014.

Course Name…………………………………………………………………….

1.Full Name of the Applicant (In Block Letter Only): ………………………………


2.Father’s Name: ……………………………………………………………….

3.Mother’s Name: ………………………………………………………………

4. Nationality: Indian Non- Resident-Indian [Put only]

5. Date of Birth:

6. Sex: Male/Female [Put only]

7. Category: Gen SC ST OBC [Put only]

8. Aadhar Number:

9. MobileNo: ………………………………………………………………
10. Guardian Mobile No…………………………………………………………

11. E-mail Id………………………………………………………………………

12. Postal Address with Pin Code: ……………………………………………...


13. Permanent Address with Pin Code: …………………………………………


14. Educational Qualification

Examination Board / University Year % Of


I hereby declare that I have read and understood the condition of eligibility
for the course for which I sought admission. I fulfil the minimum eligibility
criteria and have been provided with necessary information in this I regard.
In the event of any information found incorrect or misleading, my
candidature shall be liable to cancelled at any time and I shall not be entitled
to get refund of any fee paid by me to the Institute.

Place: (Signature of Candidate)

Date: ……………………………….
(Signature of Parent/Guardian)

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